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1887121 No.1887121 [Reply] [Original]

>no cure for Arthritis, Cancer, or even Hayfever
>no manned space missions anytime soon
>no hoverjets
>no robots that can actually do anything useful Inb4 bomb disposal
>sustainable nuclear power still a long way off
>asian countries will surpass us within our lifetime
>the majority still driving to work with vehicles 100 years old with a new lick of paint and space age design
>age of consent still 18
>alcohol and cigarettes legal and more dangerous than most illegal drugs
>gay marriage allowed, marriage a joke.
>more souls being brainwashed by media than ever before, so much for the information age
>US 12 trillion in debt, the laughing stock of the world
>took nearly 10 years to find a arab hiding in a cave
>White guilt and stupidity gives us a charismatic but inefficient president
>women wear the pants yet are sluttier than ever (3rd wave feminism cranked up to the 9's)
> young white men now at a real disadvantage in this postmodern brave new world
> understandably no pride in country or faith in institutions

2011 - just another year in the slow demise of western "civilisation"

>> No.1887129

While you make some good points, you're still butthurt.

>> No.1887126

>age of consent still 18

16 in the UK, bro. I think you have to be 18 to smoke and drink though, and to join the army before 18 you need parental consent.

But at least you can get your dick wet.

>> No.1887130

I think you're a racist, and I find it entertaining.

>> No.1887132


UK you can drink in your own home from 7 legally and smoke from 16.

You can only buy alcohol when you're 18, someone else can buy you some to drink in private from a young age.

>> No.1887139

>asian power
>age of consent
>drug legality
>gay marriage
>white guilt
>poor young white men

OP is a bigot and a junkie pedophile.

>> No.1887141

>I think you're a racist

what part of it was racist?
projecting much?

>> No.1887143


Didn't they move the smoking age up to 18 a few years ago?

>> No.1887147
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>young white men now at a real disadvantage in this postmodern brave new world

u mad that my 13 inch cock fulfills the needs of your ex-girlfriend, cracker?

>> No.1887149

We change our costume, but we never get to the party.

>> No.1887150

OP is a butthurt honkey with delusions of grandeur, false pride, a strong urge to touch minors, a drug problem, a hatred for strong independant wome, a racist streak and a simplistic mind.

>> No.1887151

>I think you have to be 18 to smoke and drink though, and to join the army before 18 you need parental consent.
So you can't take a drag from a cigarette until you're 18 but you just need mom's permission to take pot shots at terrorists?

>> No.1887154


But cigarettes are bad for you!

>> No.1887163 [DELETED] 




>> No.1887164
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>> No.1887180

tell us more white boy

>> No.1887208

to be honest, I'm excited to see what a China-led world looks like. I've heard post-recession calculations guessing China surpassed United States in 20 years. If nothing else, it will be really interesting.

>> No.1887217

yeah, good OP

except it's actually the whole world, not just USA

>> No.1887220


>someone else can buy you some to drink in private from a young age.

And the age of consent is also 16 for homoexuals, so take care who you get your bacardi breezers from.

>> No.1887267

Western Civilization has been ending since Rome.

>> No.1887284

God is still dead, and for some reason OP is still reading Neitzche.
OP turns 12

>> No.1887293

No Soviet ReUnion yet.

>> No.1887300

>OP is a faggot
Pick two.

>> No.1887302

The only good thing you ever did for me, D&E, is inspire me to watch the movie from which your reaction image comes. Thanks buddy.

>> No.1887306
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>> No.1887314

Summertime, and the trolling is easy.

>> No.1887316

[citation needed]

>> No.1887329

>grows brain-cells

oh man, I've got to try this stuff!
seriously though, all bullshitting aside, weed should most definitely be allowed when alcohol is, and I say that as someone that's never smoked in my life. Although OP's point that 'alcohol and cigarettes legal and more dangerous than most illegal drugs' is just fucking moronic. But OP is obviously either an idiot or a troll, so nobody should take that seriously in the first place.

>> No.1887349

Yeah, this thread is a fucking joke.

Imo it seems that technology has advanced way too quickly. The fact that we don't have complex robots yet is a good thing as technology has obviously gone way too far way too quickly. I say that based on the mildly askew rich/poor-balance of the world, and the changes in climate, and there are probably lots of other things that indicates this. The passivity brought about by luxury and the internet in the western world for example. It's not like all of us being rich, 'middle-class' is good for all of us.

