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/lit/ - Literature

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18873890 No.18873890 [Reply] [Original]

No, reading (literary) fiction isn’t useless.
It’s a convenient medium to explore ideas in a setting of limitless possibilities.
Some of the greatest insights into the human soul were made by authors like Dostoevsky, Hamsun, Dazai, and other’s in masterpieces like Notes from Underground, Hunger and No Longer Human.
(Literary) fiction has a place in literature that should not be underestimated and cannot be replaced by the technical descriptions of real world phenomena found in non-fiction.

>> No.18873909

no better than an /a/fag

>> No.18873962

Fiction doesn't need to be defended.

>> No.18873965

aesthetic pleasure is the only thing here worth a damn. you dont have to defend it by dressing it up with cringe utilitarian values

>> No.18873979

then I suppose non-fiction has little meaning to you?

>> No.18873996

if its fun, it has a use.
basic genre fiction is boring and therefore useless.
reading about a dude turn into a cockroach is fun.

>> No.18874020

Non-fiction is a matter of opinion, it's whatever the writer/speaker wants to argue is "true" or "real." Whether he chooses to argue with logic, evidence, dates, weather reports, "facts," makes no difference. Someone could write, "I am going to kill my wife," and never harm his spouse; and, someone could commit murder and never betray his motive with a confession; those examples are more interesting than a laundry list of "facts" and dates.

>> No.18874022


>don't play games
>don't watch movies
>don't drink alcohol
>don't read fiction
>don't watch anime
>don't watch porn
>don't believe in god

I hate everyone who does any of the above too. These are the copes of life. If you indulge in passive entertainment or copes, you are weak and dependent upon something.

>> No.18874054

Fiction is meaningful because it can enlighten to the truth, what non-fiction is supposed to do, but does through a specific medium that doesn't necessarily reveal all, in the name of being scientific, rational, and logical about everything and only being able to point out greater truths as postulated theory.

>> No.18874056
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This thread is so fucking cringey, as is this whole dispute. If you seriously feel the need to justify your interests to people on an anime board, you have a problem and would benefit from taking a break from the Internet.

>> No.18874203

theres beauty everywhere. but i dont read much non fiction

still utilitarianism

>> No.18874215

You are on 4chan. Faggot

>> No.18874257

You may as well say the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, are utilitarian.

>> No.18874278

There are utilitarians in all those religions.

>> No.18874473

who in the fuck in the history of the entirety of human existence even once said the classics where worthless

>> No.18876098

Fiction has value but if you spend too much time reading you won't be living your life. Therefore, it's best enjoyed in moderation. Spending all your time reading fiction is little better than spending all your time watching TV.

>> No.18876102

Based fictionchad

>> No.18876136

4chan consumed my entire life as well anon

>> No.18876169

>reading anything besides: poetry, apologia, notebooks never intended for publication, narrative history written before the enlightenment, & medical/biology textbooks.

>> No.18876501

>Escapism bad!!!!!
Explain this meme.

>> No.18876529

Non fiction tells you what is true
Fiction shows you what is real

>> No.18878246

Based and Nabokovpilled.

>> No.18878814

>No, reading (literary) fiction isn’t useless.
>It’s a convenient medium to explore ideas in a setting of limitless possibilities.

>Some of the greatest insights into the human soul were made by authors...
Those insights are useless

>> No.18880038

Books are just movies for retards.