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18896814 No.18896814 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone think the working class will actually read this?

>> No.18896860

Nope. It’s just a circle-jerk for trust fund academic grifters to pretend they care about the working class all while doing everything materially to distance themselves from people they actively and reflexively call “white trash,” “inbred rednecks,” and “racist white supremacists”. Lenin was right in killing the academics first

>> No.18896863

The concept of "working class" is a spook anyways

>> No.18896864
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>working class
>written by a woman

>> No.18896871

>Lenin was right in killing the academics first
that was his only correct decision

>> No.18896872

We shall distill the theory into easily digestable talking points and snappy slogans

>> No.18896873

this says more about you than it does about leftist academics

>> No.18896875

>Caring about the "working class"
Workers are the lowest strata of society and are extremely replaceable. Why the fuck would you value them?

>> No.18896877

Cope and cry more

>> No.18896885

well, yes. how do you think memes and psyop works.

>> No.18896951

The irony is that the working class of the 1800s was better read than any academic today.

>> No.18896954
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Leftist "intellectuals" sold out the working classes long ago and have no connection to them. The left cowers and immediately breaks down in the face of the techno-capitalist bio-security state.

>> No.18896964
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Why do lefties think people have no agency if they support capitalism?

>> No.18896972

Yes my little bourgie, the working class is retarded as fuck
That's why a vanguard (the party) is needed

>> No.18896980

White America doesn't have a proper working class. The third worldists were right, so the so called workers are all labor aristocrats at best.

>> No.18896983

they... don't? you know you can be left wing and capitalist, right?

>> No.18896984
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>the "never heard of them" bars

>> No.18896994

They're not aristocrats, they're lumpens

>> No.18897007
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>That's why a vanguard (the party) is needed


You are exactly the reason why Marxism always fails in practice.

>> No.18897016

Let me guess, China isn't real Marxism

>> No.18897020

They're not lumpens since they're mostly middle class. People who "organize the working class" in the imperial core i.g. the United States are just petty bourgeois degenerates supporting more, and more surplus value extraction from the global south to pay fpr social reforms that ease the fear they have of proletarianization. If you support organizing the working class in the United States, you're not a leftist, you're an agent of imperialism.

>> No.18897030

"Middle class" doesn't exist. You either own means of production or you don't. If you don't and aren't class conscious, you're a lumpen.

>> No.18897036

The sooner the left jettisons Marxism, the sooner we can overcome capitalism.

Marx ruined socialism.

>> No.18897039

this, its oriented toward academy, where these texts circulate without making any changes, because they are inconsequential

>> No.18897041

Typical Amerikkkan petty bourgeois faggot. Of course you deny the existence of an American imperialism. You support imperialism, and you hate actually existing socialism in China too

>> No.18897048

I honestly can't wait until proletarian redneck bvlls rise up and burn down universities. Anti intellectualism is based.

>> No.18897050

What little the working class reads is either escapism or self help books.

>> No.18897052

>"Proloterian rednecks"
They are no proletarians in the United States. They're all labor aristocrats.

>> No.18897057

>actually existing socialism in china
How is it socialist? Because they say so?

>> No.18897059

Where do the 15% of people in the US who are employed by the public sector lie? Where does the public sector in general lie here?

>> No.18897060

give us a free epub link

>> No.18897063

how is it not
because you say so?

>> No.18897067

Because the Chinese governments the means of the production

>> No.18897068
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Wtf Feuerbach is making a comeback? Where and how lol?

I started very petitbourgeosie in life now im poor and always around the working class. They kind of suck. Is it just because they're poor that they have some of the most extreme bastardized Bourgeois values? They are like a cargo cult

>> No.18897075

Socialism is and always has been an intellectual cult of the middle classes to 1) assuage their guilt and 2) larp as the aristocrats they crave to be. Working class people would laugh at "muh dialectical theory" and tell you they gotta get to work, weirdo.
As Frank Herbert said, scratch a leftist and you find a closeted aristocrat.

>> No.18897077

Because the majority of their economy is produced by private ownership of capital, wage labor, and markets.

>> No.18897080

You probably think white working class ppl are just bad colonizers lol. Yeah the 55 year old diabetic white bitch who worked at Walmart now for 30 years I'd Labour Aristocracy

>> No.18897083

Not in practice they dont, theyre mostly privately owned and traded

>> No.18897091


>> No.18897097

Why should I feel sorry for some white, fat bitch who's gluttony is the result of imperialism at the expense workers in the global south who die prematurely due to the exploitative working conditions your consumption puts them in?

>> No.18897098

You are either dishonest or a brain-dead nigger. There is no such thing as private enterprise in China. Oh sure there's "private enterprise" if you wanna play along with that BS; but look at TenCent, a "private" company that just got bitch slapped by the CCP for making too addictive games. These companies are as private, until they're not. Don't be a retard.

>> No.18897102

I consider the Maoist period socialist because the majority of the economy at that time was not produced by private ownership of capital, wage labor, and markets. I dont get why you guys pretend this isn't the case

>> No.18897110
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That white bitch is your precious proletariat. Thanks for proving what we all knew, that socialists are just bitter wannabe elites. "Socialism is not, as they say, about love of the poor, but hatred of the rich."

>> No.18897111

Oh, the horror of whitey having to work in Walmart while brown children have to work in coal mines in South East Asia to support their exquisite eating habitats

>> No.18897118

Yeah if they step out of line then the party something. It's still a primarily capitalist form of economy. By your metric Nazi Germany was socialist too because the government would sometimes bitchslap a company. Hell Putins Russia qualifies by that dumb metric

>> No.18897119

Well duh, why should you love the poor? Not only are they stupid, but they made the rich rich

>> No.18897121

Yeah it's "Private ownership" until the CCP decides it isn't and seizes your assets. Which they have done and regularly do. That isn't how private ownership works. That's how state socialism works. Stop trying to argue that the CCP is somehow capitalism, this is thoroughly autistic.

>> No.18897127

No, she's not. She's a parasite, a member of the labor aristocracy, living off the surplus value of workers in the global South that have a lower expectancy at the expense of her lifestyle. Fuck her, she lives off colonialism while why the colonized suffers.

