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18880745 No.18880745 [Reply] [Original]

I'm converting to Catholicism and I need to know some good books on Systemic Theology besides Aquinas. I already have Peter Lombard's "Sentences".

>> No.18880814

bro just watch Father Ted
Why Catholicism? Why not some mad /x/ shit instead?

>> No.18880831

>I want to be a christer but I don't really like the bible and find its tall tales about centuries of race-wars followed by a traveling magician to be incredibly embarassing to admit to believing in as evidence of God. Pls recommend me some paraphrases of neoplatonist or aristotelian theology to make me feel more intellectual about my choice in religion

>> No.18880847

>bro just watch Father Ted
The writer is an atheist and the lead actor was a freemason. I don't trust either.
>Why not some mad /x/ shit instead?
Because Catholicism is the only relgion that successfully combines the mystical and the rational. All other options lead too heavily into sterile materialism or superstitious ritual.

>> No.18880868

>Catholicism is the only relgion that successfully combines the mystical and the rational. All other options lead too heavily into sterile materialism or superstitious ritual.
This is like reverse orientalism... occidentalism? Lol if you actually believe this; it's incredibly juvenile and superficial of you, and the Catholic church would leap to dispute characterization as un-ecumenical towards other faiths. You aren't even allowed to pray for conversion of others

>> No.18880913

>I'm a huge fucking faggot so I'm going to repeat the same basic bitch fedora criticisms including some tired horseshit about Christianity being neoplatonism
Read the Sentences. Lombard specifically notes where the Greeks where in error. I'm asking for non-Thomistic writings because he leans too much on Aristotle.
Says some modernist bishsops, but that goes against centuries of tradition.

>> No.18880943
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>Because Catholicism is the only relgion that successfully combines the mystical and the rational. All other options lead too heavily into sterile materialism or superstitious ritual.
t. religiously illiterate
Also mysticism is overrated and ritual is based.

>> No.18880950

Please tell me, what Geunon LARP do you partake in?

>> No.18880951

Matthias Scheeben

>> No.18880957

I am not a follower of Guenon or any kind of perennialist.

>> No.18880960

>un-ecumenical towards other faiths
This. You need to find a Sedevacantist Catholic Sect.

>> No.18881032

>Lombard specifically notes where the Greeks where in error.
Right because they were wicked debauched pagan homosexuals, but otherwise fine theologians merely anticipating Christ. Which must have elicited some smirks at the monastery from the senior brothers I'm sure.

>> No.18881076

Why do you fags keep steering everything back to sodomy?

>> No.18881084

>Says some modernist bishsops, but that goes against centuries of tradition.
So did Aquinas's teachings you loser.

>> No.18881089

Where did Aquinas say not to pray for the conversion of others?

>> No.18881099

>Catholic convert
>Likes mysticism
>Unhappy with modernity
Desu this is the 3rd thread you've made on this topic today

>> No.18881102

Not what I said, retard. I was pointing out that you rejected modernity on the basis of tradition while neglecting the fact that the church doctor was at times condemned and in opposed to traditional theology. Also the modern church is harder on abortion that him lmao.

>> No.18881104

This is the first thread I've made today. Perhaps there is a larger trend of dissatisfaction.

>> No.18881105

Louis Berkhof "Systematic Theology" ;)

>> No.18881118

>Aquinas talked about ensoulment after conception, therefore he supported abortion
Oh, you're retarded.

>> No.18881121

>Louis Berkhof "Systematic Theology"

>> No.18881128

>avoids the rest of my statement
>intellectually dishonest
>probably a masturbator
yup, catholic larper.

>> No.18881134
File: 315 KB, 3840x2160, trolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18881137

The rest of you're statement is just as ridiculous. Aquinas never condemned tradition or went easy on abortion.

>> No.18881144

Because there's "the Greeks" and there is "the Book." That is the entirety of Christian theology, and ultimately if you are going to adapt the writings of non-biblical thinkers to advance Christianity you are essentially essentially buggering them, which would be unnecessary if you just had faith in the bible.

>> No.18881244

>You can't use the epistemological tools of your culture to study the Bible because of this profane metaphor I made up
You poor, single-minded faggot.

