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18899120 No.18899120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18899126

Life experience, no book can do it

>> No.18899134

Get the log out of your eye gaylord

>> No.18899140

Defenders of christerism on 4channel attempt to imagine someone more sickly than they are to defend their choice of religious fashion.

>> No.18899142

I used to be this. I have no idea how I achieved personal redemption myself.

>> No.18899147


>> No.18899157

Reading Kierkegaard brought me out of that state

>> No.18899158

>le chantard Larping as a christian.jpg

>> No.18899167

theists can't meme

>> No.18899168


>> No.18899179

Atheists have lower crime rates, higher education rates, and lower divorce rates. Equating "atheist" to a "lack of moral code" goes to show how ignorant you are. Also, Nazi Germany was deeply Christian and the Russian leaders used the mythology of the Czars being more than human to create a religious cult of personality around themselves.

You've created the most lazy, inaccurate stereotype imaginable probably to make you feel better about yourself and your complete lack of foundation for your belief structure.

Also, countries with more involved states and larger public programs are currently dominating the US in tons of different metrics related to education, healthcare, lifespan, etc.

>> No.18899183

t. bugman

>> No.18899187

And this whole virtue signaling won't work, people are starting to think by themselves.

>> No.18899198

based. OP is, yet again, a fag

>> No.18899204

>lower divorce rates.
Because they also have lower marriage rates. Gaythiests are leading us into extinction.
>Also, countries with more involved states and larger public programs are currently dominating the US in tons of different metrics related to education, healthcare, lifespan, etc.
>Muh USA

>> No.18899207

Wrong on everything you've said. Where do redditors get their information

>> No.18899216

Check out tolstoy’s “Confession”. Helped me out a bit. Pretty short too.

>> No.18899223

What in God's name did he mean by this?

>> No.18899227

>Atheists have lower crime rates, higher education rates, and lower divorce rates. Equating "atheist" to a "lack of moral code" goes to show how ignorant you are. Also, Nazi Germany was deeply Christian

literally all of this is false

>> No.18899236

Do you associate atheism with the most intelligent men of society? Do you believe you're a man whose intellect is worthy of note? Because I doubt you're anything more than a midwit.
You don't even have sufficient intelligence to come to a conclusion about your "morals," or form your own code. You just follow the Abrahamic morals deeply ingrained in society without even realising it.

>Atheists have lower crime rates, higher education rates, and lower divorce rates
Substantiate your claims.
>Also, Nazi Germany was deeply Christian and the Russian leaders used the mythology of the Czars being more than human to create a religious cult of personality around themselves.
Entirely bullshit, this is the dictionary definition of coping.

>> No.18899242

>"It's true bu-"
>"That hurts my feelings so it must be false"
>"Tho-Those are Reddit facts!"

>> No.18899257

Every Nazi soldier swore allegiance to the Fuhrer in God's name and on every belt buckle was engraved "Gott Mit Uns" which means "God on our side". Plus, Hitler directly used the Church's demonization of the Jews as God killers to fuel hatred of them. You are the one coping my friend.

>> No.18899261

This guy really sounds 'of the internet'. It's like reading 4chan posts

>> No.18899264

Think about your own thinking and how said men you feel like "fixing" think, and that is probably a start.

>> No.18899268

> Atheists have some of the lowest divorce rates listed at 2 percent. However, it should be noted that the marriage rate among this group is also smaller. This was noted in a 2012 study that only about 36 percent of atheists were married compared to 54 percent of Christians.
Atheists are incels who don't marry

>> No.18899273

I understand these kinds of guys. Just materialist/soulless/lefty types. They're dime a dozen.

>> No.18899280

>he doesnt understand what rate means
fucking retard

>> No.18899281

>I understand these kinds of guys. Just materialist/soulless/lefty types. They're dime a dozen.
No, you don't. If you did, you would be writing a book about that for your own use.

>> No.18899286

>No, you don't.
Yes, I do. And I don't need to write a book to understand bugmen.

>> No.18899289

>Just materialist/soulless/lefty types. They're dime a dozen.
You really buy wholesale into tribalism and group thinking, don't you?

