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[ERROR] No.18861473 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on Catholic mysticism and spiritual practices? Besides the obvious, like the works of Ignatius of Loyola.

>> No.18861488

Probably obvious (I don't read Catholic mysticism so I don't know), but St. John of the Cross' Dark Night of the Soul was recommended to me by a theologian. He said it made him convert to Catholicism from Lutheranism.

>> No.18861493

I really enjoyed the book concerning Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Practice of the Presence of God. It is short and to the point.

>> No.18861496

I’m new to Catholic mysticism, so anything besides the blatantly obvious (like the aforementioned works of Ignatius of Loyola) are new to me. I haven’t heard of St. John of the Cross’ Dark Night of the Soul, I’ll check it out. Thank you for the recc.

>> No.18861512

The Secret of the Rosary by Louis De Monfort.

>> No.18861524
File: 15 KB, 347x499, imitation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imitation of christ prob the most popular

>> No.18861659

This book made Neetch absolutely seethe, I need to read it

>> No.18861695

Why did it make him seethe?

>> No.18862128

Teresa of Avila is imperative

>> No.18862132

Caussade, Pedro de Alcântara, Eckhart, Boaventura and >>18862128.

>> No.18862198
File: 367 KB, 800x1159, Teresa_de_Jesús.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Read The Interior Castle, as well as The Way Of Perfection.

>> No.18862445

I dont know, but in twilight of the idols he mentions that the book is so feminine that just picking it up gives him nausea

>> No.18862537

Eckhart, Dante, John of Ruusbroec

>> No.18862868

yah thomas a kempis was a monk so i could see how an enlightenment philosopher would consider obedience to be a feminine trait.

>> No.18862885

I wanted to make this thread today after work, thank you anon.

>> No.18862987

True Devotion to Mary by Louis de Montfort and the Story of a Soul by Thresa of Lisieux

>> No.18863111


>> No.18863263

>the book is so feminine that just picking it up gives him nausea
how ironic

>> No.18863269

>good books

>> No.18863768

Introduction to Christianity - Ratzinger and Orthodoxy by Chesterton. Easy, fun, and illuminating.

>> No.18863793

>What are some good books on Catholic mysticism and spiritual practices?
There's no such thing amigo

>> No.18863918
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>> No.18863935


Catholic mysticism will make you delusional

>> No.18864017
File: 535 KB, 740x1664, Mysticism - What Is It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the chief characteristic of mysticism is "some form of union with God," then the spiritual practice described in Caussade's Abandonment to Divine Providence leads the practitioner to not necessarily exalted (e.g., Paul's trip to the seventh heaven), but to frequent mystical experiences in that one recognizes God's will in all of the events of daily life, both those that are pleasant and those that are not.

Some remarkably vivid and striking mystical visions are described in Sr. Faustina's diary, published as Divine Mercy in My Soul.

I might add that both the Faustina book and the Caussade are spiritual works of the first order.

>> No.18864077

The Mirror of Simple Souls

>> No.18864169

Any of these

>> No.18864621

>both the Faustina book and the Caussade are spiritual works of the first order

"Very often saintly souls who have had the experience of spiritual things have also received the graceful gift of speaking of it in a beautiful, persuasive and luminous way."
-Jacques and Raïssa Maritain, Liturgy and Contemplation

>> No.18864970

What illumination did Ratzingers book give you

>> No.18865803


>> No.18865818

Gregory the Great, Moralia on Job. Absolute masterpiece.

>> No.18865852

Yes... But this list can use some serious expanding. Plus that Maximus entry is really just a compilation of some of his works which are significantly larger.

>> No.18865880


>> No.18865968

That's a start. Along with the Philokalia, Evergetinos, Mt. Athos, the Desert Fathers, Palamas, Sophrony, Hierothos, the doctrine of theosis, which is purification, illumination, and deification, as was expounded by Solomon through the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticle. To name a few. And obviously John's Gospel, the mystic evangelist. You can't into Christian mysticism without the Holy Mountain.