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18889946 No.18889946 [Reply] [Original]

Good anti-communist literature?

>> No.18889957

The communist manifesto

>> No.18889960

early Nabokov

>> No.18889963

The Opium of the Intellectuals, Aron
Road to Serfdom, Hayek

>> No.18889966

The Unique and Its Property by Max Stirner
Thus Zarathustra Spoke (On Tarantulas)
Darkness at Noun
1984, Animal Farm

>> No.18889979

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis by Mises

>> No.18889984
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Read Mises.

>> No.18889991

The Demons by Dostoevsky can kind of fit here.
(I'm a commie btw)

>> No.18889994
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>> No.18889996
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still makes commies mad to this day

>> No.18890037
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>The Theory of Moral Sentiments
>The Wealth of Nations
>Karl Marx and the Close of His System
>The Road To Serfdom
>The Use of Knowledge in Society
>The Fatal Conceit
>Marxism: Philosophy and Economics
I think you should also look for arguments against Hegel as well.
Hegelian autism drives so much of Marxist thought (barring off-shoots like Cockshott, not really impressive but he exists) and you have to contend with that sort of thinking if you want to make any sort of series critique. Popper is interesting but in my opinion his critiques aren't developed well enough. Although, I do think he hinted at the right direction.

>> No.18890052

>prefazione di Roberto Saviano

>> No.18890065

I'm looking for good anti-communist literature that isn't libertarian. Anyone have recs? Also, preferably not from "progressive" socialists.

>> No.18890079

Tadao Horie - Marx's Capital and One Free World

>> No.18890097

Do you mean fascist literature or literature from social democrats?

>> No.18890103
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>The communist manifesto

>> No.18890106


>> No.18890119

Fascism can work too, but I'm just looking for, in a general sense, illiberal anti-communist literature.

>> No.18890182
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I should clarify that Marx' dialects are not strictly Hegelian but they are definitely in his tradition. Dialectics in general are a logically suspect foundation to form any analysis on in my opinion but I won't add anything more than that because I haven't completed my own research on the subject.
Here's a cool pro-tip though: Leftists love to fight among themselves a lot and sometimes these arguments even produce some good arguments about leftist faggotry in general (they love to project at each other btw) and you can actually get some insight into how they think so don't just dismiss everything written by leftists (but yeah, the 6 gorrillion pages of pure autistic seethe can be mindnumbing and boring as fuck if you don't care so this is really does not apply to everyone).

>> No.18890205

Anyone who uses these terms and look for such stances are morons. These are meaningless terms and such critiques built on them are always shit tier.

>> No.18890341

1. Nitzan and Bichler "Capital as Power" (the chapters "Marxist Entanglement" 1 and 2) - they are quite sympathetic to Marx's anti-capitalist intentions, but they show that the Labor Theory of Value is completely dysfunctional and circular due to inability to define/measure Labor. Capitalism is not about production, it's about finance (i.e. ritual activity of debt imposing)

2. Hannah Arendt "The Human Condition" - a political philosophy inquiry, that shows how Adam Smith's and Marx's ideologies are related (they both see Labor as the metaphysical source of worth/value, - but labor is the lowest of all the common denominators, its an impermanent shit that exists only to be consumed. Hence, the problems with our contemporary civilization)

3. Henri de Man "The Psychology of Marxian Socialism" - if you want a kinda-sorta anthropological perspective on the behavior of average marxoids from a personal expierience of an ex-marxist.

>> No.18890356
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You’ve failed already.
What you’re asking for is anti-Soviet Union literature.

Best critique is anarchist literature. Start with Bakunin versus Marx at the First IWA.

>The Unique and Its Property by Max Stirner
Contends Marxist ideas. Advocates how to go about getting to communism
Stirner frustrates strict collectivists and tankies especially

>> No.18890366

Mein Kampf is good for understanding the average communist's behavior in any sort of critical discussion. Spoiler alert: it's the Jews.

>> No.18890369


>> No.18890407
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Stirner never advocated for communism in his book, you retard. He was supporter of Smith and Say. He calls communism tyrannical and an empty theory that dwells too much on the moral piousness of "productive labor." Stirner is a strict nominalist who understands that the value of humans, or any concept we have, is uniquely attributed to the individual himself and his passions. Its so easy to discard Marx's non-sense when you realize your personal preferences guide your economic choices, and not the "inherent contradictions" of an "economic philosophy" or the machinations of a few men sitting in a room plotting against the worker - a schizophrenic pipedream. Marxism, like Communism, is just solipsism applied to economics. Away with your non-sense.