>> No.18897128

Yes, Nazi Germany was socialist, anon. I know that may make you angry, but unfortunately that is the facts.

>> No.18897132

>By your metric Nazi Germany was socialist too
Socialism is literally in the party name: National Socialist German Workers' Party. Just because they weren't Marxist and were anti-Communist doesn't mean that they weren't socialist.

>> No.18897133

They dont regularly do that, they do it to a handful of billionaires. The vast majority of capitalist enterprise in China just keeps chugging along normally

>> No.18897138
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>Well duh, why should you love the poor? Not only are they stupid, but they made the rich rich

Spoken like a true socialist!

>> No.18897143

Settlers are not working class. Never have been.

>> No.18897144

And Putin's Russia? He jailed a bunch of oligarchs remember

>> No.18897146

How would you go about fixing this situation, anon?

>> No.18897151

The existence of a market is not the same as institutionalised state level capitalism. Markets exist in every society. People want stuff other people have, that's basic social interactions.

>> No.18897158

>people who farmed a land from wilderness are not working class
Based retard

>> No.18897160

Letting them die off until they realize revolution is necessary.

>> No.18897161

You have spent too much time on the internet, autist. All your views are incredibly abstract with no basis in reality. You are not a South American freedom fighter, you are a bored first worlder with a guilty conscience and a god complex. Get a job.

>> No.18897168

It's not just a market, its private ownership of capital and wage labor. You can own a factory and employ people for wages and keep the profit in china

>> No.18897172

I don't get it, what's your point

>> No.18897180

Letting who die off, the global south? That doesn't seem very helpful, and seems very blase to the deaths of those who you claim to care something about.

Or do you mean the walmart worker? She might live a sad life, but she's unlikely to die given the continued import of cheap consumer goods that she can afford with her (relatively) low pay...

>> No.18897181

>Farmed on land
You mean people who displaced the original population through imperialism, and continues to exploit their resources for their owns selfish gain. There has never bee a "working class white" in America because they're all blood sucking labor aristocrats. Their entire system is held together by NATO and the US military terrorizing Latina America through debt-trap diplomacy.

>> No.18897183
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>Hecking based red flags and glory!
This is fantasy play. This is a past time to you. You do this because it's fun and gives you a sense of purpose. If you got over your ego and actually tried to study the world and it's problems sans abstraction, you'd come to cringe at your current analysis and realise you have been blinkered by ideology.

>> No.18897185

America is crumbling as we speak. The conditions of the American worker conditions to get worse. Its only matter of time. People the global south, especially in Peru and Venezuela, are fighting back. Its all of matter of waiting.

>> No.18897186

The natives living there were not the original people you braindead retard, they conquered it from someone else.

>> No.18897193

>Displaced the original population

Gee it's almost like unfettered immigration is a bad thing and borders should be protected!

>> No.18897197

The global south is made up of 80iq retards who destroy their own countries

>> No.18897201

You are larping. You know you're larping and everyone you talk to knows it.

>> No.18897209

What a wonderful justification for inaction, continuing to avoid the 'common people' that so disgust you, and continuing to write academic screeds that are read by an increasingly insular circle of academics who all sit around doing nothing. Must be nice to be you, anon.

>> No.18897212

Please at least read >>18897183 picrel and think on it, regardless of the outcome of this debate

>> No.18897214

>Its fun
You're fucking sitting on 4chan mocking the global south, playing the victim and think it's funny colonized people have to die because you're too much of s leech to give up your comfy lifestyle at the expense of imperialism. America doesn't invade your country when you set up socialism. America doesn't put sanctions on you when you don't bow down to the World Bank and the IMF. You do so much harm to the world, and now, you're shocked people are pointing out you must suffer the consequences for all the things you've done. It took a while from Rome to fall, but when it did, revenge was sweet and swift.

>> No.18897217

"Lefties" btw

>> No.18897232

You only care about immigration because you're mad they're taking away the wealthy you only have because of imperialism. You're not a victim; you're a colonizer crying about getting less of spoils.

>> No.18897237

"Common people"
Colonizers aren't people.

>> No.18897241

Yes this is fun to you. It's fun for you to type all that and act outraged and boast on discord how you "raided 4chan chuds". It's a larp to you. You don't truly believe any of it, it just provides a simple worldview that answers a lot of your questions with minimal effort on your part. The world doesn't need you or your Messiah complex. It needs you to focus on yourself and your own life first.

>> No.18897242

America falling won't make your shithole any less shit

>> No.18897258

I should also point out I aren't American, and I agree that America has acted imperially and unjustly around the world. But that doesn't mean the answer is socialist revolution. Heck, by your own admission, socialists get BTFO'd by a small handful of CIA operatives on a regular basis. You also have to accept that imperial powers (like Rome) will exist and do exist. It's cruel what they do yes, but guess what- the world isn't a fucking hugbox. Bad things happen, nations war and prey on each other. Sorry this is new to you. It will get less of a bitter pill to swallow as you get older, trust me.

>> No.18897266

The middle aged woman working a minimum wage job at walmart is not a colonizer, however much she might benefit from the extraction of wealth from the global south (which is relatively little compared to the people who, say, own Walmart stock).

But regardless, if you really think the best way that you can help the precious proletariat of the global south is to sit comfortably up north and post about your disgust for the lower classes of the northern countries, then... OK I guess? Whatever makes you happy. Know that you aren't actually effecting any change.

>> No.18897276

Despite your larping, I'd advise you against going down the route of normalising this sort of language, brother. Believe me, it will not help you in life. Take it from someone who was a radical for their entire early life.

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster."

>> No.18897280
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>Its larp
That's all you can see when everyone else sees America's late stage capitalism is swirling down the drain. The fall of Kabul is the America's sacking of rome, one of the many clear marker of America's endless decline. Your empire is dying, with COVID and rapid hyperinflation. Your time in the sun is lat its limit.
The world will stop being a shit hole when America, and his white labor aristocracy disappears, and its happening sooner than you think.

>> No.18897283

>You only care about immigration because you're mad they're taking away the wealthy you only have because of imperialism.

