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File: 166 KB, 1200x1200, carljung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18897940 No.18897940 [Reply] [Original]

Jung thread

>> No.18897963

What's good about him?

>> No.18897964

His books

>> No.18897972
File: 54 KB, 251x257, I_dunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many INTP in the thread? Surely there will only be a few

>> No.18897973

How do I control my need to project anima on 2d japanese girls?

>> No.18898052

Stop masturbating. Stop looking at degenerate cartoons. Go outside.

>> No.18898079

I used to think I was INTP but apparently I'm INFJ.

>> No.18898093

I too suspect I might actually be INFP

>> No.18898107

F often mistype as T apparently

>> No.18898358

How to read Jung:
>Man & His Symbols
>Symbols of Transformation
>Psychology & Alchemy
>Aion: Researches Into the Phenomenology of the Self
>The Red Book

If you want to read about gnosticism, and the occult; then Jung is a must

Discipline; stop watching porn, your anima is in the first stage of maturity; "the ideal lover", and to mature it a good way is to get a girlfriend.


>> No.18898413

>your anima is in the first stage of maturity; "the ideal lover"
Not him but why shouldn't I just have a relationship with my anima in my dreams then? You're right, she's ideal, every time she appears to me clearly she always takes the shape and behavior of a perfect woman in my eyes.
By the way what does it mean if I keep being sexually involved with what I assume is my anima in almost all of my dreams?

>> No.18898537

>By the way what does it mean if I keep being sexually involved with what I assume is my anima in almost all of my dreams?
Get a girlfriend and have sex, there might be something else to it however getting a girlfriend, which I assume you do not have, is probably going to be the best course of action regardless.

>why shouldn't I just have a relationship with my anima in my dreams then?
Because your anima CLEARLY wants you to have sex with a women that you can project your anima upon.

>> No.18898562

>your anima CLEARLY wants you to have sex
But I did, and it sucked. And I don't consciously want a girlfriend. I didn't know my unconscious had goals so diametrically opposed to my own, relationships are on the bottom of my list of priorities in life

>> No.18898618
File: 192 KB, 1856x2048, Shoppenhaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I did, and it sucked.
I think this is what caused your anima to remain as the ideal lover, since you still expect it to be "better" with the purity and perfection of 2d. Like I said before you have to stop watching porn and realize that you will never have an ideal lover. I can't really say much more with such limited amount of information, sadly.

>> No.18898630

I'm not the guy you were originally replying to, I don't think I have a porn addiction but I definitely denigrate 3D and prefer 2D since it's so much more ideal and perfect.
>you will never have an ideal lover
I know this and it's what led me to reject relationships in the first place, it's kind of a catch-22 then

>> No.18898667

I got INFP for years but recently took a test and got INTJ. I stopped giving a fuck about anything recently and have never felt better.

>> No.18898683

What does it mean if I fuck my anima in my dreams? it isnt a wet dream or anything as I dont spoil my shorts when I wake up, it is just unerotic sex. I vividly remembering actively meaning to impregnate her in my dreams

>> No.18898693
File: 4.00 MB, 2910x2293, The Two Trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's what led me to reject relationships in the first place
You think of relationships as a sexual contract between two individuals, as such, if the two individuals aren't sexually attracted to eachother then the marriage can't work. Which is fundamentally correct and is oftern the cause of divorce. However marriage is more then just that; since fundamentally marriage and girlfriend and boyfriend is based on the social chemistry of the two individuals. Thus sex is only a bonus gift of it. I recommend you search up the seven chakras, and see the hierarchy of energies.

>> No.18898729

I acknowledge that it's as much sexual as it is social, in the case of a healthy relationship anyway, but I simply cannot bring myself to reject my solitary disposition. Weighing the pros and cons, solitude seems infinitely better than the alternative.
I'm a bit familiar with the chakras, I wonder if my chronic digestive issues have something to do with a block of some sort, I will look into it more in depth. Interesting pic

>> No.18898750

>solitude seems infinitely better than the alternative
Which is precisely why your anima hasn't matured, the only way for her to mature is for you to mature.

>> No.18898759

Are you saying it's not possible to choose solitude?

>> No.18898765

Not if you want a healthy relationship with your anima

>> No.18898772

I want individuation so I guess that's a no

>> No.18898782
File: 52 KB, 835x437, Emma and Carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there's your answer; get a girlfriend

>> No.18898801

How do I tell a girl that I need her to enter a relationship with me because a dead swiss psychiatrist said so

>> No.18898826
File: 49 KB, 1200x628, Carl Jung Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell her his name, lol

>> No.18898837

Yeah I guess women do like Jung for some reason

>> No.18898884

lol, they do? you could also talk about that you're interested in astrology, since women like that

>> No.18899226

pretty cool footage of Jung at Bollingen