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[ERROR] No.18869261 [Reply] [Original]

Write What's On Your Mind Alternative thread

>> No.18869302

Jesus Christ, never thought I would thank butterdyke for anything. But thank you for making a real WWOYN
Thread theme

>> No.18869333

its fucking annoying that a bunch of zoomers literally just this month discovered chris chan and the taliban exist and won't stop posting about them

>> No.18869408

turns out I've been coping all along, I really do want to die

>> No.18869643

pray tell, why did we need an alternative thread?

>> No.18869872

because of the shit OP pic

>> No.18869952

I had to create a Twitter account today because you can no longer browse the site at all if you dont have one, you cant click on anything anymore. How does one resist the temptation to constantly call people faggots?

>> No.18870019

Why do I have to be so interested in Japan? Why can’t I just be interested in “the West” like the normal American misanthrope who’s spent way too much time on the internet?

>> No.18870031

I'm only interested in Russia

>> No.18870057

Russia is my #2

>> No.18870067

And besides, Russia is still pretty Western I think they would say. I would agree and I would suggest that it’s relatively normal for any American or Western European to be a Russiaboo, especially given how things are at present.

>> No.18870128
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I just need to finish my CV and I can start applying for jobs. Yet I'm taking way too much time on it.

>> No.18870144

So it turns out I’ve got a few options I guess. I have a car and I’ll need it to get there no matter what so it’s coming with me regardless but I can choose to live out of the car, out of the car and a small camping tent, or the car and a more durable long tent. Moving up from there would be getting into straight up cabin territory and I can’t nor do I want to purchase a cabin outright. I also think just relying on bushcraft shelters is not what I’m going for.

>> No.18870147

oh wow. fucking incredible, can't even click on a tweet anymore. these shitty websites just keep locking everything down. same with Instagram.
I'm not making an account, fuck that shit

>> No.18870158

Reluctance to join the chain gang is natural. A friend of mine is retiring soon. I want to go too

>> No.18870201

I’ve made the same mistake twice; my physics degree is worthless in my country; it’s worthless anywhere, but the place doesn't matter because I can't go anyway. All that it’s good for is to make people think you’re smart, but you’re not, because you studied a worthless degree. There’s jobs for biologists, chemists, engineers, but none for me. I saw a temporary job for marine work, which I could theoretically apply for, but will it be there in a year? No. Will something else be there to replace it? Who knows. Maybe I abandon the idea of doing a PhD in Physics, what good is it honestly going to do me? I should just put my teeth on the barrel and get a job that I hate because the jobs I love seem to not exist.

>> No.18870209

All jobs suck save for those vocations which you create for yourself unfortunately

>> No.18870216

True. I just don't want to commit so much of my life to something that makes me want to kill myself. That might legitimately drive me to it.

>> No.18870220

So commit your life to something that doesn’t make you want to kill yourself.

>> No.18870227

I did, Physics, but there's no jobs.

>> No.18870270

Thoughts on interactive fiction, like "Choose your own Adventure" books? As a child I loved them, but I can see how writing one would be a major hassle.

>> No.18870292

It is inevitable that new forms of social media must surface. This shit cannot go on, they are going too far

>> No.18870305

It's the TV cycle all over again. It became harder and harder to watch TV, so someone made Netflix to promote convenience.

You'd think because this was tech-savy companies they'd realise that someone will make something more accessible and less annoying. Instead, these companies are deciding to prey on your fear of missing out to make you sign up.

I also imagine that the level of tracking/selling of info they can do is much much higher if you consent to a user agreement.

Fuck the internet. Fuck money.

>> No.18870310

turns out even the buddha said women belong doing housework. at least good laypractitioner-women. now I realize that you may think "this was the only reality of his time", and that may be or not, but it remains the case that the western fiction of buddhism as somehow different than other religions in terms of social progressivism is unfounded and in fact counterindicated.

>> No.18870312


>> No.18870317
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Based Erik Satie...

>> No.18870320

What's urbit? Trying to google it but I don't understand enough about tech to get it.

>> No.18870325

My dick is sore. I am over-caffeinated. Suicide. Work. Boredom. The impotent struggle against indifferent quicksand.

>> No.18870340

Urbit is by design the least accessible thing ever. Simply trying to understand what it is filters 98% of people

>> No.18870344

Looking at the way historical cycles happen it can't not go away and it has to be replaced by something else entirely (same for the economic system) but it may not happen for the next 15 years at least... It's a shame we have to spend our youth in these conditions

>> No.18870351

What is it? You guys got me interested now

>> No.18870356

So what do you like about physics? How did you learn about physics?

>> No.18870358

i work in finance but hate being indoors all the time. many financial products are overly complex, markets are wildly unpredictable, and my peers are mostly douchebags. i'm considering switching careers to something else where i can feel like a living human being.

>> No.18870359

>The impotent struggle against indifferent quicksand.
Good morning kings let's push this boulder...

>> No.18870363


>> No.18870365

>something else where i can feel like a living human being.
Soo... Like what lmao

>> No.18870374

I'm sick of being optimistic, the lies I believe everyday to to hold onto fragile sense's of meaning and worth
Im exhausted with my mind wrestling with the world and the nature of our existence

This optimism will drive me to suicide given enough time, and I can't shake it, I wish for something truly awful to happen, that'll finally make me lose hope so I can live, to stop living under all this obfuscation and become conscious instead of my apparant strive to be unconscious, let me live under the bleakness and black reality, instead of these constant offers of hope pulling at the strings of my life

>> No.18870377

Put a plant on your desk

>> No.18870381

Sounds kinda neat

>> No.18870387

something where i can interact with real people and the world instead of numbers and concepts, perhaps journalism since i can write fairly well.
thanks, i'm cured

>> No.18870397

Journalism is the most soulless and psychopathic industry in existence

>> No.18870409

You’re thinking of the stenographers to power in the newz biz.

>> No.18870426

starvation can also lead to stress-related mental illness

>> No.18870572

It feels exotic. It challenges me to think hard about complex and otherworldly problems and come up with interesting solutions. I'm learning about how the universe works and it scratches a philosophical itch. I'm going into the final year of my university education for physics. Before that I did a degree in geography and realised I didn't enjoy it, but now by some sort of dashing irony all the jobs in my area want a masters or higher in ecology.

>> No.18870585

Contemplating whether I should indulge in my fetish or not.
I haven't in years, masturbated yes but not act it out. It is a gross fetish and one I usually regret the moment I'm done. I've only been contemplating it because I've been single for a year and a half and guess I need something more exciting than my hand.

Engaging in it won't hurt me but I like the feeling of not having done it in years, on the other hand my thoughts are about this fetish for a big portion of the day. I'd feel like a mentally ill animal doing it but on the other hand I've done it in the past and no one will know, do I actually give a shit?

I probably will do it and will probably regret it afterwards.

>> No.18870657
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How do I deal with being intellectually lonely? This is probably a pretentious thing to ask, but I have no one to talk to about literature and cultural things. Do I have to move into a big(ger) city?

>> No.18870760

I made an account with a burner protonmail. It clearly thinks I'm a bot, has asked me twice to fill out captchas kek

>> No.18870779

or it just thinks you're an undesirable and wants to make your experience miserable

>> No.18870784

Dont see how it could get that impression, I have not followed anyone nor posted anything

>> No.18870806

cause of the protonmail

>> No.18870883

I reckon their writing system looks very cool

>> No.18870896

Seriously this time: word.

>> No.18871003

Use Mastodon.

>> No.18871086

what the fuck for?

>> No.18871203

I don't know, what do you use other soicial media for? It's all useless garbage, at least Mastodon is FOSS, can be self-hosted and is thereby not pozzed by design.

>> No.18871278

to see content.
I agree social media is garbage, but you fossfags really don't get it, do you. the intent is admirable, but you can't get normies to use these alternative platforms. it doesn't work.
all the content is on the big ones. all the people are there. no one and nothing is on fucking mastodon. if I go on Twitter, it's because I want to read the tweets of specific people. it's not because I want to use social media in some abstract sense, whatever that would even entail

>> No.18871288

the fire rolls through his arteries and his veins. where will he find rest?

