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18889952 No.18889952 [Reply] [Original]

Based or cringe?

>> No.18890497

Based. It's a fun and humourous short book to read with some good critique of modernity. People saying it's pesud shit have not read it. It's not profound in anyway and doesn't try to be

>> No.18890526

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.18890543

Didn’t high school start this week? What are you doing here?

>> No.18890585

>I'm young cause I thought a book was fun
Grow up, pseuds

>> No.18890642

no, you’re a child because you thought *that* book was fun

>> No.18890665

Filtered by a book with spelling mistakes, JFL @ you. It's a good read with a good message, if you get filtered by the fact that its a little *wacky and zany* then you're a sub130iq fag

>> No.18890674

>It's a good read with a good message
you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.18890675
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I'll keep posting this as long as this book jeeps getting mentioned

>> No.18890678


>> No.18890679

what the fuck are you on about, nobody brought up spelling mistakes or wackiness

>> No.18890681

Self-help for teenage /pol/troons

>> No.18890682

Let me guess you also hate women.

>> No.18890687

>Let me guess you also hate women
boilerplate gigachad incoming

>> No.18890700

In all the threads about BAM has anyone ever posted an actual excerpt ?

>> No.18890702

Why would I hate women? Again its clear that you haven't read the book. But instead of reading the book I'd recommend you take an IQ test, and publicly add an asterisk to every single post you make with a disclaimer about your IQ being 115

>> No.18890708

>p-post iq
is this what bapfags have been reduced to?

>> No.18890712

Not him, but you seriously have to be 18 to post here

>> No.18890721

Soiboys consider being as rude to wome as you are to men as 'hating women'. They get hysterical about basic bants

>> No.18890724

No, this is what intellectual discourse has come to. This platform allows people with an IQ of less than 130 to occupy equal presence to those of us with IQ's of higher than 140, and It's obvious that you think you form part of the latter group, whilst every actual member of it can see you're deeply cemented in the former.

You're a funny man, perhaps you should consider a career in comedy since literature is clearly above your capacity.

>> No.18890729

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.18890730

it angers the establishment, therefore based

>> No.18890736

fellas is it high iq to go on the internet and tell everyone about my high iq

>> No.18890739

You dropped this friend: *This post was made by a human with an IQ of >120*

>> No.18890745

it -is- the establishment you underage little ’mo

>> No.18890747

Since my IQ is measured at 146, everything I do is representative of that number, because I am not a pseudointellectual faggot, I am actually secure in my intelligence and don't need to do activities that "seem" intelligent to be happy at my intellectual capacity.

>> No.18890750

Read it last year during freshman year and can confirm that it's incredibly based. I whip out a quote whenever I need trigger a soi or a foid

>> No.18890761

oh yeah i forgot our society is run by ancient warrior-priests not by money-minded bureaucrats

>> No.18890763

Would highly recommend it if you're into Traditionalism. It's become a bit of staple for my Traditionalist reading club

>> No.18890768

Very cringe, but not because it's right-wing, mostly because the idiosyncratic language he writes with makes me feel like he is either retarded or I'm being trolled.

>> No.18890774

based. when my bitch mom tells me to clean my room or wash my penis or eat my greens i calmly but firmly tell that cunt ”let us strive, in our decrepit, cancerous and fetid world, for what is concrete and what we can try to attain”

>> No.18890780

Its based and BAP is the spiritual successor to Nietzche

>> No.18890794

Hello lookism or lookism adjacent user

>> No.18890803


>> No.18890805

I know you're larping but that sounds incredibly based. All mothers should raise there sons to be noble upholders of strength.

>> No.18890813

No because the people ciritcizing it never critique its substance, only the general ideas of the book they take at face value. They haven't actually read the book thus its unnecessary for those who have actually read it and enjoyed it to post any excerpts in order to defend it

>> No.18890829

It serves as a pretty good introduction to the burgeoning traditionalist movement. I'd read it if you were interested in getting into more advanced traditionalist thinkers--Plato, Nietzsche, Guenon, Hitler, Evola etc.

