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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18865549 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized that the version of Moby Dick I read in middle school wasn't the actual book but an adapted text for children.
I spent decades believing I read the real thing and not understanding why everybody gushed over it when I found it to be just alright

>> No.18865556

what a fucking idiot

>> No.18865563

Kinda felt the same when my Les Miserables verison was 1000 pages (In greek) and saw some other editions being more than that. I still do not know if I read a bit shortened version.

I think you should read the original Moby Dick in your case. I haven't but I will eventually.

>> No.18865587

what a fuvcking iduot

>> No.18865618

Didn't read it in middle school, because I'm French. But we did have the chapter on whaling laws to read in my Introduction to Law course in university, and it was so fucking good, I decided to read the whole thing afterwards.
I've rarely read Anglo authors that I enjoyed that much.

>> No.18865781

what a frucking diot

>> No.18865789


>> No.18866106

Hi kids, my name is Ishmael!

>> No.18866119

I have an unabridged version and its some 1500 pages. Altho theres a lot of chapters hwere he talks about wherever like how some nuns live that could be completely cut out without affecting the story at all, its just his political opinions

>> No.18866122
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>> No.18866133

Yeah,had this as well.Same for the Napoleon,Paris sewer system.Which buffles me even more if there are longer version because,even thought the book was really good,there was in fact lots of fillers at some points.

>> No.18867251

Cutting out sections from books is jew behavior
If it was published like that, it was meant to be read like that and unless you read the unabridged, you didn't read it!

>> No.18867267

You fucking idiot

>> No.18867270

Perfectly good whale encyclopaedia ruined by gay romance.

>> No.18867363

go tell reddit about it you schizo freak

>> No.18867482
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Fuck I did the same thing. 99% sure it was pic related. I remember finding a copy at our church as a kid and reading through it over the hours that I was stuck there. Just recently I started reading the /lit/ annotated edition and I was wondering why the sheer density of MD never shook me as a kid.

>> No.18867490

>lit annotated version
Can I get a link please?

>> No.18867495

be happy. you didn't waste your time on countless pages about sharing your bed with a salty harpooner and selling your head in the town square. it's sick shit, man.

>> No.18867509

Looks like someone didn't make it past the first 50 or so pages

>> No.18867513

see >>18696709

>> No.18867514

Though I suppose you wouldn't know since you apparently can't count that high

>> No.18867530

Had the same thing with Don Quixote as a kid, read the real thing only as a teen, and was surprised in seen how big it was compared to the other one.

>> No.18867542

Post is gone

>> No.18867591

use the archive, newfriend-san

>> No.18867597

This happened to me too lol. I read the children’s version in a single night. Then I learned the real one was like a thousand pages and knew something was up.

>> No.18867774

Oops I outed myself
Thank you, though

>> No.18868092
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When I was in middle school, my geography teacher had a small library of these Classic Starts books. They were all fantastical stories like pic related or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but they were my first exposure to lit-proper.
Coincidentally, the same teacher once gave me an unabridged copy of Moby-Dick to read that intimidated me as it seemed like a book with teeth compared to what I was reading at the time.. I never read it. Sometimes I wonder if having my mind dazzled by Melville at a young age would have let the claws of reading sink in sooner, but that's enough blogposting for one night.

>> No.18868126

Even as a kid I knew these where shortened. I started reading the real ones because of them only to learn that a lot of the real versions of these books are actually pretty short themselves.

>> No.18868157

>adapted text for children
Why do people do this?

>> No.18868235

I remember in high school I had to read a poorly abridge version of Frankenstein that halfway through had Elizabeth go from some poor street urchin to his cousin, which I later found out that the cousin part was in the OG version. That has killed all "classic" literature for me for the fear that Im gonna read ome shitty version of the original story