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/lit/ - Literature

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18867979 No.18867979 [Reply] [Original]

>he actually reads fiction
Reading fiction is nothing more than escapism. Fiction readers are no better than animefags. Actually I would say they are worse given their pretentiousness. Animefags are at least honest with themselves.
If you are not primarily reading non-fiction I cannot see you as an adult. If you indulge in passive entertainment or copes, you are weak and dependent upon something.

>> No.18867988
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Post your top 10 nonfiction books go

>> No.18867990
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You are trying too hard.

>> No.18867994

my cock is so fucking big ooooooooooohhhhhhaaauuuughgghhhh

>> No.18868013

He's right. Fiction is a waste of time because it will never be as efficient as non-fiction at exploring its subject matter. Large portions of the text are dedicated to telling a narrative, which is just a made up story by the writer that didn't happen, so there's no reason to care unless you are emotionally stunted. At best, fiction just serves as a long-form example of whatever philosphy the author wants to explore. So if you cared about the philosophy itself you would cut the out the middleman and just read the philosophy. Reading non-fiction is a much more efficient means of learning because you aren't wasting time figuring out a fictional story about the siege of troy or whalers or something else irrelevant to the overall point.
Literature is the ultimate pseud-magnet for people who think they're too smart for other forms of trite entertainment such as film, tv, video games, etc. but are too dumb to actually read something that doesn't have a children's story attached to hold the reader's hand through complex ideas.

>> No.18868059
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>nooooo you can't just read fiction novels! Non-fiction is wayyyy superior

>> No.18868076

escape this, bitch *grabs dick*

>> No.18868146
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You'll grow out of it, soon enough.

>> No.18868154

I grew out of fiction back in my early 30s.

>> No.18868159

Non-fiction is not literature so you're on the wrong board.

>> No.18868171

Why is 90% of substantive /lit/ discussion consist of nonfiction, while fiction threads die out quickly?

>> No.18868182

I grew out of fiction in my late teens. Maybe I'll grow back into it one day.

>> No.18868188

>trusting an author just because they self-label it as "nonfiction"
i read books because i like them, i do not give a shit about events that i havent nor will never experience.
prose > content

>> No.18868634

Literature and fiction aren't the same things, and this is reflected in the way libraries and bookstores are organized. The difference is mostly one of psychological realism that's both immersive and predictive because it's based on experience of what is, as opposed to ethical oughts or philosophical speculations. It follows experience the way Montaigne's essays do even when illusions are required to do the trick of illustration.

>> No.18868744

This is pseudo-intellectualism at its worse.
1. There is nothing wrong with entertainment. Unless you are some Christian religious fundamentalist then you should live the life you enjoy. You are using 4chan right now, which is both entertainment and a cope. I don't see how posting a distorted image of frog and attempting to create an argument with internet strangers on an anonymous imageboard is any higher of an activity then reading fiction. There is nothing wrong with loving life, if you love reading fiction then read fiction. Some people prefer books over tv shows, movies, video games. I definitely do. Also fiction is far more entertaining than non-fiction.
2. Science has determined that reading is healthy for your brain, and it improves your intelligence and knowledge. This includes both non-fiction and fiction. Reading is always better for you than tv shows, movies, video games.
3. Fiction can sometimes communicate philosophical and artistic ideas in a more effective, meaningful, and aesthetic way than non-fiction ever could. Here are some of the great writers of fiction of the 19/20th centuries: Joyce, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Melville, Steinbeck, Kafka, Pynchon, Kerouac, Proust, Nabokov, Fitzgerald, Orwell, Tolkien, etc. Respond to me with several great writers of nonfiction from this same era and we will decide who has made the greater impact.

Personally I only really read for prose and poetry. Everything else I already know. Why waste 40 years of your life only to memorize facts. Here's a fact: one day you will die along with everyone you know, you will have made no impact in this world, only eating, sleeping dreaming, working, studying endlessly. When you die everything you will have learned will be forgotten, you will not have learned life's most important truths, if you could have seen them you would have rejected them anyway. The importance of learning is not to remember, you don't need to remember anything except for some very practical information you should have learned at school. What is important is to be in the moment. You should experience profound truths and accept them into your heart. Once you understand them they are there forever and you can share them with the people you love. When you die something you did experience and own will still live on with someone else. This is what it means to live a good life. Retard.

>> No.18868770

Also: I've seen you post this thread before. Are you going to make it a weekly habit of yours? You clearly don't spend your time very well. I advise you get some hobbies. Here is list of things you can do it your spare time: listen to music, read poetry, read comfy books, paint, meditate, exercise, go on a date, visit family or friends, travel the world. You could learn to be more extroverted and sociable too. Hope this helps OP.

>> No.18868917


>> No.18869117
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>> No.18869202

5th time I've seen identical post here.
I was about to comment this exact thing.