>> No.18890831

The problem with the book is that it's like a manifesto for a small subculture more than it is anything that tries to change the world.

The same applies to BAPs Twitter and his podcast as well, this is just the subculture of a particularly masculinity obsessed group of men who work out in gyms and fantasize about dying in battle, but it's not politics, politics actually means you try to change the world, not circlejerk about how much concentrated onions exists in Hollywood.

BAP is like a priest talking to his flock, but neither the priest nor the flock actually has any desire to change the world, they are just coping through fantasy, and the same can be said of every single reactionary since modernity began.

>> No.18890834

You have no idea what you're talking about. Insane how a person can make this kind of schizo connection to this book. Unbelievable. It's called anti-semitic, mysoginistic, racist and reactionary by the establishment for a reason

>> No.18890845

He's trolling and filtering soulless academicucks, which you clearly are

>> No.18890849

>It's called anti-semitic, mysoginistic, racist and reactionary by the establishment
oh nooo! that must mean it’s heckin based and redpilled !! lib status=TRIGGERED LMOA

>> No.18890851

Sounds like pathetic cope for not learning how to read and write to me lol.

>> No.18890854

You clearly are triggered, kek

>> No.18890859

It's basically a continuation of Nietzsche but with more right-wing elements. I'd even go as far as saying that it's a completion of Nietzsche's dialectical system. It's quite dense though and will serve as a goldmine for future Nietzsche scholarship.

>> No.18890861

That means it's clearly not the establishment. How dumb are you honestly

>> No.18890878

sure kid. whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.18890885

The establishment is obviously not antisemitic, racist, or sexist, they are constantly freaking out about these things and persecuting people who promote them. What do you even get out of pretending otherwise

>> No.18890895

The establishment aren't really afraid of these people, it's just fun to hunt and persecute losers, just like the Nazis thought it was fun to kill cripples and so on.

>> No.18890899

You agree then that they're not the establishment? Why did you say it was

>> No.18890905

real life is a bit more complicated than your favorite hearts of iron mod

>> No.18890911

Is this real life complicated in a way which contradicts what I said? Would you care to explain how?

>> No.18890918
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>The establishment is obviously not antisemitic, racist, or sexist

>> No.18890923

>doesn't try to be
>It's not trying to be good therefore it's good!
Dumb argument people make because they think it'll help them preempt criticism. In reality, it's nonsense.

>> No.18890933

You think the FBI, the Supreme Court, State department, fortune 500 companies, big tech, etc. are promoting antisemitism, racism, sexism? Why did they put nick Fuentes on a no fly list, deplatform him, seize 500k from him, and freeze his bank accounts?

>> No.18890940

Who cares?
Read it and decide for you own fucking self.

>> No.18890956

promoting, not really. not in a terribly overt manner. perpetuating, oh yes
>Why did they put nick Fuentes on a no fly list, deplatform him, seize 500k from him, and freeze his bank accounts?
because he outlived his usefulness, like every asset eventually does

>> No.18890972

How exactly do they perpetuate antisemitism or racism or sexism lmao. They're openly and extremely obviously opposed to these things

Why would they censor this stuff in the first place if they want normies to believe it? Why does affirmative action exist? Why is the press, academy, education system etc religiously antiracist and so on?

Your worldview makes absolutely no sense

>> No.18890977

It's based. I bought it after pirating it.

>> No.18890992

Is not rude to call something what it is. Especially when it's to someone rude and arrogant.

