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18891491 No.18891491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Men grind and grift for prime pussy

>> No.18891534

Is this Patterson's desert sex lair?

>> No.18891547

>tfw you realize there's no prime pussy left because all women are whores giving it away to dime a dozen wannabe rappers and drug dealers

I never thought the pussy bank would go bankrupt but there's simply no good pussy left, all pristine unused pussy is gone and we're all just sharing eachother's filthy leftovers

>> No.18891553

My obaries are hoppping xddddddd

Take your dusty ovaries and shove them up your ass. You should have called Jada and told her to be my gf when I ordered you to.

>> No.18891600

That’s what you get for being incel in high school, no chance of scoring untouched roast later on. I banged my 16 yo gf back then, ate out two others and fingered like 6 or 7 - literally none of them were virgins at 16-17 yo.

>> No.18891605

Lol excuse me?

>> No.18891638

Not him but I started having sex at 15 and even then the girls were massive whores. I can't even imagine the incalculable amount of dick a girl my current age has taken, you've gotta measure that shit in Earth's complete revolutions around the Sun

>> No.18891645

Kek, correct

>> No.18891653

Stop being sexist SCUM.

>> No.18891657


>> No.18891662

Me an intellectual instead lift for boypussy

>> No.18891666

I dunno anon it's not really sexism more like disgust for the absolute bottom of moral and human degeneracy. My disgust for the behavior of Western women transcends gender.

>> No.18891675

why cuck? I'm not dating anymore lol I'm not gonna date anyone whose body count I can only fathom with help from Texas Instruments

>> No.18891677
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>he thinks chinks, latinas? and other non-western women aren't whores
Why are whitefriends so naive

>> No.18891684

>>tfw you realize there's no prime pussy left because all women are whores giving it away to dime a dozen wannabe rappers and drug dealers
Become a wannabe rapper then and stop crying.
If you're on lit/ you might as well have sufficient poetic skills to be a rapper and make some nig-nog songs.
What you can do otherwise? Complain about the West? It is dead, let it rot.

Ride the tiger, nigga.
Fuck some pussy, bring some beer.
Stop wasting away hier.

>> No.18891685

are there any countries left where the women aren't disgusting?

>> No.18891689

Not a problem, you just have to go younger

>> No.18891712

>Not a problem, you just have to go younger
The problem is:
There's a legal limit to it. You don't wanna be a creep and go to jail. Most girls are already giving their pussy at 14, no fucks given.
At 20 they're already single moms, and that's what bothers me the most.

>> No.18891714

I saw an anon from the Philippines posting about the differences between Tinder in the United States and the Philippines. Long story short, he claimed most Flip women in the Tinder profiles talk about how they are looking for a husband and marriage, as opposed to the hookup culture in the West. Of course this might not imply Filipinas are more modest, but rather better at hiding things.

>> No.18891733

holy fucking kek

>> No.18891756

>I never thought the pussy bank would go bankrupt but there's simply no good pussy left, all pristine unused pussy is gone and we're all just sharing eachother's filthy leftovers
The thing is, after all these years of solitude after (or IF) you finally "make it" THAT will be your prize.
This is kinda disheartenning. What's the point of all this self-improvement bullshit if afterwhile you can't even find a "decent" wife?
This shit is the only things that really blackpills me. The idea that i'm wasting my youth away, "chasing the wind".
Then you can't even find a reasonable wife like in the good ol'times.
And you have missed out on so much of the formative experience in your teens. They know so much more than you about love and human relationships.
You're an eaasy prey.

>> No.18891780
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Ukrainian girls are the sweetest, most innocent women’s in the world, which unfortunately makes them a target for the Mafiya.

>> No.18891799

This. It was decided that last thread. Just go to Ukraine and marry a prostitute then fly back home. It's the only way to avoid marrying a whore.

>> No.18891811

>Ukrainian girls are the sweetest, most innocent women’s in the world, which unfortunately makes them a target for the Mafiya.
Oh sure, the "innocent" slavic whores.