Did it ever occur to you that capitalists actually love immigration because it means they get a surplus of cheap labour they can exploit?

>> No.18897286

The most low-IQ act imaginable is ending a declarative statement with a question mark. It not only makes you look petty, it makes you look like a fucking moron. Please go back.

>> No.18897289
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>working class

>> No.18897291

>The world will stop being a shit hole when America, and his white labor aristocracy disappears,
You dumbasses actually think this lmfao
>the mean white man is casting evil spells that make our countries suck
Fucking kek

>> No.18897292

God I love those fucking chinks. Any leftist who disparages them is dead to me. Which, fortunately, means nearly the entire group. Fuck I hate leftists.

>> No.18897301

My friend, I am not defending America. I am criticising your simplistic outlook. And America is not in it'ss late Imperial stage. You should read Spengler if you're so keen on these comparisons with Rome. The America that is crumbling is the Republic. Empire comes after that. You aren't seeing the fall of America, you're jumping the gun.
Here, read this. This guy might be your cup of tea: https://darkanchorite.wordpress.com/2021/06/18/the-decline-of-the-american-republic/

>> No.18897305

I thought the "White Replacement Theory" was a neo-nazi conspiracy theory?

>> No.18897308

I thought Marx and Engels stated the revolution had to occur in the industrial center of the world (which to some people might be seen as the USA)

>> No.18897309
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Based and Cicero-pilled.

>> No.18897311

>The middle aged woman working a minimum wage job at Walmart is not a colonizer, however much she might benefit from the extraction of wealth
You just contradicted yourself. How stupid do you think indigenous people are when you argue that you, a white labor aristocrat, isn't a leech when your job, and your resources, are only possible from imperialism? Of course that bitch is a colonizer. She is only here at the grace of mass displacement and genocide. You clearly are a member of the labor aristocracy, so, of course will go through all the lengths to defend such things. You know your system is unjust, and all you can do is making excuses.
>you aren't actually effecting any
What is this idealism - you fucking retard. Change doesn't happen at the result of single, atomized individuals you cracker. It happens from the mass disruptions from the lorded masses. When the masses riot, when burn all that fucking shit heap to the ground - then they're making difference. They're worthless if their own goal is to make their imperialistic life style more comfy at the expense of others. America, you, and every fucking rat like you should burn.

>> No.18897313

>The nonwhite's conception of positive change is burning stuff down
This is why your country is terrible lmao

>> No.18897314

The United States are far less industrial than they were 50 years ago. The major centers of industry these days are in Asia and third-world countries, where labor to work industrial machinery and production lines is much cheaper than it is in the United States.

>> No.18897315

Whites are dying from obesity and opium overdoses from the excesses of their unproductive industries isn't white replacement. Its just reaping what you sow.

>> No.18897316
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>White birth rates are falling

...who wants to tell him?

>> No.18897324

Yes, when America burns. When America is brought to its knees; the lives of people in the global south get better. So, yes, absolutely.

>> No.18897325

That's hella racist. Most obesity issues and related deaths are in the BIPOC community

>> No.18897327

More boomers are the last thing we need tbqh

>> No.18897332

>Yes, when America burns. When America is brought to its knees; the lives of people in the global south get better. So, yes, absolutely
This is the writing of someone who is larping on the internet. Come on, stop wasting your time making a fool of yourself, kid and fucking do something with your life.

>> No.18897333

It will not get better, you cant run away from yourself. It will probably get worse lel

>> No.18897334

BIPOC Americans are a part of the labor aristocracy. They live off of it through integration. Fuck them too.

>> No.18897340

kek, I really pushed one of your buttons, didn't I? Chill out anon; if you aren't going to be taking to the streets, then getting worked up on an online imageboard isn't going to accomplish anything.

FWIW, my job and my life don't depend on the import of goods from other places. Though I'm a relatively unique case (work in local government and have a relatively self-sufficient home, garden, etc so I don't need to actually buy all that much in the first place).

>> No.18897355
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I mean it's better than nothing, most people who cry about politics (especially on this website) can't be asked to do anything about it, let alone try to convince people to their ideology with actual arguments instead of strawmans and wojaks

>> No.18897356

>FWIW, my job and my life don't depend on the import of goods from other places. Though I'm a relatively unique case (work in local government and have a relatively self-sufficient home, garden, etc so I don't need to actually buy all that much in the first place).
Bull fucking shit. You live on colonized land. All the commodities you get are produced in colonized countries in Latin America and Africa. You aren't "self sufficient" if you live off colonized land and colonized resources. You're a parasite, and your "self sufficient" is just lukeworm green imperialism. Its another way for you save face, and pretend you're actually doing something meaningful while preventing radical action from happening.

>> No.18897361

There's only one person here who is pretending that he's doing something meaningful, anon. And it isn't me.

Good luck to you.

>> No.18897365

Literally all land is colonized. Your country is unpleasant because its people are not because of yt. You're a parasite too, just a dumber one

>> No.18897374

>Makes people in the global south work longer, and in worserer living conditions at the expense of your life style
>I'm making a difference!
You're only hurting the victims of your actions, and you have the fucking audacity to pretend you're the harmed party when you're continuing the fucking harm in the first place. If there's a hell, all you labor aristocrats should burn there forever.

>> No.18897394

Wrong, the American government broke hundreds of Native American treaties. You, again, like all colonizers, will continue to lie, and white wash your genocides. That's why nobody should bother helping the "workers" in your country. They're all parasitical settlers destroying the lands indigenous people roamed, and kept sustainable, for decades at the expense of your own fucking greed. You're a shameless fucking piece of shit.

>> No.18897402

Stop crying because your ethnicity is low iq and blaming it on white people, its honestly pathetic

>> No.18897413

Stop crying because your shit hole country is collapsing, and your life standards aren't going up while your president is a pedophile. Nobody respects you fucking losers anymore. The only silver lining here is that you will suffer slowly as your empire slowly descends into madness, cracker. Talk some more shit - I don't care. I already see the writing on the wall for America.

