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File: 24 KB, 232x350, Bullshit_Jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18865251 [Reply] [Original]

I work in cybersecurity looking at malware written by hackers. I wouldn't say its a "bullshit" job as some of things I have looked at are of real geopolitical consequence, but wow do I hate it. Its doing the same shit all the time, never interfacing with new ideas - I am just essentially acting as a computer to protect other computers. There is no "human ambiguity" as Rushkoff would say. I read to interface with new ideas, and I am severely lacking that in most of my time each week due to a job that is so un-/lit/.

What do you do for work /lit/? And how do you like it?

Also what would your ideal job be if you were to focus on the /lit/ aspects of your life?

>> No.18865268
File: 79 KB, 386x661, 1579352727644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an application developer (a.k.a. generic code monkey) and I want to die.

>> No.18865270
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i entry level data entry for major financial firm. it is utterly meaningless and i do the bare minimum, but it is stable and i am able to pursue other things and relationships with people.

i used to fight wildfires, which was more meaningful but complete trash in form of pay, lifestyle, benefits and opportunities to live a decent life.

>> No.18865310

It there anything you would rather be doing? or are you content to just find meaning outside of work?

desu I'd love a job where I can read during the day, like a doorman. Or live a walden-like existence where I just subsistence farm and read in a cabin built by my own hands. Except my mom wouldn't bring me food like Thoreau's mom did...

>> No.18865359

>Or live a walden-like existence where I just subsistence farm and read in a cabin built by my own hands.
That's a fiction, at least in Europe. Not an urbanite btw.
>It there anything you would rather be doing?
I always wanted to work in academia, but I'm too old now.

>> No.18865386

im a manager. it's alright i have a good boss who values my input and pays decently. remote work etc.

ideal job? i'd rather not work

>> No.18865391

I work at a University. I hate it so much. I thought about killing myself on campus but I’m not going to do that.

>> No.18865400

What's so bad about it? Also, what's your role? I'm >>18865359

>> No.18865417

A nursing home. Taking care of mentally+physically disabled. Often aggressive fucks, I have new wounds every day. I hate this job.

>> No.18865428

I tried reading this book and also the one about the history of debt and this guy is too wordy without enough substance. Then I saw he was advertised as a "best seller" and it all made sense. His audience consists of midwits who think this is some revelation when people on 4chan have been bitching about HR jobs and the banking class since its inception

>> No.18865437

Nurse, Therapist or CNA?

>> No.18865442

Yeah his article was enough for me:


I can't see that being turned into a whole book.

I also love the gervais principle and find it shockingly accurate:


>> No.18865448

Mental health therapist. I like my job, the pay isn't what it should be for the level of degree. But that's the USA for ya.

>> No.18865458

Precariously employed teaching STEM students about philosophy of science and ethics. Medfags are mostly cool, too many of the engineers live up to every stereotype of fedora-tipping supreme gentlemen. I like it, for now.
I'll keep pursuing a career in academia by applying for a phd in a few months, and eventually ending up as a professor is my ideal career.

Even if I never make it past adjunct, that's an OK position in my country. They'll do a publish or perish review every few years, but I think I'll handle it, the pay is fine for what it is, and most importantly, it isn't soul-killing work. When I tried my hand at other kinds of waging, I ended up spending half my wage on drugs because I was not enjoying my life at all.

It is a very precarious and narrow path I have chosen, but fuck me if I'm not gonna give it a shot.

>> No.18865463

Office manager, absolute bs job. Just here to buy snacks for the other retards and maybe move some shit around on a google sheet. I can get away with reading so thats a perk.

>> No.18865464

Acute Care or Residential?

>> No.18865469


>> No.18865472

CNA for now, I'll become a certified nurse soon. But fuck that. I'm 26, I won't lose my best years for the nursing home. After I get my nurse certificate I'm going to do something else. If that won't work, I can always find a job as a nurse.