>> No.18899292
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>has no actual knowledge of theology and christian beliefs
Sounds like that you are just like the person you criticise, just the other way around.

>> No.18899295

It's not tribalism but overall worldviews.

>> No.18899303

atheology is pure faggotry. bugmen are not at all interesting to study.

>> No.18899308

Why are you asking for books then? I'm writing one as I think about this thing, but I'm not stupid and think that I got all figured out. People aren't that simple. Even bugmen are complicated, if you think otherwise and still ask for books on how to deal with them, you are a retard. Maybe get back to basic philosophy and the Greeks, or just give up on it for now.

>> No.18899310

Those guys are typically not actually 'soulless' or totally materialist. Their religious sense or whatever is kind of atrophied but you can tell they sometimes get spiritual feelings from like music or nature or something

>> No.18899316

>Atheists have lower crime rates
>higher education rates
who cares
>lower divorce rates
actually retarded

apply yourself

>> No.18899321

The amount of people both denying those facts and also trying to explain them away in this thread is hilarious

>> No.18899322

>can tell they sometimes get spiritual feelings from like music or nature or something
This is pure cope. Like that faggot bugman Sam Harris' mcmindfulness.

>> No.18899337

I want books on how to fix them, not books that suck their dick.

>> No.18899350
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>Also, Nazi Germany was [headcanon]

>> No.18899351

I don't think it's cope. Trying to worship those things is probably cope, but they can be a kind of trigger for looking elsewhere.

>> No.18899357

>Enjoying music means you're spiritual
No it doesn't. This is like saying if you enjoy an amazing sports play, it's a spiritual moment. It's just obnoxious and obviously not the correct use of the word.

>> No.18899360

I’m an ex-Christian and nature and music are far more moving, profound and positive than church ever was. Even Christians will point to a beautiful sky or land scape as god, they then use music to put themselves in religious state.
I’m just taking out the imaginary middleman.

>> No.18899362
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You are dodging the question like the fag you are. Typical christcuck.

>> No.18899369

Are you a Christian or religious?

>> No.18899370

It is cope because it's an inconsistent and hypocritical worldview. The whole "spiritual but actually atheist" types are pure cancer.

>> No.18899372

And in Mein Kampf he explicitly states he is doing God's work and executing God's will in the eradication of the Jews. Which has more weight, some quote a different person wrote down about what they think he said at the dinner table, or his own writing?

>> No.18899376

People don't need to be fixed, specially without their consent. It is not up to you, I'm writing a book to atheists (I'm agnostic) exactly to teach how to defend themselves from people like you.

>> No.18899377

Not a single question in your reply.

>> No.18899380

Whine all you want anon, I was out in nature this weekend with music and people I love and it was more powerful than any church service when I was a Christian. Best of luck.

>> No.18899382

You're not even reading what I say. All im saying is they arent literally soulless and do have the basic faculty

>> No.18899383

Wouldn't you like to know?

>> No.18899384


>> No.18899385

how's the HRT going

>> No.18899389
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Read this

>> No.18899392

Why do defensive? It’s a simple question, if you are Christian it is bizarre that you’re too ashamed to say so.

>> No.18899400

Christians come in all varieties. But what difference does it make?

>> No.18899401

I don't know about a specific book, but I have 2 friends that were raised christians, became atheists during their teen years and later got into esotericism through Crowley. I think they moved on from it and are into neoplatonism, hermeticism and indian stuff now.
I also read other people claiming to seek a spiritual path after reading Crowley.

>> No.18899406

I'm not talking about just liking a song, it's more intense than that. Of course some religions might consider this demonic but that's still an aspect of the spiritual

>> No.18899407

I don’t know where you live but in the prosperous and educated regions of the world it is not edgy to not believe in gods, it is normal and well adjusted. Successful well groomed and educated people are not religious and don’t believe gods of ancient mythology are real.

I mean we are on 4chan but please get out more.

>> No.18899410

>People don't need to be fixed
You don't know that.
> I'm writing a book to atheists (I'm agnostic) exactly to teach how to defend themselves from people like you.
I don't think bugmen need to "defend themselves." Just give them a Netflix subscription or a hamburger and they'll be happy.

