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/lit/ - Literature

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18899323 No.18899323 [Reply] [Original]

why the FUCK didn’t you tell me how good this shit is? a literal page-turner

>> No.18899335

It's consistently in the top 20 every year, ya tard

>> No.18899339

not the P&V version though - the Maude translation has been pleasant so far.

>> No.18899353

what top 20 are you talking about? sorry I spend more time reading than going on /lit/ and don’t know about your gay little list

>> No.18899363

yet you seem to rely on the site for recommendations. fucking idiot

>> No.18899374

are you OP?

OP what translation are you reading

>> No.18899425

the person you responded to was obviously OP

>> No.18899465

it has its moments, but i would sure hope anything as long as W&P would. I prefer the Briggs translation, btw.

>> No.18899504

touch grass immediately

>> No.18899513

Lmao. cry more

>> No.18899939

Plan to read this at the new year, anything by Tolstoy I should read beforehand? My only experience with russian lit is Dostoy

>> No.18900027

I get what you mean. War and Peace is actually fun.
Saying that W&P is hard is an extremely midwit take. You definitely don't have to be 200 IQ to finish it, like for an Ulysses or whatnot. I read it when I was 15 and it was way more enjoyable than all of the Fantasy stuff I used to read before (the only thing that annoyed me at the time was the sociological tangents, and only in the last book, when they get "too long"). Yeah, it's long, but LotR and Game of Thrones are even longer. Yeah, I'm sure I didn't "got it" all in my first read, but it was still 100% worth it. I can always reread it, if I want to (and I will, eventually).

>> No.18900208

What's the easiest translation? I have a below 115 IQ

>> No.18900228

Nah you can just jump right into it

>> No.18900253 [DELETED] 


>> No.18900259


>> No.18900286

Books like this?

>> No.18900337

the version i read by anthony briggs was kind of nice because the french is translated as it is spoken

>> No.18900350

I read the Briggs translation and the book was like a soap opera novel which is 80% filler, wonder if it was just that translation or the book is just shit.

>> No.18900422

Nah you were just filtered

>> No.18900430

Filtered by what? The Days of our Lives plot line or vapid military history analysis.

>> No.18900452

>You definitely don't have to be 200 IQ to finish it, like for an Ulysses or whatnot.
This isn't true either, unless the last three chapters are going to filter me and I doubt that (Proteus, Oxen and Circe are the ones I see people say filtered them)
Just don't be retarded and accept that you won't get everything on a first read, the book's genuinely fun

>> No.18900502

Have this same question. The book had some extremely good content but was very dilute in reading to get to it. Almost like browsing /lit/.

>> No.18900561

I'm not a fan of Tolstoy. Anna Karenina was lame. Tell me why War and Peace isn't lame.

>> No.18900563

>plot line

>> No.18900572

Interested! Will consider reading this during winter for maximum comfy.

>> No.18900580

tell that to that tolstoy nigger for writing his gay love triangle bullshit for teenage girls into his "war" novel.

>> No.18900583

Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev all wrote page turners. People seem to think they’re intimidating because they’re Russian? I don’t know why.

>> No.18900780

>his "war" novel.
Zoomer didn't even make it past the first word in the title

>> No.18900813

there is more to peacetime than womanly timewasting melodrama.

>> No.18900913

Is the garnett translation any good?

>> No.18900964

It's pretty great, as usual.

>> No.18901005

>a literal page turner

yeah that's how you read books haha

>> No.18901024


>> No.18901037


>> No.18901045
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>English translation

>> No.18901047

ayyyyyyyy lmao

>> No.18901057

dosto is the opposite of a page turner. each new spread is a painful wall of schizo monologue

>> No.18901062

Kys tranny

>> No.18901079

you're scaring me bro

>> No.18901087

I have a Wordsworth published Maude translation and it's 1000 pages of the tiniest text I've seen in a printed book. I kind of don't want to read it because of that. It also has the French translated to English and doesn't specify when someone would be speaking French.

Is the P&V one good? I almost buy it every time I see it in person.

>> No.18901109

>what top 20 are you talking about?
Most of them.

>> No.18901318

literally a page turner because of that. I finished TBK in twelve days and all his other books within a week.

>> No.18901325

The fact that it’s a page turner is mentioned in every thread it is apart of.

>> No.18901339

I’ve read both Maude and Garnett translation. It is a soap opera no matter what. Terrible dialogue.

>> No.18902648

Good Lord where the fuck am I? When did this site become full of retards filtered by fucking Tolstoy?