>> No.18897420

You are delusional, friend.
>You're only hurting the victims of your actions,
What actions? Growing my own food? Working for local government? Buying most of the things I don't make myself from local craftsmen?
>and you have the fucking audacity to pretend you're the harmed party
I'm not being harmed by anyone or anything
>when you're continuing the fucking harm in the first place.
I'm not doing harming anyone either
>If there's a hell, all you labor aristocrats should burn there forever.
OK. Thanks anon. See you there.

>> No.18897422

Yeah I know all you guys can do is hope other people also suck instead of just building something yourself

>> No.18897428

Joe Hill would be proud

>> No.18897431

>Working for local government?
You're already a member of the government that does imperialism. How fucking stupid are you? You literally serve machine doing the exploitation and the murders
>Buying most of the things I don't make myself from local craftsmen?
Your "local craftsmen" who buys his resources from colonized countries, and uses resources he could only have access to as the result of colonialism is his government.

>> No.18897438

>muh colonialism


>> No.18897441
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They did build empires, but they were colonized by you labor aristocrats. And anytime they build it again - they get invaded by you. You're a worm.

>> No.18897481

Because the Ideological State Apparatus made her that way she has little to no agency or even human nature outside of the structure she was born into.

>> No.18897488

Do you even know what SASAC is?

>> No.18897497

Althusser was a fake maoist academic who also served the same aristocracy. His theories are just apologetics for them.

>> No.18897503

Did you just read that book Red Savages white Ppl Bad or wtf it is called lol and nothing else?

>> No.18897528

But the white Walmart worker certainly isn't free she must sell her labour power, and the superstructure created out of this process to sell that labour produces her as part of a labour regime. It's not a debate, it is a process that happens every second.

>> No.18897566

Working class doesn't exist anymore.
Half of them don't even work and they're certainly not the power block they used to be.

>> No.18897568

Marx & Engels were controlled opposition. They were bourgeoisie and aristocrats.

>> No.18897580

>You're already a member of the government that does imperialism. How fucking stupid are you? You literally serve machine doing the exploitation and the murders
You must not realize that there are different types of government, and local government (i.e. municipal government; the government of a town) is not fielding armies or sending out colonizers or exploiting far away people. It is instead building and maintaining roads, parks, water and sewer systems, and regulating local planning and development.

>Your "local craftsmen" who buys his resources from colonized countries, and uses resources he could only have access to as the result of colonialism is his government.
My local woodworker isn't importing his lumber from third-world countries; neither is my local lumbermill (though I suppose they might have some canadian lumber on hand). My local potter isn't importing his clay from foreign countries. The biggest area where I use imported goods is technology (my computers, which I upgrade once ever 5 years or so), and transportation (my car, which I replace somewhere around once every 10-15 years).

But whatever; I think you must just want to hate on any and all Americans/Europeans/westerners regardless of their circumstances. Which is well enough, I guess. I just don't find it particularly productive. YMMV.

>> No.18897590

Slaves don’t often dream of the Underground Railroad or John Brown. They dream of sleeping in the big house and bossing massa’s field hands. A lifelong slave struggles to conceive of freedom.

>> No.18897599

>controlled opposition.
You clearly don't understand what that means

>> No.18897626
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it's what bakunin accused marx of as well

>> No.18897632

Arent they both suffering under global capitalism? Don’t they both benefit from its end? It’s sounds pretty bourgeois to put the poor against each other.

>> No.18897647

I can't take leftists seriously anymore. Even the ones I considered "intelligent", like the Third-Worldists or the Maoists, have turned out to be beyond retarded, as evidenced by this thread. The only group of lefties with serious ideas and policies worth considering are the European social democrats, and I think most leftists consider them to be too moderate. It is what it is. At least they have good aesthetics.

>> No.18897680
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> Empire
> Full of jews
You should read more about Roman history anon...

>> No.18897686

>it’s all a matter of waiting
Gee, “scientific” socialists sure treat the revolution like biblical prophecy.

>> No.18897694

>The only group of lefties with serious ideas and policies worth considering are the European social democrats
you mean the neolibs in disguise that vouch for mass immigration, cia-sponsored imperialism and idpol but with better healthcare? Yeah no wonder you can't take leftists seriously, you're a bugman.

>> No.18897705

Yikes, spicy take but low-key based!

>> No.18897715

They have actual policies and power, unlike the leftists I see online who are totally powerless and reduced to fantasizing about the "totally imminent, 100% going-to-happen" collapse of the West and the global capitalist economy.

>> No.18897788

>How stupid do you think indigenous people are
You would be absolutely flabbergasted if you knew how stupid they are

>> No.18897792

>antagonizes white working class in favor of spics and niggers
>turns "class" conflict into race war
/pol/ was right...

>> No.18897870

You're the one making it a binary

>> No.18897890

Every left thread on lit after 2017 glows so bright its horrible. I guess its the same in the right wing threads, but its just sad to see.

>> No.18897909

What's the glow itt? The leftist is clearly stating what they believe. Just because you don't like that he's anti-White doesn't make him a glowie. It's refreshing, honestly, to see leftists reveal their true colors.

>> No.18897915

i cant wait until the chinese take over and force their hivesystem on the world. that way we wont have to listen to your ridiculous ideas about bipoc solidarity and educated masses anymore. and i say that unironically, at least the chinese system works compared to capitalism and whaever it is that niggers like you think socialism is.

>> No.18897968

Marx and Engels were literally controlled opposition. Socialism is productivist non-sense used by white settlers to justify primitive capital accumulation under an extractivist government on colonized land to fund social democratic policies at the expense of the global south and indigenous, cultural genocide.
The chinese are just as guilt as the Americans because they flood their degenerate empire with the cheap labor, and commodities, it needs to keep the machine going by keeping the labor aristocracy happy enough not to rebel and to maintain the status quo. Indigenous blood is on their hands just as much as yours.

>> No.18897979

Nice reply

Also anyone in this thread that can't do class solidarity with whites is some 2016 intersectionality and should read some Xi

>> No.18897993

>just as guilty
you unironically believe someone gives a fuck about your morality?