>> No.18865485

the people who hate their jobs will post in this thread while the people who enjoy their jobs will continue to do what they love. surely it is the system's responsibility to find the right kind of job for the right person

>> No.18865490

This seems like goals to me. Essentially get paid for 30 minutes of work and then just chill and read the rest of the day. Is it soul crushing to feel like you aren't "contributing to society" though? I personally don't think that would weigh on me much

>> No.18865496

Why won't the people who enjoy their jobs also post in this thread?

>> No.18865500

I'd like to be a proffesor like Huber Dreyfus.

>> No.18865511

Going to leave my job and join a Catholic seminary.
I'm learning the Catechism and Latin, also reading scholastics and philosophy. Thank God me being 30 shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.18865517

>surely it is the system's responsibility to find the right kind of job for the right person

If it is it sure isn't built that way. At least for the USA. You have to "make your way"

That's one issue with anons post. Surely people who enjoy thrte jobs still have some aspect that they don't enjoy. Hours, commute, supervisor etc. So of course people who enjoy there job will still post here. It doesn't have to be complete hate for your job.

>> No.18865520

I work in the warehousing bit of a factory. The work is easy, the people I work with are good people and I get paid more than I probably deserve. Is it bullshit? Probably. It's mind-numbing most of the time, only enjoyable because of my co-workers. But people like to buy shit and that shit needs to get made and put on sale. The work isn't fulfilling though, and as much as I enjoy the company of my co-workers, they are working class people with working class educations so conversations are limited somewhat. I doubt this situation would be improved even if I moved up to the white collar area of this company though.

>> No.18865522

Wow, this is what I actually wanted to do. How did you get into this, anon? Did you have to have a degree? I am a cook at a restaurant. I'm well paid but it's boring with no benefits. The most I get out of it, is conversation with salt of the earth people.

>> No.18865537

Are you being sarcastic? The system should definitely aid in helping place people. Not even for people's benefit but for it's own. Strange how societies have not caught onto this.

>> No.18865554

This is one of the most illuminating things I have ever read, holy fuck

>> No.18865558

>Going to leave my job and join a Catholic seminary.
Extremely based

>> No.18865560

Good luck, anon. Nursing can be difficult (the population-level expectations, the malpractice cloak, the bursts of intense activity that punctuate overworked boredom - the procedures and skills are secondary IRL, it's the interfacing aspect that burns most people out). Hospital positions run the gamut of great to terrible, but at least our pay is comparatively fair(er).
Sorry you aren't compensated fairly, fellow Psych employee. The Therapists (Bachelors) in my area make around $15/hr - the (justified) complaints never end.
Good recommendation, anon.

>> No.18865566
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Web developer for medium sized company. I mostly write backend code and work with large codebases spread across multiple services.

I like my job, as it is pretty challenging and the problems are not monotonous. Also the atmosphere in the office is nice. But my overall contribution to society is lacking.

>> No.18865570
File: 556 KB, 520x644, Screen Shot 2021-08-17 at 10.55.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I studied computer science in college and got a job working in incident response. From there I learned more about reverse engineering and switched over to that full time.

Read pic related and apply to incident response jobs WITH a cover letter. You may need to lie on your resume to get an interview if all you have is cook experience (say something like you maintain a homelab, or just actually set up a homelab so you aren't lying, or do hackthebox challenges).

As long as you actually understand the concepts in the book and get an interview you will land a job, the book has the answers to most things you will be asked. SANS posters are also a good resource:


The work is on paper interesting but gets pretty boring and pay is comparable/not as good as just a regular software dev job. Just as a warning.

>> No.18865573

$15 dollars an hour? Where do you live anon? That is trash pay.

>> No.18865585

I used to do programming at Uni. I was actually pretty good at it. Better than most of the pajeets but I left because I severely behind in math. I finished Calc 1 and saw the rest of the shit I had to do and left. I've messed around with Kali Linux and was in the process of breaking into my neighbors router but I gave up. I was trying to brute force it with a dictionary. All I managed to do was overload it with requests lmao. Thanks for the advice, anon, I'll give it some thought.

>> No.18865591

I currently make $19 as a cook. It's pretty busy. Is there room for growth? Might want to get out of cooking. My body hurts and I'm only 26.

