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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.36 MB, 576x1024, c69ad0319123cf9cc4a745379c3f1b4d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18868113 No.18868113 [Reply] [Original]

lol true

>> No.18868142

a common theme in these is just that "man gos really nuts" and the fact that theyre all classics.
its just some loser trying to flex that she can read by saying "LOOK GUYS CHARACTER SCARY GUY SCARY XDXD".

>> No.18868144


>> No.18868155

So...highschool curriculum is considered non-bangable? So fucking stupid, even as a nonsense.

>> No.18868156


>> No.18868161 [DELETED] 

I always tell girls my fav book is Lolita because I love cunny. And that I'm a map and I hope they aren't one of those fake progressive types whose fluid intelligence has dried up and that they no longer like the taste of the Zions koolaid. I fucking hate when women have opinions.

>> No.18868168

a high school curriculum is unbangable because its boring and basic, get some taste you chartreading faggot.

>> No.18868258
File: 108 KB, 785x553, 1629213027073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Iliad
W-What's wrong with that!?

>> No.18868269

yet she owns all of them. curious.

>> No.18868299

My God, the dipshittery is too real. These are Freshman-level books, they're provided to prompt students into literature (often unsuccessfully) - at the same time, most of the students are having suck/fucks and constructing identities. Know what that means? It means that most of the males will carry an associative text with them into adulthood, because they won't be reading after highschool. I shouldn't have to explain the obvious. Christ.

>> No.18868315

>Jonathan Swift
Women like this need a reminder that Celia shits!

>> No.18868329

and if your associative text is boring "top 100 literature" trash, you are a boring person.

>> No.18868473

Gullivers travels and the Iliad? Really thot?

>> No.18868501
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 1628133377756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she wants a sooii boi

sure secretly wants a chad

>> No.18868507

Nothing. Most women and men on social media have retarded opinions on literature.

>> No.18868533

Just look at the nails and sweater. :)

>> No.18868696

All it means is that he's gay.

>> No.18868718

I though Vonnegut was a leftists and Cat's Cradle is basically an anti-religious book?

>> No.18868734

alt-right dogwhistle

>> No.18868784

She only fucks Odysseychads

>> No.18869161

You probably read it instead of singing it

>> No.18869186

Not a fan of the Taliban but they got everything right about women.

>> No.18869190

That's a man's hand

>> No.18869192

interesting how people make content just to piss of or make other people sad. books for this feel?

>> No.18869193

I beseech men to start ignoring women altogether, specially women like this. They know it's easy to get a rise out of you and so they make videos like this or post tweets that are obviously designed to piss you off, and they don't even need to put any effort into the trolling. Simply ignore women. Please.

>> No.18869216

The jannies should remove all twitter/reddit/youtube threads and permaban the poster
If someone wants to read twitter shit he can go on twitter
4chan would improve hundredfold if this were done and by ignoring this issue 4chan can be used by redditors and twitter as a lulz comment section.
I am too lazy and burned out to research where these videos and screencaps come from since they have relatively few upvotes, OP is directly looking for them or finds them on some other site where retards collect bait
Either way there should be a delete + permaban policy on all social media therads

>> No.18869226

Omg, so edgy!! Look everyone, anon is here!

>> No.18869256

Giving any amount of rights to women has been the single greatest catalyst to the downfall of human civilization. They are literally like children. There is a reason why you don't let small children vote or have a say on important decisions, or hold them as a standard of taste and intellect.

>> No.18869293

I don't read fiction. I'm not a cuck

>> No.18869297

Everything manly is alt-right dog whistle

So I can either be a cuck basedboi communist or a based strongboi right winger.
Hard choice

>> No.18869305

They're just
a) excessively reliant on using social consensus to form opinions, so whatever goons happen to rise to the top of a power structure have the power to make half the population parrot whatever stupid bullshit they want; and
b) mindlessly try to effect sociocollective homeostasis even when it's maladaptive and results in the stabilization of objectively bad systems that should be shaken up
Which in combination means that women's "liberation" results in the formation of sclerotic, disillusioning oligarchies in which the majority of the population languishes in cattle pens with padded walls, slowly bleeding civilizational vitality in henpecked apathy

>> No.18869316

men are very emotional in the iliad, like theater kids. not that it's bad of course but they lack the sadistic irony of the altright.