>> No.18871294

>if I go on Twitter, it's because I want to read the tweets of specific people
Huh, interesting. Maybe you should go back there then. A better solution: Don't use soicial media at all.

>> No.18871337

alright, thanks for your input champ

>> No.18871343
File: 492 KB, 2380x1680, Hendrik_Pieter_Koekkoek_-_A_lady_on_a_pathway_by_a_stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just heard and argument by John Lennox in favor of the idea of God which I quite liked. His idea was that new scientific knowledge does not always push God away or close the gap in which He might exist. Rather, new knowledge can either close gaps OR open them. I would like to expand on this idea by recalling the fact that new knowledge, actually, does both and can never do anything less. Learning a new scientific fact does, I admit, remove one unknown variable; however, it invariably produces one more question at the least. The question it produces always is, "why?" Usually, however, why is only one question out of hundreds more invited by each new scientific discovery. It should be obvious, actually, that each new fact births a hundred more questions, as when a sphere of knowledge expands it may have a greater volume, more room to store facts, but as an ironic and unexpected side effect it will, of course, increase in surface area or contact with the unknown. Closing a gap, then, can never shut God out. It can only give Him greater presence.

>> No.18871359

No problem. Maybe you should write a tweet about this.

>> No.18871427

sure thing, maybe you should write something on mastodon where two other neckbeards will read it

>> No.18871470

Heavens, I don't use Mastodon. I'm not a braindead soicial media addict, after all. But if I had to impulsively consooome the mental diarrhea of retards, I'd probably prefer those retards to be neckbeards rather than normalfags and brainwashed leftists. But that's a matter of preference, after all!

>> No.18871484

well you sure do seem pretty retarded, might as well be using social media

>> No.18871486

Okay so you don’t need to be a physicist to somehow work in the realm of physics. I mean, you could teach physics. You could write a book on physics ffs. In fact, those are probably closer to what you loved in learning about physics than actually working in physics.

>> No.18871662

I was thinking of writing a book along the lines of "The most interesting things I learned in my physics degree". I think it would be cool to write some real-physics-inspired sci-fi, but I need to get myself writing anything at all first.

>> No.18871694

There are some funny people on Twitter though, they just get banned every couple months and make new accounts so they usually are kind of under the radar

>> No.18871731

learn to use Nitter (and learn to ignore Twitter)
the nitter.pussthecat.org instance works for me
same with bibliogram.art and yew.tube

>> No.18871737

Why don’t you try starting a Physics-based YouTube channel?

>> No.18871752

Is there a job in modern America where you don't feel like a slave? I've got an engineeing degree and every job I've had has been soulless, slave-driving shit.
Which west are you talking about? Old legacy America or judeo-negro LGBT modern-media-construct America?
Just look for gf, even if she's well below your standards. Some men go insane without loving touch in their life.

>> No.18871788

Those are a dime-a-dozen. To be truly interesting you have to put in a good bit of money to show off, not just the concepts, but the concepts applied in interesting places, in my opinion.

I'm not really interested in YouTube.

>> No.18871793

This feeling is what's left of the voice of reason in your head, telling you that what you are doing is bad for you and possibly others.
If you do it once you'll want to do it again and again. Slippery slope is real. Get the fuck out of this shit anon, the vast majority of people who have these internet "fetishes" are just letting themselves down this slippery slope.
Quit the porn and all that shit. You don't have to stop jerking off, just stay away from porn.

>> No.18871804

You don't have to be ashamed of your love for Japan if you actually love Japan and not just retarded cartoons for subhuman degenerates.

>> No.18871835
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I've been looking for girls. Honestly I can talk very well but these days you start by texting and I'm terrible at that shit.

Thanks for the encouragement but it's a legit fetish. Not internet porn related. I have had this since I was 5 years old, some of the earliest memories I have involve it. I just jacked off and am not convinced I shouldn't do it. But that's post nut clarity.

First anon is right, a gf will fix this and I'll focus more on doing that.

>> No.18871883

Well you should not indulge anyway. The slippery slope is still there and especially if it's a violent/unhealthy fetish you are far better off holding it back.
I think everyone can have excessive sexual thoughts, according to what they personally deem excessive. If you feel like what you're doing is wrong you should follow that instinct and hold back. Society right now does not care what you do sexually, if it's not actively encouraging you, so if you feel like this it's definitely part of yourself that doesn't want you to indulge.

>> No.18871913

didn't know about any of these. thanks very much, anon

>> No.18871938

doesn't work though. however, newpipe is great

>> No.18871940

It's not violent or unhealthy, just something that would instantly make me move across the world and take up a new identity if anyone found out.
I have no issues with thinking about it, that seems like a relatively normal thing to do. It's the acting out that I struggle with. Not often since I haven't done it in what, 5+ years I think. for clarity it's a diaper fetish with a hint of age regression I hate anyone parading their odd sexuality/kink but given that I have had these thoughts well before I thought of anything sexual makes me think it's somehow different from regular coomers. It will never go away and it will be a constant battle.

I'll try and land a gf and sidestep it that way.

>> No.18871951

there are browser extensions and userscripts that will convert all links to a working alternative
generally speaking they're too cumbersome to use if you actively browse the sites, since they're slower and clumsier, but if someone posts a youtube video or a twitter post and you want to check that, it's perfectly viable.

>> No.18871953

You don’t need a large audience to have a small following and you don’t need a large following to earn an income.

>> No.18871965

sorry it's yewtu.be, it's always up
the invidious instances are the most subject to get blocked, but that one has been working reliably for a long time

>> No.18871973

Don't do it. But don't make a false dichotomy between good unsatisfied you and bad unsatisfied you. Don't do it because you fucking know you won't be satisfied after anyway. The feeling of not having done it in years is not something to be thrown away lightly. I've done similar things with hooking up and it's always a devastating feeling of having thrown away all that purity for, again not even a radically opposed moment of true bliss, but for something mediocre and fleeting anyway. Then you talk yourself into being in the shit zone for a month because fuck it, in for a penny in for a pound. Then you hit the end of that pit of shame and start all over again and have to start back at square one.

Your dick is always a liar. Always always always. You are in the dick mania right now because of all the anticipation and flirting with the idea of indulging it. That dick mania is a lie. Go back in time to a month after you last indulged it, one month into abstinence when you still remembered how mediocre indulging it was, and that made it easier to abstain. Imagine if you had caved then. It wouldn't have been some massive cave into pure bliss from pure abstinence, it would just have been you falling off the wagon and back into the mud ten minutes after getting back on.

If you do it again, that's how it will feel both ten seconds after, and probably during. What's making you want to do it is the dick mania telling you that the radical opposition exists and you will be triumphantly swan diving into the mud rather than just falling clumsily into it and thinking "fuck me, enough of this."

If you really want the mediocre mud then do it. But don't do it based on dick mania's lies. Dick mania is what makes men lose a billion dollars in a divorce settlement because they wanted to cheat then and there, not even cheat intelligently in a way they can hide. Dick mania is what makes men humiliate themselves irreparably with sexts. Dick mania functions not by making up your desire entirely but by taking the desire and making you think its fulfillment will be the ultimate satisfaction of your current longing. The longing will dissolve if you just remind yourself that the satisfaction is never ultimate, it's always mediocre.

>> No.18871992

>don't make a false dichotomy between good unsatisfied you and bad unsatisfied you
Fucked this up. Meant to say good unsatisfied you and bad satisfied you.

For me it was going back to a crazy ex. Ten years with her behind me feels better than a thousand orgasms with her. Imagine being 50 and thinking back over a long life of not being a diaperfag, a long clean life with no humiliations or degenerate porn binges or terrible relationships with other degenerates, and chuckling to yourself, haha wow I'm glad I didn't become that guy, perpetually in some state of relapse into diaperfaggotry.