>> No.18890415
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>>The Unique and Its Property by Max Stirner
>Contends Marxist ideas. Advocates how to go about getting to communism

>> No.18890485

>"Communism rightly rebels against the pressure
that I experience from individual property owners; but still more horrifying is the power that it puts in the hands of the collectivity."
>" On the contrary, communism pushes me
back even more, through the abolition of all personal property, into dependence on another, namely the generality or collectivity; and as loudly as it always attacks the "state;' what it intends is itself a state, a status, a state of affairs that restrains my free movement, a supreme lordship over me."
>""Everything belongs to everyone!" This proposition comes from
the same empty theory. To each belongs only what he is capable of If I say: The world belongs to me, that too is actually empty talk, which
has meaning only insofar as I respect no alien property. But to me belongs only as much as I am capable of, or have the capability for. "
>"Like the "nation" of the politicians, it will turn
out to be nothing but a "spirit," its body only a sham. "
>"All attempts to provide rational laws of property leaked out of the bosom of love into a desolate sea of regulations. One can't even exclude socialism and communism from this.Everyone is supposed to be supplied with sufficient means, for which it matters little whether one still finds them socialistically in a personal property or communistically ladles them from the community of goods. The individual's sense remains the same in this: it remains a sense of dependence"
>"The human being is the human being in general, and to this extent, everybody is human. Now, according to the communists, everybody is supposed to have eternal human rights, and enjoy themselves in the perfect "democracy;' or as one ought to more properly call it anthropocracy. But only I have everything that I get for myself; as a human being I have nothing. One wants to let everything good flow to every human being, merely because he has the title "human being." But I place the emphasis on me, not on my being human."
>"Efforts to "mold" all human beings into moral, rational, pious, human, etc. "essences;' i.e., training, have been in vogue from time immemorial. They are shipwrecked on theindomitable sense of self!"
He sounds very communist to me dood!

>> No.18890647
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I second this.

>> No.18890663
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Aren't you forgetting someone?

>> No.18890669

> 1. End immigration
> 2. Nationalize real estate. Expropriate all landlords except those that sublet part of their own housing. Institute a national housing system where your home is determined by the size of your family, work location, access to transportation, etc. Individuals or familial units are allowed to privately own 1 house/building on top of the one granted by the State.
> 3. Restrict ownership of small cars based on work need. Expand public transportation and tramways into the rural centers surrounding all major urban areas.
> 4. Nationalize large surface low-value goods stores like Costco, Walmart, etc, and use their system of market prediction in order to control the market for low value goods.
> 5. Restart immigration, but only on the basis of strong cultural affinity/exception of character.
> 6. Empower large urban centers and their regional surroundings at the constitutional level (cultural and material interests are not shared at the State/Provincial/whatever level, pretending that they are is fooling ourselves).
> 7. Fuck your horseshoe brain.

>> No.18890727
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>> No.18890838

>> 5. Restart immigration, but only on the basis of strong cultural affinity/exception of character.
All good except for this. Ethnicity or bust.

>> No.18890882


>> No.18890924

He did. It’s just that you misunderstand the whole communist project. Stirner advances the idea of every individual discovering themselves and then uniting in the much overlooked union of egoists.
But this comment and yours are in weak English and doesn’t do Stirners German justice, just like your limited understanding, to the subject.
His was a new approach to the socialists of his day. This is why anarchists like him

>> No.18890939

>this is what liberals actually believe

>> No.18891072

>He did
No, the contextual evidence shows you're wrong.
>then uniting in the much overlooked union of egoists.
Lmao, how dumb are you? The union of egoists is not a society; Stirner calls a bond between father and an affirming son a "union of egoists." The union of egoists was just his funny joke about the Left Hegelians. They were a "union of egoists" - a union of egoists are a group friends, or associates, who get together for a common goal. They are reciprocal relations we make with people for own benefit. He did not want to unite humanity into a "union egoists" - you idiot. He showed people how they could form groups, within humanity, for their own benefit without ever having to steer humanity in any direction. He denounces your non-sense as "anthropocracy."
If anything, you socialists are just solipsist.
>"This is why anarchists like him"
He certainly didn't like them; that's why he mocked and riduclued Proudhonists like you

>> No.18891083

>Stirner advances the idea of every individual discovering themselves and then uniting in the much overlooked union of egoists.
The guy who said every attempt to unite humans into a single essence has been a ship wrecked disaster certainly believed this. The man who celebrates the downfall of humanity as his rise is certainly for unity! No, you clearly are a moron.