>> No.18869325


>> No.18869327

>masculinity is this made up political bullshit that oligarchic establishment made on the spot to counter act masculine and sovereginist movements that would limit their power

>> No.18869332

"Sadistic irony" comes from the twitter left, whose entire existence revolves around "dunking on chuds"

>> No.18869358

Phew- that's good to hear, my favorite book is Mein Kampf!

>> No.18869383

the media is still reporting on the ok hand sign as a white supremacist dog whistle and people are still getting fired. it's a joke.

>> No.18869401

>no IJ
women can't even do memes right

>> No.18869412

Thought this meme wouldnt get me but it succeeded at the very end
Gg, roastie
Any Suskind chads here?

>> No.18869417
File: 324 KB, 480x272, 1628845232055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look at the nails and sweater. :)

>> No.18869419

what baffles me is that there seems to be no upper limit to how cucked and passive people are

>> No.18869440
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 1485804519226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have favorite books, just like I don't have favorite colors or songs. I am not 12.

>> No.18869480

Surely you must have books you value most.

>> No.18869850

They just announced they're going to allow women to go to school and have government positions.

>> No.18869877

You fail to show why this behavior would be exclusive to women. Again and again throughout history, what you have described has been a reoccurring problem in the military world despite being constituted out of practically only men.

>> No.18869893

>no mishima
heh... we haven't been caught yet bros

>> No.18869894

I get most of these but why travels?

>> No.18869898

That doesn't mean that they shouldn't go to school or hold jobs. Let's say that women can't vote in country X. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be seamstresses or anything else an employer chooses to hire them for.

>> No.18869924

Genuinely shocked there wasn't any Hemingway in there.

>> No.18869932

> I don't have favorite colors
What a fucking NPC

>> No.18869971

Are those the stacks of her exboyfriend or what?

>> No.18869976

I was waiting for some meme book at the end, like F. Gardner or Mike Ma.

>> No.18869980

The eternal hand of a fattie, doesn't matter if she loses weight.

>> No.18869998
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>> No.18870001
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>> No.18870008
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>> No.18870029

>be wary of men who are too enthusiastic about sci-fi and fantasy
>fitness related book = self loathing issues
that's pretty based ngl

>> No.18870045

Absolutely filtered

>> No.18870094

>the brothers karamozov
>pessimistic misanthrope disillusioned with humanity
she's wrong about dosto fans, but still right to be afraid of russophiles

>> No.18870099
File: 20 KB, 536x126, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art hoes do be like that

>> No.18870132

I borrowed all these books except the last 2 from my gf lol, should I run?

>> No.18870140

Naw. Girls can be trusted with these books >>18870099
This explains why there’s no IJ

She’s just making tiktoks

>> No.18870246

Just went through her tiktok, there’s no way this girl doesn’t browse /mu/

>> No.18870265

Seeing the amount of garbage butch tier music that's being posted there I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.18870301
File: 383 KB, 766x1024, shishkova5_e8b45a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still right to be afraid of russophiles
Seriously, who doesn't love Russia?

Pic: Bronze Medal at Miss Russia 2012, no makeup

>> No.18870335

Achilles is gay as fuck

>> No.18870353

Same. Not my favorite but I liked it a lot.

>> No.18870372

>Aristotle, Nitezsche
Man hands typed this. Women don't read or know anything about these two.

>> No.18870479
File: 102 KB, 847x628, Anna Turaeva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have man hands without being a man

Pic: Anna Turaeva

>inb4 "y-ywnbaw!"
Biological woman

>> No.18870482

but.. why

>> No.18870491

we have evolved from twitter to tiktok OPs. lmao

>> No.18870529

>avoid anyone into Derrida and Foucault
Not bad for a reddit post

>> No.18870543

>women auto-selecting themselves
great idea, which one of you made that?