We should long ago have placed restrictions on things connected with the technology, and the schools should long since have been reformed to adjust to our ways of life, to teach us critical thinking, and be aimed at 'spiritual' rather than materialistic needs.

So yes, I agree that western civilization is a fucking mess, but I don't agree with your arguments at all, trolling or not.

>> No.1887355

If Wordsworth could only see today what became of his Industrial revolution that was ruining his precious beautiful nature he'd rise up from the dead, and his animated corpse would walk around smashing all the technology he could get his hands on. Every single computer in the world.

>> No.1887359

>not spelling Nietzsche right.

>> No.1887370

I now have the Image of a zombie Wordsworth shoving a bunch of daffodils down steve jobs throat.

>> No.1887369

Still a pretentious douchebag hipster regardless of what year it is.

>> No.1887371

Confirmed for never having read Philosophy.

>> No.1887375

but what does that have to do with literature?

>> No.1887376

I like how whites totally failed to do any of the things on the list but the reason we have a black president is white guilt.

Welcome to the future where whites are the new blacks.

>> No.1887378
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I'm not pretentious enough to read philosophy yet. Give me a few years to catch up. Nothing is more annoying than Nietzsche fanboys running around yelling 'LOL GOD IS DEAD LOL FUCK DA POLICE'

No, fuck you. You suck.

>> No.1887379
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>> No.1887380

I lol'd.

>> No.1887384

They are more dangerous because they cause more deaths than the other illegal drugs. They are less dangerous than some illegal drugs because they do more damage taken in smaller amounts.

>> No.1887385


Either that, or he'd spend years studying biology and necromancy so he could bring Coleridge and his sister back from the bed, and then fuck them both.

>> No.1887387
File: 29 KB, 581x334, WhatAStory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's one dumb-ass post sir. Nothing makes sense; especially your reasoning.

>askew rich/poor-balance a problem

>being middle class a problem

>schools teach us materialism

>western civilization is a mess

>> No.1887388


I stared at that waiting for it to move, then I imagined so strongly that I thought it actually moved but just very slowly, and then I realized that I was just imagining it.

>> No.1887393

So she thinks the USA is falling behind, I guess - if they don't make it to a million estimated, then they're falling behind China? I dunno, I don't always get weird Americunt politics.

>> No.1887394


yeah, thank you for your intelligent input. I can't even tell if you are trolling or not, so I'll award you with a D.

>> No.1887397


Sincerely, I'm not.

>> No.1887399

Every generation sees their generation as the age of decadence and dissolution. Nothing new to see here, folks.

>> No.1887402

At the age of 16 you can have sex with your 16+ girlfriend and film it, but you can't watch it back till you're 18.

>> No.1887406
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>> No.1887407


In that case, your existence makes me sad and slightly angry.

>> No.1887419

The fact that our schools and institutions still nudge us along towards materialistic goals ( the acquisition of cars, expensive houses, et cetera ) is evidence enough that we are still at an early and static stage of development.

>> No.1887424

"To hell with the Lost Generation and all the cheap easy labels. All generations are lost, always have been, always will be."

-Ernest Papa Hemingway

>> No.1887429

>you're racist.
>you're homophobic
>you think marriage was ever not a joke
>you don't understand the complexity of modern mechanics and engineering

Do you even read?

>> No.1887433
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I don't mind. Your clear retardation will mean I'll likely be reading your humorous and embarrassing death in the newspapers some day. It will bring a smile to my face.

>> No.1887435


Exactly. The main objective of schools aren't to make you an intelligent human being, but to launch you into work as quickly as possible. You see this in the methods of learning as well. You aren't expected to understand the material, as long as you manage to remember it mechanically.

>> No.1887438

Seriously doesn't see how his post is racist.


>> No.1887454


Racist AND nationalist, in fact.

>> No.1887477

OP does raise a a valid point, is Western society deteriorating socially, economically, technological, administratively, and intellectually?

I think so, but maybe that is because I'm getting older and have high standards. Perhaps that is a part of growing up.

>> No.1887485

I'm 19 and i kind of agree with OP, except for the xenophobic shit.

>> No.1887490

>western civilization

That's because they try to strike a compromise between culture and work.
There needs to be dedicated teams and governments that only care about fixing problems (From the top minds, like the Brain Trust), and the rest of the country needs to focus on giving meaning to their life.

Take a leaf out of the east's book, they have more culture and depth in art and community than the west will ever have.