>> No.18899413

Very islamophobic of you tbqh

>> No.18899414

>completely disregards that atheism and the lack of a moral code is historically linked with the worse atrocities
You genocided my people. The collapse of christianity cannot come soon enough.

>> No.18899421

>Successful well groomed and educated people are not religious
Most men I know who fit that description are religious people, though.

>> No.18899423

Let’s say hypothetically you were a Christian, it’s okay that you’re afraid to admit it.

But in the face of someone telling you they get profound emotional and spiritual experience from nature and music without believing in god(s) you are always going to deny it.

Your belief in god hinges on you needing it to some extent.

>> No.18899426

>And in Mein Kampf he explicitly states he is doing God's work and executing God's will in the eradication of the Jews.
Doesn't make him Christian.
>Which has more weight, some quote a different person wrote down about what they think he said at the dinner table, or his own writing?
Neither of those are qualitatively superior to the other.
Yes the majority of Germans were Christian, what's your point? It's simply a political veneer the Nazis prop up to placate the people. Hitler was after all a populist first and foremost. Saying that "Nazi Germany was deeply Christian" undermines the nuance of the entire situation.

>> No.18899428

You mean in Scandinavia? In the countries where people do not reproduce and are going to be replaced by immigrants in the upcoming decades? Not exactly a model to follow.

>> No.18899434

I don't believe in god or spirituality at all. Things can be profound and meaningful without being spiritual.

>> No.18899437

Education and financial success strongly correlate with lack of belief in gods.

It is unbelievable how much you guys have to refrain from defending your belief in gods and instead choose to pretend your opponents are unkempt.

Truly the behavior of someone with their back against the wall intellectually and logically.

>> No.18899444

>financial success
So materialism triumphs among materialist bugmen? What a surprise you got there.

>> No.18899448

One track mind on you people

>> No.18899449

Well, I'm writing my book, enjoy dealing with it in the future. Or you could write yours.

>> No.18899450

The fundamental principle of less crime = better human falls flat when one considers the possibility that the law being violated is evil. Mainstream religion is indeed controlled and populated by evil people, however.

>> No.18899452

>muh education
Woman detected.

>> No.18899459

Tradcath zoomers are honestly more annoying than these types at times. Also they're not "in denial about the current fall of society". This is the type who would post on r/collapse.

>> No.18899461

Good luck, I hope you become the King of the Bugmen.

>> No.18899464
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Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords. Read a fucking book before posting on /lit/ would you?

>> No.18899475

In the face of being told unkempt or not put together is not an accurate assessment of people in developed nations who don’t believe in god, now it’s on to claims about birth rate and tangential philosophical beliefs.

If you had a substantive point, you would be straight up laying out the facts on how your god actually exists instead of jumping from insult to insult.

Also in case it needs to be pointed out, making more money doesn’t make you materialist, it means you make more money and arguably are more likely to have self control and be well groomed, which is what was being contested.

>> No.18899488

The wind is completely absent in the sales of the materialism vs. spirituality larp because all it comes down to pragmatically is autism surrounding sex

>> No.18899495

christ larpers (4chan type) getting really desperate nowadays

>> No.18899496

>being a coomer

>> No.18899503

How do you feel about the even greater correlation between race and financial success, test scores, crime, etc

>> No.18899507

>Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords.
I used one buzz-phrase to describe a pretty popular phenomenon here of ~15-25 year olds who 'converted' 3 months ago and then act like they've been lifelong devout Christians who post like OP. Fuck off.
>Read a fucking book before posting on /lit/ would you?
"Everyone who does something I dislike doesn't read", a classic.

>> No.18899512

It's all interconnected. Your worldview leads you into things. And atheism is exactly why Europe as we know it is collapsing.

