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File: 55 KB, 980x653, dylan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18870196 No.18870196 [Reply] [Original]

bros...are they going to take his Lit Nobel away?


>> No.18870200

What are your 3 favourite Dylan songs lads?
for me:
Visions of Johanna
Desolation Row
Idiot Wind

>> No.18870203

He'll get another one.

>> No.18870221

Hopefully, he sucks and always has.

>> No.18870233

holy shit this guy is still alive ?

>> No.18870247

This has been such a deliberate and despicable attack on an eighty year old man, all from the Zionists who still resent him to this day for his conversion to Catholicism. The message they’re trying to send is very clear: Turn against us and you will be destroyed. The fact that the charges are completely false at the slightest investigation isn’t a mistake, they want it made obvious that they don’t have to tell the truth or anything close to the truth, all they need is to lie and broadcast it across their media empire overnight. They’d prefer for you to know they’re lying and doing it out of malice. I spit on every single one of them, they will not stop until everything which isn’t pure evil and dogshit is taken from us.

>> No.18870257

Isn't it already well known that he beat his wife in the 70s? Why does this matter?

>> No.18870259


>> No.18870278


>> No.18870280

>holy shit this guy is still alive ?
The virgin blood of young girls is better than stem cell injections for longevity.

>> No.18870285

Reminder that rapnigs can rape multiple underage girls and post it on their Instagram story and rap about it on songs played on the radio, all with no repercussions, but if you so dare as make Christian music after converting from Judaism they will lie about you in your old age and try to destroy everything you’ve built

>> No.18870486

Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again
Simple Twist of Fate
Just like a Woman

>> No.18870492

Desolation Row
She’s Your Lover Now

>> No.18870507

He was touring in the UK when it supposedly happened.

>> No.18870523
File: 1.21 MB, 1647x2240, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chosenite sexually abuses a child
Who could've seen this coming? /s

>> No.18870530

Can he be prosecuted for something that happened 55 years ago?

>> No.18870538

No, it’s a smear campaign.

See >>18870247

>> No.18870608

As much as I despise kikes, all these "30 years ago I was diddled source just trust me bro" claims that have been popping ever since Big Harv got busted are preposterous and retarded. Moreso the left's rediscovery of the term "grooming" which went from meaning targeted solicitation of minors to the damning of men for just talking to kids, about anything. The fact that there is no legal repercussions for women who try to ruin men's lives in exchange for 5 minutes in the limelight is ridiculous and shows the depth of decadence within western society

>> No.18870631

It’s not a woman trying to ruin his life, it’s zionists

>> No.18871035

>Moreso the left's rediscovery of the term "grooming"

The funniest thing is how obsessed they are with the concept except in the context it is by far the most damaging, that is to say, the prevalence of grooming gangs made up of immigrants.


>> No.18871084

Zionist waited 40+ years to plant a sexual assault story that is at this point 60+ years old? Take your meds.

>> No.18871099

uhh im bob dylan
uhh i fuck children
uhh im bob dylan...

>> No.18871116

>The failure to address the abuse was attributed to a combination of factors revolving around race, class and gender—contemptuous and sexist attitudes toward the mostly working-class victims; fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism and damage community relations...
This is were our societies are getting fucked up. I'm not a racist, I treat everyone prettt much the same, that's why I think suspicion and punishment should be equal. Fearing to punish someone because of its race is equally racist as denying him rights by its race: rights and duties are two sides of the same civil life

>> No.18871132


D-dylan bros? What did he mean by this?

>> No.18871141

I don't think anyone really cares. #MeToo died at Biden's hands, and right now there are bigger things in the news than a "he said she said" case concerned with events which happen in 1965.

>> No.18871194

>#MeToo died at Biden's hands

>> No.18871211

The whole "believe all women" and "we are holding powerful men accountable" slogans did not survive Tara Reade's Biden accusations.

>> No.18871244

Just because the principle is selectively applied doesn't mean that it did not become normalized in public discourse. If you don't notice it in particular that's probably because it has become normal and commonplace.

>> No.18871264

The thing is, they've probably gotten into hot water because they gave it to a straight white male, so they now have to fabricate a story to fix that.
That being said, Dylan sucks.

>> No.18872085

Not the same anon. From what I’ve read, it seems they’ve implemented an child abuse act going back further.


>> No.18873662

If you think this is happening because he got a nobel prize 5 years ago and they’re just trying to fabricate a reason to take it away from him, you’re a retard. Honestly, the whole “it’s the zionists” makes more sense, but even then I don’t think they would have waited all this time since he converted like 40 years ago at this point. It’s probably just someone trying to get money/fame out of al this, or just to fuck with Dylan or some shit. Dylan doesn’t suck by the way and anyone who says he does is retarded.

>> No.18873697

he did that conspiracy song recently

>> No.18874077

Yeah, maybe releasing a 17 minute song last year saying that (((they))) sacrificed JFK on the altar of the blood god wasn't such a good idea

>> No.18874244

Bob Dylan is not interesting or talented.

>> No.18874255
File: 26 KB, 307x295, 1622633815019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing he's being accused of would have happened almost 60 years ago. Even if it really did happen, it shouldn't be held against him at this point. Matters like this should be dealt with by a formal system of law that protects the rights of the innocent rather than by an outrage mob, and the law happens to have a concept of statutes of limitations for a reason. If it happened so long ago that even the law considers you absolved by time, then it shouldn't be held against you.

>> No.18874261

That's probably it lol

>> No.18874282

All musicians are fundamentally dull humans. Music is the opposite of literature in a sense that its 100% instinct and 0% intellect. Nobody who's sufficiently developed sees music as more than amusingly distracting jingles to entertain yourself in moments of boredom

>> No.18874294

Yet another ((pedophile)))...is it a genetic thing with them, or what?

>> No.18874301

>The fact that there is no legal repercussions for women who try to ruin men's lives in exchange for 5 minutes in the limelight
It's basic game theory that if you have a choice that can give you benefits with no risk people are going to take it, it's funny how it's the exact people screeching "DEFEND SCIENCE" that think women never have and never will lie about rape claims.

>> No.18874315

Can't reason with /pol/troons bro

>> No.18874379

It’s all over now baby blue
Positively 4th street
I shall be released
Girl from the north country