>> No.18891162

>his vision for communism was different
I just said that
>it was just a prank yo!
Get out of here. You’re stuck in some concrete ideology trap and assume anarchism is too. It’s free flowing and adapts stirner to its own project

>> No.18891217

>All good except for this. Ethnicity or bust.
Every ancient civilization had a concept of mass adoption, the weak ones like the great ones. Individuals are capable of transcending group features. If an exceptional individual does so, coupled with a genuine love and interest for the culture he wishes to immigrate to, I can only see it as a benefit for the society he immigrates into.

>> No.18891340
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>Nationalize real estate. Expropriate all landlords except those that sublet part of their own housing. Institute a national housing system where your home is determined by the size of your family, work location
Which means, that some bureaucratic monstrosity will from now on determine how you should live. Instead of being at the mercy of several huge real estate corporations (which is by itself bad enough), you are now submitting to one sole monopoly, that can practice biopolitics on you. Feedbackless and not giving a fuck, given its size. Yay.

>> No.18891361


>> No.18891467

>that some bureaucratic monstrosity will from now on determine how you should live.
Already the case.
The current system only gives us an illusion of a freedom that can never really be achieved anyhow.

>> No.18891742

How about you fuck off, commie scum?

>> No.18891755

Individual character is ultimately the only foundation needed, none of this bullshit "Turks, Japs and that specific jewish princess who blew me once years ago are all lesser Germanoids" pseudo race crap.
It is the essence of men to be able, in some more or less rare cases, to transcend their material conditions, genetics included.
> Inb4 nignogs are not humans.
They are. They have societies, however backward they may be. Every single society, even in its most primitive form, is a proof that at some point, that population generated exceptional men of great character. Some civilizations have the privilege to claim more of those men, and 100% have the right to defend the ability of their culture to keep on creating great men. But they do not have the monopoly on them, no one has. They do, certainly, have the right to chose if they do wish to allow anyone to immigrate.
One of my best friend is a Cote-D'Ivoire born oncologist who immigrated to France at the age of 3 and who is absolutely more intelligent than I am, and I am fairly comfortable with my 135 IQ. Besides being the most redpilled man I know, and the one who opened my eyes concerning a lot of issues I took for granted, he is the only one in my group of friends who has any political and cultural interests. I majored in philosophy, mostly on Frege and Husserl, and he is the only one who could sustain a conversation on my research for more than 2 minutes. He is absolutely obsessed with Cold War era politics, and I miss our conversations, he's been hired as a private doctor for the Saudi royal family a year ago on a two year contract. I would be a fool to think my country is not a better place for having him in it. Especially since he does a much better job at convincing libs to change their views than I would ever be.
> The time when in the middle of a diner with all our most bourgeois lib friends, a girl says something about profiling in rape cases, and he goes on an hour course to explain that black men have historically always had a rape problem, complete with graphs from the Vietnam war to prove it.

>> No.18892092
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>> No.18892178

Butters can you stop being cringe for 5 minutes pls

>> No.18892319


>> No.18892450

pick one
Go and read some Rand faggot

>> No.18893220

holy epic

>> No.18893758

The Holy Bible

>> No.18894427

maybe you should learn about communism yourself and make your own conclusions. You are already coming in with a priori assumptions and then looking for lit that will agree with that? Pretty pseud fren.

>> No.18894433

Online rightoids go 5 minutes without posting cuckold porn challenge

>> No.18894437

100 years of communism, 100 million dead - what else is there to learn?

>> No.18894638
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Transformation of society via the conflict of the Marxist 'class struggle' has been replaced by the conflict of the Marxist 'self-identity struggle'. Self-identity is the new' class' and as ever more self-identities are systematically invented so the potential for 'struggle' between them is constantly expanded. Playing one group off against another is still the technique of the New Marxism and only the names and forms of division have changed. Self-identity struggle replacing class struggle has removed the divisions between masses and elite because now if the elite support your self-identity struggle they are 'on your side' and no longer oppressors. Of course they are still oppressors, but they are not perceived as such while they appear to share the same goals or what are today called 'values'. Thus a multi-billionaire financial manipulator like George Soros becomes a hero of the 'progressive' (fake) left in ways that would never have happened before when class was the source of division and not, as now, self-identity. Ongoing transformation through conflict and the destruction of cohesive community including the family unit are classic Marxism (Elite-ism) on the road to a global state of total and merciless centralised control.

>> No.18894675

That's proto-communism though

>> No.18894678

>still makes commies mad
The only people who believe that are stirnerite discord trannies. Irl, no marxist gives a fuck about stirner lmao.