>> No.18891826

Slavic women are the most immoral and shameless whores in the world.

t. Slav

>> No.18891984
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Ukrainian girls =/= Slavic/Russian girls
Ukrainian girls have lead hard lives harvesting the wheat fields. This has made them modest and kind, meanwhiles Russian girls are gold-diggers that live in Moscow, a world city, and go to nightclubs every night looking to hook up with some Russian oligarch.
The only Ukrainian “whores” you’ll ever meet are girls that were kidnapped and forced to sell their body by the Bratva, they would never do that of their own free will and hate doing it as victims.

>> No.18892160

You could raise your own.

>> No.18892180

>all these people crying over the fact that women aren't virgins in their mid-twenties
One of the many reasons that Chad is succesful is that he doesn't give a fuck about any of the gay shit in this thread.

>> No.18892194

what in the goddamn fuck are you talking about you retarded weeb
>Ukrainian girls have lead hard lives harvesting the wheat fields.
Ukraine is not 'wheat fields' and villages only
shit, even if we're talking about village girls, they move to city to study at uni at a bigger city to escape the shitty life
this applies to any country, really
>The only Ukrainian “whores” you’ll ever meet are girls that were kidnapped and forced to sell their body by the Bratva
open Tinder in Kyiv and you will see thousands of women with the same sexual openness as in any westerner country
even outside of Tinder, there's plenty of women at the bars and restaurants waiting specifically to be spotted by sugar daddies - not just in the capital

I know it's literally in your name, but you are a delusional cretin

t. hohol

>> No.18892197

>over the fact that women aren't virgins in their mid-twenties
It's not very Chad to use euphemisms, you know Mr. Chad? You know who else really loves to use euphemisms? They use colorful flags and think they're women, you're not one of those aren't you?

>> No.18892234

Looks wise I could be considered a chad, but I'm programmed to seek after decent girls and I can only have sex myself with girls that I have an romantic attraction for. I'm 25 and only fucked one girl that I loved. At times I get sad for not having an instinct of fucking around in me, because it does look fun, but in the end, I'm not complaining.

>> No.18892262

>>all these people crying over the fact that women aren't virgins in their mid-twenties
Why should you care if your future wife fucked the whole village, bro?
This is unrational.

>> No.18892358

Stay like that. The universe will reward you for it. Trust me.

>> No.18892446

so many larping incels itt lmao

>> No.18892456

>Stay like that.
Absolutely DON'T.
The contemporary world doesn't reward people like you. The girls will mock and pity you from behind (or even openly) for your lack of "life experience".
They will think you're a fool for your "rightouness".
Even the "decent" ones will think low of you for your unability to fuck around.
You're not gaining value for that.

>> No.18892494

Lol okay faggot. You're clearly still below 21

>> No.18892499


>> No.18892517

>Absolutely DON'T.
its not really a matter of choice. And I don't feel like I'm morally superior because of it. This kind of life is just not for me. If I find a similar girl (talking to one right now, but don have much hope) then its good, if not, whatever. Sex is very nice, but it is a bit overrated in our days.

>> No.18892521
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I hate the fact that this unironically triggers me. I managed to be normal in all aspects, except for this. I always had massive performance anxiety that made me terrified of having sex, and now I am a 21 year old virgin who has never touched a naked woman. I'm mostly mad because I feel like I missed out on a teenage experience that everyone can share and remember.

>> No.18892525

Based and blackpilled, there really is no hope in this degenerate society.

>> No.18892542

21 is young anon, just be honest about being sexually inexperienced, don't try to overcompensate in bed by being alpha or something, she'll see right thru it. As long as youre honest about your inexperience and see it as something you do together instead of something you do 'to her' she'll have a fun time.

>> No.18892562

It's too strong, bros. I'm ACTUALLY felling physically nauseated (no bullshit) FOR REAL.
I just opened one of these apps:
The bitches here are like 18 YEARS OLD!
They already have children and they're still searching for something whithout commitiment.
Do they really think this way of dealing with relationships is for their advantage?

Is this the power of liberated women?

How young you have to begin your sexual life in order to get them "in time"?

>> No.18892631

>I always had massive performance anxiety that made me terrified of having sex
To me it was fear of having children, I suppose.
But when I was fourteen, well, I still remember my whore friend talking about the size of cocks and whatnot. Everybody used to think we were in a relationship. And I like NOOoo-oo. She's just my dear friend, lad. It's EVIL to think about your female friend that way.
Foolish me.
Dumb fuck...