>> No.18872013

sweet. thanks anon

>> No.18872043

Getting owned on typeracer by teenagers from strange lands.

>> No.18872045

I liked your post anon.
What has brought on the current temptation is being stuck in an uneventful loop. Work is tiring and outside of work not much exciting is happening. Tempting myself by thinking about it has made my days more exciting and you get sort of a rush about thinking about doing something very taboo. The key to avoiding this trash is to have something to look forward to. Lockdowns have made it worse since social life is different and I stopped going to the gym.

If you ask me now I'd say I'm 100% not doing it but I need something else to do, this wagie cycle I'm in is something you can only do for so long before going crazy I feel.

>> No.18872076

>I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
I was typing this and I thought "this is probably some gay shit like Stephen Jay Gould" and that's exactly what it was.

>> No.18872103

Lockdowns are testing everyone's nerves. I'm sure there are lots of people right now who are getting hooked to all kinds of porn and other addictions. You don't want to be one of those. I think making an effort in the opposite direction is going to pay off, whatever that will mean in the shitty future we have left.

>> No.18872214

Books on how a fag can find his role in a "traditional" society?

>> No.18872218

She is probably the sweetest girl I've met; not the prettiest girl I've seen, but she was pretty, and had a special charm that I haven't quite captured in other women. She's also a baptist. I'm not a christian and have never been too fond of protestants... It might have to do with the fact that I am (technically) a baptised catholic. Anywaýs, I haven't seen her in awhile... probably 9 months.
I truly do miss her. One of the few women I've had a deep conection with, despite never having dated her.


>> No.18872332

I'm not interested in youtube.

>> No.18872375

Most zoomers werent born for 9/11. feel old yet?

>> No.18872442
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From my perspective, the attractiveness of virginity in women (or, the allure of all pure traits) sprouts from the desire for uxoriousness. That is, if I were to wed a girl I would want to love her completely and unceasingly. Love, requiring reciprocity to work, would then require her to love me completely and unceasingly in return. An impure or deflowered woman cannot love just one person, lest that person be the one who deflowered her. Any future partners would only receive a fraction of her total capacity for affection, as the largest part of it is, as a rule, spent on one's first love. I'm not sure if Joyce meant to mock the character of Gabriel Conroy in The Dead, but, regardless, his idealism resonates with my perceptions of things. And, as you can see from this example, Gabriel Conroy's mistake lies in spending the entirety of his affection on a woman already in debt to another, a woman who can never pay him back. To progress, I ought either to debase myself such that a debased woman may satisfy me, or I ought to find a virginal woman such that we can be the first loves of one another, and live without fear of betrayal which is inherent to fallen men and women alike.

>> No.18872677

Islamic banking is fucking based. It even considers insurance as a form of usury, which it is. Reading about it shed light on just how corrupt and immoral western banking is.

>> No.18872703

I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself

>> No.18872712

Butterfly is bitter hurt and mad.

>> No.18872749


>> No.18872849

I love Japan but I also love manga and like anime.

>> No.18872923

Wall tent, not long tent.

I’ve spent some time thinking about it though and I’m still not sure what I want to do. I just don’t have the money for the land or cabin purchase. Long term rentals exist but they’re expensive and hard to find. So really, I’m kind stuck between these three options of no tent, normal tent, and wall tent.

>> No.18873188

Where should I start with Simone Weil? She seems based.

>> No.18873237

Would also like to know this

>> No.18873238

What country?

>> No.18873498

Read Mishima

>> No.18873533

What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind!

>> No.18873569


>> No.18874137

threaten me, i dare you. you can't do shit, and if you do, i swear to god, it won't be like it was when i was a kid. you sit there lying about me, making me sound like this horrible kid trying to make you miserable. i'm an adult, you're the one who needs to grow up.
if i had anywhere else to go, if i could afford a place on my own, you toxic, miserable fucks would be on your fucking own. i HOPE you find somewhere else to go. maybe this will give you some motivation to keep a fucking job, you selfish alcoholic. you only care about getting your first paycheck and drowning yourself in vodka. i stopped giving a shit about your health a while ago. you don't deserve to be a part of my life.
you spent our whole childhood sitting on your ass making us feel like absolute GARBAGE, and then when my mother left you you got your act together and suddenly you could afford to buy your new family a house. hell, you pretended you didn't even have kids, didn't even tell me you were getting married. i was house sitting, you ignored every call when you were late, came home with your new wife and the first words out of your mouth when i opened the door for you were "you're still here?"
and you never got better. you never do. you just want to play the victim every chance you get, bleed every cent out of mom who should have never agreed to let you stay with us. i was a deluded idiot, i believed you were better than you were. but i'm older now and i see you for who you are.
"grow up" from the one who told a cop he was going to smash in the windows of a truck with a hammer because they were parked in our visitor space. because they did that to spite YOU, right?? jesus fucking christ.
go to hell.

>> No.18874243

Japan is great I love homogenized conservative countries.


>> No.18874245

Yesterday evening, when I was on the beach, I saw a woman who struck me as absolutely gorgeous. I usually don't stare at many women but I caught myself staring then. She was probably twice my age, probably even older than my mother, but she moved with such grace and had an aura about her I could feel. My friends and I sat not too far away, but I decided to face the opposite way as to not let her see me look at her, yet about halfway through my meal I see her get up and stand only a few paces from our table; staring out towards the sea as the sun kissed her already sun kissed skin and the wind ran through her curly hair. The yellowing sky made the perfect backdrop for her profile, it highlighted her sloped forehead, down to her nose that came to a dainty little point, and her smile lit up the beach even more than the setting sun.
For the past day, I've been fantasizing about her being my partner. I'm only 20 and she looked to be in her mid 40s, and the thought of an older more mature woman is a craving I haven't had in years. I think about how I can be everything she need and she can be everything I need.
I wish I looked at her more. The entire picture of her is fading from my memory.

That kike Freud was right, God damn him. My mother and I have never had a very stable relationship.

>> No.18874423

I’m feeling pretty black pilled on the things I might’ve liked to do with my life.

>> No.18874970
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Put childish memes like Matrix pills aside


>> No.18875048

Do you believe in Christ my fren?

>> No.18875059

so do a data science bootcamp and become a coder like every other person with a useless physics or math degree

>> No.18875067

Yeah. Ultimate desire is to give all of oneself to another, can't do that when they've already done the most intimate of acts(and one that creates and incredible bonding) with other men.

>> No.18875119

i can't stop seething about my job long enough to put together a plan to get a new job. i got off work at 6pm, but i'm just getting more upset. i'm thinking about taking a labor job just to clear my head. seriously might go into places with help wanted signs and fill out applications. i live cheaply, i could do it. imagine just like unloading trucks for a couple months. don't have to think about shit or talk to anyone. just lift boxes until it's time to go home.

>> No.18875141

the education industry is the worst and the pandemic hysteria mixed with the wokeshit has just made it absolutely unbearable.

>> No.18875285

LMAO beggars can't be choosy, my guy

>> No.18875335

good post

>> No.18875361
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Hardly ever. I dealt with all that before I ever came to the board. I was a moody teen and had angsty twenties

>> No.18875386

And now you're a shriveled up 30+ year old

>> No.18875402

People actually think I look ten to fifteen years younger. Not shriveled up yet.
Oh. You’re trying to make me feel bad or something? What a tard.

>> No.18875417

Huh I guess it's time to fuckin' read Deleuze again huh

>> No.18875418


>> No.18875445

A plain bjork without the talent who tripfags on 4chan. I'm impressed

>> No.18875466
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Having your dump interrupted is fucking awful feeling. I had people come over and I had to attend to them.

>> No.18875469

Isn't it amazing to think that there are BILLIONS of people whose experience of reality is India.

>> No.18875489

Zombies all around me. People think they are right when they are wrong. People don't think. People don't care. People don't have any respect for others or life itself.

