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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18868639 [Reply] [Original]

I want to write an art manifesto and invent a new artistic movement, like Futurism or Surrealism

>> No.18868648

99% of these isms have no meaning outside of their faggot psuedointellectual and internet communities

>> No.18868661

>invent a new artistic movement
Why not Greentextism

>> No.18868671

1% of these isms go on to change art, and indeed human, history.
That 1%? Autism.

>> No.18868684

so do it. what are you telling us for?

>> No.18868688

yes, the art itself is a tertiary concern

>> No.18868698

Okay fag, write one and then shill it on the board.

>> No.18868705

These manifestos where written by people who were a part of a movement, they did not just just come up with them in isolation but formalized what was happening around them.

>> No.18869839

Go back before 1970 then. Now in the post-modernist era it is more about individual style. There aren't any artistic movements per se anymore. The time of artistic manifestos is over.

>> No.18869853

We started an art movement a few days ago: it’s called 4chan Naiveté
You’re welcome to bring your talent for futurism and surrealism to that

>> No.18869866


>> No.18869879
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all schools are weak

>> No.18869896

4chan Phenician Naiveté: the movement dies whenever we’re not talking about it, and is resurrected whenever someone claims it again.

>> No.18869919
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Surrealism is cheesy + cringe and Futurism is straight up retarded reactionary schizophrenia lmao

>> No.18870047

i literally am part of a futurist reading group irl.

>inb4 glowie questions

>> No.18870210
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>> No.18870245

Yeah if they had no meaning we would not be discussing them and finding new ways to express them but go off.

>> No.18870256

>futurism and surrealism are now around 100 years old
>people from the age of 80 to 18 are into it
>because they are not retarded like you.

>> No.18870330

Well? We're waiting. Pick the place.

>> No.18870619

There's no point to that anymore, there are no artistic movements. You're just living in some early 20th century faggy world.

>> No.18870638

>Everything is shit, and you are a fag if you don't agree with me
A real visionary. A maverick, if you will.

>> No.18870658

It's not about that. The era of artistic movements, of different but coherent groups is over. We live in ultra fragmentation and there's truly no hope of unifying people in intra artistic movements, let alone grand unifying ones (merging poetry, dance, prose, music, dramaturgy, etc). Writing a manifesto today is like painting the walls on a cave.

>> No.18870757

Oh, in that case we might have differing ideas on what constitutes a movement.

However, I would still dare to disagree. We're just being pushed onto the internet instead. I would go on to hazard a guess in saying that there are writer's circles out there that are more unified by shared ideals than geolocation, and even if there's not that would just provide a different kind of artistic synthesis with the whole "information overload" aspect of the information era. Long as there are a couple books that everyone is reading or at least talking about, that should make for enough of a foundation of discourse, and would go on to factor into the type of aesthetics that defines the movement (that being more along the lines of something like Baroque or Gothic than Dada, I suppose those are considered more of a style than a movement nowadays), its overall message about the human condition or what-have-you. As for manifestos, take them or leave them, I say. Could stand to do without; it would smack of being forced.

>> No.18871304

I want a 15yo with pigtails to choke herself on my cock and suck my cum from me. What’s your point?

>> No.18871569

Utterly pointless in the age of internet.

>> No.18871616

What about that naivety thing /lit/ was trying to push a week ago?

>> No.18871621
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You're a sick person. I hope you're able to get the help you need someday.
How much art history do you know and do you actually have technical skills (draughtsmanship)? Read up on Stuckism (I agreed with their manifestos, but the art they produced was terrible).

>> No.18871668

same but she has to be spanish ancestry peruvian.

>> No.18871690

This sounds fun in theory but I can imagine how the majority of the group probably is retarded

>> No.18871706

>I agreed with their manifestos, but the art they produced was terrible
I found it really distasteful myself. Kind of like the opposite of where I would want art to go. Could be used as a springboard or something.

I hate that word. Sounds like something that would be put into a stuckist painting.

>> No.18871714

the mark of an obnoxious faggot worth gatekeeping is that they try to change a field without investing value in it. nobody's gonna read that shit. making the art and inspiring others to follow in your footsteps is what creates an art movement, not writing an insufferably moralizing manifesto on what makes bad and good art. though maybe if you can get a respected art portfolio going and your writing's polished people'll read it eventually. hard to say since you're such a flaming fucking fag. best of luck.

>> No.18871764

>Let me just shit up the thread for you with my manifesto about how everyone not me is a fag, you're welcome
If only there were more people like this guy in the world, *then* we'd get something done. True work of art.

>> No.18871814

reply to me directly you smug fuck. i'm telling you the endeavour is pointless and that i want to see your project realized in works; not just written about and forgotten in literary obscurity.

>> No.18871830

Have fun digging yourself out of the Hell of your own making. I will not be there to help you out of it. Dickhead.

>> No.18873331

>Why not

>> No.18873371

Art manifestos are written by groups, not individuals.

>> No.18873377
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K no one will read it