>> No.18892649

lol board exposed as virgin tier

>> No.18892659

Nobody cares about women in their twenties.

>> No.18892717

I don't care so much about being a virgin, moreso that they haven't been with a dozen men. It shows a habit of being able to stay in a consistent relationship and cheapens sex overall.

>> No.18892741

I'm not calling myself a Chad, i just never understood slut shaming. I love sluts, they are willing to have sex with me for little effort.

>> No.18892743

>I don't care so much about being a virgin, moreso that they haven't been with a dozen men. It shows a habit of being able to stay in a consistent relationship and cheapens sex overall.
This is what I'm trying to explain that fucker.
Unfortunatelly, this is becoming each time harder and harder.
And don't you dare complain about or see anything wrong with that, otherwise you're an incel loser.

>> No.18892751

>I'm not calling myself a Chad, i just never understood slut shaming. I love sluts, they are willing to have sex with me for little effort.
Do you think about getting married someday?

Do you wanna have children?
With what kind of woman do you wanna have children?

>> No.18892768
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I don't see how that has anything to do with fucking sluts. Some girls are marriage potential, some are not. Besides, i don't want my future wife to take gazillion meters of cock, but i don't want her to be an inexperienced virgin either. It's OK if another lad rode her in for me.

>> No.18892789

Do women love those who love them the most or do they love those who are the best? Because if it's best then hypergamy happens. And if it's most love how can I predict what they love? Both scenarios are shit.

>> No.18892791

>Some girls are marriage potential, some are not.
But that's the whole point, the decrease of "wife material".
So many girls still in their teens already have children these days, which is a huge dealbreaker for me if I ponder about getting into a relationship with them.

>> No.18892821
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>the decrease of "wife material".

Are you husband material ;) ?
There's a 1000 axis that you can judge a person on. Is she nice, is she pretty, is she smart, is she emotionally stable, is she trustworthy, is she funny, etc. etc. How many dicks she took is just a pretty low priority for me. Altho i'll admit, if the body count starts going above 50+ it's often correlated with mental issues.

>> No.18892824

What book is this? Oh right I forgot this is 4 chan and every board is just an excuse to sperg about women and non whites

>> No.18892841

they grind and grift for social affirmation, and the sad thing is thats largely why the want prime pussy too.

>> No.18892851

I am not a genius myself but i think i can tell when i see one.

>> No.18892856

Misspelled 4chan doesn't understand the need for r9k to practice there stick beating rituals in /lit/.

>> No.18892857

>the decrease of "wife material".

And tell me what you provide to deserve a woman who is so called "wife material". Your high score in Dark Souls II and prized anime collection? A steady salary of NEETbux?

>> No.18892865

Every man deserves a woman. Even Chris Chan deserves someone.

>> No.18892872

no one "deserves" anything. you sound like a woman

>> No.18892873

>Are you husband material ;) ?
I'm the kind of guy the girls prey on.
I'm not chad or anything, just reasonably good-looking, with a fame of being good natured and I'm going somewhere money-wise (not rich or anything but I think in a few years or maybe in a few months I"ll be pretty well off financially)
The thing is, as I said, most girls on my radar already have children. And they're mostly in their early 20s, anon.
And they give me "that look".

I'm not interested in fucking around. I'm interested in improving my life and getting a girl whom I can somewhat relate (and that is a cute, for sure).

>> No.18892916

>Your high score in Dark Souls II and prized anime collection?
I quited anime and vydia almost a decade ago (games don't give me the pleasure they used to give me before), but good try though.

>A steady salary of NEETbux?
I'm working at learning a trade atm.

The thing is:
Most guys those women have children are just weed-smoking wellfare champs. You're out of touch, lad.

>> No.18892930

If they are having kids and getting married and you're not, you are in no position to look down on them regardless of how great your wagie job is. They are superior genetically to you as they are able to fulfill the biological imperative while you are not.

