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[ERROR] No.18870699 [Reply] [Original]

So many reasons floated around: oil, military ind. complex, protection of allies, Cold War never ended, desire to spread democracy.
Which of these are actually true?

>> No.18870704

I dunno about books, but watch "Bitter Lake", a documentary by Adam Curtis.

>> No.18870709

holy shit i was gonna say the same thing

>> No.18870711

You dont need a book to understand, just one word that starts with j

>> No.18870712

Thanks. Looks like it's on YouTube for free

>> No.18870736

Different reasons for different wars. Afghanistan <-> Iraq for example.

>> No.18870740

Usually an off topic response, but in this case, The Bible

>> No.18870762

Crossing the Rubicon - Michael Ruppert

>> No.18870764
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>> No.18870766
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Kevin Macdonald, Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement.

>> No.18870780

You don't need a book. Just ask me dumbass

Here is the TLDR:
>Chrony Capitalism/Money and Power Grab
>US Government is retarded ego driven sociopathic retards

>> No.18870799

Neo-Conned!: Just War Principles: A Condemnation of War in Iraq

Neo-Conned! Again: Hypocrisy, Lawlessness, and the Rape of Iraq

>> No.18870860

watch 'I can't get you out of my head' by him too.

>> No.18870876

Hegemonic desire, grabbing the only opportunity to create globalist empire of totalitarian liberalism etc...

In the end, it failed and we are witnessing end of the American ZoG globalist project. Now how much will that damage America? Judge for yourself how much it damaged itself in pursuit of globalism.

>> No.18870881

The Revolution by Ron Paul. It's not the whole book but he explains a lot of it.
>tldr it's so the government can justify increasing its own power while taking away rights of citizens.

>> No.18870944

Jesus you can really tell /lit/ is just a bunch of zoomers. We attacked Afghanistan as revenge for 9/11, and we attacked Iraq because America's lust for blood was not sated by the highly successful invasion of Afg. We needed Fallujah and the imagery it generated to quench the American public. We didn't fight for geopolitics (although that of course motivated some intellectuals), but because we wanted to.

>> No.18870963

It has nothing to do with zoomers. It's a convoluted clusterfuck of a nihilistic power struggle.
>We attacked Afghanistan as revenge for 9/11
so, so naive and reductive.

>> No.18870985

It has everything to do with people who did not watch the second plane hit the tower. America shifted on its axis, literally every single cultural figure from every side stood with America, the presidents approval rating shot up, and US special forces were on the ground in a matter of days. It may have turned into many things, but the Afghan war was what America wanted.

>> No.18871006

Your first stop should be Peter Dale Scott, any of his books on The Road To War etc. Not joking, do not look at anything else until you've at least looked over Scott's thesis and its range.

>> No.18871017

its was set in motion decades earlier fool

>> No.18871381

Wait so /lit/really is dumb.

>> No.18871405

it's the fucking jews you retard, obviously

>> No.18871521

Oil. Kamala Harris admitted it like a year ago.

>> No.18871962

Why do you say that?

>> No.18872014

LOL Terrible "documentary". Go to /TV/ with this bullshit.

>> No.18872023

They're all true. Is it really hard to understand? If the US didn't get involved another player would, and having the US involved is the best possible option.

As for modern history, the last 25 years, why do you think?

>> No.18872025

>pseud books
>duh joos

>> No.18872028

Keep dreaming

>> No.18872034

WTF do you think it was for?

>> No.18872038

First and foremost, Saddam threatened to nuke Israel.

Second, Saddam was too unpredictable and made oil prices wobble all over the fucking place.

>> No.18872041

recommending Adam Curtis documentaries for one. There is not a lot dumber. Maybe Michael Moore is dumber.

>> No.18872046

It needs to prop up the petrodollar as a means of exporting its debt.

>> No.18872052

America didn't do enough post 9/11, they really pussy footed, when they should have unleashed hell on that part of the world. Nuclear bombs on every Islamic capital in the world.

>> No.18872062

hurr durrr....

>> No.18872066

Unironically; >>>/pol/

>> No.18872161
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>> No.18872248

>Ron Paul

into the trash it goes

>> No.18872265


>> No.18872267
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The real reasons will filter most people.

>> No.18872278

>Using the term 'crony capitalism'
>in 2021

>> No.18872281

Recently found out Ron Paul speaks to the Birch Society occasionally

That made me interested in him, since before that I always assumed he was just a basic bitch libertarian

>> No.18872296

What does this mean. Like, I mean, truly, what is this explanation trying to say, what legs dors it stand on? Because it explains nothing, is an empty statement, but is the rallying cry of every worthless degenerate from /pol/ and the like. It encapsulates their total vacuousness in thought, in nuance, in critical decisionmaking, in their ability to honestly see the world in which they live and breathe. You need more of a thesis than this.

>> No.18872311

Im curious why people HAD to get involved, and what justifies America being the absolute best choice?

>> No.18872318

watch bitter lake you god damn idiot

>> No.18872321
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>Hurr durr the petrodollar is a meme concept

>> No.18872340

>Im curious why people HAD to get involved, and what justifies America being the absolute best choice?

Why the US HAD to get involved in the last 25 years?

There are not many alternatives to fill the vacuum. Basically China or Russia, but maybe you don't think those are bad.

>> No.18872347

I have, it's a joke. Adam Curtis is for people that can't read. Cool music though.

>> No.18872817
File: 146 KB, 432x432, former-us-navy-seal-jocko-willink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is evil in the world.
If given the opportunity, it will grow in strength and power.
The only thing that can stop evil is people willing to stand and fight and sacrifice to destroy it.
When there is no will to fight, evil will win.
Innocent people will suffer.
Darkness will expand.
But there are people who do have the will to fight.
They will never surrender to the tyranny of evil.
I served with many of these men and women.
The battle is fraught with blood and tears.
Failure and defeat.
Anguish and loss.
But the good and brave souls will hold the line and, in the end:
Righteousness will prevail.

>> No.18873425

/fitlit/ wins again.

>> No.18873461

here's a quote from "my diary desu" by "Anon" :
>the jews did it

>> No.18873714

He is so fucking based

>> No.18873735

anything Chomsky

>> No.18873750

kek just imagine the people who read this shit.

>> No.18873765

There is no evil in the world.
Even if given the opportunity, it will not grow in strength and power.
There are many things that can stop evil other than people willing to stand and fight and sacrifice to destroy it.
Even when there is no will to fight, evil will not win.
Innocent people will not suffer.
Darkness will not expand.
And there are no people who have the will to fight.
They will sometimes surrender to the tyranny of evil.
I didn't serve with many of these men and women.
The battle is not fraught with blood and tears.
Neither failure nor defeat.
Nor anguish and loss.
But the good and brave souls will not hold the line and, in the end:
Righteousness will not prevail.

>> No.18873865
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>Freedom isn't free
>Yeah there's a hefty fucking ME
>Yeah let's get back to the ME
>Be a top gun actor like ME

>> No.18874117

This is better.

>> No.18874713

Anything Chomsky is drivel.

>> No.18874717

I don't read it. He's just a based guy.

>> No.18874729
File: 21 KB, 255x319, dore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books on WHY the USA involved itself in Middle East?

On Jews and Their Lies

>> No.18874741