>> No.18898014

>I can't be a leftist because giving up US Imperialism and being a labor aristocracy is such a big deal for me
You were never a leftist. You're just an opportunist who doesn't read theory, and were radicalized by shitty facebook memes. You've never read theory, or do anything advance the interests of oppressed peoples. Politics is just a hobby for you because an aristocrat who've life was never at risk; your entire identity was always just virtual signaling non-sense you got from vaush.

>> No.18898024

I know you don't give a fuck about my morality. You, like all labor aristocrats, are just selfish parasites. I'm just exposing you because I have principles, and the intransigence, to call you out on your revisionism and virtual signaling non-sense. Fuck you.

>> No.18898028


>> No.18898038

>labor aristocrat
lmao, thats like saying anti white kkk

>> No.18898059

>Doesn't like America
>Doesn't like China
ngl bro you are gonna be pretty miserable, because one of those powers is going to dominate your country for centuries to come.

>> No.18898071

America and China are gearing up for a World War. Its only matter of time until the Chinese turn on their American masters, and a new face is painted on the land with their blood.

>> No.18898080

no, there will not be any wars, because USA is main client of China and the risk of nuclear weapons will fend off any thought about all out war. At most, you will get something similar to cold war.

>> No.18898090
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The public is generally quite ignorant

>> No.18898106

>China is just going let America's empire to keep going
>Completely ignoring the military build up happening right now between both countries
Hahaha, you fucking labor aristocrats say the wildest things. Enjoy hell.

>> No.18898112

you will never be white

>> No.18898302

the left is divided into two groups, nowadays
>power hungry sociopaths
>hedonist degenerates
in a permanent cycle of
>getting more power

>> No.18898364

This level of delusion is pretty funny. Here's the reality: there will be no war. America will find itself forced into a more localized sphere of influence, and China will assert their own sphere. Either way, you will continue under the "imperialism" you whine about, whether at the hands of an American or a Chinese. Frankly, the only way to avoid this cycle is to develop power of your own, and that's hard. Much harder than fantasizing about nuclear war and revenge, at least.

>> No.18898395

Whatever you say Chamberlain

>> No.18898432

Like I said, if you're reduced to daydreaming about a nuclear war as the only way you can see your nation escaping its current situation, then perhaps it's time to look into other ideologies and policies. You won't listen to me, but trust me: it'll get your nation closer to prosperity than seething at the Americans and Chinese on 4channel will.

>> No.18898439

you guys do know academia is trying their hardest to enroll the lowest strata of society right?

i mean middle class has a few subclasses.
but everyone in the lower class gets lumped in with all the other untouchables and unwashed heathens.

like the people getting lit degrees in thd latter part of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century where children of farmers, coal miners, mill wrights , and convicts.

this is indoctrination literature.
its the academics version of the religious pamplet.
its a very interesting counter measure against socialism and communism.
take the children of the working class and turn them into bureaucrats that hate their father.
fucking genius if you ask me.
all under the guise of persuit of truth and knowledge.

>> No.18898454

You do know how much racism fucks up any class based action, the working class is both black and white and racism and the the like must be abolished for class consciousness to flourish

>> No.18898459

As a plus they all end up as debt slaves. And now all education is being reduced as an a training course to get you a degree that makes you a pretentious debt slave.

>> No.18898461

>racist white supremacists
these people are mainly the petty bourgeoisie, not the working class

>> No.18898476

Massive cope. It's not a racial thing, the working class tends to be quite racist, regardless of them being white/black/whatever.

>> No.18898484

we get it you watch jason unruhe

>> No.18898505

true but racism, in newer forms, are trendy again among the learned. workingclass racism is inconsequential. ethnic inwardness of immigrants is a much bigger barrier.

>> No.18898509

Does anyone think the working class will actually read?

>> No.18898514

please read something other than settlers

>> No.18898522

Sakaists are raiding this thread.

>> No.18898755

there´s nothing to glow, lefties are CIA bitches since the 70s

>> No.18898809

racism is the vernacular of the working class.
its just bantz and neologisms.
calling someone a nigger/wop/deigo/kike etc...
is more an expression of disgust and dissapointment than they are of actual hate.
lefties have a hard time with this becuase their borderline brains assume that when their feefees get hurt it must be becuase of an adversarial hatred.
the right has borderline people into too no doubt, but they are more concerned with communism and the devil.

colleges are just adult foster homes.
old folks homes znd assisted living for cunts who still need to learn to cook and clean fir themselves instead of having mommy and daddy dote on them all the time.
and they fail miserably becuase all the kids moving back in with their parents after they graduate.

>> No.18898863

imagine being this socially handicapped and friendless - people who are in the petit bourgeoisie are too scared of losing what they got to even think racist thoughts. They're the people that are at constant risk of becoming declassé and the ones under constant scrutiny by HR managers. Actual working class people can be employed in a machine shop where the supervisor makes racist jokes at lunch and no one is afraid to laugh.

>> No.18898901

There are no working class people in America or Europe - they're all members of a labor aristocracy propped up by NATO and the World Bank. Workers don't have it hard it developed countries. All the exploitation they faced was just imported south of the equator to pay for their welfare schemes.

>> No.18898915

LMFAO I honestly didn't think MTW people still existed, I thought you were all 60+ years old doddering retards by now

>> No.18899213

fucking kek
im literally venezuelan and youre a fucking retard

>> No.18899232

What did Maduro - nationalize your plantation, gusano?

>> No.18899432

No. He's right about academia and you are a little bitch

>> No.18899463

This is impressively retarded. The working class in the US has beed shit on, abused, lied to, replaced with immigrants, offshored, deunionized and systematically dismantled as a political force for the last 40 years by the globalist class aka imperialism of high finance. And I say this as someone who is not a leftcuck.

>> No.18899467

No, the proletariat is inherently non-political.

>> No.18899494

>Why should I feel sorry for some white, fat bitch who's gluttony is the result of imperialism at the expense workers in the global south who die prematurely due to the exploitative working conditions your consumption puts them in?
She has no control over the system you lying jew. She's not the one making the decisions to exploit whatever poor brown country you pretend to care about in order to weaponize your argument.

