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[ERROR] No.18859442 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best book I've read. What's yours?

>> No.18859504
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I don't read books I fucking write em. GET OFF MY BOARD NORMIE AAAAAAAAA

>> No.18859509
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Picrel is pure suicidecore.

>> No.18859557
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that's a good1 op. this one's more obscure but i think it may be even better.

>> No.18859617

I hate these "get rich and do whatever you want" books. They give obvious advice that only works if you're already rich.
>bro just invest in real estate and go on a vacation
>bro just invest in a big company and don't do shit
I know how bad this shit is because I had a friend who read "rich dad, poor dad" or whatever and now he's $8000 in debt from investing in crypto.

>> No.18859740

What coins? Did he sell at a loss?

>> No.18859777

>read a self help book where some asian dude brags about buying real estate then leverages crypto and loses
lol, your friends retarded.

>> No.18859787

yeah he panicked when it started to dip a few months ago

>> No.18860960

amazing book

>> No.18861511

I can never tell if lit is joking.

>> No.18861530

This is one of the worst books I have ever tried to read. 50 pages in I put it down and didn’t pick up another book for weeks as the thought made a rage boil inside of me.

>> No.18861544

I have that same edition on my shelf. Never even opened it and it's been there since... the late 90s?
is it really worth reading? anyone who endorses it, do you really have some kind of job?

>> No.18861767

no, if you have a job then you have to work for more than 4 hours. it would defeat the point.

>> No.18861871
File: 76 KB, 300x250, aa-big-books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18862122

Normalfags need a book to tell them to invest in appreciable assets? Are they stuffing cash in their mattress?

>> No.18862253

normalfags live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.18862474

>buying cyrpto with weak hands
>not gambling shitcoins by martingaling one hundred thousandth of your bankroll and changing the client seed after every 100 rolls to not get fucked over by long lose streaks