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[ERROR] No.18854119 [Reply] [Original]

Was this guy as addicted to television as we are to the internet? Did he write on this addiction?

>> No.18854134
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>addicted to television

>> No.18854141

Wouldn't addiction to internet be a better thing than addiction to tv? When we are on the internet we constantly interact with it. Even redditfags write effortposts. But from what I've seen of boomers, they just passively seat in front of tv and let their brains turn to mush.

>> No.18854146

zoomer detected

>> No.18854154

in that one interview he said he got rid of his tv cuz he'd just obsessively flip through channels, thinking that there'd be something really good that he was missing out on. i don't think he commented on internet addiction, but oh my 4channel is much worse than television i'd say

>> No.18854165

Anon, don't make me more addicted than what I already am. I want ways to leave internet for good and be more productive. Back in 2020, I had this mentality that "there is nothing for me on internet", and I managed to live life without it, being productive, etcetera. But sometime around the 2020's middle, I had this feeling of fomo or don't know what that made me lose my composure and go back to the internet. I want to change this. DFW managed to overcome his addiction? And he wrote about this overcoming?

I know, but did he write on his addiction?

>> No.18854197

Internet is better than passive tv consooming, but still it isn't 'good'. I myself plan on taking a long break once this online semester ends.

>> No.18854200

Ok boomer, isn't about time for you to take another cigarette brake? Don't forget to pick up another case of beer and renew your prescription painkillers tomorrow.

>> No.18854278

in the 90s everybody was. tv was running 12 hours a day in every household. news in the morning, talk shows, telenovelas, series, game shows, movies, commercials, evangelists, true crime, sports, and more. 10 to 5000 channels. usually zapping from one to the other. A Requiem For A Dream was a documentary.

>> No.18854288

>putting intellectu-goggles on that hunk of a 6'4 pure germanic stock man whose genetics developed to pull the plow like an ox
Very new sincerity tbqh

>> No.18854292

Need and dependence is at the center of
Many of his works. Asking if he “wrote” on his addiction is silly. It seeps in

>> No.18854304

he did write about how he overcame it, but only his wife has read that piece.

>> No.18854316


>> No.18854484

>addiction to television
>addiction to Internet
It's the addiction to simulacra.

>> No.18854546

The fuck does that mean?

>> No.18854557

Preferring virtual truth to actual truth. It's the sophist.

>> No.18854564

KEK. Holy based.

>> No.18854778

Yes it's better to be addicted to drugs that will make you productive than others, but no addiction is preferable to any addiction.

>> No.18854989

Author here. Back in those days there was no TV guide channel, you had to buy the local paper or an issue of TV Guide if you wanted to know what was on at any given time, many just did not know what was on, we would turn on the TV, flip through the channels and if nothing caught our eye we would do something else. This worked well for the times you were not really committed to watching TV or had one of those 15 minute intervals which modern life is built around, you were waiting on a phone call, a load of laundry, or the plumber, the problem was those times you wanted to watch TV or had no impending engagements to regulate your time. You sit down on the couch and make a quick survey of the channels, nothing grabbed your attention but quite a few of the channels were on commercial breaks during your original scan so you start again, this time more slowly, stopping on each station and waiting for any commercials to finish so you can give proper consideration to the program before moving on to the next station. Eventually you find something that seems interesting and settle in to watch but but halfway through the next commercial break you start to question your choice since you never completed your more thorough scan of the channels, there still could be something better. You continue on with your previous methodology, flip to the next station and wait for the commercial break to end so you can view the program only to realize 15 minutes later that you landed on one of those long format infomercials and had been seriously considering buying a rotisserie or an aerosol can of hair, not because you had any need for them but because you just spent 15 minutes hearing about how indispensable they are to modern life. You resume scanning the channels and after completing the current cycle you decide what you were originally watching was actually fairly interesting despite no longer remembering what it was or what channel it was on, you do remember that it was on the station before the one with the infomercial for the rotisserie, or was it for kitchen knives? Once again through the channels paying close attention to the ones with infomercials which turns out to be more difficult than expected as they all share the same format and host. Eventually you find your infomercial (it was for a telescoping pocket sized fishing pole), go back one channel just to see the closing credits roll for that program which you intended to watch. Once more through the channels. The problem was not watching TV but the process of deciding what to watch, getting a subscription to TV Guide or the local paper would solve the problem but felt like a to much of a commitment, I would be obligated to go through the listing each day to select what to watch because I was now paying my hard earned money for these listings, it would be wasteful not to utilize them. The only reasonable solution was to get rid of the TV.

>> No.18855277

The addictive mechanism that reigns on the internet is much more perverse than television. I am not saying this just because the technology is now global, therefore, it manages to trap more people, but because the constant and permanent stimulus to which we are subjected is much more effective. The internet addict in the 90s at least had a routine to watch his favorite shows and when he left his house the tv did not go with him. He knew that his consumption was one-way and that his addiction didn't add anything positive to his social enviroment. Those who zapped where more similar to the current braindead addicts, but even in this case there was a limit of channels to tune in and the fkn span of "content" visualization was not 10 seconds like now it's in TikTok.

>> No.18855285

Was a legit thing back in the day before internet. Before television people used to obsess over radio and before that books

>> No.18855325

Essentially it still is, just because you stream or download the content does not really make it different. I am amazed at the number of people I encounter who think they are special and better than most because they don't have a TV but still spend 8 hours a day on YouTube.