>> No.18894694

>w-we don't care about him! he's totally a loser nobody, I swear! That's why I spend so much time talking about how I don't know who he is!

>> No.18894847


I don't get it.

>> No.18894930

pretty much this. if anything I just find him funny

>> No.18895485

Nobody thinks about Stirner, I'm pretty sure the majority of commies don't even know who he is.

>> No.18895523
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this, so you can see for yourself how embarrassingly wrong most anti-communist rhetoric is

>> No.18895536

Jesus fuck cunt, at least give him Solzhenitsyn's orthodoxy or Kołakowski's methodological catholic liberalism.

Both are less embarrassing.

>> No.18895571

Demons by Dostoy if that hasn't already been recimmended

>> No.18895682

Do you even know that Georges Orwell fought for the POUM!

>> No.18895684

Well he obviously doesn't know Koestler's opinion on communism.

>> No.18895692

Nietzsche, obviously

>> No.18895757


>> No.18895768

I have never seen proper Marx discussion on this site or anywhere else on the internet, nothing but pure kneejerk. I'm not even a Marxist.

>> No.18895803
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communists are the most effective group of people when it comes to killing communists

>> No.18896232

>Transformation of society via the conflict of the Marxist 'class struggle' has been replaced by the conflict of the Marxist 'self-identity struggle'.
Transformation of society via the conflict of St. Augustine's rightful ownership ("debet ab eis aufferre christianus [the Christian should take it from them]") has been replaced by the conflict of economists' attempts to naturalize the claims of Providence of being on their side (regardless of, whether it is the Invisible Hand, or the dialectic Wheel of History)

>now if the elite support your self-identity struggle they are 'on your side' and no longer oppressors
This implies that you can define what "oppression" is, aside from "I don't like it"

>> No.18896293

The Master and Margarita is fantastic. Honestly any Bulgakov - Heart of a Dog is great too.

>> No.18896305

iPhone Venezuela 100 billion dead.

>> No.18896368

in what sense?

>> No.18896375


>> No.18896390

gay shit
not enough

>> No.18897549

how do you cope with the fact that commies took over america in the 50s and 60s?

>> No.18897559

do you mean literature good at being anti communist, or literature that is anti communist and also good

>> No.18897908

>Marxist 'self-identity struggle
Stopped reading there

>> No.18897929

Read Chesterton and Belloc

>> No.18898074

>hung out with Marx and Engels

>> No.18898076
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Still quoted by edgy 14 year olds to this day

>> No.18898235

it's painfully obvious you're going off of r/badeconomics

>> No.18898258

>Road to Serfdom, Hayek
This. The guy described late soviet union in great detail back in 1940s

>> No.18898260

The Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes

>> No.18898786

Anti-Communism literature

-Liberals and Communism: The Red Decade Revisited by Frank A. Warren
-Witness by Whittaker Chambers
-The Red Decade: The Stalinist Penetration of America by Eugene Lyons
-The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson
-Assignment in Utopia by Eugene Lyons
-Main Currents of Marxism: The Founders, the Golden Age, the Breakdown by Leszek Kołakowski
-Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy by Joseph Schumpeter
-The Faces of Janus by A. James Gregor
-Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis by Ludwig Von Mises
-Karl Marx and the close of his system by Eugen Von Bohm-Bawerk
-Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman
-Road to serfdom by Friedrich Hayek
-Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism by Joshua Muravchik
-The Communistic Societies of the United States: From Personal Visit and Observation: Including Detailed Account of the
Economists, Zoarites, Shakers, the Amana, Oneida, Bethel, Aurora, Icarian and Other Existing Societies; Their Religious
Creeds, Social Practices, Numbers, Industries and Present Conditions by Charles Nordhoff
-Red Diapers: Growing Up in the Communist Left Edited by Judy Kaplan and Linn Shapiro
-The Captive Mind by Czesław Miłosz
-The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism by Friedrich Hayek
-Encounters With Communism by Nathaniel Weyl
-Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory by Moishe Postone
-Karl Marx, racist by Nathaniel Wey
-Progress and Poverty: An Inquiry into the Cause of Industrial Depressions and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth: The Remedy byHenry George
-Nihilist Communism: A Critique of Optimism in the Far Left by Monsieur Dupont
-The Opium of the Intellectuals by Raymond Aron
-Liberty Versus the Tyranny of Socialism: Controversial Essays by Walter E. Williams
-The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century by François Furet

>> No.18899457

fascists too apparently