Life is beautiful. Life is great. But we can't live our life, because of a group of twisted people who think they are better than the rest, and they have acquired so much money, they technically control the world.

What can we do? How can we stop this? If we remain oblivious and don't do something about it, what life will remain for our children and their children. For me to exist today, it required THOUSANDS of ancestors. THOUSANDS.

But what world will I be leaving for my future generations?


>> No.18875494

>An impure or deflowered woman cannot love just one person, lest that person be the one who deflowered her
If you lost your virginity to a fat blue-haired pig, would this be the case for you as well? Of course not, retard. Your theory is shit.

>> No.18875505

I 100% agree with everything you wrote, and used the exact same arguments against old friends. This is why I have found a beautiful iranian gf, she will graduate in 2 years and come here. She has only ever loved me, and i have only ever loved her. Most people will never know this feeling

>> No.18875529

Gravity and Grace, fellas!

>> No.18875556

Why the FUCK did corporal punishment for crimes fall out of favor in the West? I can't see the logic of it. Was it really all the progressive do-gooders? There's a ton of crimes, both petty crimes and high crimes, where I think whipping or caning would be a more appropriate punishment than a few months/years in prison. I think it would be a more effective deterrent against future crimes, too. How likely is a casual thief to continue his ways, when he knows that his fun might mean that someone gets to take a bulllwhip to his back?

>> No.18875562

Let me physically punish you bitch then open your dumb mouth to speak

>> No.18875566

I will lapidate you

>> No.18875573

I have a friend who was a youtuber and talked about how you begin making content you actually want to, then you have to adapt to what your audience wants, then you adapt to the algorithm, then your content isn't what you wanted to make in the first place.

Also, I'm not interested in video making and editing to begin with. I'm not interested in trying to be a YouTube personality.

>> No.18875597

Yeah that's why I deleted all my social media when I was beginning to get a bit of success as an artist. I realized what was happening and it made me horrified. The amount of anxiety and emotional suffering I was getting from the constant frustration of seeing the work I love go ignored and the work I make for clickbait be praised was not worth it. And to be constantly fighting with the algorithm is so nerve-wracking. You have to be a fake bitch to your followers so that they continue giving you clout. Etc. Etc. It's fucking horrible. I want to be recognized for my art again but I don't want to go back to that fucking shithole. When I stopped I had to rethink all of my art, I realized I completely lost my understanding of what I do and why I do it, what I want to see, what I want to achieve with what I do, what it means for me and what I want it to mean for others. There must be a way out...

>> No.18875601

Posted this in the other but I need some help from this comfier thread lads: my girl is mugging me off and seems to want to end things tonight. Just despairing and trying to work but can barely focus

>> No.18875607

You will be upset until you realise, there are better girls out there. i promise you bro. it's hard to realise when you are in a relationship, but there are actual GEMS out there, that will really love you, and wont mug you off. i promise you

>> No.18875623


>> No.18875626

Should I read Derrida after this Deleuze book? Or should I read another Deleuze book? Or should I... Read Derrida... Hmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.18875627

I think in 9/10 cases art needs to stay underground and unappreciated until after the artists passing, thats the only way for an artist to have society-bending influence. Anything else and you mimic the society you live in, rather than pushing it forwards.

>> No.18875632

You deserve someone who is in to you too. It'll hurt – a lot – but that'll deliver you to a person who shares your feelings.

>> No.18875658

>I think in 9/10 cases art needs to stay underground and unappreciated until after the artists passing, thats the only way for an artist to have society-bending influence
But... The last part of your sentence is completely historically untrue.

>Anything else and you mimic the society you live in, rather than pushing it forwards.
That has also been proven untrue by history of art. We just live in times that do not permit cultural innovation as of yet.

>> No.18875673

Any examples? This isn't anything I've researched.

>> No.18875693

Actually on second thinking there are many. Warhol being an obvious and recent example. But it doesn't make my statement wrong. I said most of the time that is the case. Those we hear about are exceptions to the rule, the true creative forces who create despite society.

>> No.18875700

Any examples? Too many examples. Let's take the end of the 19th/beginning of the 20th century, because it is so close to us, a lot of innovation was made in art, by living artists who were not starving artists and were "celebrities" in their own right. At the end of the 19th - Fauvism, Post-Impressionism, Symbolism... In the 1900s - the apex of Art Nouveau/Jugenstil and the Vienna Secession, which dictated an entirely new aesthetic paradigm and understanding of design... Later - Dada, Cubism, Surrealism, Futurism, Expressionism, Primitivism, Constructivism... All of the amazing Russian art... Come on man

>> No.18875706

No, society used to be very in tune with the arts

>> No.18875738

Things aren't looking good for tomorrow.

>> No.18875778
File: 31 KB, 680x430, eb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soul-killing, spiritual damage inflicted by the meaningless work which is the most common in the modern world and which is the lot of all but the luckiest cannot be understated. It actively destroys beauty and human potential, the cultivation of the finest qualities which define whatever divinity of which humanity is capable. I mean this on no uncertain terms and without a shred of hyperbole.
Particularly painful is the plight of one who is ill-suited to their station, one who is capable of so much more but unable to transcend their circumstances, who has more consciousness than they need to stay sane. I'm thinking of Kafka and his insurance agency. For the creative, for the daydreaming type that tinkers at the edge of possibility, the confines confines of such employment are a mental prison.

>> No.18875795

suck my dickk NOGGER fuck I H A. T E niggers AaaaaaaAAAAAA

>> No.18875810
File: 109 KB, 1131x707, shadow_the_hedgehog_wallpaper_by_sonicthehedgehogbg_d60w3v2-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Particularly painful is the plight of one who is ill-suited to their station, one who is capable of so much more but unable to transcend their circumstances, who has more consciousness than they need to stay sane. I'm thinking of Kafka and his insurance agency. For the creative, for the daydreaming type that tinkers at the edge of possibility, the confines confines of such employment are a mental prison.
Welcome to my twisted mind...

>> No.18875841


Be optimistic anyway, brother. Find something that allows you to take a break from the struggle within your own soul from time to time. For me, it's listening to the classic songs I grew up on as a kid. The war to experience a life worth living is won inch by inch. Learning how to properly rest is paramount.RSG

>> No.18875850


Create. Focus on improving your craft as well. It's one thing not to have someone to talk about subjects you find most interesting, but you should still express yourself whether you have a listener or not.

>> No.18875854

Reading a nonfiction book from 1935 and stumbled across a sentence which was something along these lines :
>Thankfully, now that the war is only a distant memory...
...Speaking of WWI. Oh no no no... How funny and sad that people thought this without knowing what was waiting for them.

>> No.18875863


>> No.18875870

Cheers lads. Really seemed / seems like she was that girl but suddenly showed a weird coquettish / cruel side I'd never seen before yesterday. She "joked" about talking to girls on tinder (she's bi apparently) and I got annoyed about it, think I fucked it up. Thanks for the kind words anyway anons

>> No.18875909

I have been intrigued by opium lately. Won't buy any because I don't trust criminals. I'm thinking of growing some poppies next year and make some myself. Won't get much out of it but at least I can't get addicted if I only have a tiny supply. Does anyone here have experience with opium?

>> No.18875923

Lmao I just had the most amazing idea for my novel holy shit. My life is truly a miracle. God bless my genius mind

>> No.18875933

How do I become fluent in french? Any good resources? I studied it at school and went back did the meme that is dulingo and got like 100% on all the exercises but still know I can’t really speak or read it properly

>> No.18875954

Busuu is a better app. Only gets really good if you buy premium though. You can get your speaking evaluated by natives on there. Also the obvious watch french movies/shows/youtube videos and read french books.