>> No.18899515

Religion is cancer, people who do not practice behind closed doors is cancer, but so are militant atheists who are a part of leftist agenda. Both groups of people should be gassed, religious people for having mental disability that makes then susceptible to nonsense like religion (and for continualy passing this genetic defect to younger generation) and militant atheists who fall for liberal leftism nonsense which is also a genetic deficiency (low iq, high impulse, literally nigger tier). Only sensible people with higher than average iq and no serious genetic defects like believing in skydaddy should be allowed to live and reproduce

>> No.18899521

Everything does not surround pornography. You don't even have the stones to sit there and seriously pontificate about the social corruption of nature when you've been led to fear a basic life function. Even you know how ridiculous you'd look.

>> No.18899530
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Very good, I have a loving BF and a supportive family.

>> No.18899533

You forget about the part where they are always into things like tarot, palm reading, and the zodiac. In the same conversation they will talk about the ridiculousness of young earth creationism or praying or whatever and then say they need to consult a tarot reader for their next career/life decision.

>> No.18899535

This is just considered edgy in some places and by a certain group of people. Most religious people where I live don't think it's edgy and we all get along pretty well.
My guess is that you are the edgy one here.

>> No.18899536

lol @ the seething bugmen ITT. The boot clearly fits.

>> No.18899537

I don’t live in Europe so I don’t know what your problems are and I don’t care honestly. The least religious areas of my country are doing the best and the most religious areas are literally declining in population they are so poor miserable and hopeless

>> No.18899539

To be without God is to maximize spiritual anguish, which is infinitely more profound than the shallow comfort one might find in a eternal afterlife.

>> No.18899544

Classism to own le religitards

>> No.18899548

>developed nation
>not Europe

>> No.18899549

No book is going to fix your pathetic atheism and pretensions (which reek in your posts and redditspacing). Go outside

>> No.18899556

>To be without God is to maximize spiritual anguish
No, it's to maximize materialism and to kill spirituality.

>> No.18899565

Don’t dish out insults against entire demographics if you can’t take them. I was told atheism rots society, I’m pointing out that the Christian areas of my country are in an absolutely pathetic miserable state of death and despair and the non-religious regions are far better off.

>> No.18899580

>Christian areas of my country are in an absolutely pathetic miserable state of death and despair
>the non-religious regions are far better off.

>> No.18899606

This is true for the whole world. I'm not even an atheist myself, but the shittiest places on earth are highly religious, like Africa, Middle East and most part of Americas.
I don't know how to refute this and I don't think it's possible.

>> No.18899612

Europe and the US arent atheist, they worship minorities

>> No.18899659

>completely disregards that atheism and the lack of a moral code is historically linked with the worse [sic] atrocities
you don't believe this, do you?

>> No.18899663

Yeah fat red faced miserable red necks doing heroin and meth in jean shorts and stained shirts like their sons under the cemetery is quite the vibrant life

>> No.18899669

Can you write a post just like this about blacks in the ghetto

>> No.18899693

Depends. The best parts of France are Catholics and/or have Catholic influence.

>> No.18899695

Well part of crime rates is true, they're pussies.

>> No.18899698

No you obsessed /pol/smoker, I was told atheism degrades society and yet the rotting shacks filled with rotting people in my country are living in church country, while the less religious regions are worse off by just about every measure if not all.

I’m talking about religion, if you want to rant about races go where you belong.

>> No.18899699

Not him but white Christian nationalism created, reinforced, and gained from racial inequality.

>> No.18899705

There are plenty of religious black people, I just think you have a flair for language and I want to hear you describe the obese, ugly religious blacks just how you did for the rednecks

>> No.18899710
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Plato Collected works

>> No.18899715

>religious people have lost all fact based arguments on 4chan
>now exclusively resort to ad hom toward all atheists when it’s easily argued that in places like America the Christians are in a far worse state of affairs than the non-religious

You have nothing, never forget it.