>> No.18893003

>If they are having kids and getting married and you're not
They ARE having kids. But they're NOT getting married.
It's just fuck and dump, anon.
The kind I maybe could do too if I was willing. But I don't think this is way of bringing people into this world.
I really believe some time in the future I might raise a family.

>> No.18893006
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How do we fix women

>> No.18893014

Keep it up and you’ll find a woman.
These incels are just jealous and want you to give up.

>> No.18893031

above 5 partners and the rate of infidelity/divorce goes above 50

>> No.18893054


>> No.18893068

Like attracts like. If you don't like the people you surround yourself with, take a good hard look at yourself and what you're doing.

>> No.18893104

Once you have sex you realize how over hyped it is.

>> No.18893156

>the general fear of intimacy
>the specific fear of being exposed as a loser who has never even kissed a girl
>the general fear of failure
>the specific fear of her finding out you were molested
It never even began for me bros. I actually don’t mind being alone 99% of the time, but when people bring it up in casual conversations it makes me want to shoot myself hah hah like why bring it up I was having a good time until you said that hah hah
And the best part is when your parents, family, and friends all think you’re just too afraid to come out of the closet. Bitch, I wish I was gay. Then at least I wouldn’t be alone hah

>> No.18893168

especially given the potential price tag

>> No.18893309

>How many dicks she took is just a pretty low priority for me. Altho i'll admit, if the body count starts going above 50+
Fucking 50? I feel like I just live in a different world than some of you anons. Over 10 and I feel like the girl's rode the carousel too much.

>> No.18893329

>be average looks, probably more like below average
>match with literal 8/10
>four day long conversation consisting mainly of me just talking nonsense
Shes interested enough to keep replying, but is talking to beautiful girls really just one sided shit posting?
It seems nothing has changed since highschool. Women just like it when guys talk like idiots.

>> No.18893363

When I was in school only the "losers" lost their virginity at 15, all the cool kids started having sex before that. I am 26 now. I don't even want to think about where that number is today.

>> No.18893373

Relate to this too hard
Convinced my dad thinks I’m gay

>> No.18893380


The GSS allows for approximating the cohort his loose girls are part of. Following is the distribution of sexual partners since 18 for women ages 30-35 (N = 680). Only responses from 2000 to 2008 are included. These women were in their primes during the nineties and the earlier part of this decade:

0 3.4%
1 23.8%
2 15.8%
3 10.5%
4 6.9%
5 9.5%
6-10 19.6%
11+ 10.5%

Anyone who thinks that 50+ sexual partners is normal has self-selected themselves into a very, very small subset of people.

>> No.18893383

>Shes interested enough to keep replying
Meaningless. Ask her to hang out.

>> No.18893411

>1 25%

i can't believe that you believe these statistics.

>> No.18893433

They are true. There are tons of women who are perfectly content to be by themselves, or who date one person for a very, very long time. Almost everyone I know is like this, because I do not behave in such a manner as to attract those who behave otherwise. You must understand that like attracts like, and that if you do not like your friends, you must consider what attracted them to you in the first place.

>> No.18893439
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as nature intended

>> No.18893449

City in lockdown.

>> No.18893458

Is anyone enforcing these lockdowns? Do whatever you damn well please.

>> No.18893513

The police and military are, lol.

>> No.18893586

You must be in an unpleasant place. At least ask her to hang out once lockdowns are over. Make your intentions clear.

>> No.18893606

Yeah I probably should before she thinks I only want to be a funny friend or something.

>> No.18893622

Being forthright with your intentions is how you avoid problems. Imagine thinking that some dude just wants to be friends with you and then finding out a year down the line that the whole thing has just been a prelude to him asking you out. You don't think that would be disappointing?

>> No.18893630

The woman that loved me the most in my life would sit for hours and just listen to me babble about anything and everything. Meet her in person when you can.

>> No.18893717

Every time I've been honest about being inexperienced the girl immediately lost interest. Not even telling them I'm a 25 yo virgin, just saying shit like I've never had a gf or a serious relationship or anything. But when I pretended to be super confident they were always much more into me.

>> No.18893723
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>ate out

>> No.18893735

Not literature you womb obsessed scumbag. Reported.

>> No.18893739

Nah man I like cock