>> No.18875957

Il faut venir vivre en France

>> No.18875959

Saw the stranger on french in a book shop, suppose I’ll get it and see how I get on.
I want to live in France in a year or so to teach so maybe the immersion will help.
>t. Man who just guessed what you said and could be totally wrong

>> No.18875988

>I want to live in France in a year or so to teach so maybe the immersion will help.
C'est la meilleure chose à faire, rien ne remplace l'immersion - surtout que le Français parlé est très différent du Français enseigné... I myself have lived here since I was a child so I was lucky to have total immersion but I've had many friends who could not learn the language until they came here at a later age. The way the language is taught abroad is really shitty, grammar is a mess, there are so many exceptions but I've never had to learn grammar rules because I just naturally comprehend them. Once you are in France and you have social interaction it becomes quite easy to learn. As with any language I guess.

>> No.18876039

I hate the internet so much but can't stay off it due to my schoolwork being all online I find myself aimlessly browsing twit or youtube when I'm having a break and instantly become depressed by the levels of retardation I see on there, sometimes it makes me so miserable that it causes me physical pain.
And yet without this constant mirror to my own inherently vapid personality, I would probably be so delusionally up my own arse that id thinks myself some sort of genius (not like other zoomers) just because I read books and do other non-zoomer stuff.
For this reason /lit/ has been something of a godsend.
I get to take part in intellectually interesting conversations about things I love while constantly being brought back to reality by how down to earth (at least compared to other media sharing sites) this place is.

>> No.18876047

I've already posted here but it's still bugging me so what the fuck. This girl has seemed massively into me for the last month and a half, we've been on loads of dates and had a great time, barely been apart when I've been in the same city. She's Chinese, very sweet, a kind person. But we met on tinder and she hasn't deleted it. She joked yesterday asking me "are the Pixies any good" and I said "who's asking". She said "never you mind" and then implied it was a girl on tinder--she's bisexual apparently. I got annoyed and she thought I was joking, then when she realised I wasn't went really cold. Wtf is going on? Was I right to tell her to delete it? She started acting as if we're not going out because I never said the words "be my girlfriend". Please someone help me untie this knot in my brain

>> No.18876059

>uses tinder
you're fucked, buddy. have fun with her, at the most.

>> No.18876061

Great :(

>> No.18876066

Uh oh, someone caught feelings. Remember that in modernity relationships should involve no emotions, only fucking.

>> No.18876070

It’s time to come out and tell her you want to be more serious, either she wants to stay with you or she wants to fuck about anon. She also probably thinks you being jealous is cute because girls are weird like that. I’d just ask her to be your gf and see what happens, even if she doesn’t you could still bang her maybe

>> No.18876074

Thanks anon, I’ll definitely try to be somewhat fluent by the time I go over, being bilingual is a great quality.

>> No.18876112

You must CLEARLY tell her you want to date her and make it official if that is what you want. Have an actual discussion

>> No.18876120

Yeah I will. I said it off the cuff on a video chat last night but she didn't take it seriously. I think I'm fucked. We haven't even had sex yet, she's been on her period and worried about being unshaven the last two times I've gone up. Really depressing shit

>> No.18876425

I can’t decide which art I want to pursue.

>> No.18876474

My history of embarrassment prevents me from establishing a connection with others. The thing I wish the most is erasing what little is left of me from everyone's memory and then disappearing.

>> No.18876633

I’ve cried out for help to my mother, directly, a few times now. Never have a I received a real response.

>> No.18876661

You didn't fuck it up. She was the one "joking" about seeing other people – although it seems like it was her way of bringing a breakup/poly relationship into the conversation.

>> No.18876802

Yeah, it's fucked. Maybe she's trying to pressure me into explicitly asking to be exclusive, I don't know. I can't take it you know bros. My whole body is wracked with it. She hasn't replied to anything today when she usually replies instantly

>> No.18876835

Which flows most naturally with you?

Please stop having anxiety and distract yourself for fuck's sake. Just wait for her to respond. Number one rule in relationships, romantic or any relationship : DO NOT GET SPASTIC. If you do get spastic, absolutely don't show it, retreat until you are able to control it. The more the person impacts you, the more you should control yourself. For now my advice would be, get a hold of yourself and do not message her until she wonders where you are and messages you of her own volition. Then bring up the topic of a relationship very seriously, but in person, so that you either take it to the next level or end it, you can't leave it at that eternally. Like I said don't be spastic. Your aim is to seduce her. Be seductive.

>> No.18876873

Yeah I know all that anon, I think I've played my hand already unfortunately. Can't meet her in person without organising it with her either, she about an hour away from me. Cheers though mate

>> No.18876892

>Which flows most naturally with you?
Impossible to answer. I’m drawn to both but both have hurdles, pros, and cons.

>> No.18876933

it's a weird time lads. trying to sort out all the shit that's gone wrong in my family. or at the very least sort out how I actually feel about all of it. or at the very least what all of it even is. seeing a shrink. I've asked my family not to contact me while I do this, but they don't stop and it fucks everything up. I really, really need them to fuck off. today I think the situation is basically that my mom never actually gave a shit about me because she doesn't actually function properly emotionally, or because she's just a loveless person, and my dad is fucked in the head (this much is a confirmed fact) and tried to kill me once, seemingly overtaken by some wellspring of hatred. I don't think he wants me dead, but he gave it a good try there for a while. I was in the way, you see. I think it started as tough love but he got deep into the larp, very, very deep, over a long time. Iirc he stopped because social services got called in, probably by my mother. When I say she is loveless I mean I think the pattern between us since I was a child is that I say what she wants to hear, and she doesn't ask questions. She knows full well that this is what happens between us, but all she ever wants from me, still, is that i tell her that everything's alright. I'm most likely permanently disabled as a result of mental illness, I haven't "functioned" in I don't know how long, I have been exceedingly close to killing myself a number of times and still she doesn't ask questions, just wants me to tell her everything's fine. You can not be a caregiver to someone you don't give a shit about. I don't think I ever loved her to be honest, maybe when I was very young.

>> No.18876948

It eats away at me
Everything is dirty
I want to fucking degrade you
You're an angel
You were in my dream last night
Like the Mother Mary
And I felt worthless
But you didn't care
I was on the floor with my eyes closed
Please don't go

>> No.18877070

Doesn’t anyone else just have a distaste for their own country’s national canon of classic literature?

>> No.18877073

What is "both"? You didn't specify it in your first post. Painting, writing? Music?

>> No.18877075

what country? I'm swedish, I think ours is ok but the canon is tiny. basically lindgren, lagerlöf, strindberg. they're all alright.

>> No.18877087

No, this does not happen to me at all, as a matter of fact thank fucking god I am both French and Russian, which is the absolute most based combination in all of world literature / art. Don't be jealous, lads.

>> No.18877180

It’s writing and a visual art, drawing specifically but I also paint I suppose. I feel distracted and stretched thin.

>> No.18877188

>tfw Irish
>tfw went from Joyce, Yeats, Synge, Moore and Heaney to fucking Sally Rooney and Patrick McCabe
The decline is real

>> No.18877189

Yes but soon I can fuck them, and that will make me feel young.

>> No.18877190

American. What I said is true for American literature, but extends broadly to English literature to a pretty large degree.

>> No.18877232

I’m so far beyond depressed I could cry

>> No.18877302

you are based and will never see recognition and you know it

>> No.18877371

Tradition and tradition are impossible for Americans

>> No.18877372
File: 282 KB, 400x400, 28AA1148-6ABB-4531-8C23-67E194AAFBF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ banned me for three days not long ago because I posted a poem they teach in junior high English in the US which is heavily racist towards whites. They said it was off topic.


Here’s the poem. This is what my younger brother had to do schoolwork on

>> No.18877377

Why don't you try to work on something that incorporates both? There are such mediums.

