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File: 748 KB, 1308x539, PRESENTLY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18860086 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really the best sci-fi novel ever written?

>> No.18860087

no, book of the new sun is

>> No.18860110

Presently, it is.

>> No.18860121

Let me guess, just like "stretched his legs" this is just a meme by old pearl-clutching farts who can't count?

>> No.18860129


>> No.18860179

Open the damn book at a random point and take a shot everytime you read "presently".

>> No.18860201

a present is a gift presenting itself
i don't get the problem here, its a beautiful word

>> No.18860219

I don't get it

>> No.18860229

not him but page 302-303 no instances
I'm going to take a poo presently

>> No.18860230

Ctrl+f "presently"
Chapter 1 - 0
Chapter 2 - 3
Chapter 3 - 2
Chapter 4 - 1
Chapter 5 - 3
Chapter 6 - 2
Chapter 7 - 1
That counts presently in author's speech and in characters' speech, if we discount the second type then there are minus 3 instances, 2 in chapter 5 and 1 in chapter 6.
Go get fucked you kvetching kike, seriously.

>> No.18860233

take a joke sweatlord

>> No.18860252

There's no way they're that few. No way. I just read the fucking book and it felt like every 3 paragraphs there was a "presently" hitting me in the eye.

>> No.18860254

>if we discount the second type
Yeah, our bullshit sounds more believable if we discount contrary evidence. Well found.

>> No.18860264

You're such a lying kike holy shit. I just downloaded a Dune PDF from eMule and counted all the "presently" and there are exactly 59.

Lying piece of shit.

>> No.18860265
File: 53 KB, 524x399, pepedab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Hyperion (Simmons)
2. Nightland (Hodgson)
3. City (Simak)

>> No.18860270

Man, Hyperion was so good. So ambitious, so complex and so original.

>> No.18860321
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 9BA9B1FE-F920-4DAF-B6E7-8697830B53DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it’s fucking not. It sucks and it STINKS
>oh hey, I’m a torturer
>and when I was young I met a revolutionary, who doesn’t appear for the rest of the book
>and I got in big trouble because I mercy-killed my crush! Wuh woh!
>and now I’m being kicked out of Hogwarts, but I get caught up in so many side quests that I don’t even leave le city until the very last page of the book!
>these side quests include:
>meeting Andre the giant and his tard wrangler
>going to a greenhouse and seeing visions of the past and meeting a lady in lake who might be my mother or whatever, who fucking knows
>going to a thrift shop, and meeting two sibling who want to rob me for my valuable sword (this will be the main focus of the book, because why not lol)
>and I get a mulligan that’s the title of book two! Wowie!
>also, there’s a giant spaceship that appears for a second. Don’t forget to buy book 2 you stupid faggot dunce of a reader!

>> No.18860353

That's not the fall of reach.

>> No.18860359

Anon, I'm looking at you with disappointed eyes. è.é

>> No.18860398

I’m looking at you with angry eyes.
For convincing me to read this pile of rubbish.
I had to drop book two when he ran into the cave of glowing monkeys and it turned out the dream he had last book actually mattered. I didn’t recall any of it, so, yeah, dropped hard
But the execution scene was nice. Really nice.

>> No.18860409

So who is j*w here? Antisemitism is complicated.

>> No.18860444

There was a thread the other day, op made this meme from that thread, not from actually reading the book. Shocker.

>> No.18860458
File: 8 KB, 483x666, 1625243122833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Dune slagging off making me want to reread it.

>> No.18860461

Just get the PDF and count them yourself. They're 59.

>> No.18860637

The Chad Dune reader VS the Virgin Dune poster.

>> No.18860932
File: 294 KB, 1516x720, THE VIRGIN DUNE POSTER VS THE CHAD DUNE READER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18860958
File: 297 KB, 1516x720, THE VIRGIN DUNE POSTER VS THE CHAD DUNE READER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improved version.

>> No.18860965

Filtered by Gene Wolfe, many such cases.

>> No.18861062
File: 324 KB, 600x600, 1629022931722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work bro

>> No.18861076
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1629023519804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperion is based, I haven't read the others but I will.

>> No.18862002

Fall of Hyperion is kino

>> No.18862008

Crazy to think all of this happens only within like 200 pages. Thank you for reminding me of how great BotNS is, anon.

>> No.18863034


Wolfe-sama filters the faithful sheep from the brainlet goats. Anon can’t handle the Proustian style narration.

>> No.18863062

Never heard of Hyperion before, stuck out to me in a bookstore the other day and I bought it. Man I'm glad I did

>> No.18863085

What a gay meme YES it’s the best and suck my cock