>> No.18899716

I enjoy the dialectical nature of this place. Remember when most of us were like that because being atheist was the contrarian thing to do? Now being religious is the new contrarian thing to do, so the status quo must be criticized (I only come back once in a while, pretty sure being religous is the default now).
Now, be honest, religion IS just a form of control. The reason you chill religion is because you understand that and hope to use it as ideology to control others. You don't really believe in god, you just like the idea because it seems cool, or aesthetic, you are incapable of having faith in anything because you are rotten inside.
Of course,
>Yeah fat miserable niggers with giant lips doing heroin and meth in jean shorts and stained shirts like their sons under the cemetery is quite the vibrant life

>> No.18899737
File: 10 KB, 259x194, Disgusting!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it embarrass you at all you're going through with this life-altering procedure over a literal fetish? That you're throwing away the next 30-40 years of your life away over a few years worth of hedonism? Why didn't you talk to someone about your porn addiction instead of feeding into this big pharma push that preys on insecure emasculated young men such as yourself?

>> No.18899749

Who gives a fuck lol

>> No.18899753

>to fix men
No such thing

>> No.18899757
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Not that anon, but people say stuff like this but post positive memes about people like Zyzz.

>> No.18899764

If you didn’t give a fuck you would have said nothing, yet here you are.

>> No.18899766

You're an atheist so get off your soapbox about how they're both "equally bad" retard.

>> No.18899777

> Christians are in a far worse state of affairs than the non-religious
Maybe physical, but not mental. Atheist bugment are depressed as fuck and on SRIs half the time. Much worse "affairs" if you ask me. Read Industrial Society And Its Future. Material "affairs" are clearly not the problem the west is facing, it's a spiritual one. And even though I am no christcuck, at least they have Faith, something atheists will never have and thus will fall victim to the unfulfillment of degenerate escapism and material aquisition

>> No.18899797

Any good book recs on the destruction of Christianity in the West and, more broadly, the (((anti-white))) agenda? I've already read CofC.

>> No.18899800

Oh please. Every adult atheist I know has a career and the vast majority of them are in long term committed relationships/getting married/already married with kids already born or planned.

>> No.18899805

>Remember when most of us were like that because being atheist was the contrarian thing to do?
Old /lit/ was extremely Reddit and terrible so I'm fine with the current paradigm shift in comparison, even if it is insufferable in its own way.

>> No.18899812

>don't eat burgers, man!
>eat this magical piece of br-ehm, meat.

>> No.18899815

It could lead to spiritual abnegation, but that is only incidental to the anguish.

>> No.18899861


>> No.18899868

What's that?

>> No.18899870
File: 118 KB, 1200x930, 1D881CE0-8EB1-46D1-8C43-B3795DEA878E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one way to fix modern man. Take the Hueypill brothers.

>> No.18899878

their careers, technology and the state are their God (in this sense they aren't true atheists, just spiritually jaded). They fall for globohomo agendas and their children will be worse off than they are (look at the state of zoomers ffs). It all leads to decadence, at least christians are somewhat conservative and understand we're heading in a bad direction. All atheists I know are oblivious libtard NPCs, regardless of their external merits like children, marriage, career. Their inner lives are dead, their souls danked into dubmission. Yes bugs are capable of working and reproducing, but they are still soulless bugs. Defending them is laughable

>> No.18899899

The Culture of Critique. You've probably seen it referenced many times on here.

>> No.18899931
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>life-altering procedure over a literal fetish?
Source on the fetish thing? Is that just your own weird little opinion or something actually factual?
>30-40 years of your life away over a few years worth of hedonism
According to whom? You? I have a good life ahead of me.
>porn addiction
You might be projecting because I barely watch porn.

>> No.18899942

I sincerely have no idea what you’re talking about, most atheists I know are doing well in on the whole and the only two Christian people I know are not happy and only have their religion as a sort of numbing opiate that they regularly waiver with their faith in.

>> No.18899974

fake atheists and fake christians. Be cautious with lables, anon

>> No.18900000

Nope, the former don’t believe in the god and the latter are sincere and devoted Christians who make it a large part of their life.

>> No.18900017

Most atheists I know are edgy libertarian retards, who hate the globohomo and sjws.
I mean, for that I believe they are just stupid and jump on the bandwagon of internet edginess, but can't just throw away old things right away.

>> No.18900049

Imagine measuring the quality of human existence in terms of GDP and purchasing power for Netflix, gadgets, shitty clothes... Atheists will literally end the West, no wonder everyone is a anti depressant addicted shell addicted to their gadgets

>> No.18900074

Quality of life is generally measure by HDI. What do you propose instead? Saying hocus pocus and farting loudly?