>> No.18870598
File: 88 KB, 1000x700, 1612498037612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a man will always be a man
even if he cuts of his penis
you disgusting abomination

people mock you behind your back
(including your family)

>> No.18870607

>first time women are allowed to vote
>they vote someone for his looks
It's tiresome

>> No.18870614

Boats is so fucking good.

>> No.18870617

>decides to "become" a "male"
>picks to be a balding manlet

>> No.18870977

>schizo rambling
And what exactly does this have to do with my post?

>> No.18870981

>>first time women are allowed to vote
>>they vote someone for his looks
What's this?

>>decides to "become" a "male"
Never happened, she simply practiced sport.

>> No.18870989
File: 413 KB, 654x477, 1621357590850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a reminder

>> No.18870992

>note for arthoes: run to give him a kiss

>> No.18870994

that was my ex girlfriend's favorite writer, she was obsessed with him lol
god these people are retarded, how can you put people into boxes like this\
what do the comments even say about this drivel?

>> No.18870997

I've finally figured out how to express my dislike for women

Women are the ultimate teenagers, that's why they are so hatable. Everything that makes teenagers terrible is permanent in them. The development of their ideas and their outlook on the world both stagnate in their teens so they are literally like teenagers in their views on every subject, but it's more than that. It's the teenager's retarded innate sense that despite being a retarded teenager they still deserve to be heard and they've already figured the world out. That extra disgusting ingredient that truly makes teenagers awful. That's women.

>> No.18871021

Do literally none of you retards know how tiktok works? These are all staged as a joke, they are literally her own books

>> No.18871028

>thumb holes like she's a 15yo emo
>black nail varnish
>can't even be bothered to make her bed
Don't worry, I'd avoid you too

>> No.18871032

>no makeup

>> No.18871038

>>omg I love Palahniuk!
Yeah cos his books are ~100 pages long you dumb thot

>> No.18871088

Based, J*sus deserved to die

>> No.18871100

A modern classic

>> No.18871103

Is that the girl they used to motion capture Sid from Ice Age?

>> No.18871104

>Do literally none of you retards know how tiktok works?
No, and the fact that you do means that you need to go back.

>> No.18871108
File: 186 KB, 1024x682, 8163848978_739f44b2f5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic with makeup
>his books are ~100 pages long
No they aren't

>> No.18871110

>those spots to the left of her nose
literally unfuckable

>> No.18871120

Cope, she will never suck your cum from your penis as if she was drinking soda with a straw

>> No.18871130
File: 529 KB, 2880x1800, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare with Miss Germany, Gold Medal 2021 (no makeup)

>> No.18871137

>What's this?
Warren G. Harding

>> No.18871153

If you would have spent a single day at a white collar job with university educated women you would have realized how retarded and utterly invalid your theory is. You must have based your theory on high schoolers or something.

>> No.18871159

>4th paragraph
Absolutely filtered. How does ol' Fyodor keeps getting away with it?

>> No.18871174

>Kant and Hegel are definitely okay
That's because you don't understand one nor the other

>> No.18871190

>man invents fictional scenario and gets angry about it

>> No.18871214

perhaps, but glad we agreed on the trannies too
*shakes your hand*

>> No.18871396

just say either, dummy.

>> No.18871409

Just wait until the Afghan refugees get here, and this won't be so fictional anymore.

>> No.18871464
File: 146 KB, 1112x512, 46C199A4-66D7-4CAD-9E46-2ABCDE1FADC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red flags for women, do not date if she has:

Social media (if she needs for work it’s okay)
Male friends/ male *best* friend
Tattoos, piercings (bull ring), weird colored hair
High bodycount / not a virgin
Bad family relations

>> No.18871510
File: 200 KB, 1533x1069, evilroastie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, also stay away from single moms

>> No.18871593
File: 50 KB, 372x564, Afghans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>j-just wait!
You have been saying this for 2 decades at least, I have seen maybe one person with a burqa/niqab
How retarded do you have to be to even conceive the thought that those fleeing from talibans want to impose the burqa in the West?
That's like thinking that the fucking Cubans in Miami are communists.

