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File: 103 KB, 1280x1280, CAMPockRefGray__79165.1596642124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18889419 No.18889419 [Reply] [Original]

How come they don't do these for other writings, e.g. Shakespeare, poetry collections.

>> No.18889427

just use an ebook

>> No.18889431

Because only the bible matters, you don't need other books

>> No.18889472
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They do

>> No.18889507
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 1623246287657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one single play
>prob isn't as small as a pocket bible
>prob isn't leatherbound

>> No.18889510


>> No.18889513


>> No.18889521

show me a pocket bible-sized Complete Plays of Shakespeare and i'll buy it

>> No.18889552
File: 1.92 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20210821_121749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you seriously think they'd only have 1 Shakespeare and, if they did, it would be The Merchant of Venice? As for pocket sized, here's their edition of The Master and Margarita.

>> No.18889581

You should be chemically castrated. I meant a single play per volume you illiterate freak.

>> No.18889594

What the fuck are you talking about schizo? They sell individual Shakespeare plays.

>> No.18889613

Stay away from children and ask your night school for a refund. You cannot read English.

>> No.18889622

Lmao this fucking retard. If you were allowed withing 50 feet of your nearest nursery I'd recommend going back and filling in the holes in your education. Christ, what pathetic reading comprehension.

>> No.18889628
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um anon

>> No.18889647
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>single volume e.g. Iliad Vol 1
>not leatherbound
Where's the pocket Plato with all the dialogues?

>> No.18889748

You guys realize that pocket in pocket book doesn't mean you literally have to put it in your pocket right?

>> No.18889765

on your kindle

>> No.18889882

I have this in leather and it wouldn't fit a pocket, also the font is a point 6, you need a magnifier to read it comfortably.

>> No.18890903

You can find complete, antique, mini collections of Shakespeare.

>> No.18891321

They do; I've seen books of common prayer that are roughly that size (along with Psalters, other prayerbooks, etc). Discounting religious works, I've seen small collections of poetry, and some paperback books are roughly the size of pocket Bibles

>> No.18891548

I have a pocketsize books of Shakespears sonnets.

>> No.18891599

I think there's an untapped market in truly pocket-sized books, for no other reason than they're somewhat cute and they're perfect as an accessorized intellectual statement. Research them to fit most trouser pockets and front pockets of purses, and put the title at the very top of the front cover, so you can still see what it is when it barely peeks through. Make them in attractive colors that one can mix and match.
I would make them even gayer and make a partnership with Discord so that if you get the book you get a special banner for it on your profile.