>> No.18900086
File: 83 KB, 640x480, enter sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quints of truth

>> No.18900098

Damn, god loves atheists.

>> No.18900111

sure, thats why everyone in the west is unhappy in one way or another, acquiring material things shouldn't be an end to strive for

another big problem is blindly trusting arbitrary and factually empty studies and estimates like the hdi bs, you don't need studies to show that the West is declining, in the same way you don't need ncbi studies to tell you when to piss and shit

>> No.18900127

Damn, God kind of likes theists now.

>> No.18900149

Yeah I should have guessed that one but somehow it eluded me

>> No.18900156

Surely the despair has nothing to do with the fact that wealth inequality has reached the point where the average American will be poorer than their parents.
Clearly back in the 80’s and 90’s when America was dramatically more religious, it was far less consumerist and interested in material wealth.

>> No.18900157

Dang, things really be do like that.

>> No.18900179

he's pretty based

>> No.18900184

HDI is honestly not bad, you can definetely see the correlation. Generally, you'll be able to live a better life, whatever that means to you (unless it's about loving the land you were born into, or if you hate certain climates), in countries with the highest HDI.
>you don't need studies to show that the West is declining
Do you mean culturally? Yeah, that's subjective. But you need studies to see objectively that the West is falling, and they do show that. And if you want to know a thing anon, I truly believe it's much more for material reasons than spiritual ones. Deindustrialization is fucking the West.

>> No.18900191

>Clearly back in the 80’s and 90’s when America was dramatically more religious, it was far less consumerist and interested in material wealth.
us was always more profound in its materialism, but what you said is obviously true, people didn't spend their money for $1000 electronic toys and the same amount for streaming services every year, also the wealth inequality you speak of is entirely a non issue since like i said material wealth is not an end in itself but at worst a way of control worse than any religion, you only whine in this way because you're indoctrinated to feel bad for minorities wealth inequality in order for the government to deflect while taking away your natural freedom and happines

>> No.18900219

>Generally, you'll be able to live a better life
The old saying goes "money doesn't buy happiness."
>Do you mean culturally? Yeah, that's subjective.
You can't be serious, visit the youtube (foremost western cultural medium) front page recently?

>> No.18900251

>people didn't spend their money for $1000 electronic toys
They spent tons of money on electronics and technology, you are an absolute idiot.

>> No.18900256

Not as much as today and you know it, seethe more until God helps you

>> No.18900269

>fear a basic life function
I'd say the people who have the most fear of this basic life function are those who use condoms and other forms of contraception to prevent conception from happening and would get an abortion if they ever did conceive.
The typical mid twenties urbanite is absolutely terrified of having their fun cut short by the natural consequences of sexual behaviour.
Modern, non-reproductive sex is really just people using each others' bodies for masturbation. There's no relation to "basic life functions" in it at all. It's a purely artificial source of animalistic hedonism for children in the bodies of adults who are doing everything they can to avoid having to grow up.

>> No.18900273

Are you really harkening back to the 80s and 90s as a time of less materialism?'

>> No.18900283

>Modern, non-reproductive sex is really just people using each others' bodies for masturbation
But what is actually wrong about this?

>> No.18900290


>> No.18900298
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Needing someone to look down on is the fundamental basis of abrahamic religion, especially christianity. The core theme of selective forgiveness is all about letting the subjects shelve their own awfulness as a human being and proceed to look for excuses to look down on others, namely non-believers.

Christianity is literally just selling a superiority complex to people who desperately need some kind of ego-validation in exchange for their loyalty.

>> No.18900311

By virtue of emerging markets becoming deeply consumer economies after 90s it is true but like I said you could make a case for US that it was the same type of materialism, but in Europe it was certainly a universally better time. The west is declining in all fields however much you are shutting your eyes.

>> No.18900316

Was it a better time or were you just a child with nothing to worry about?

>> No.18900335

Factually a better time for all generations.