>> No.18869303
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>> No.18869307

That's literally you on the sweater
Fiction is for cucks, just like coding

>> No.18869309
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This is your brain on fiction

>> No.18869317
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No such thing, everything is fiction

>> No.18869321
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psyop groups want to turn /lit/ into another recruitment board. All the race-bait philosophy threads are for this reason. People like OP just try to feed into the culture of justifying their lack of attention span with fiction, and will then pretentiously elaborate how reading nothing but armchair takes by closeted gayboys on youtube.

>> No.18869359

>Actually I would say they are worse given their pretentiousness
Lisgen to yourself, you're the most pretentious one here

>> No.18869365

I like reading both fiction and non-fiction works

>> No.18869374

>will never be as efficient
I don't even read fiction but poetry conveys a lot. Are you Chinese or something though? Or some onions American wagecuck?

>> No.18869388

The opinion of a golem made out of clay.

>> No.18870249
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>> No.18870264


>> No.18870318

Fuck this guy.

Still interested in some non fiction recs though. Anons, have you read anything good recently? I just started reading Why We Sleep and from what I have read it seems to be nice. Would like to add some books to my TBR-list.

>> No.18870323

OP's life is fiction, unironically.

>> No.18870336
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You must be no older than 22. Otherwise you're a pleb who has trouble piercing the veil drawn up by authors and poets.

>> No.18870406

I have seen this exact thread and the same replies to it like a 100 times. Fucking groundhog-day this board.

>> No.18871808

>cut the out the middleman and just read the philosophy
Why? I can never understand people who only like philosophy in concept. I just can't bring myself to personally care about an ideal unless it's put into practice. Fictional narratives are perfect for that.

>> No.18871896
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Most of the non-fiction readers on this board are no better than the worst fiction readers. The non-fiction they read is still trash (e.g. Guenon), and they barely have any reading comprehension or information literacy. Most of the time they don't read secondary sources and don't keep up with the scholarly literature. So, 99% of what you people have to say is worthless.

>> No.18873656

That's everyboard

>> No.18874182

Your insecurity is embarrassingly transparent.

>> No.18874190
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>it's a 4channel frogposter telling people to stop wasting their time thread

>> No.18874212

>escapism bad!!!!
explain this meme.

>> No.18874233

Why is this shit thread still up? This fag makes the same garbo bait every week

>> No.18874234


>> No.18874249
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>Reading fiction is nothing more than escapism. Fiction readers are no better than animefags.

I watch anime too btw. This reality is shit and I intend to escape from it as much as possible.

>> No.18874265

Yes anon, you are the supreme and the true intellectual because you... don't read fiction??? You sound like a fucking idiot.

>> No.18874273

Actually, this post is probably bait and I probably fell for it.

>> No.18874967

>If you indulge in passive entertainment or copes, you are weak and dependent upon something

you're on 4chan.

>> No.18875064

Go back to >>>/lit/

>> No.18875078

There is no difference between fiction and non-fiction, only between fiction/nonfiction and genre fiction. Novels just describe an idealised form of human interaction in the real world.

>> No.18875085

Ironically weebs and nonfiction readers are the same kind of group, both are made out of autists who have trouble understanding human interaction.

>> No.18875120

>dude nothing matters bro just read for whatever reason you feel like lol
this rick and morty level of explanation is so shitty only a materialist could come up with.

>> No.18875248


>> No.18875258

>that’s all he got from that post
God you’re so fucking retarded

>> No.18875261

you're the retard for being a materialist which is one of the no-no opinions

>> No.18875288

>but are too dumb to actually read something that doesn't have a children's story attached to hold the reader's hand through complex ideas
You're not really implying that any work of fiction is a "children's story", right?
Fictional stories can still contain only elements that could happen in the real world, and take place in real locations. Hell, they can be based on real events as well
>but why not just make a nonfiction story then?
Because an author making use of different characters and imagery than what is "real" makes it so they can better convey the message of their story.

>> No.18875300

>reading for message

>> No.18875652

I'm genuinely convinced you're just an autist who can't use his imagination. Some of the greatest writers are fiction authors. Who the fuck cares what you think? Fiction is Fitzgerald, Orwell, Homer and many other great men of history, you're just an autist on 4chan.

>> No.18875685

Do you read historical documents, journals, etc. or do you read philosophy anon?
If it is the latter, then it is just a more sophisticated version of fiction.

>> No.18875703

you have thousands of years of literature to pick from, and two of your three picks are highschool reading class tier 20th century anglos? not a great defense of fiction.

>> No.18875712
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Very based.

>> No.18875724

I just named a few for fuck's sake. I enjoy what I enjoy and don't give a shit if you think they're "basic". Matter of fact I enjoyed the ASOIAF books. What is it to you?

>> No.18875733

go back

>> No.18875737

thanks for proving my point that fiction novels are on the same level as HBO drama tv series and other trite entertainment.

>> No.18876363
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The art of computer programming vols. 1-7 and the Feynman lectures vols. 1-3

>> No.18876369
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Why are you here?

>> No.18876372

They're books. They're not literature. There is a difference

>> No.18876388
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>> No.18876427
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Have you seen The Wire?

>> No.18876437

>Fitzgerald, Orwell, Homer
>great men of history