>> No.18865595

>$15 dollars an hour? Where do you live anon? That is trash pay.
do you not realize that's well above what many people make. tired of anons gaslighting how theyre all making 6 figures out of college. it's not the reality.

>> No.18865596

Glad to hear it anon, I assume it is not just CRUD app development then? Or are you one of the lucky few who does not find that kind of work soul crushing

>> No.18865606

There are way more incident response jobs than there are people to fill them. This will likely change as there are more and more "cybersecurity" degrees popping up. Now would be a good time to start working on it.

>> No.18865611

I don't make six figures out of college anon. Sorry, if I offended you. I know people making $14 dollars at Burger King at the moment. I live in Texas.

>> No.18865615

Thanks for the advice, anon. You a good guy.

>> No.18865619

I am guessing a lot of people here are engineers/software devs and are in fact making that much money out of college. Its more an issue of people on 4chan not being a representative sample of people.

>> No.18865630

Any time brother. Really, read that book thoroughly and you're 80-90% there, so long as you already have a pretty good understanding of windows.

>> No.18865649
File: 739 KB, 1920x4039, 08G476g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are different aspects to the tasks I perform. Some of them can be considered simple CRUDL, some are related to data processing, migration/aggregation across multiple databases and services.

Most challenging work I performed was connected with the problems of performance optimization and parallelization.

I also do a little DevOps in my spare time, but self-employment is frowned upon by the government here.

>> No.18865653

What would I need to understand about windows? Just how to work the little command shell they have? Windows seems to be pretty restricting desu.

>> No.18865658

Ribbonfarm is excellent. Everyone who enjoyed that article should read through the rest of his posts.
https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2017/08/17/the-premium-mediocre-life-of-maya-millennial/ is a personal favourite.


>> No.18865707

I'd recommend just starting to read the book, and if things about windows are referenced that you don't understand, look them up

>> No.18865727

He's really not that wordy, it's all relatively straight forward, you might just be dumb

>> No.18865743

>What do you do for work /lit/?
>And how do you like it?
It's fine. People are entertaining and it makes the time pass quickly. Sometimes girls leave me phone numbers.
>Also what would your ideal job be if you were to focus on the /lit/ aspects of your life?
Night security guard sounds nice but I think I'd get bored quick.

>> No.18865751

It's wordy like a blog, where the author doesn't just come out and say what he means, he has to set everything up like a journalist would set up a shitty clickbait article. And... BLAM, something mildly amusing... and then back to the pointless context building

>> No.18865757

Graeber is the most BASED of nonfiction writers.

>> No.18865790

Thanks, I have a Master's so I feel I def make above average but not the compensation we deserve or that is within range of other Master's level degrees.

>> No.18865796

I work with SEO getting products and other pages ranked. Being techy and growing up with Totse, 4chan, etc has made this a perfect fit. In fact, I've done so well I've been given a huge partner percentage in the company.

I find it fun as it's a mixture of legal and "illegal" (according to Google's terms of service) stuff and trying to beat out everyone else.

Plus my favorite new slogan is "if you rank, you'll sell". I've contemplated trying to get myself ranked as a Doctor just for shits n giggles.

>> No.18865816
File: 452 KB, 2048x1536, The Reactor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a chemical engineer working at an oil&gas refinery.
i really enjoy the job. there's a lot to learn, the job can be challenging at times depending on the projects, but we don't work more than 40hr weeks, which is really good. i also like the fact that, although i have an office and can wfh, we can go into the refinery and explore as we please.

>> No.18865855

Based. Working more than 40 is retarded.

>> No.18865871

im in az. i would say 14 is about where most bottom tier wagie jobs start as well. and its not liveable at all yet median wages are certainly dropping in purchasing power. spending too much time on /biz/ you get gaslit into thinking everyone is rich.

i would say that is pretty accurate.

>> No.18865891

I've heard wages in AZ are going up. I wouldn't say $14 is where people start here. In Texas, I'd say $12 is a good number now. My gf works at a law firm
and has a bach and makes $15 as a litigation assistant. Service industry jobs are just experiencing a lack of workers, so they are paying more. Sounds like that psychiatrist guy needs a pay bump, unless he works somewhere underdeveloped where money goes farther. I think job satisfaction is more important than pay though.