>> No.18877387

Worth mentioning also that /lit/ is my main board and I barely ever post things like this but I couldn’t resist after seeing this bullshit. Fuck you, mods

>> No.18877408

seems more racist against black people desu

>> No.18877421

Don’t see how you could think that, but since the average millenial / Gen Z person in the west has been trained all their life to divert all sympathy to blacks it makes a little sense you would say something like that

>> No.18877433

What a bizarre poem. The author is clearly absolutely seething but also has some kind of affection for the girl in question. Being a white kid in those environments is how you produce the really angry type of /pol/ack btw

>> No.18877469

Well, comics come to mind obviously but I just have no interest in Western comics whatsoever. I think they’re a dead medium and the infrastructure to support any worthwhile project in them is just not there. It’s in an even worse state than publishing. . I have concerns about Eastern manga for obvious reasons.

>> No.18877478

Thinking about picking up a skateboard
I'm watching some Rodney Mullen videos and shit's cool
But I'm kind of reluctant, being a 24 years old dork

>> No.18877492

I agree with what youre saying, but dont you think the world has always been an unpleasant place for >creative people? The economic activity of the vast majority of people has always been soul crushing for creatives, I dont think romanticizing the past really helps

>> No.18877494

just know you're gonna have to put in the hours for some time. if you can skate to work or something that probably helps

>> No.18877523

i like the techno kids. Some of them are very bright and interesting to talk to but still are quite allergic to any right-wing POV. Overall its a much better experience to talk to them than the male chauvinist/more 'based' types in different areas of the city. It's most important that when I go out, I'm entertained and creatives/artist who spend much of their time attempting to be interesting are much more entertaining (for the most part) than those who are much too concerned with winning and real generalities.

>> No.18877533

>paints black kids as violent people with the rhythm in their blood

>> No.18877536
File: 234 KB, 1243x748, C983197D-8A3E-43A0-8C2F-C4508F1C445A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you regain the story of your life? I’ve heard people say you turn 22 and your life is over. I can relate to that a lot. Obviously my life is not over and I’m young and stupid still, with almost anyone older than me willing to trade places in an instant... but I have become so disconnected with my life. Do you ever feel like you regain it? I’m currently in a mock-relationship with a girl I don’t really love although I think she’s pleasant enough, but I still have more emotion towards someone else I knew before. I feel I have to end that to regain something I once had, but I don’t know if it’s like what I said, and your life feels like this after 21 regardless of what you decide, and I’d be making a mistake to push off someone who is there for me and go back to no one again, like a fifty year old divorced woman trying to reclaim the happiness of dating as a teenager. Is the story really over this early, or have I just lost it horribly?

>> No.18877540

just practice everyday for a couple weeks and you'll be set. actual tricks take forever but being able to ride comfortably and do basic tricks is easy

>> No.18877550

Do the one you’re most naturally talented at and have the highest potential. You’ll regret any decision you make regardless, but putting the decision off is worse than even the worst medium you can choose.

I don’t like a lot of literature pre-20th century from the US. Melville is just about the only one I appreciate. Whitman is talented but working on some shoddy pretenses, ones made by existentialists like Emerson and the Waldon guy.

It’s a black woman who wrote that poem, so if I wanted I could say you’re racist for not appreciating their “natural rhythm.” See how this never ends when you think like that?

>> No.18877618

you mean Astrid Lindgren? did she write things other than children's books? I'm not swedish but I read them a ton as a kid

>> No.18877628

you know, that's pretty fucking patrician, not gonna lie. oh fuck I'm cumming over the thought of being able to read War & Peace with the Russian bits and French bits in each language respectively, fuck

>> No.18877635

When will this stupid jewess stop making me feel so weird.

>> No.18877724

Hard to find a woman that will adore you.

>> No.18878048

I wonder how long it will take before the regular bad guy in hollywood isn't an arab anymore. we should be getting around to it

>> No.18878105
File: 101 KB, 800x800, FB_IMG_1629396049232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get my shit together. I've read 140 books according to Good reads.

4 are fiction, 7 are non-fiction and the rest are comic books.

>> No.18878118

Isn't the regular bad guy in Hollywood a white guy these days?

Definitely over the last five years I've see a change of strong white guys being baddies while strong black men are goodies.

>> No.18878145

I doubt they'll be blacks because china hates black people and they're a massive part of the hollywood audience

>> No.18878174

I’m thinking about joining my country’s military. I think it would be good for me. We’re not at war or anything so I probably won’t see combat but I figure I probably will get combat training and I probably will get a much needed ass kicking and some discipline. I’m 28 years old, but I’ve just never had this and I’ve started to wonder what my life is going to be like if I never get it.

>> No.18878191

I'm literally peaking on mushrooms right now

>> No.18878195

very scared about the police closing its grasp. they've backed me into a corner with threating my income to take the experimental medicine.

>> No.18878199

>going on the internet during a trip

>> No.18878266

I assume you mean youve put peaking sauce ine duck and have a side of mushrooms.

If you're against getting vaccinated then stick to your guns.
I can't visit my family abroad because I won't get vaxxed, but I have to do make that sacrifice.
If he is doing mushies and posting on the net he's a proper sad case.

>> No.18878282

if they fire me im scared i will break society's programming. i don't have a lot of options. im shouldnt be forced into the street for not being coerced into taking the brand new bs

>> No.18878293

no, because i'd never fuck one
the only way i'd fuck a pigwoman is if she confused me for a mars bar and raped me
i don't think that would count

>> No.18878311

I always wanted to try absinthe kind of as a LARP thing, but it is actually pretty good. Don't get why it is not popular, a lot more palatable than some other spirits people drink on the regular.

>> No.18878383

>If he is doing mushies and posting on the net he's a proper sad case.
I know bro, I realized that aswell. It's sad how millions of years of evolution and coincidences created such a beautiful place here on Earth, with all kinds of life and non-life so, dare I say, magically intertwined only to bring forth, as a last consequence, its own destroyer. We all sit here, everyday, in front of some kind of screen, trying to forget the fact that we're nothing more than animals and renouncing the heirdom that countless generations of life have left us, instead indulging in ultimately pointless desires that have been whispered into our ears by the advertising industry
>not realising and/or flat-out denying the unique beauty that can be found inside our anonymous interaction on this platform

>> No.18878385

what's sold as absinthe is never actual absinthe

>> No.18878441

Modern absinthe just has less thujone and lower alcohol percentage depending on the country, but any decent absinthe is made from wormwood. Until some years ago it was illegal to use the actual plant in the USA as far as I know, but most countries never banned it in the first place.

>> No.18878695
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1628049419049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I complained about not getting a lot of flavour in my bolognese a while back. I finally realized i should be cooking and reducing it for 2 hours prior to serving, and add some balsamic vinegar as well. It tastes 10 times better now

>> No.18878737

The media is beyond pissed at Biden for leaving Afghanistan. Why are they so pro-war? It’s not just Biden, the only time they praised Trump was when he send missiles into Syria.

>> No.18878752

kind of an identity-crisis for the americans. they'll get over it, but they will get bullied for it forever

>> No.18878761

The answer to this is in fact immensely obvious

>> No.18878763

American media is proactive, not reactive. When the media seems to do an about face it’s usually for the express purpose of shaping public opinion to achieve some desired goal.

>> No.18878886

Okay sure, but outside of say Fox and smaller platforms they are nearly always in lockstep with the Democratic Party. It’s crazy to see them criticizing a Democratic president.

>> No.18878979
File: 296 KB, 1254x706, 1605413363403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read a bit where Buddha actually defines "sexual misconduct". he is not talking about masturbation. that makes things simpler. I think monks are probably supposed to abstain, but masturbation is not a bad-karma move in buddhism.

>> No.18879579
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things used to be simple and good. then I thought I could make it better with a bunch of work and now it is not good. old story.

>> No.18879588
File: 223 KB, 1080x1010, 130489921_403623757741870_5599385371273723877_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's interesting that the Buddha is so fixed on lists. the 4 ways of meditating on the 8 holy ways to realize the 5 holy ideas that lead to the 4 ways of feeling that lead to the 3 insights that lead to nibbana

>> No.18879602

it's also interesting that these supposedly have real reality, not empty reality. though to be fair buddhism seems more pragmatic than autistic

>> No.18879658

I am just at a total loss for what to do with my life at this point. I’ve quit my civil servant job and with no plans to return. I also refuse to return to corporate working world. I might join the military for a sense of direction at least. I have no fucking idea what to do and truth be told, I don’t really feel like what I do with my life matters anyway. I could die tomorrow and no one would care.

