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18899161 No.18899161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to start delving into Islam but am not sure what books to purchase. I bought a Quran but would like more information on other texts important to the religion with the idea of possibly converting.

>> No.18899200

Get the Introduction to Hadiths by John Browns. I think it's very neutral and it'll help you really understand Muslim though while introducing you to a number of different schools.

>> No.18899243
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>> No.18899298

On that note. Anyone have any good books on Avicenna/Ibn Sina’s theological beliefs/views? Actually any good on Avicenna would be great

>> No.18899304

>*any good book

>> No.18899326

Hadith: Muhammad's Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World (The Foundations of Islam)

This one?

>> No.18899625

Got any more of these?

>> No.18899746

That's it

>> No.18899761
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>> No.18899767
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>> No.18899768

Islam larping needs to be banned.

>> No.18899773
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>> No.18899823

You wouldn't say this if you knew about the number 19

>> No.18899874


>> No.18899900

Holy shit, Islam eternally BTFO

>> No.18899916

More archived there https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/205462290

>> No.18899927
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>> No.18899943

lmao is this real

>> No.18899949

>I'd like to start delving into Islam
No you are not. You are another Muslim Semitic goatfucking bitchboi feigning interest in your fake and gay nigger religion in order to spread your disease. You are a bitch to the world. Israel OWNS you. Foreign countries bomb the shit out of your homeland whenever they want and you throw rocks and decapitate random strangers because you are a sub human cowardly niggerfied loser.

>> No.18899959
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Yes, unfortunately

>> No.18899971

All true but for the nigger part. Muslims hate blacks. They were way harsher on their black slaves than the Europeans, castrating them and using them as soldiers. Even today you'll see them looking down on Subsaharans despite what Islamic propagandists spread about racial equality in their religion.

>> No.18899972

WTF is that pic explaining? I read it and don't understand. Can you give me a tldr?

>> No.18899977

That's true but it didn't prevent them to mix with them.

>> No.18899999

Literally everybody hate niggers and jews. It's almost as if hating niggers and jews is not the problem. And instead the real problem is niggers and jews.

>> No.18900010

I'm not disagreeing

>> No.18900034
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I was confused as well. From what I've understood it's a passage discussing the rules for adult breast feeding. I believe feeding from the breast directly is haram but if the woman hand expresses the milk into a container then it's okay for adult consumption? I don't know what the ten times refers to

>> No.18900037

Quints of truth.

>> No.18900061

Nice digits. Interestingly Jews have high amounts of nigger genes, hence the curly hair and short forehead, hmmm

>> No.18900091

Thanks. What a retarded religion. Some autist should do a showdown between the Talmud & Koran to make a final determinations as to which is more evil, insane, chaotic and retarded. I never thought anything could be more hateful and vile than the Talmud until I started learning about Islam. Makes sense though as they're both Semitic.

>> No.18900096


>> No.18900108

What's your problem? Is it so wrong to want to learn more about a major religion? I was born and raised Catholic and haven't been connected to as I've gotten older. I'm just wanting to look into Islam and Judaism more.

>> No.18900113

You're very welcome. That's similar to how I felt. I was interested in Islam until I actually learned more about it

>> No.18900165

Nice ream toilet paper

>> No.18900797

Disregard all other posts. Read Nawawi's 40 Hadith. Read on the 99 Names of Allah and their metaphysical implications. Islamic philosophers(Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd etc.) are considered too hellenically-influenced. Their non-hellenic(or perhaps Aristotelian) counterparts such as Ghazali and maybe Ibn Arabi are much more mainstream and accepted, but you can make up your own mind. Don't read Ibn Abd Wahhab nor Ibn Taymiyyah, they are not representative of traditional doctrine but of pre-modern reactionism. On the great prophet, read Martin Lings' biography. For Islam's significance and its connection towards other religions, read The Reign of Quantity. For an introduction to Sufism, read Kashf al-Mahjub.

Note on the Qur'an: A common complain westerners have towards the Qur'an is that it always repeats certain things and is generally hard to understand(due to syntax and such). It would be best to portray the Qur'an as poetry(especially the shorter verses), instead, to be memorised and recited like the Psalms of David. Much of the rhyming and rhythym of the Qur'an is lost in translation, which is why most translations seem boring. And many don't understand this, but, do not read the Qur'an thinking it will be akin to the Gospels, the Qur'an is understood to be the pure Word of God. It is uncompromising and unforgiving and in some ways incomprehensible to man. But the Qur'an is like a vast desert, you may enter and wish to exit, but stay long enough for the nights, when stars are scattered above and the mountains dark and veiled, That is when you realize all qualms towards the Word is superficial and you realize your position BELOW the Qur'an, not above.

>> No.18900850

Women in Islam aren't allowed to be alone with men outside their immediate family. But sometimes it would be necessary, like if a woman has a tutor come to teach her children at home.
To get around this restriction, there was a verse in the quran saying that if a woman breastfed a man 10 times, he became her adopted son, so she could be alone with him.
But this verse was "lost" by Muhammad's wife Aisha.