>> No.18865905

god what dumb dreck

>>What do you do for work /lit/? And how do you like it?
>Also what would your ideal job be if you were to focus on the /lit/ aspects of your life?
I'm tired and have been living off savings from when I was a SysAdmin, for about 5 years now. I own a small plot of land and live frugally, I rather like my life. My only companion is this racoon that I've fed and befriended, he only shows up around dinner.

All jobs suck. The ideal is not to have one.

>> No.18865909

It'll take you twice as long and ten times as much money as college in order to become a priest. Good luck though, I guess

>> No.18865910

spell check faggotry

>> No.18865920


>> No.18865922

This seems really interesting - what sort of stuff does that entail?

>> No.18865954

Share some basic SEO tips?

>> No.18865966

That's interesting anon, what do you do to entertain yourself? Do you enjoy being a hermit?

>> No.18865969

i'm a night watchman at a museum. i have read more books than all of my friends who went on to get PhD's and i don't have to pretend to give a shit about colonialism

>> No.18865979

Colonization is natural. Fighting it or being angry about it, is natural too. Strange times we live in anon. Sounds like a based fucking job though. What kind of museum is it?

>> No.18865991

I'm a student. I occasionally work in a kiosk though where I get most of my reading done.

>> No.18865992


The factors that go into ranking are still laughably simple. You'd imagine with such immense use it would be difficult but nothing in SEO is all that difficult, it's just whether or not you're able to think outside the box to beat the competitors.

Local SEO is even easier, and like I said above, if you rank you will sell, period.

Personally I was extremely lucky as my boss got me all the tools needed (some are pretty pricey) so it made learning a much quicker process.

- https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo

- Ahrefs Videos on Youtube

- blackhatworld website

- reddit seo / reddit bigseo

I used nothing but those sources, and just reading through the moz guide you'll see what I mean by it "not being difficult". There's still a million small things that go into it.

>> No.18865993

I'm a sysadmin and build and manage networks and servers for clients to use for various purposes. A lot of my time is spent protecting and worrying about malware and randomware. I hate doing it but I haven't found another way to sustain myself yet.
As a sysadmin I appreciate the work you do, OP. I'm sure it's as soul crushing as my work and I hope you find something better one day; it makes my life slightly less shitty. It's just a shame there's no way to full stop these inhuman fucks.

>> No.18866000


This is total goals. How much money did you retire with and at what age? Seems like such a wonderful life

>> No.18866001

male prostitute aka most /lit/ job imaginable. It's also the most /fa/ and /fit job.
No it's not. If you don't live in a third world country you're barely a freeman

>> No.18866002

>What do you do for work /lit/?
I’m a cost savings engineer for a large commercial HVAC company. I’m also a volleyball coach on the side.
>And how do you like it?
The engineering job is incredibly fucking soulless. I’m a glorified penny pincher attempting to save the company’s bottom line every penny possible. It’s annoying af but pays for rent. No debt which is nice.

Volleyball coaching is incredibly based and a fucking blast. I mainly coach youn highschool kids and they are hilarious.

>Also what would your ideal job be if you were to focus on the /lit/ aspects of your life?
I’d ideally make a living off of being a coach, it would be less then 8 hrs a day of work so I’d get to read more. I’m currently working on that.

>> No.18866033

Based. Being around youngsters is refreshing. They are done eyed and full of life.

>> No.18866036


OP here, I don't see them as inhuman at all, they are bright guys, good businessmen, and in fact are probably living some of the best lives on this planet right now.

I am supremely jealous of them. They have the skills and knowledge to make easy millions off of crap organizations that have essentially infinite money and have insurance to pay for it anyway. Nothing of value is lost in 99% of the ransoms, its only hospitals and shit thats inhumane imo, and most won't target things like that.

If I wouldn't get V& for doing the same thing in my country I'd sure as hell be doing the same thing. I used to think "how sad, if these bright guys were in America they'd be hired to make an honest living" but honestly they are getting paid what they are worth and I'm not, and they probably work less. I'm the one who is pitiful, not them.