>> No.18879836

I dont really have an advice other than dont kys. I know the feeling. But life will at some point get meaningful and you will look back at this time and be glad you didnt neck yourself because you would miss out on so much. You won the lottery of being born. Use it. I know this sounds cringe but its really how things are.

>> No.18879850

I lost at "SUPER RARE"

>> No.18879852

>any decent absinthe is made from wormwood
uhhh what no it's made from absinthia, it's a grassy plant that grows in the wild

>> No.18879857

Well I feel trapped in my life so if I can’t escape it and find something better than this then I am going to opt out of it sooner or later.

>> No.18879885

Wormwood is a valid judgement criteria if you're in North America.

>> No.18879925

the second half of don quixote is wildly inferior to the first and i'm struggling to get through it in a manner that i haven't had to countenance in a long time

>> No.18879937

I would enjoy making art and writing if I could finish a piece of work and then forget that I was the one who made it.

>> No.18880036

That sounds pretty narcissistic.

>> No.18880063

I don't agree. I just hate anything I make that has requires creative input, so I typically avoid such activities. I feel like it clouds my opinion on anything I do and I'm unable to enjoy things like a normal person probably can. It might be analogous to the way you cringe when you hear your own voice or see yourself in pictures or on a video.

>> No.18880132

I’m at a point where I can do one of 4 things and I’m not sure which one to do at the moment.

>> No.18880138

I wonder if the imposter version was better

>> No.18880170

The democratic party string-pullers didn't want the war to end. That's why they voted for it every single year.

Media gets tons of dosh from war industry for favorable coverage.

>> No.18880205

do 25% of each one

>> No.18880389


>> No.18880435

>It’s crazy to see them criticizing a Democratic president.
Where were you during Obama's reign? Even the most leftist news sources were coming up with nicknames like "Deporter and Chief". The Mexican gun cartel fiasco was all over the news 24/7 as was Benghazi, all constantly laughing at that joke of a Nobel peace prize. Not a day went by when the media wasn't shoving out a heap of flack about that guy. Clinton had it a touch easier, but he couldn't sneeze without someone accusing him of trying to genocide the nation, and Carter... Man, never seen the media hate a peanut farmer so much, paving an easy path for Reagan, though Carter may have done more good as a diplomat anyways.

Biden's voted against it, and has been advocating against it for decades now. He knew any exit was going to be a shit show, and I guess he had hoped he could pin the blame on Trump, since he was following his exit strategy.

Americans don't like looking weak, and the media loves to piss off Americans, as angry viewers is where the money is. Simple as. The negative publicity doesn't help any agenda beyond that, as all it does is make Trump 2024 a more likely scenario, and if Trump had won 2020, we'd be looking at this exact same scenario.

>> No.18880455
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I had a dream and in that dream there was a retarded man with down syndrome. His parents raised him as a woman, they were trans-rights activists, and backed up that her scientific IQ was that of a 9-12 year old child. Their prefered pronoun was Puppy Dog Pals Anyway, Puppy Dog Pals was allowed to use female bathrooms and compete in a tweenager judo tournament. They won.

>> No.18880532

Who was closer to Achilles, Homer or Alexander?

>> No.18880715

I should be drawing but instead I'm on boards dot 4channel dot org slash lit slash.
The pandemic stopped me from being able to fulfil me horrid fetish. This is a good thing actually because I was planning something so bonerific that I would've lost the trust and friendship of many people.
I'm quite hungry but its nearly 4am. Thinking I might have that sausage roll out of the fridge.
I don't think I actually like finishing projects.

>> No.18880746 [DELETED] 

Got in a heated argument with my brother. I don't want to but I get drawn in and lose my tact. If I'm honest in large part for no better reason than to beat him and indulge my dislike of him. A satisfaction that is temporary and bitter.
But also because I can't stand his lack of intellectual humility. He has no interest in truly developing his worldview, of reexamining his own positions. He only reads philosophy to reaffirm the religious views he has had since a child and has never seriously tried to contest. When he reads other philosophy, he just fits their arguments into the narratives he's gotten from philosophers and theologians sympathetic to his own views.

>> No.18880762

What is the fundamental point of contention between your two philosophies?

>> No.18880931

I feel completely estranged from my family so completely alone. They are strangers to me and I feel nothing for them. Not hate just the absence of feeling. They have done me no major wrong, but somehow it's ended up this way. I don't know if it's just a part of becoming an adult. As we each are exposed to different ideas, our differences can only grow. But I feel as though there is no room for a genuine encounter anymore and am deeply saddened by this. Much of the day is filled with noise, with media that is personalized according to our own preferences further feeding our differences. I just want to cut through all the noise, all the stupid social media bullshit and endless status games and be able to just once have a real moment of connection like we once could. It all feels so shallow, so empty. I'm not sure to what extent me and my family are just dysfunctional, or if this is what other families look like.

>> No.18880968

I'm alone for about 90 percent of the day despite still living with my parents. When I talk to myself recently, I've been getting louder and louder to the point that its at the volume that I would be when talking to someone else. I reply in my head though. Worth noting that I'm not necessarily talking to "myself" but a mental projection of someone that I know.

>> No.18881048

If manga is just Japanese cape shit, why does it interest me so much?

>> No.18881107

Life is a lot more enjoyable when I realize I have options, and I’m not trapped at the day job I don’t like. I could leave whenever I want, and be completely fine financially.

>> No.18881120

Because it isn't

>> No.18881294
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The appreciation and study of nature is the best nutrient for the intellect. Take up amateur astronomy, biology, and geology as hobbies, they will open up worlds of experiential richness in the world around you. Start with the physical sciences, and start physically by going outside and learning to appreciate nature. The appreciation of nature is a skill, the better you get at savoring nature, the more beautiful it becomes. The presence of profound natural beauty inspires the curiosity to inquire about where the wonders witnessed came from, and what is involved with them.

Basically, "you've got to stop and smell the roses," such moments of reflective savoring are the birth of art and science alike.

>> No.18881313
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I really wish /lit/ didn't have a stick up its ass about anime. No board on this site should have a problem with anime images, especially anime reaction images. If it weren't for anime 4chan wouldn't exist at all. Plus it spices up the boring milelu of Pepe and Wojack variants. It's very funny to me that /lit/ acts like it's too good for anime images, when this board consistently posts about absolute joke thinkers and writers like Guenon. /lit/ is not too good for anime and I think it's funny that users here sometimes pretend otherwise.

>> No.18881317
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*milieu, not milelu. I always fuck that word up.

>> No.18881370
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a short tune recorded to and from a Sanyo portable cassette recorder.

This ones pretty blown out and the hiss is much more prominent, also it has some slight volume fluctuations. I apologize.

>> No.18881617

It's just psychotherapy

>> No.18881629

i like this. what synth did you use?

>> No.18881664

Would the “atheist/gaytheist” please discontinue posting that from now on. This isn’t the place for that of course.

>> No.18881669

its all digital.

>> No.18882028

The day before yesterday* I did not sleep a single wink so that I could fix my sleep schedule "by sheer force". I made it to the end of the day, I went to bed at like 7:30 PM, woke up at 8:30 AM and thought " I did it, kind of. First time I've woken before 12 in weeks". And now it is today (or tomorrow I suppose), 4AM. I did it all in vain.

>> No.18882762

I have committed the ultimate sin of simpery and now I must be punished

>> No.18882776

trip fags are morons. They should be bullied.

>> No.18882823

>just remembered that I recited Rimbaud to a bartender girl last night
Kill me lads

>> No.18882857

that's alright anon, she probably thinks you're a dork but that's not 100% a bad thing

>> No.18882874

No, you didn’t, anon.