>> No.18871606
File: 59 KB, 602x725, piercing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>piercings (bull ring)
The other ones are okay?
>Social media (if she needs for work it’s okay)
>Male friends/ male *best* friend
>Tattoos, piercings (bull ring), weird colored hair
>High bodycount / not a virgin
>Bad family relations
That's more or less all women in the Western world btw

>> No.18871658
File: 2.94 MB, 480x848, degeneratelifestyle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah 98 percent of women have eliminated themselves from being marriageable. Go figure.

>> No.18871661
File: 115 KB, 986x146, 0012865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40%+ of children in Germany aren't even Germans. In the long run, these "people" will literally displace actual Germans here. Inviting more shitskins from Afghanistan won't help that situation. How can people like you be so blind? It's almost like you have malicious intent.

>> No.18871670

>That's more or less all women in the Western world btw

>> No.18871686
File: 1.94 MB, 3383x1707, roastbeef2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18871697

That pic always cracks me up.

>> No.18871709


>> No.18871721
File: 1.96 MB, 326x184, basedrussians.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18871734

thots = policed
post moar hopefuel anon

>> No.18871740
File: 1.62 MB, 640x352, lol7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure will

>> No.18871750

kek golden

>> No.18871755

Dont want to know what the favs of this tiktok tranny are.

>> No.18871766
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>> No.18871771
File: 1.85 MB, 430x214, lel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why me? What did I do wrong?
the lack of self-awareness is outstanding, they're literally like children

>> No.18871785
File: 656 KB, 406x720, useduproastie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18871786
File: 94 KB, 738x758, S-shitskins NOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads data

There are more French than Iranians in Germany
More Americans than Moroccans
More Slovaks than Brazilians
More Swiss than Ghanaian

>> No.18871791

What does this have to do with piercings?

>> No.18871797

People unable to have fun. Very sad.

>> No.18871810

they look like these femen globohomo puppets

>> No.18871821
File: 120 KB, 553x1024, roasties 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more of a big picture take. Modern women have been tricked by feminism as seen through pic related. Red flags of a "modern" woman
Everyone in this thread watch this:
If you're talking about me, no I'm laughing. If you're talking about the video those were degenerates advocating for the breakdown of Western Civilization so there's no problem there.

>> No.18871832

Useduproastie is a good name for the file. There are so many men willing to have sex with her that she realizes she can satisfy her sex drive while getting free food to do it. That bitch is not very attractive, and certainly, without that thick layer of caked makeup on her face, she wouldn't be able to go out in public without children pointing in fear and mockery. Those eyebrows look like giant, fuzzy caterpillars, and her lips look fake as all hell. Plus, that dye job sucks dick, although not as much as she has.

>> No.18871846
File: 203 KB, 900x775, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even tell them apart from Femen? Holy jesus, your ignorance is astounding. Just shut up if you know nothing about the topic
>p-protesting against the olympics is globohomo! the church is globohomo too!

>> No.18871851

These brownies have sick reproduction rates (of course at the expense of their hosts)

>> No.18871853

>If you're talking about me, no I'm laughing
Absolutely filtered
>If you're talking about the video those were degenerates advocating for the breakdown of Western Civilization so there's no problem there.
>punk group in Russia
>t-they want to destroy the west!
Amazing understanding of politics
>It's more of a big picture take
Ipse dixit.

>> No.18871857
File: 408 KB, 872x878, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. Also these guys will just sleep with her, not wife her up. So there's that.

>> No.18871868
File: 44 KB, 512x512, Strange+toad_b9ef09_8744548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu, i wouldnt really be mad if my father wasnt this unemployed 5'6 bald ugly guy, but some kind of chad my mom had affair with 28 years ago.