>> No.18900341

I’ll pray for you

>> No.18900343

>The old saying goes "money doesn't buy happiness."
Not said you will be happy, said you'll be able to be happier. Remember when Jesus said "Not by bread only...", you see, bread is necessary.
>visit the youtube (foremost western cultural medium) front page recently?
To be honest, no. But TV has been a piece of trash since I was born, I can tell you that.

>> No.18900345 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18900369

Thank you for demonstrating my point.

>> No.18900440

Strongest Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: speakers of different languages are not only governed by different cognitive constraints but also of differing capacity to grasp the nature of the divine.

>> No.18900474
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God isn't real.
Being LGBT isn't bad.
Jews and black people aren't evil.
Being a leftist isn't wrong.

>> No.18900574

>reverse image search
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.18900770

>at times
You mean "generally" since fedora atheism died out years ago and it's entire demographic was absorbed directly into neo-Christianity.
Some of them are literally the same people even.

>> No.18900781


>> No.18900883

Imagine sitting here denying you're an autogynephile while your only contributions to the threads are in the forms of sexually explicit drawings of anime females. Pathetic imbecile.

>> No.18900892
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Discussion religion on the internet is just awful. To properly discuss it you have to be philosophically and historically informed. Things are more nuance than people would like them to be.

>> No.18900898

Dilate faggot. The "Tradcath Zoomer" is a boogeyman and strawman.

>> No.18900994

based siddhartha

>> No.18901006

Explictly Yahweh's work or he explicitly uses the colloquialism "doing god's work"

>> No.18901065

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.18901118

Despite it being correct or incorrect. Religion is a joke, worship is a cult behavior imo.

I been told how much I am "lost in life" with unsolicited advice from family. Meanwhile their children are in prison. Family I disown for the crimes they committed. I went in as a joke to visit one of them and said "You had a lapse in your faith."

>YOUR RIGHT! YOUR RIGHT! I am a born against christian!!


>> No.18902405

>Atheists have lower crime rates
usury is a crime
adultery is a crime
lying on the internet is a crime

>> No.18902409

Religion is pointless because God has been replaced by Pro Patria and the morals and ethics have become completely central to the various cultures that X religion has been a part of.

>> No.18902530
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>Nazi Germany was deeply Christian
What is Kirchenkampf

>> No.18902542

Le Dune

>> No.18902946

You grew up, it's ok anon, being edgy is only cool when you are a teen

>> No.18903074

Fuck you buddhafag, Christ is King.

>> No.18903393

What's the parable of the pharisee and the publican about?

>> No.18903525

The Golden Dawn Complete System of Magic
The Book of Cerimonial Magic by A.E Waite
treatise on the reintegration of beings
The complete works of Louise Claude Saint Martin

>> No.18903538

>Also, Nazi Germany was deeply Christian
Only on surface level, Hitler hated Christianity

>> No.18903551

>Is anti-whatever because SNL made some “jokes” in denial about the about it current fall of society

>> No.18903552

From what I've seen, Hitler's opinion on Christianity is duplicitous, but the Catholic church definitely supported Hitler as well as the majority Catholic populace. Let's not forget all of the wars of religion, colonialisms and other massacres (of course these weren't entirely precipitated by religion, but it shows that Christians had an aberrant "morality" if we are to enthrone morality and not victory as the highest human good)

>> No.18903583

>but the Catholic church definitely supported Hitler

>> No.18903624


You made zero questions in your response and your grammar is terrible.

Seethe more.

>> No.18903639

Religion is a spook. Mega cringe

>> No.18903656

>The catholic church supported Hitler

That's some fake history right there, fren. Hitler wanted to replace the Catholic Church (by extension the rest of Christendom) with Islam once he finished conquering Europe.

Are you also going to ignore the fact that average Catholics and Clergymen helped shelter and protect Jewish refugees by disguising them as Catholics?

I guess you can also ignore the fact that the C.C. was able to smuggle away around 700K Jews right underneath Hitler and Mussolini's nose.

>> No.18903670

clean your own room first before trying to bring the world in order

>> No.18903677
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>Nazi Germany was deeply Christian

>> No.18903683



>> No.18903704

you will never bbe a woman.