>> No.18882898

But it clearly is. I’ve been reading interviews and biographies of mangaka and the things they say indicate exactly a Japanese flavor of the Reddit man child or else they’re just not very smart

>> No.18882986

This is a really cool idea anon. I wanna learn more about rocks.

>> No.18882989

it seems likely
this shit is dragging and repetitive as fuck, i'm entirely uninterested at this point but only 40 pages to go so will just bang it out
pretty big let down, the first half was fairly good and promising, and then it just didn't go anywhere, the second half had no magic

>> No.18883005
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I am having lustful thoughts about the cartoon incarnation of the secretary of the Ghostbusters, Janine Melnitz.

>> No.18883555
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I preferred the real Annie Potts version. Like why they gotta turn her into a sexpot? Ugly design.

>> No.18883579

PBS is uploading a bunch of awesome documentaries. I was screaming at my screen multiple times in anger.

The most recent is about the invasion of Iraq which I did not know much about. The fact that the U.S went to war based on an imminent threat that did not exist, and there was no plan to rebuild Iraq after the invasion is fucking wild. Also the guy who wanted to lead the provisional government was a total void of charisma and looked like a complete stooge.

>> No.18883675

Everyone knew there was no reason and there seemed to be plenty in the media opposed to it. But once they invaded, less and less of them really opposed it.

>> No.18883711

here's to the dixie chicks, martyred on that hill
for those who don't know they opposed the war and their careers were cancelled

>> No.18883745

9/11 was used as a false flag to trick the public into supporting policies that can simply be described as "insane"

>> No.18883984
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I'll make a visual novel using only wojacks and Pepes/apus. Who's with me?

>> No.18884172

I enjoy drinking red wine and listening to playboy carti while reading these threads gives me a good buzz

>> No.18884279

Listening to shit finnish music while going to summer cabin. I wish i stayed at home

>> No.18884358
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Hot. Books for this feel?

>> No.18884379

They made her more like the cartoon character in the sequel to appeal to kids. One of the many reasons the movie didn't work as well.

>> No.18884395

I am tired of constant defeat and humiliation. This is no way to live. I cannot spend every waking hour of my life thinking about suicide. Everything I do is just a way to keep my mind off suicide. The only people I have close to me openly hate me. Society says I am worthless. I have failed in everything I wanted to do with myself. Failure failure failure defeat shame humiliation defeat failure failure defeat humiliation. I am so tired. I can't live the rest of my life like this. I fall asleep every day with not a shred of will to live. I just want to go. The one responsibility I held against this decision is no longer enough. I don't know how long I can go on like this. I feel worse and worse physically every day, I hate this life so much I feel like my body will decide to shut down by itself. I don't have any appetite any more. All I want is to drink or numb myself because every moment I spend sober is torture.
I have tried praying but I can't believe in God. There's nothing left for me.

>> No.18884439

I am starting to get pretty pessimistic about my chances of blending in with normalfags. I keep getting awkward looks when I tell people I don't have social media, but if I make an Instagram I'll have to try pretty hard not to seem like a loser, it seems like a lot of effort. That's a leap of faith, isn't it?

I dunno man. It seems like despite my efforts, no one I meet takes a liking to me, they're either indifferent or perhaps a little negative when I make a joke and it backfires or when I commit some faux pas due to my lack of social experience. I wonder if I'm not being genuine and that's the problem, or perhaps it's the opposite situation and I need to actively try and correct these things. It's really confusing honestly. I'm scared if I keep trying, I'll just keep embarrassing myself for no reason and end up alone again in the end. I still sense no one really likes my company

>> No.18884474


>> No.18884491

I just woke up a few hours ago and recently thought “what the fuck I have nothing to do, what was even the point of waking up”. Also I’m just happy that I think the sadness of the past many days is ending. The sun’s light wavered back and fourth like it was teasing me earlier and still now but I’m simply laying in my bed. I suppose the sun is like my mood which will hopefully cease its chaotic waning and returning back and fourth.

>> No.18884564

I think Iraq was the result of Rumsfield’s and Cheney’s personal hatred for Hussein moreso than for any political or economic reasons.

Anyway. Somewhere along the line I stopped wanting a gf for sex and romance, and instead because I crave someone I can talk to and not have to hide anything. I know people will recommend a therapist or the like, but I wouldn’t want to talk to someone who’s only listening for the money, I want a confidant who actually cares/loves me.
>What about parents/siblings
There are things you can’t talk about with parents and siblings.

>> No.18884597

The entire site is just too overrun by normalfags now. It's boring as shit.

>> No.18884621

You do something insane first.

>> No.18884636
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>> No.18884779

Woke up at 10 past 4 in the afternoon. Boil on my neck erupted sometime this morning encrusting my greasy hair to the pillow. I should start For The Whom The Bells Tolls but I can’t be bothered. Might just jerk off all day instead.

>> No.18884889

As I walked to work today, I came across an old woman. She stood on the edge of the cornfield and talked to herself. She did not notice me and I moved on quickly.

>> No.18885143
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>> No.18885157

Modern college is just a four-year vacation.

>> No.18885172

A very expensive one that asks you to put up with out of touch baby boomers schizophrenic millenials show up to class and show some school spirit while you do it. In America, the only thing getting young boys to continue to go to college is the perception that they’ll get sex and beer.

>> No.18885191

And you would eventually find that there are things you can't talk about to your gf either

You're way overthinking things

>> No.18885192
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Exquisite Corpse.

>> No.18885208

I like idiosyncratic names for militaries like "People's Liberation Army" or "Workers' and Peasants' Red Army", they have a certain fantastical feel to them

>> No.18885221

>You're way overthinking things

>> No.18885294

I’m jealous of these World War 1 and World War 2 writers who were 18ish at the outset of war and went on to write about the experience.

>> No.18885655

hang in there anon. one day you'll have a good dream and things will look different

>> No.18885674

I've tried to change things for 10 years

>> No.18885700

what is it that stops you from believing in God?

>> No.18885725

My spirit is broken or I'm simply not worthy of being given faith. Even if had faith I would fail to live as a Christian. Too many negative feelings.

>> No.18885732

Yeah now we're slowly approaching the cyberpunk age
The simplicity and risk of wars back then is loss

>> No.18885740

You really believe that? I don’t see much that looks like what I know as cyberpunk. In fact, I think national wars are largely disappearing.

>> No.18885751

you gotta do one thing at a time, no one here is close on sainthood I don't think. God should be a place to rest. He will always be that first, everything comes out of that. A completely forgiving place to rest. You should read the sermon on the mount. it's better if you know more about Jesus, but either way. Or, I mean, you do you, but in some ways God is hope beyond hope. Believe me- He will come to meet you.

>> No.18885767
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>tfw you finally boil the eggs just right

>> No.18885768

I heard the author Michel Houllebecq say once that he tries to be a Christian but finds belief hard especially in the city. In his own words, “it’s easier outside of the cities because god made nature and humans made cities”. I think we can attribute that to a certain social misanthropy for the most part but it also speaks to the idea that no matter what you inwardly believe you fundamental exist in a society that is not Christian, is in fact anti-Christian. I think then you can’t put too much pressure on yourself because you’re not just a being. You’re a being in the world. And the challenge then is to not be a perfect Christian believing absolutely in the world, but rather to do your best to hold on tightly and at least try to hold on. Christians believe in free will and God’s works. They believe that their God throws them a rope when you’re adrift in stormy seas but the person has the free will to keep floating or grab the rope. In certain seas, maybe you could use that rope to pull yourself onboard. But in other seas, maybe the best you could do is hold on tightly. And in other still, so what you can to find the rope in the water.

>> No.18885790

>And you would eventually find that there are things you can't talk about to your gf either

Never an experience I've had.

>> No.18885922

>national wars are largely disappearing
Evidence? Maybe might be true for U.S. but I bet globally theres plenty of national wars happening right now

>> No.18886302


>> No.18886309

i relate to this sentiment, follow thelema and your true will, fuck normies