>> No.18866048

>nothing of value was lost
>infinite money
i know many small business owners and employees who would disagree with you

>> No.18866050

Its a huge swing of power as well. These corps are filling their coffers off of the backs of underpaying part time employees, foreign labor, and avoiding taxes. They are huge power structures designed to enrich themselves at the cost of everything else and some slavs smoking cigs in their basement have them by the balls. Its poetic. Fuck the corps.

>> No.18866055

I have not seen any small businesses targeted by the groups I track. They have bigger fish to fry. Maybe I just work for too big of a name in the industry so we don't see the small stuff.

>> No.18866063

I'm not bored if that's what you mean. I read, work on my art, and do lots of retarded projects. I spend much less time sulking around this place now that there's "less to do", probably because the internet is a form of anxiety relief rather than actual recreation. If I didn't live outside of town I'd probably get my house flagged for a building violation with all the self renovations I've done. I'm currently building a tunnel under my garden for no reason other than it's cool.

About 800k, but half of that was from selling my old house shortly after finishing paying it off. I moved to Montana for the low cost of living among other things. I'm 46.

>> No.18866065

What a waste

>> No.18866072
File: 677 KB, 220x233, 135EA7F7-081D-49C0-AA3F-04B03A31CDC6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HR at a tech company

Yes I am sociopath

>> No.18866080

Can you share some pics of the tunnel you are making?

>> No.18866081

This is legit anon. May God aid you in living in the way you want to live.

>> No.18866090

I don't own a camera or phone.

>> No.18866091

I work on engineering computed tomography, so I think my job isn't total bullshit. It is draining though.

>> No.18866094

ah that might explain it then. i've worked with around 20 or so small/family run businesses who were hit with ransomware. some paid tens of thousands for the data back, some lost years worth of their data or clients of theirs data causing severe damage to their business or lives of their clients. it's not pretty.
and sure one could say it was their fault for letting it happen in the first place, but i would argue it's not right or virtuous to break into someone's server using malware and destroying their livelihood just like it's not ok for someone to break into someone's house and start fucking their shit up. a lot of these small/family businesses don't have the security/backup that massive corps do or even knew about the threat to begin with.

>> No.18866101

You are a legit hermit. Very /lit/

>> No.18866112

>Yes I am sociopath

So edgy, much cool

>> No.18866154

is it invested and you are living on the interest or have you been spending the principal?

>> No.18866169

I'm a published writer, with a wife that works a job that makes significantly more money than me. I do odd-jobs and randomly try a career out every year or so just to get new experiences

>>tfw made it.

>> No.18866201

Are there any resources or guides on creating and running online businesses that aren't shit?

>> No.18866215

What's the name of your work, anon? I'd be interested in reading.

>> No.18866216

computer and internet connection though? or are you at a library or something?

>> No.18866219

I have been spending the principal, mostly on hookers and drugs

>> No.18866316

I've got a pretty awesome baking job. Hours suck for most people but I like getting up at 3 -- I ride my bicycle 9 miles to work at 4:15 and get there by 5. Not a huge talker in general and I get a lot of time to think before everyone fully wakes up about 9 to shoot the shit, talk about the game or joke around. I'm a forgetful fuck so I always miss little attention to details but it's a lax environment.

Someday I guess I'll become a bakehouse manager somewhere but will always wonder if there was something better for me. I have been thinking about joining the coast guard and trying to get experienced working in electrical maintenance on their ships. I have a strong ASVAB score from when I went to MEPS when I thought I wanted to join the marine corps. The only thing that keeps me from dropping my situation is that I want to keep training jijitsu and go thru hiking before joining the miltary. I'm 25 so I better fucking hurry before I get too old.

>> No.18866381

Work as a truck dispatcher for 10 hours a day from 2pm till midnight.
I want to kill myself every day.
God I wish I could work an actually meaningful job.

>> No.18866421

Next month is the first year of my education to becoming a codemonkey. Wish me luck. Software engineering is peak comfy. Hope I can construct a greenhouse garden someday to relax at before my demise. Like the one in the Madrid botanical garden.

