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/lit/ - Literature

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18875334 No.18875334 [Reply] [Original]

If you submit a writing to an editor, will they ever you
>your story is a rip off of X
>your story has been done a million times before
>your story is so cliche

>> No.18875372

As someone who handles rejections for a fairly large publishing house, no.
There simply isn't the time to give in depth criticism, you're more likely (if you get rejected) to just get a generic 'sorry, this isn't up to snuff'.
Larkin used to have a stamp on his desk that printed 'Bullshit' on any poems sent to him, and John Betjeman used to reply to every submission with 'Talent!' or 'Potential!' - you'll usually get something halfway.
They'll let you down slow, if they reply at all.

>> No.18875401

If a story relies on its idea and the idea has been done many times, it will almost certainly get rejected, but you might not be told specifically why. You might just get "We can't use this", or whatever.

(Talk to any editor and he'll tell you, a huge proportion of the stuff they get is like this.)

Remember, though, this only applies to a story which relies on its idea.

>> No.18875806

An editor isn't a dominatrix. They aren't paid to humiliate and abuse you. If they think your submission has irreparable problems, eg the idea being bland or plagiarised, they will just reject you without any explanation. It's only if they see obvious potential and a realistic chance that you can realise it that you will get actual criticism from them.

>> No.18875823

Those are more the responses of an agent. Any decent editor will sit down with you before they even read it to find out what you are trying to accomplish and then they will read it and offer advice regarding edits to better meet your goals. And editor does not care in the slightest if it is cliche, not their job. Also, you do not submit work to an editor, you just hire them.

>> No.18876562

by handles rejections does that mean youre just paid to reply to emails? does the publisher ever give you notes to pass on to the author?

>> No.18876646
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>It's only if they see obvious potential and a realistic chance that you can realise it that you will get actual criticism from them.

>> No.18877734

threads about to die
can you shoot me with an email, I have something to discuss with you