>> No.18899516

>It’s sounds pretty bourgeois to put the poor against each other.
That's exactly what that jew is doing and he picked the poor white person to blame over the poor brown person because of his jewish genetic envy and jealous rage towards white people.

>> No.18899568

You must have a really weird definition of abuse if you think its "abuse" to get government pensions, 41Ks, healthcare, and vacations with constant pay raises and work place protections. That "abuse" only happens in the imperial core where you aristocratic leeches live. Try trying to a work in Venezuela, or Mexico, how "abusive" it is to work at Walmart with free air conditioning and lunch breaks. You really don't know how hard it is.
A parasite that isn't self aware is still parasite. I don't want hear this crap about poor ol' whitey. Your actions still cause suffering regardless of the fact, and that makes you culpable. Silence is consent.

>> No.18899579

Lol the people that coined the term privatization are socialists?

>> No.18899585

You and that cracker are literally a part of the same financial class though. You reap the soils of it.

>> No.18899632

>Ass-blasted Third World (I'm guessing LatAm) lefty /pol/ack and offended /leftypol/ leftists going at it
Most entertaining thread on the board by far rn

>> No.18899820


>You must have a really weird definition of abuse if you think its "abuse" to get government pensions, 41Ks, healthcare, and vacations with constant pay raises and work place protections. That "abuse" only happens in the imperial core where you aristocratic leeches live. Try trying to a work in Venezuela, or Mexico, how "abusive" it is to work at Walmart with free air conditioning and lunch breaks. You really don't know how hard it is.
This is a massive strawman argument on multiple levels. You are not arguing in good faith. All those "benefits" you list do not make up for stagnated real wages since the 1970s. All those "benefits" are not dependent on imperialism in any sense. Just because the globalist class rapes and pillages everyone, including its "own people", doesn't mean that the few scraps someone benefits from this system makes them culpable or could only be supported by this system.

>constant pay raises
Lol no. Like I said above real wages have stagnated for 40 years. This issue is finally making its way into public discourse. You are either an idiot (ignorant) or a jew (lying) or both.

>Try trying to a work in Venezuela, or Mexico
You are all strawman. No doubt working conditions are worse there although their culture and family cores are still intact to a greater degree than in the US. If given a vote 40 or 50 years ago to offshore labor no one in the work class America would have voted for this. How are you this fucken hateful and retarded?

>A parasite that isn't self aware is still parasite. I don't want hear this crap about poor ol' whitey. Your actions still cause suffering regardless of the fact, and that makes you culpable. Silence is consent.
You hate white people because you can't live without them. You need white people to parasite off of. White people don't need you. Keep hating though, your doing a great job waking everybody up.

>Your actions still cause suffering regardless of the fact, and that makes you culpable. Silence is consent.
More strawmanning. So even though you and I are in agreement that the Globohomo is pure evil I'm somehow problem where as you are not lol?

>poor ol' whitey. Your actions still cause suffering regardless of the fact, and that makes you culpable. Silence is consent.
Blaming white people because you feel inferior instead of addressing the real problems is a form of silence (silencing the real problems). Also the irony of blaming white people for everything, while half the world risks life and limb to live near them, along with the implicit racism that only white people have agency is hilarious, I mean this literally makes me lol.

>> No.18899848

>You and that cracker are literally a part of the same financial class though. You reap the soils of it.
So are you. I guess all people, working class whites, Latinos, blacks, suffering under Leftwing Neoliberal Zionist Globohomo Athoritarian NWO are to blame, amirite?

Samefag, try harder Chiam

>> No.18899882

I agree, very amusing

>> No.18900155

>This is a massive strawman argument on multiple levels. You are not arguing in good faith.
No its fucking not. You're just going to hand wave legitimate problems because its too hard of a pill for you to swallow. I hold no punches back - you're a parasite.
> Like I said above real wages have stagnated for 40 years.
They've stagnated even more for people in global south, the people you leech off of - fuck off with this petty shit. Its always about you, and never about anyone else who suffers because of you. You're a rat.
>o one in the work class America would have voted for this
But they fucking did though - they voted for NAFTA, support imperialist unions like the AFL-CIA and the two party system that holds it together. You idiots just compete for what flavor of the boot you want to put us under.
>You hate white people because you can't live without them.
Trust me, cracker, the global south had empires before the colonizers showed up. Again, you're showing your arrogance and your privileged life style. All you can do is dehumanize the people you've destroyed because it justifies your soul crushing exploitation and genocidal imperialism. You're a fucking animal.
> Globohomo is pure evil I'm somehow problem where as you are not lol?
You're on the same side as them, and you're controlled opposition. You're the right-wing of the labor aristocracy. You're no different than the left-wing of woketards with their pink imperialism - you just play the same script with the different names. Your just flip the R instead of the D. Filthy fucking degenerate.
>Blaming white people because you feel inferior
I blame all of you labor aristocrats and parasites because you continue to do the damage that you do, and you want people to feel sorry for you - as if your life is "hard." Your life was never hard - you white trashy fuck. The global south doesn't even have a single percent of what you have, and you have the fucking audacity to cry how hard your life is compared to people who don't have running water because your corporations privatized and took everything from them, including their culture, and crushed it into cheap commodities on sweatshop assembly lines. You fucking rats can't die fast enough, honestly.
BIPOC in the global north are still labor aristocrats because they've integrated into the system after the civil rights movement. Fuck them and fuck you too

>> No.18900182
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>> No.18900193

Bitch misspelled “interpellated.” Into the trash it goes

>> No.18900353

>support imperialist unions like the AFL-CIA and the two party system that holds it together.
LMAO this is literally the scene from Whit Stillman's Barcelona where the egotistical anti-american Spanish asshole tries to drop knowledge on his American interlocutors but is instead revealed to be fundamentally ignorant of basic facts. Got a nice chuckle out of me anon, so thanks. I going to go watch a Chris Eigemam movie now. See you in a bit.

>> No.18900410

>Gonna go be a decadent. hedonistic member of the labor aristocracy - see you in a bit
Best if you don't come back, and just choke on your hungryman TV dinner, mutt

>> No.18900690

You are one angry castizo lol

>> No.18900707

The majority of Americans living below the poverty line are white. They just don't the same kind of sympathetic press....for some reason.