>> No.18866431

All jobs are meaningless in the end, anon.

>> No.18866434

>software engineer is comfy
yeah that is why everyone mentioned in this thread wants to kill themselves

>> No.18866454

As long as pay is good, I'd do anything, and software engineering sounds like work that allows me to do my own thing which involves puzzling without being annoyed by normalfags. All I need is money and I'll be able to pursue my hobbies and have a family and all that jazz. Stop being gay.

>> No.18866458
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>Software engineering is peak comfy

>> No.18866477

How is it stressful to work on the labour equivalent of Lego/Factorio the entire day while listening to some lofi tunes?

>> No.18866483

I'm a electrical/materials (took some material engineering classes at undergrad, had my master in it) engineer and I work at the R&D at some company. I don't dislike my work honestly, it's cool, I have freedom to do what I want, nice pay, not much stress, nice coworkers. I think I'll try to get a PhD and get into an uni as professor some day.
>I work in cybersecurity
I was a programmer for a while, and I always found security to be rather boring.

>> No.18866515

>allows me to my own thing
>without normalfags

oh boy you are going to love project managers

>> No.18866596

I do sales, marketing, graphic design, customer service, and production for the company I work for and I’ve never been so miserable in my life.

>> No.18866710

Code monkey. Despise it but if you are actually decent at code (like can shit out O(nlogn) consistently) it is only 1.5K hr/yr for good pay

>> No.18866715

Damn what's that like? High end or low end? Would imagine it could be degrading at times, is it?
My job's mostly running reports, web scraping, updating the company site, and automating shit. Learned Python last year and found out the vast majority of my job could be automated, so I probably work 10 hours a week out of the 40 I get paid for. It's drily interesting work, usually novel projects that I pick for myself. My boss doesn't care that I'm a lazy piece of shit because I look great on paper. Fully remote, spend half my days at coffee shops. Plan to devote more of my time to reading/writing, I've been working on other projects instead for the most part.

>> No.18866723
File: 13 KB, 215x235, nofun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked as a corporate attorney for a couple of years after getting my master's and I've decided to get a PhD. Fuck this gay Earth. Graeber's book is excellent and anyone who tells you "companies are too well ran, too ruthless and too competitive to create bullshit jobs" are either full of shit or lying to your face.

>> No.18866754

how do you even become one? Are you supposed to be ripped?

>> No.18866764

I work as a Customer Assitant for Tesco.

>> No.18866770

Based, backdrop reminds me of the one I live near set on the side of the Southampton Solent.

>> No.18866808

i have a ten year gap on my cv and no skills at all outside of being better than everyone ive ever known at IT related shit due to being terminally online since i was 5 years old but no formal training so its worthless and its boring as fuck anyway
i am currently coasting doing nothing at home until i get a fat inheritence in probably 5-10 years though it wont be enough to stretch out for the rest of my life so ill take the money, go to japan and blow it all on drink and whores and then jump off the rainbow bridge and die
kino tbqhwyfam

>> No.18866871

Don't go to Japan, go to either an Eastern European country or South America and live there to your last days. I'm not joking, if you go to certain parts of Argentina/Uruguay/Chile it's completely doable and enjoyable. I'm saying this assuming your inheritance is in Euros or Dollars.

>> No.18866900

unfortunately it's in bongpounds but i guess close enough. i doubt ill even be able to leave this prison island by the time this all rolls around though

>> No.18866909

Or he could go to Thailand, if he's bent on Asia.

>> No.18866967

>Or live a walden-like existence where I just subsistence farm
if you're in america there's a bunch of communes you could go join pretty easily, only problem is you have to live with a bunch of fucking hippies

>> No.18866992

I work for an insurance broker. It's fine, good money not difficult work. The worst part is telling people you work for an insurance broker

>> No.18866996

Really enjoyed this illustration of principles any thinking person who has worked at an office has clearly observed.
>Tfw I've spent my whole working career as a slacker loser and am now finally leveraging my experience into sociopathic promotions after losing the last of my delusions and faith in others in the workplace.