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18898747 No.18898747 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start from if I want to read up on psychoanalysis, and what shall I continue with?

>> No.18898761
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Continue with Descartes' Optics

>> No.18898784

everything you do in life is coping over the fact that you
>want to kill/fuck your mom/dad
>want to keep poopie inside
>want to be God
>are scared of death
>want to die
>afraid of pain

>> No.18898788

Peter Gay's Freud reader is not bad for an absolute introduction.

Someone posted this here recently (fuck reddit)

Klein, The Jewish Origins of Psychoanalysis

DH Lawrence, Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious

>> No.18898873

The interpretation of dreams. It's all you need.

>> No.18899000

alot of psychology has gone to root
in sino traditions of bhuddism
and primitive shamianistic religions that are more culturally specific.
mental health these days is vdry dependant on your demographic.

if you a westaboo and want to contextualize your psyche to the rest of the western world then go with psychoanalysis, behavioyrism, cognitive psychology, and humanism.

if you want to learn the truth however. you must work to gain esoteric and occult knowledge.

after you're done with those people
read up on antipsychiatry

blatavsky and all the christian scientists and spirituslists.
move on to new wave shit like sylvia brown.

then revert back and go john dee , nag hamnadi and the emerald tablets.

then if you really want to
dale carnegie, tony robbins and all those self help guru, life coaches and consultants.

>> No.18899587

read existentialists (Kirkegaard, Camus), some Freud (das Unbehagen in der Kultur) and Jung.

>> No.18899830

If you want an all around introduction read The Discovery of the Unconciuos by Henri F. Ellenberger

>> No.18900009
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Good god, stop falling for the freud meme you people are so dumb it blows my mind.

Freud has been debunked in his OWN field. Psychologists don't even claim him anymore, not even insane leftist ones.

Meanwhile a whole tradition of theory predicated on Freud's work being scientifically valid was created in the humanities. It isn't, but it still keeps coasting along on inertia. Humanities instructorlets are either too dumb or too fixated on these theories to bother dispensing with them (they're high status and show that one has "been educated" so what more do they care anyway?). University is literally a dumb act for phony credentials. But if you choose, you can sift through the garbage and actually learn something valuable too. Pass the IQ test; drop freud.

>> No.18900026

Freud's Introductory Lectures
Freud and Beyond by Mitchell
Peter Gay's Freud reader
avoid Jung and Lacan