>> No.18900778

It's prolly a white or jewish guy tho

>> No.18900816

Ha! This post is awesome

>> No.18900852

>while doing everything materially to distance themselves from people they actively and reflexively call “white trash,” “inbred rednecks,” and “racist white supremacists”.

This always seemed odd to me, how they're always the first ones to throw the actual working class under the bus for not being good little urbanite bourgeoisie like them while revolving everything around the causes of the working class on paper.

>> No.18901033

Leftism is 100% fake and gay at this point. It's been taken over by Globohomo and is not used as a weapon or religion to bludgeon non believers.

>> No.18901038

>and is not used
and is NOW used

>> No.18901039

that's not his decision, that's just communism 101, the useful idiot instantly become ennemy of the marxist state as soon as it is established without even him realizing, they are all cleaned up before they become an actual threat.

>> No.18901127

The ruling class would never let a first-world nation fall into the hands of a coordinated revolutionary movement. They'll coopt every avenue of progress and drag it into status quo centrism until the entire social order implodes into anarchy because that's far less likely to compromise the stability of their other assets.

>> No.18901163

this is a reminder to all that it's very easy to be saved from hell and get to heaven. if you want to receive God's free gift of everlasting life and be 100% sure of going to heaven, watch this gospel video.

it's easy to be saved so don't miss out /lit/


>> No.18901189

why on earth would you put the word "melancholia" in the title of a book "for the working class" rather than something like "sadness"??

>> No.18901201

Do you think working class people just don't have the mental faculty to read or something?

>> No.18901210

kill self

>> No.18901305

beautiful, I hope they're mostly white.

>> No.18901446

lmao this

>> No.18901524

>durr lower class is too dumb to understand melancholy
It’s not the 1800’s anymore

>> No.18902034

I am of the working class and I know what melancholia is. But having a shitty slav university education I suppose I am too smart to be "average working class" But guess what?Even fellow workers with only elementary education know that!

>> No.18902110

Don't bother mate.

1) None of them have bothered with the traditions of our (their own) class in a serious manner, neither revolutionary nor accomodationalist

2) None of them have been to a University. They aspire to second year shite. Which is spoon fed to them. None of them have ever engaged in competitive drinking games about the bases of the humanities, or played "the chase" with a woman worthy of it.

3) Marx was written for, and read by, ordinary workers as you well know; as was Engels. Workers self-education societies used to be the core of the movement.

4) Want to fuck? After we get that done we can debate a major point of human culture. Your choice if you're buying the alcohol.

>> No.18902273

why not simply remove the problem of racial divisions by having a homogeneous working class instead of trying to shoehorn in every niche wedge issue you can come up with in order to re-write human nature and manufacture the perfect "tolerant" community?

>> No.18902285

>Never heard of 'em

>> No.18902287

What an offensively stupid title.
I'd never read it based on that alone.

>> No.18902297

White liberals have particularly toxic hatred for working class whites.
It ties into their belief system about white privilege.
In their mind, if you are a poor white, it means you failed even despite having massive privilege, so the only explanation must be that you're just a completely worthless piece of shit.
They'd never even consider questioning the premise upon which all that contempt rests.

>> No.18902305

They're dumb and uneducated and thus can be easily manipulated and mobilized for your revenge fantasy against [insert villain scapegoat]

>> No.18902354

This is the state of typical leftists in 2021.
They all use class language and socialist terminology to mask their racialism. This guy doesn't give one shit about the working class or economic well-being, he just cares about his racial revenge fantasy but is too much of a pussy to call it what it is. The more he posts and more he seethes the more it comes out though.

>> No.18902365

there's nothing based about a stinking favela monkey. there's probably flies swarming around his head at this very moment.

>> No.18902369

Yeah that's going to reverse the falling birth rates in all developing countries for sure

>> No.18902376

Yet Democrats are not the ones who want to cut the safety net

>> No.18902440

No they just want to appropriate funds based on disproportionate racial quotas to "address historic discrimination."
They don't want to cut the safety net, they want to adapt it into a racial net that catches the child-like BIPOCs while letting the whites fall through.

>> No.18902457

Maybe in the world of twitter culturewars autism.
In the real world it goes like this: Democrats want a safety net. Republicans don't.

>> No.18902469

Why not just tell them to read the Bible? At least that will actually give them hope and make them feel better about being on the bottom of society.

>> No.18902476

Not twitter, actual policy.
Just off the top of my head there was the Biden administration's swiftly infamous farm bill that was already struck down for being unconstitutional.
Of course the white farmers who sued were roundly criticized in the press for being racist hicks.
The fact that it was struck down is small consolation. It certainly wasn't for Democrats' lack of trying. I'm sure their next attempt will be more refined.
There was also the monthly payments in Oakland to poor families - only whites were ineligible to apply. I believe Baltimore did something similar.
For someone who seems to subscribe to the team sports approach to politics you seem woefully unaware of what your side is up to.
Most Democrats don't even bother trying to deny the preferential racialism they have nowadays, they just spend their time designing arguments in favor of it. Your party is leaving you behind, you need to update your programming.

>> No.18902515

None of the points you made contradict the points I made. The Democrats want a safety net for everyone and special privileges for minorities. The Republicans want no safety net and no special privileges. You are still better off with the Democrats if you are a poor white, you are just doubly better off if you are a minority.

>> No.18902522


>> No.18902534

Have to admit your type and Lenin are the only type of commie I have respect for

>> No.18902543

Lenin neither advovcated killing academics first nor killed academics first.

He killed lib com hist mat prole revolutionaries engaged in praxis first.

>> No.18902557

>Lenin neither advovcated killing academics first nor killed academics first.

>> No.18902565

Go on, cite cunt. Cite and quote with marxists.org

Do it cunt.

I'm a fucking autie, and I know Lenin didn't do that first.

>> No.18902587

Academics get the rope.

>> No.18902673

>engaged in praxis
Can we use big-boy words, please? "Praxis" is essentially asemic at this point. What are you even trying to say?
I hope the dude doing the Sakai screeding is a teenager. It would be incredibly sad for an actual adult to have the composite personality of a middle-schooler, even anonymously.