>> No.18881250

I said he was condemned 1277, and that he opposed the traditional tripartite theory of soul. His idea is an undivided rational soul that has the powers of the plant and sensitive soul, and that it only comes about when the bodily organs are developed enough. Obviously he's not pro-abortion you nitwit. I was pointing out that his theory is much easier to justify abortion through than the modern church's theory. Read something not from the 12th century.

>> No.18881259

>tripartite theory of soul.
Was never uniformly taught as a dogma.
>Obviously he's not pro-abortion you nitwit.
Then why did you say he was easier on abortion, you stupid nigger?

>> No.18881275

>was never uniformly taught as a dogma
Sorry, it was only taught by Irenaeus, Tatian, Melito, Didymus of Alexandria, Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, and Basil of Cesaraea
>Then why did you say he was easier on abortion, you stupid nigger?
Take a breathe and read before you bust out the niggers and such:
>I was pointing out that his theory is much easier to justify abortion through than the modern church's theory.
You should ask your priest about these matters instead of sperging out on /lit/

>> No.18881308
File: 67 KB, 594x516, 12871152-5ABB-40CF-8706-7BAFB6E142B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Leave this thread /x/ tard.

>> No.18881310

>I was pointing out that his theory is much easier to justify abortion through than the modern church's theory.
No it isn't. He uniformly condemned abortion regardless of ensoulment.

>> No.18881312

You clearly have never read Aquinas.

>> No.18881314

I'm not a pagan, you schizo.

>> No.18881322

Who are you to accuse someone of profanity on 4channel? Christers are hilarious. But please, don't let me get in your way of ravaging authors who can't respond to you for quotes that support positions they did not take.

>> No.18881345
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Once again, I did not say he supported abortion. His arguments have were literally referenced in Roe v. Wade
>The absence of a common-law crime for pre-quickening abortion appears to have developed from a confluence of earlier philosophical, theological, and civil and canon law concepts of when life begins. These disciplines variously approached the Question in terms of the point at which the embryo or fetus became "formed" or recognizably human, or in terms of when a "person" came into being, that is infused with a "soul" or "animated." -- Justice Blackmun
That's the meaning of "he's easier on abortion than the modern church". The church obviously recognized the problems with his theory and changed to provide a better argument against abortion at any stage of life.

>> No.18881346

what religion are you

>> No.18881353

>He thinks being "profane" is just about using swear words
You must be 18 to post on 4chan.
>don't let me get in your way of ravaging authors who can't respond to you for quotes that support positions they did not take.
How is applying ideas to new concepts "ravaging" anything?

>> No.18881359


>> No.18881365

It's like saying "im christian". Be specific

>> No.18881367

How would you feel if I ran through your Bible and returned with it being supportive of Pride, Diversity, Tolerance, Socialism, and other ideas that the writers would have found mortifying?

>> No.18881374

I'm Sunni

>> No.18881380

Hanafi too?

>> No.18881383

I would be curious how you came to such outlandish conclusions, or why you believed the Church Fathers had done anything so extreme to the greeks.

>> No.18881392

Aquinas was the rainbow pastor of a different generation.

>> No.18881394

No, I'm Hanbali.

>> No.18881458

I say Pascal

>> No.18881596

>Right because they were wicked debauched pagan homosexuals, but otherwise fine theologians merely anticipating Christ.
Please quote where Lombard makes either argument.

>> No.18881658

>” And he (Pythagoras) is reported to have ordered his followers not to eat beans, because that Zaratas said that, at the origin and concretion of all things, when the earth was still undergoing its process of solidification, and that of putrefaction had set in, the bean was produced. And of this he mentions the following indication, that if any one, after having chewed a bean without the husk, places it opposite the sun for a certain period,—for this immediately will aid in the result,—it yields the smell of human seed. And he mentions also another clearer instance to be this: if, when the bean is blossoming, we take the bean and its flower, and deposit them in a jar, smear this over, and bury it in the ground, and after a few days uncover it, we shall see it wearing the appearance, first of a woman’s pudendum, and after this, when closely examined, of the head of a child growing in along with it.”
Hippolytus masterfully tears the Greeks apart.