>> No.18871878
File: 1.03 MB, 848x480, stupidroastie8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, in case you haven't noticed they categorize themselves as "feminists", and deserve as much.
Please continue to seethe though, it's delicious whore/beta male

>> No.18871880
File: 38 KB, 581x594, read the data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-the brownies!

>> No.18871882

>church is globohomo too!
LOL the catholic church is pretty pedohomo

>> No.18871894

Can you even read, bro? That's a statistic on foreign nationals living in Germany, i.e. people who don't even have a German passport. They don't count towards the number I cited above, even though their children also go to school in Germany, meaning that the number is probably higher relative to your chart. """German""" with migration background means that a person has a German passport, but is not an ethnic German. Thanks for proving my point lmao

>> No.18871919

>20 percent of men will learn they are not the father of the child
I am very sad that I decided early to avoid marriage and kids, but every day I get more proof that I did the right thing, at least as long as I live in modern Western society.

>> No.18871920

Probably not counting the children of shitskins with low IQ indigenous women.

>> No.18871927

Lmao, that video
>Please continue to seethe though, it's delicious whore/beta male
Said the one who can't beat a woman in real life and so saves these videos to own the femz, kek
>I-I'm not seething! I'm j-just happy when they whip women for dancing in colourful clothes!
Go to a rave this weekend, have some fun, you sound like you need to disconnect from the internet a bit.

>> No.18871946

>Can you even read, bro?
>"""German""" with migration background means that a person has a German passport, but is not an ethnic German.
Having one foreign grandparent counts like having migrant background
>That's a statistic on foreign nationals living in Germany, i.e. people who don't even have a German passport. They don't count towards the number I cited above
>barely noticeable rise in German fertility rates, extreme drop in foreign ones
>i-it's the brownies
This is your last (You)

>> No.18871954

good thing she learned early kek

>> No.18871956

my favourite novels are
1. 100 y of solitude
2. Amerika (Kafka)
3. growth of the soil
can i get some pussy now, my queen?

>> No.18871964
File: 157 KB, 743x1024, E6FED2E5-1566-448E-941C-E0381EAFEC96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roastie Toastie feeling sad
Can’t get no more dick from Chad
No beta will pay her rent
For Roastie Toastie’s snatch is spent
Hit the wall at lightning speed
Thinking you had what you need
Coke and wine and BBC
But Roastie Toastie couldn’t see
Now you look three times your age
Filled with Roastie Toastie rage
Spamming “incel” on the net
Thinking that is how you’ll get
The meaning that you never had
Getting double drilled by Chad
Roastie Toastie feeling sad
Shoulda listened to your dad
Roastie Toastie dies alone
Playing on her apple phone

>> No.18871971
File: 362 KB, 499x925, 53491CAB-D427-49A6-AFC6-27B50D115123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18871972

redditors, we made it again

>> No.18871974

>Girl asks me my favorite book
>Fuck fuck fuck what's a book
>Flashback to high school english
>What was that book with the kids on the island fuck THINK
>"Uhhhhh lord of the wasps? Flies?"

>> No.18871979

>Having one foreign grandparent counts like having migrant background
Right, and it makes you a non-German.
>>barely noticeable rise in German fertility rates, extreme drop in foreign ones
Yeah, I'll need some backup for that, because migration is constantly quoted here as a solution for the declining birthrates in Germany.
>This is your last (You)
I'm sorry that you can't even read a Wikipedia article properly, and need to end this debate because you're losing. Have a good evening, anon.

>> No.18872002

Thats a good one. Every person Ive met who liked that book is an absolute midwit who'se mental growth stopped at 24.
Unless its a warning to women to search your bookshelf when she gets to your house. Doesnt mean they need to read it. But otherwise id agree.

>> No.18872037

All leftoids are always disingenuous

>> No.18872039

This whole retarded post shows again that roasties are midwits who got all their infos of authors and philosphers from wikipedia or smalltak with thir midwit friends.