>> No.18903075

t. future Philosopher's Ship passenger

>> No.18903096

>I hope the dude doing the Sakai screeding is a teenager. It would be incredibly sad for an actual adult to have the composite personality of a middle-schooler, even anonymously.
Almost surely a Pajeeta, imo - they tend to be the worst offenders with this sort of rhetoric.

>> No.18903119

You should know what "praxis" means since its just short for "I'm actually doing controlled opposition while serving the labor aristocracy." Higher wages for workers in the west means higher exploitation in the south.
Aristocrats care so much about the race, with the IDPOL non-sense, never about the principle. All you have is just your surburanite idealism.

>> No.18903152

I'm not a leftist Pooja. Just noticing realities.

>> No.18903318

>Higher wages for workers in the west means higher exploitation in the south.
Not if they're combined with heavy import tariffs and bans on various imports. Gee... I wonder where we've seen policies like that coming from before...

>> No.18903353

You are not a marxist

>> No.18903369

Whites are dying from obesity and opium overdoses

You have misspelled "niggers" there. You are welcome.

>> No.18903382

Add bombing their own """"citizens"""" in Puerto Rico.

>> No.18903431

They did build empires, but they were colonized by you labor aristocrats.

How could they have built empires without subjugation of others? In other words they were losers that got conquered by superior people.

>> No.18903479

Do the leftists here think that those groups of leftists that get amplified to the public by mass media and key figures are all handpicked by the FBI to sow division and infighting among the 95% as much as possible? It's either that or you guys are complete retards, since you don't ever get deplatformed and no government or three letter agency sees you as a threat it has to be a combination of both

>> No.18903523

Third worldist and settler leftists basically do the far rights job for them. What absolute loonies

>> No.18903942

because they do all the work

>> No.18903957

that's not a distinct class in itself. if they're working for a wage upon which to live they're working class. if they're in the job because they're a ex-executive of one company doing some regulatory capture before moving on to another corporate board they're not

>> No.18903972

>The fall of Kabul is the America's sacking of rome
probably the dumbest thing i've read all week

>> No.18904028

Not that guy but the whole Afganistan situation seems more like that time Crassus tried to conquer the Parthians and got killed.

>> No.18905191

Isn't the plural of lefty 'lefties' and not 'lefty's' ?

>> No.18905562

>You also have to accept that imperial powers (like Rome) will exist and do exist. It's cruel what they do yes, but guess what- the world isn't a fucking hugbox. Bad things happen, nations war and prey on each other
Yup exactly my issue. It's not always good to smash an exploitative structure. I've never seen anti-colonialists adequately respond to the reality that if one Empire recedes another just takes its place. If America withdrew from the world stage other just as if not more exploitative superpowers like China would just fill the vacuum. How do can we know that destroying an Empire won't end up hurting the very people who are exploited? Or take the example of a corrupt strongman that provide stability. In Afghanistan there was one very corrupt warlord that got ousted in the 2000s & the result was the region was plunged into chaos.

>> No.18905603

So it would be better if those people in developing countries had no jobs? If we all stopped buying products from developing nations we'd likely just cripple their economy. Man you are dense.

>> No.18905626

Muh perfect pure indians.

>> No.18905644

You commies sure are neurotic. Everything is always "controlles opposition" or "psyops". Do you also wear tinfoil to bed?

>> No.18905649

The US's goal was to spend as much money as possible so that government-adjacent industries could siphon it off - I don't think there's really a good analogy with Rome.

Third Worldists are mostly resentful at their countries' lack of success - note that Third Worldism is comparatively dead in societies that have actually grown after rollback of Western empires, and more prominent in societies that have somehow gotten worse.

>> No.18905685

>why not simply remove the problem of racial divisions by having a homogeneous working class
because that isn't how the working class is in the USA. We can't change it.

>> No.18905688

>they all end up as debt slaves
Maybe don't go into debt then & go to a college you can afford?

>> No.18905693

Because we need more bodies to pay for the Working Class's pension system and the only places they are making more bodies are in far-flung corners of the earth.

>> No.18905698
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>because that isn't how the working class is in the USA. We can't change it.

>> No.18906174

no self-respecting communist would exclude whites from class solidarity and pertain to intersectional social fascism™; only "left"-liberals

>> No.18906552

They do the shit work no one wants to do but progress comes from actually intelligent people.

>> No.18906575

>Property rights are secure, unless the state arbitrarily rescinds them with no alternative recourse!

>> No.18906583



>> No.18906602

Social fascism is every thing the "left" does in the west. Labor aristocracy simps aren't workers or communists - they're leeches

>> No.18906613


>> No.18906614

If I as a white man move to your gay country and get the same job as you do i become a RealProleTM

>> No.18906618

This is why modern leftism makes me wanna eat a fucking bullet. You also need racists, transphobes, MAGAs etc. Because its fucking class solidarity, not only people who i want in my delusional utopia solidarity. Current leftism is a non-starter and I wish I could have hope that someday the most basic fucking tenant of what Marx preaches, class consciousness and solidarity, could actually be practiced.

>> No.18906869

He's right though, anon. The Third Reich was aiming for a socialist economy, in such the interests of the state were the ones that industry pursued. It was largely with soft(ish) power, and it wasn't all g Marxist lines, but it was nevertheless not capitalist.

>> No.18906990
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>communists are STILL trying to have their way after a century of failure
are they the modern-day early christians??

>> No.18907025

Well, the early Christians won in the end, so I wouldn’t say the communists are like them

>> No.18907840

China is marxist like the USA is capitalist (except china is way better at capitalism the failing usa)

>> No.18907860

communism hasn't ended yet, though

>> No.18907924

>both black and white and racism and the the like must be abolished for class consciousness to flourish
the far more simple solution to allow class consciousness to flourish is to simply stop flooding the western world with migrants, the current system of a global, interconnected supply of cheap nonwhite workers to perpetually supress wages in the west and continually brain drain the third world is a capitalists wet dream
anyone leftists that support this system are unironic class traitors or have rose tinted glasses glued to their face