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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18890017 No.18890017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>left New York because there were too many niggers

>> No.18890044

Based. Fuck niggers.

>> No.18890087

I wish I could leave MY city because there are too many niggers here too. How that man made a living off of weird tales magazines I'll never know, but I envy him.

>> No.18890318

>"Is... is that a NIGGER!? AAAAH, SAVE ME; NIGGERMAN!!!!!!!"

>> No.18890343

"With a car you can go to nameless cyclopean places" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.18890420

He didn't. He lived off his wife and a small inheritance. He earned very little, Farnsworth didn't like Lovecraft and unlike his friend C.A. Smith, he refused to censor his stories.

>> No.18891156

Who's this?

>> No.18891538

that's why i don't go anymore

>> No.18891656

Possibly in the running for most low IQ meme on this website.
>"Is... is that critical thinking or TAKING SOMETHING SERIOUSLY?! AAAAH, SAVE ME; ZOOMERFRENDS!!!!!!"

>> No.18891681

it seems like everyone was based in this particular relationship.

>> No.18891698
File: 148 KB, 865x251, wageslavery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no wife to live off of while I LARP as an aristocrat and pursue my artistic vision

>> No.18891729

even your pic related twists the meaning of words in itself. SERVUS is a wide terms that is not a 1 to 1 parrelel with the semi-modern concept of slavery. servus could and can mean anything from slave to servant (both terms developed from servus) abd ran the whole gambit of a service (another derivative term) relationship. so there were actual slaves who were “MASSA PICKN COTT’N” with near to no rights and brutally supressed tier to doctor educated service with a good decent livelyhood tier.

>> No.18891759

Yes and today we have prison labor, illegal immigrants, and outsourcing. That doesn't change the fact that at any point in history it was better to be in the leisure class of freemen than even the high end servant class.

>> No.18893066

holy fucking based
the more I hear about him the more I like

>> No.18893071

no theyre just niggers
stop trying to redefine terms marxist

>> No.18893073

This is literally why whites left cities en masse. Lovecraft was unusually racist but this isn't a good example.

>> No.18893079

>he didnt get saved

>> No.18893094

>"With a car you can go to nameless cyclopean places" he said to himself, out loud.
Now I want to see the entire thing rewritten with a Lovecraft direction.

>> No.18893344

That doesn't change anything about the picture at all.

>> No.18893362

> Most slaves in Ancient Rome
Rome was on the level of Lacedemonia for how retarded they were with their slaves. Nearly every other ancient civilization was better.

>> No.18893394

>at any point in history it was better to be in the leisure class of freemen than even the high end servant class.
Woah bro...

>> No.18893745

yes it does, because it is saying that they rebranded slavery for the modern time when the post itself rebrands what it meant in roman times by not acknowledging the breath of the term and only referring to the very higher end of it and serendipitously not talking about the other end (which was way more common for most of the roman period). Ironically commiting the same act it is trying to j'accuse.

like saying that the average freeman today doesnt have it as good as the emperors personal eunich.

>> No.18893754
File: 140 KB, 768x753, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a richfag so I could get my hands on these babies.

>> No.18893760


>> No.18893791

have you considered just becoming wealthy?

>> No.18893829

Have you considered sucking my balls?

>> No.18893884

why yes I have?

>> No.18893917
File: 99 KB, 676x1021, jak_636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18893925

well what?
Have you become wealthy yet?

>> No.18893941
File: 5 KB, 272x185, xavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already wealthy: not in material worth but in spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

>> No.18893955

well great, so you can afford >>18893754 now?

>> No.18893967
File: 33 KB, 622x592, 1609819827333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest works of literature ever produced are unseen during their time; authors die penniless

>some of the worst works of literature ever (produced today) sell by the millions and the authors are praised

what shall we do with this information