>> No.18891016

The biggest problem is BAP himself. He should have written the book, done a "season" of the podcast, and then ended it.
>Now friends, we have had laughs, but I must go. Friend Agamemnon calls me, I must board outrigger canoe and sail from mountain ski lodge in tropical resort hidden in Agartha to Troy, to ascend the high walls for glory and fame everlasting with brother frogs. Thalatta, thalatta!
And then, stop fucking posting. BAP, the character (I don't care if BAP is actually Costin, he's obviously not fucking BAP), MUST die. He HAS to. The longer a character exists, the higher the chance of the person playing them fucking up rises. BAP fucked up. He said too much dumb shit, and he ruined his previous efforts. Had he not done this, he'd be remember for centuries. It's one thing to argue that the TRS crew are self referential fart huffers who turn Jews into demon-Gods (a valid point, although I believe that they are not this bad), it's another thing to go out and get in a fight with the TRS crew over whether or not Finklethink is real. Arguing against Finklethink is such a mind numbingly stupid position that I'm actually sort of shocked. Even Liberals and Commies will happily agree with Finklethink being fucking obviously real, people have been pointing this out for over half a century, shitlibs just get queasy when you point out who set the false dialectic up and who it benefits. I genuinely don't get how someone like BAP, who clearly isn't a drooling retard, could not see what damage it would do to the BAP character by agreeing with some Jewish ortholarper. I mean, for fuck's sake the two of them use this to argue that you should unironically go out and vote for Dan Crenshaw because his "platform" has "good values".

ZOG's plan is to suck the New World dry and then fuck off back to the Old World, a Neo-Byzantium with Israel as Constantinople. BAP, being from one of the lesser tribes of Eastern Europe, absolutely adores this idea because his bloodline only conceives of politics in terms of "fucking over the people in the next village over because the Czar is bullying us". Fundamentally, he has no disagreements with ZOG's plan because it just means that he and his get to get in their outrigger canoes and go commit piracy against other White people. The people who call him a Neocon are completely correct, they just don't get what Neoconservativism actually is or entails.

>> No.18891385

I didn't say it was a smart book retard, I literally said it was fun. Stop projecting

>> No.18891437

/lit/ are so up their own ass they have no fucking clue what's going on in the world. Smart retards is what you are. Bap is a glimmer of light in a world of decadence which you are a part of. You're souls are already danked into submission by modernity. Of you don't see the problem of industrial society and the immigration in the West, you are simply beyond saving

>> No.18891513

>he'd be remember for centuries
No he wouldn't. No eceleb will be remembered or cared about at all. Maybe that one girl with the huge ass.

>> No.18891521
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>> No.18891595
File: 258 KB, 1520x1080, [Reaktor] Serial Experiments Lain - E12 [1080p][x265][10-bit][Dual-Audio].mkv_snapshot_04.59_[2020.07.08_21.35.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole attempt to redefine identity, not just sexual identity, as a matter of decision, meaning decision made arbitrarily, freely, a choice of the intellect or reason, is their desperate reach to find a new justification for the freedom of the will, the soul unrestrained by nature or biology. Such things make no sense when you realize you’re your body and there’s no you aside from this. The first lines of the Iliad make this clear: you do have a “soul” of sorts apart from your body…it just isn’t you. It’s a shade. It’s completely homosexual.

What did BAP mean by this?

>> No.18891631

>I am actually secure in my intelligence and don't need to do activities that "seem" intelligent to be happy at my intellectual capacity.
HAHAHAHAHAHHA. Is that why you spent half the thread bragging about your unverifiable high iq? I'll go back to my mansion and 10/10 arthoe gf that also reads all the based /lit/ books I like. Cope.

>> No.18891633
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t. I'm 18 and just discovered philosophy
I was once like you too, so I understand the appeal. But stop idolizing other men and be a man yourself.

>> No.18891866

real schizo hours

>> No.18891964


>> No.18892401

Eh, I don't know. It is Loki who starts Ragnarok.

>> No.18893045

Too based for /lit/ that’s for sure.

>> No.18893198

My praise of all bap is from the perspective of a lost slave. Like I said, he simply awakened my spirit which led me to study history, philosophy and even theology - all of which I'd been ignorant of. I think for myself now but I do own it to bap for rekindling the spirit I lost through modern leftlib education and a being raised by a single mother. So my praise is on my old self's behalf, and on behalf of all that are like him (which are many lost men today). I do agree of your anti-guruism or of any worship at all for that matter

>> No.18893205

whatever costin

>> No.18893356

Based because it's funny

>> No.18893432

>fellas is it high iq to go on the internet and tell everyone about my high iq

No. I actually have a high IQ and I never go on the internet and tell everyone about it, except occasionally in an ironic fashion.