>> No.18872068
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>> No.18872075
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>> No.18872087


>> No.18872095

>both have Want Children Someday selected
it's almost sad, jesus christ.

>> No.18872102
File: 130 KB, 1024x1024, A90C6996-1DA7-434A-A88A-58A99831A04A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18872135

Literally all urbanite white western women have "someday" selected, if not on their hookup site profile they'll tell you this by voice. Kids and family life in general are what you fall back to once you can't ride the cock carousel any longer.
If you can stand country women then those want kids, but country people are even more disgusting than urbanite roasties although in a different way, technology and social media have fucked them up as well and they do not really see family life as something they do for themselves but as something they have to show off to all the people they know / their extended family to show that they're "successful". It's all posturing of the highest degree.
There is literally no authentic reality left in this world.

>> No.18872138
File: 592 KB, 1080x1080, roastie 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18872146
File: 438 KB, 432x768, evilroastie3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to find a virtuous woman?

>> No.18872149

>wants serious relationship
thank God there are still proper women (?) around

>> No.18872154
File: 1.23 MB, 1023x1440, Roastie 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18872157

find a really old cemetery

>> No.18872162

it was a joke anon

>> No.18872174
File: 2.85 MB, 576x1024, stupidroastie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18872179
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>> No.18872182
File: 1.97 MB, 576x1024, stupid roastie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18872188

My favorite book is Faust. I wonder where that places me on her list

>> No.18872191

pretty sure this is just a camwhore although these days it's hard to tell

>> No.18872203
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>> No.18872204

>you aren't entitled to an opinion


>> No.18872221
File: 2.98 MB, 720x892, strengthoffeminism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women like that cause pic related

>> No.18872249

>"I hate immigrants in this country so much that I'll become an Expat! I bet in trad Hungry or Ukraine I'll be free of immigrants!"
Don't try to argue with this people.

>> No.18872257


>> No.18872307


>> No.18872402

still a far cry from western degenerate feminism and the preference of women for every position (except construction or sewage work).

>> No.18872526

Your point is more of a reflection on you than women. If you were in any intellectually stimulating field or actually talked to a woman outside of high school, you wouldn't have come to this conclusion

>> No.18872562

Progressivism yet again demonstrated as simply veiled classism

>> No.18872563

how can you be a big fan of Brothers K. and be a misanthrope? this bitch doesn't know wtf she's talking about

>> No.18872780

>in grad school
So what was she doing from 22 to 37?

>> No.18872853

the first two are actually true anybody who says thoseare their favs thinks theyre smart as fuck and they are not

>> No.18872857

thats the only acceptable one in her list

>> No.18872874

>I just consoom things and register no appreciation for the beauty of anything

>> No.18872875

wtf militaries dont have time to argue they have to work with one mind, thats the worst possible example you could have chosen

>> No.18872882

Nigh female-less homoerotic male power fantasy.

>> No.18872894

fatty cope

>> No.18872905

>Sing, muse, of Anger
the most surface level take on /lit/

>> No.18872909
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which is the one and which is the other??

>> No.18872919

>characterizing the Iliad as a 'homerotic power fantasy'
Is this bait or have we really arrived at this point. Is the divine comedy a 'nice guy simp fantasy'

>> No.18872935

How does sin lead to death? I'm pretty people who do their darndest to avoid sinning end up dying also.

>> No.18872972

Have you not read the Illiad? It's a bunch of half naked dudes in the "heat" of battle striving their mighty limbs against one another in sweaty close combat and then bawwing prostrated over the corpse of Patroclus.

Sounds pretty fucking gay to me fan.

>> No.18872991

its not even a sweater, its some kind of glove

>> No.18873171
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you ether understand one but don't understand the other or you don't understand one but you do the other

>> No.18873181

You sound like the type of person that thinks sports are gay

>> No.18873664

sin leads to eternal death, people whos sins are forgiven get eternal life

>> No.18873670

you sound like a coom brain

>> No.18873672

just B.E. youself

>> No.18874329

Native Germans includes all the non-white Germans as well.