>> No.18900869


The greatest of God's names is Allah, a cognate to "elohim". The most ancient word for God, that was used and passed down among the Patriarchs, from Adam to Seth to Enoch to Noah to Shem to Eber to Abraham amd to his two sons Ishmael and Isaac, his seed, the Sons of Israel. Islam represents the return to the religion of Abraham away from the Sons of Israel whom have betrayed God and the Messiah. The sons of Jacob and Isaac have lost their status as patriarchs and it was passed on to the sons of Ishmael instead to his direct descendant, Muhammad, still guarding the Holy House built by Ishmael. I believe this conclusion is not found in any book but is implicit and central towards understanding the Islamic worldview.

>> No.18900879

>I'd like to start delving into Islam
Why would you do something like that

>> No.18900917

The enemies of the Faith are always so rude and profane. Have the Jews controlled you people so much that you cannot stand the sight of a thread mentioning Islam without spreading slander and corruption everywhere like your Jewish overlords. God help your people

>> No.18900942

Muhammad married a 9 year old girl and consummated that marriage almost immediately.

>> No.18900957

Literally nothing wrong with that. It always "Muhammad is a pedo" with you people. Yes! Women long ago married very early(as early as they bled). I know it is suprising for modern people, you're all feminists in reality

>> No.18900993

You're an idiot. Mohammad is the ultimate mutt baby. A pig raped a goat in the presence of a vicious evil Rabbi raping a 9 year old girl and 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days later the goat shit out (from the butthole) Mohammad King of the Faggots. It is Mohammad and his retarded followers to be the gay anal receivers for the rest of humanity. Every time an infidel drops a bomb in one of your shitty sandy countries it is like a large penis going into Mohammad's anus and he likes it, he coooooooms. He will then compel your stupid people to do something evil and chaotic like suicide bomb some innocents or decapitate some nobody which will encourage another country to drop a fat dick bomb in your great-aunt's backyard enabling Mohammad to coooooooom again. Like a bomb goes booooooooom, Mohammad goes cooooooooom

I'm a Jew btw. You are all our slaves and we make you fight amongst yourselves while we take everything from you. It doesn't matter how obvious we make it or say it. You will still do as we set you up to do.

>> No.18900996

>you're all feminists in reality
This is actually true

>> No.18900998


>> No.18901000

She was prepubescent

>> No.18901007

That's why Mohammad used her butthole thus inventing anal sex

>> No.18901010

>I'm a Jew btw. You are all our slaves and we make you fight amongst yourselves while we take everything from you. It doesn't matter how obvious we make it or say it. You will still do as we set you up to do.
THIS is the problem

>> No.18901027

and? western politicians rape (white) pre-pubescent girls every day but i don't see you complaining about it.

>> No.18901028

Nah man he jus rubbed a lil

>Fatwah 23672:

>The inquirer asks: "My parents married me to a young girl who hasn't yet reached puberty. How can I enjoy her sexually?"

>The imam answers him by saying: "Do not harm her if she cannot take intercourse but you may hug her, kiss her, and ejaculate between her legs" i.e. "thigh" her, as the fatwah in question indicates.

>> No.18901044

Two wrongs don't make a right ahmed

>More importantly, the Quran teaches that there is no waiting period for marriages that have not been consummated:

>O you who believe: When you marry believing women and then divorce them before you have touched them, no period of idda (waiting) have you to count in respect of them: so give them a present and set them free in a graceful manner. S. 33:49

>The foregoing indicates that the waiting period could only be applicable if the man has actually slept with the young prepubescent girl! In other words, Islam is allowing men to have sex with minors, legally sanctioning pedophilia!

>> No.18901055
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yes, there is nothing wrong if they are married.

>> No.18901066

This guy was and is considered a pervert and a freak, his case even triggered a modification of the law.
On the other hand Muhammad did rape a 9 yo and you claim it's the perfect man to be imitated.

>> No.18901067

Sexual attraction to prepubescents is mental illness.

>> No.18901076

From a natural point of view this is the healthiest form of human reproduction. Have a child with a 35 year old roastie results in autistic incel baby.
Islam is right about women but wrong about everything else.

>> No.18901078

no, there is nothing wrong with it. i never knew there were so many feminists on /lit/. age of consent laws were instated AND broken by jews just out of spite.

>> No.18901082

This is fine, good actually. You are brainwashed by feminism, judaism, leftism, cuckism, faggotism, niggerism, etcism

>> No.18901089

He wasn't necessarily sexually attracted to her at that time and you have no idea how happy she was.

>> No.18901096

No mong children are not developed enough for childbearing.

>> No.18901099

It has nothing to do with feminism. Marrying a prepubescent to secure for once she's fertile is fine but wanting to have sex with her before then has no biological basis and is indeed mental illness. Muhammad had sex with prepubescents. Muhammad was mentally ill.

>> No.18901124

>mentally ill
completely arbitrary

>> No.18901134

"Da joos" is literally the most basic redpill. what are you on about?

>> No.18901142

What are you, jewish?