>> No.18893468

its good i have read thrice
>start with the greeks

>> No.18893491

>or I'm being trolled
I get the same when I read Pynchon, but he's based because he's a leftist.

>> No.18893507

BAP is probably a smart guy and I can believe he has a PhD as the rumours point out, but there's a reason why he must write about his ideas in a self published book instead of in an acadaemic setting, and it's not because he's "based", but because his ideas would be demolished under scrutiny. His ramblings are fun and I don't like woke culture either, but he's still wrong.

>> No.18893529

You cant be serious lmao

>> No.18893608

If his ideas are so solid then why is he so afraid of being peer reviewed?

>> No.18893614

You ever tried bringing up race and IQ in a humanities course?

>> No.18893645

All philosophy gets demolished under scrutiny.

>> No.18893660

1. The universities don't work the way you think they do. Anyone who has seen them from the inside would tell you that politics, or rather values, take precedence over facts in numerous areas. Sometimes people will attack others just because of who their advisor is or was. I can tell you from my experience that a lot of the discourse in academia involves strawmanning, personal attacks, purely political criticisms, and low-grade quips of the level of "you don't have the right to say that." Academic discourse is not nearly as good as you think it is, and it has limits that have nothing to do with the rigor or rectitude of one's work.
2. I haven't read Bronze Age Pervert or listened to any of his podcasts, but judging by what I'm seeing in this thread, he probably doesn't want to talk to academics. His work is likely intended for a different audience, one open to possibilities that are quite impossible in an academic setting. He would have to produce a certain kind of argument in a certain way with ample reference made to the secondary literature related to every single claim he makes. Such a book might get published by a major university press, but it would lack the power to move men's souls.

>> No.18894122

From Cartwright’s biography.
>In Athens 1858, Schopenhauer recited his two-volume work to a theater of 30,000. Most were young men, but there were some old, and dozens of women scattered around throughout the calm, united (not quite a crowd, but a) gathering. With a booming voice Schopenhauer gently took the podium and spoke for three days straight, taking breaks here and there but theatrically, and pacing the stage, all while reciting his masterwork of philosophy. On the eve of the third day when he delivered the final words and closed the book, the audience was quiet and gazing up at the powerful, genial man. All their hearts beat to his, and, as the headline read, IN ATHENS THERE WAS OM. Those there could die happy, and might’ve, if not for the voice of a woman up front. “Ahem! Ahem! Excuse me!” cried Marie so faintly, making her way through the silence. She zagged to the front. Schopenhauer looked down at her. He blazed. His eyes shone green at this young woman who raised her hand, and his wild hair grew. Never was man more patient, bold, and in command. Then, in front of the 30,000, and with Schopenhauer giving her the go ahead, Marie cleared her throat, sniffled, pushed up her glasses, and said, “Young men who are overpowered…”

>> No.18895203

that video has been deboonked sweaty

>> No.18895433

I was with him until he talked favorably of the intellectual dark web. Cringe.

>> No.18895719

It hits on some major blind spots of our zeitgeist. Not that nobody thinks about them, but our culture has utterly forgotten/inverted some of them:
>life has a prerequisite level of living that must be achieved before reproduction, the alleged "purpose" of life, can be pursued
>beauty is important
>if you don't give young men something to take ownership of they will never mature
>real friendships between men have historically been one of the most powerful forces
It's overrated by his followers, but it is a good read.

>> No.18895726

You ever try saying "young men matter" in a humanities discourse?
They'll either laugh you off, call you a fascist, or start discussing how they all need to go to therapy so the psychiatrical industrial complex can emotionally castrate them. Lost too many good friends to psychiatric drugs.

>> No.18896728


>> No.18896751

you're a fucking retard lmfao

>> No.18896765

guess they didn’t have the bronze age mindset