>> No.18874400

what happens when she finds out hamsun was a sympathizer?

>> No.18874588

>not including Rage

>> No.18874607
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The REEEEEEEEE in here is delectable. Keep tipping your hands and showing your asses, retards.

>> No.18874679

Cope, roastie

>> No.18874689

i just saw this tiktok and now im confuse, what should i read after reading the gormenghast novels? thank u

>> No.18874771

>I would rather be somewhere else than watch as the country I was born in becomes unrecognizable
>I would rather move to a country that is more aligned with my political views than support the regime that is destroying my country with my taxes

I still live in the country I was born in but I long to leave
I took a trip to the capital city recently and I felt like I was in africa, and even my tiny district town has more than it's fair share of diversity, I try to not be racist and I try to make myself think that race doesn't matter and we're all human etc, but the fact that my people are being robbed of their homeland and that I am powerless to stop it, and the fact that if I have children they will never know what homogenity feels like stirs something primeordial within me and depresses me greatly

>> No.18874813

yes because if one of these is their favorite books then they have shit taste

>> No.18874837

If I could end my libido, I'd no longer be shackled by this god-forsaken sex.

>> No.18875414

Sounds like you've never had a real friend.

>> No.18875425

You think you're smart af with that black rectangle gimmick and you're not

>> No.18875426

Old age comes startlingly fast enough.
Enjoy it while you can, your wish will come true for the majority of your life

>> No.18875450

dried up vagina confirmed

>> No.18875456


>> No.18875485

Perfect for mice corpses.

>> No.18875564

Whats this referring to lol

>> No.18876409

Finally someone who gets it

>> No.18876601

Im finishing Bald's leechbook volume 3.
Before that I've read confucius Analects.
Next book will be Lovecraft. All the books.
In the meantime, I started reading a book about how Rome was founded. A 900 book of everything you can find about its foundation, religion and culture.
These bitches are too fucking basic to reach my level.

>> No.18876619

>It's a bunch of half naked dudes in the "heat" of battle striving their mighty limbs against one another in sweaty close combat
t. never read the illiad
half the deaths are from throwing spears

>> No.18876655

The fuck they want me to read?

>> No.18876658

I'm reading it again since high school and holy shit everyone is gigantic megachad

>> No.18876667

Don't forget finger guns.

>> No.18876687

You are delusional if you think Germans won't be completely replaced in half a century. The best thing is that people like you will say "n-nobody could have seen this coming! It's not my fault!"

>> No.18876704

Divide et impera $$$

>> No.18877524


>> No.18877535

I knew her in high school. She’s been at the twitter comedian game for a long time.

>> No.18879046

You're just bad at reading inbetween the lines

>> No.18879284

I work in academia so all my favorite books are autistically specific.

>> No.18879827

This is going into my "Cute Animals" folder

>> No.18880472

Women simply can't make their jokes obvious enough for internet retards

>> No.18880584

Maybe women just aren't funny.

>> No.18880603
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>IJ not in the stack

>> No.18880799

Reminder: Australia's population is 1/10th the USA, if that. I see burkas every day. There's areas where its only burkas and everyone looks at you strange. Don't let it reach this level in the USA.

>> No.18880975

Perfume was awesome and the movie is even good.

>> No.18881867

Dave slayed too much pussy for any roastie to truly hate him.

>> No.18882032

Hopefully white women will get what they deserve when Islam will take over the ruins of western civilization.

>> No.18882067

That's the point, retard

>> No.18882237
File: 35 KB, 307x500, 9780241973615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there different translations of Perfume or can I pick based on the cover?

>> No.18883733

Men are funnier but you're all still retarded

>> No.18883811

>two men love eachother? hurr that must mean they have sex
>dude you hug your dog and you love him? woah beastiality alert
you are unable to distinguish the difference between love and sex, because you're a pervert and you probably grew up in america (pro tip: if your country has a mcdonalds in it then it's america)
ancient greeks were not gay