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18875374 No.18875374 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, which was the bigger tabloid-tier steaming pile of trash?

>> No.18875377

You. Clearly

>> No.18875380

I rarely hear anyone talk about Hitchens, The God Delusion takes the crown for being the most unhinged and ignorant. At least Hitchens has good rhetoric.

>> No.18875390

People talk about Peter Hitchens all the time anon

>> No.18875421

The book is written by Christopher Hitchens you tard

>> No.18875432

I just can't take Dawkins seriously after seeing the way he tried to appeal/praise "cultural Christianity" after Islam started becoming more visible in the West. It's like he realized all of a sudden the tradition he was attacking is much nicer to criticism than others in the world.

>> No.18875439

He's always been a 'cultural christian' though. The characterisation of his whole spiel has always been of an irate moralising protestant minus the belief in God.

>> No.18875440

Hitchens was basically just cringey Ben Shapiro-tier "OWNED" shit but instead of pink-haired college kids he was sperging out against fumbling old clerics.

>> No.18875483

This. He's basically a giga-Anglican who hates Catholics.

>> No.18875484

Both books were a vital part of the movement to crush Christianity from the Western world.

They succeeded. Christianity is now reduced to a meme religion.

>> No.18875537


Cope and seethe more, Fedoratranny.

>> No.18875538

This is definitely not bait. I can tell because Christianity really is insignificant and powerless in the modern age.

>> No.18875793

You smell of shit

>> No.18875804

Um, have you heard of Jay Dyer??? Christianity (Orthodoxy) is stronger than EVER!

>> No.18875814

God delusion is worse - mostly because Darwin jr. lacks the wit of the Hitchens family.

>> No.18875830

Man I remember when as an atheist I watched a debate between Hitchens and William Lane Craig and I was not only disappointed but something crumbled upon me. He was so fucking destroyed by Craig it's unreal. An actual philosopher vs that retard. Why did he go against him?

>> No.18875836

>the USA is the entirety of the Western world

>> No.18875845

I remember being young and antireligious and knowing very little about religion. Funny how that works.

>> No.18875880

Same, then I grew up, started reading books, learned a lot about religion, got autistically into Augustine, scholasticism, apologetics...
I do not know how people not grow up from atheism.

>> No.18875885

give us your best recs anon

>> No.18876985
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>> No.18877323

God Delusion is ok, not ofensive by any stretch, unless of course, you are a little bitch
Haven't read the other one though

>> No.18877520

Christcucks and Muzzies still seething 15 years later. R.Dawkins really managed to rip their beliefs to shreds.

>> No.18877543
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is this book any good?

>> No.18877701

I'll never forgive dasha for hurting my personal friend adam b. friedland

>> No.18877899

>Why did he go against him?
Hitchens parlayed that Oxford Union debating club shit for all it was worth, for some reason US media lapped it up, because they fell for the 'plummy voiced British man sounds confident and must be smart' meme. In a parallel universe he's swapped careers with Boris Johnson but everything else is identical

>> No.18879102

>still screeching after all those years
dawkins rekt you hard

>> No.18879110

Yeah Sheldrake is great. He has a roundtable debate with all the big analytic philosophy and science names that's like 4 hours long on youtube. Pretty interesting since they are clearly exasperated by him being a quack but he sticks to his guns. He has stood up to a lot of abuse over the years and stayed strong and honest.

>> No.18879129

it's worth reading definitely. Sheldrake is one of very few /x/ guys actually delivering something intellectually interesting. Check Dean Radin too.

>> No.18879278

Literally who? Dead religion