>> No.18901165

I mean, it's wierd, but why would it be illegal. 9 is completely fine. but 4-0 definitely is too young and should be illegal.

>> No.18901219
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>be muslim
>prides to be a beacon of puritanism and condemner of all kind of degeneracy
>"Muhammad fucked a 9yo btw"
>instantly turns into a proponent of sex with children who would put to the shame the most degenerate hippies
>"man those 9 yo lolis, they really love it when they have sex with a 54 year old dude like me"
>"but no music allowed dude it's haram"
Why are they simping like this for a pedo warlord deceased centuries ago? It's ridiculous, islam is really just the fan cult of Muhammad. No intrinsical ethic whatsoever, if Muhammad fucked a 9 yo, it's good to fuck a 9yo, if he says to drink camel piss, it's good to drink camel piss, if he says to worship that stone, it's good to whorship that stone and so on. Islam is really just a braindead fandom.

>> No.18901228

>hi fellow /poltard/ I use words like BASED and REDPILLED I'm just like you so convert to my cult please, we may GAS THE KIKE together ishallah hahaha

>> No.18901243
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>Muslims literally condoning child rape itt

No non-Muslim could ever hope to harm Islam more than you child fucking imbeciles. Keep posting.

>> No.18901250

People in poor countries stop growing at 14, they are all children due to malnourishment.

On the other hand, the contrasting propserity of modern nations is the result of enslaving children in sweatshops, subjecting them to the worst crimes.

>> No.18901253
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>"The enemies of the Faith are always so rude and profane."
>Muhammad raped a nine year old


>> No.18901258

Based Jew

>> No.18901264

And now muslims start lying like whores to defend their pedo warlord actions.

>> No.18901340

Lying Jew cannot refute

'average height 'up 11cm since 1870s'

>> No.18901356

Lying muslim is so stupid he thinks height increase implies people used to stop to grow at 14 yo.
Puberty age only receded my lad, it used to be LATER than now. You're not getting any dispensation for your pedo prophet this way.

>> No.18901567

I purchased the Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum before seeing this post. Is this fine also?

>> No.18902057

You are lucky there are no flags on /lit/ but I know this technique very well (jew number 1 speaking to jew number 2 to facilitate conversation and simulate agreement). There's nothing more disgusting than a jew and your talmud is the most vile thing in existence.
I don't hate your people I just pity you because you think that you will somehow escape and survive what's coming. All the people hate you, even God hates you and replaced you with another people whom he loves.
>I'm a Jew btw
I pity you. Why did God curse you with ugly appearance and filthy smell if he loves you so much?
The way I see it you are the children of Satan, and all of this is a facade.

>> No.18902085

Oy Vey! We are still God's chosen people!!!!1
Israel was a whore but God loves her so much that he will never abandon her!!!
God will never leave Israel even if it betrays him or becomes a cancer on his earth. God 100% will never abandon us.
Source: rabbi sholomo's ass

>> No.18902210
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cityslickers just don’t get it

>> No.18902317

>I'd like to start delving into Islam
Don't, it's a waste of time

>> No.18902345

>Muh jewish historians say the dates don't match
>Extremely midwit take on passages in translation
I can tell from physiognomy alone that this man is a deceiver and a liar.
The Quran corrects the bible and its stories not the other way around.
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzAjOED3Kdg
You are a waste of space, jew.

>> No.18902355
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B-b-but i just binned my icons, unsubscribed from Jay Dyer and ordered a Study Quran and prayer mat from Amazon. I thought Islam was aesthetic and gigachad now.

>> No.18902381

why are kikes so salty bros

>> No.18902396

Kitab ul tawheed, or "the book of monotheism" by Muhammed Abdulwahhab. It will make you understand what monotheism in Islam entails

>> No.18902402

Why is salt salty anon?
It's simply their nature being chaos and parasites which feed on others.
The only cure is to liberate the divine sparks held prisoner by their sad existence.

>> No.18902411

>The only cure is to liberate the divine sparks held prisoner by their sad existence.
ok gnostic

>> No.18902433

Ok sholomo. I will let you know that whenever I hear the word jew all I can think of is a big nose, a bald head, and two tiny hands rubbing each other.
You are not even humans to me, only vessels that hold a soul that yearns for the suffering to end.

>> No.18903495

based and checked
I agree with you but the iberate the divine sparks held prisoner by their sad existence strangely resembles what the Kabala teaches

>> No.18903514

Daily reminder that Muhammad never talked directly with God and only heard from an angel of light who claimed to be Gabriel, and then tried to reverse 600 years of Christianity with a teaching that Jesus was just a man, and was never crucified.

>For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light

>> No.18903547

The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince is the only book about Islam you need.

>> No.18903559

Islam sounds based

>> No.18903570

If you are interested in the history of Islam, the documentary "Islam: The Untold Story" by Tom Holland is a must watch.

>> No.18903572
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Actually he married her when she was 6. What a classy guy, waiting until she was 9
I'm not a Jew but I don't like them either if that makes you feel any better