>> No.18855410

So the dfw of today would be addicted to netflix or tiktok. Fucking lame.

>> No.18855428

So you think TV addiction is exotic and interesting?

>> No.18855444

No but I think the high-speed infinite stimulation of Tiktok is probably worse for young generations to be addicted to than anything else that has come before.

>> No.18855449

You are delusional if you think spending 8 hours a day watching TV is better than spending 8 hours a day on tiktok.

>> No.18855467

I do, though obviously the real preferable outcome is to be addicted to neither.
Tiktok is designed to make you constantly consume bite-sized content for a short time, whereas one on TV would have you at least focus on one thing for a few minutes(varying if you watch TV with ads).
Many younger people growing up addicted to Tiktok will have worsened attention spans. How many of them do you think read any literature at all?

>> No.18855470

You calling me a nigger, boy???

>> No.18855475

This is literally the exact same argument made against TV in the 80s and it didn't pan out.

>> No.18855495

>and it didn't pan out
What makes you say that? I'd argue many people make themselves unhappy from constant internet exposure, and would be happier if they grew up in a time without it.

>> No.18855503

Just fill your day with other things to do and keep to a schedule. Ideally hobbies, but if you don't have the discipline for that, just work. I do 60 hours a week when I'm not in college and it fixed my life. I spend 2 hours a day on the internet tops, I'm too tired to fap, and I make a ton of cash.

>> No.18855512

Because the problem is not internet or TV and never was, they are just scapegoats that are easy to blame and allow people to ignore the actual more difficult problems which require them to be accountable for their contribution to the problem. This is literally what Infinite Jest is about.

>> No.18855531

>Author here
>1000 words post

we see that

>> No.18855539

That or YouTube Red / podcasts

>> No.18855767

That was the heavily edited and trimmed down version, would have been 5 or 6 posts long otherwise. Sentence structure suffered some because of it and I neglected in altering the punctuation to suit but what can you do. I am terrible at editing on a screen.

>> No.18855791

uh, that actually sounds interesting. does dfw merely give diagnosis or does he argue for a remedy?

>> No.18855802


>> No.18855830

He does extensively go over the remedy, the Gately sections of the book are essentially all about that. He goes over a lot of little things, like the importance of some form of spirituality, but I'd say the general focus is on the idea that you need to cast away your pride, ego, and whatever you're covering your problems with externally (cynicism, apathy, drugs, status, being a tranny, torturing animals) and do whatever it takes to address your fundamental issues head-on.

>> No.18855843

He implies a great number of remedies but there are no easy solutions. The size of IJ is largely a side effect of his examining the problem from 40 or so different perspectives to show that the problem is a problem of society as a whole and not of an isolated group or two. Each perspective has a different solution, there is no single way to fix the problem for everyone at once. Ultimately the novel is meant as a sort of solution, to make the reader aware of the problems and to identify how they contribute to it so they can change their ways. It is mostly a matter of enough people choosing to change.

>t. did not get it.

>> No.18855846

>t. did not get it.
That was a little harsh, you may have and just massively over simplified.

>> No.18855868

Also, forgot to mention that The Pale King takes up the same message, is just more focused and direct, looks at a single section of society instead of society as a whole. Both are worth reading, I would say Infinite Jest is worth reading and figuring out first, having a good grasp on DFWs techniques is somewhat required to understand TPK as this is the primary way in which TPK shows it's unfinished nature, it is purely DFW and lacks the editing process to refine and focus it for the audience.

>> No.18855873

you said almost exactly the same thing as me but in more words nigger

>> No.18855902

As I said, I was a little harsh. The primary difference is I explained the complexity it tries to convey, the problem and the novel is considerably more than just what you represented it as, for example, how the problems are handed down and taught to successive generations or how various external forces exploit it for their own needs. Even then there are at least a dozen different aspects which he goes into, even if you are dealing with your problems you could still be contributing and IJ covers this.

>> No.18855960

no he was addicted to heroin
stop watching his faggy interviews and that gay ass movie with zuckerberg and actually read his book u stupid cocksucker

>> No.18855967

>author here
>doesnt know how to use paragraphs
You're not an author, you're an ''''''author.''''''''

>> No.18855972

I'm old enough to remember this

>> No.18855979

>author here
>can't differentiate to and too
you're not an author.

>> No.18855992

Thinking on this more. I suspect DFW would consider you contributing to and taking part in the problem for thinking being a tranny is the problem he is speaking of. While he mostly likely would say it is far better to accept oneself as they are, being a tranny is not Poor Tony's problem, or even Steeply's, at most he shows it as a symptom with Steeply and Poor Tony he suggests he viewed it more as superficial and people concerning themselves with other peoples superficial endeavors is a cope, see Marathe's opinions on Steeply.

>t. didn't get the reference.

I don't have an editor and am a little drunk. Not that this matters, the point is clear.

>> No.18856023

>muh excuses
what reference? your writing stinks. you're not an author and you're in here defending trannies.
back to discord you fraud.

>> No.18856036

>and whatever you're covering your problems with externally
reddit-tier reading comprehension

>> No.18856044

oh but he doesn't have his editor around to read for him. and uh he's drunk. and and uh he has the flu. and his dog, he has to go walk the dog. and the pot is boiling over. and uh uh

but he's totally an 'author' by the way

>> No.18856095

>Author here.
>In a DFW thread
>Nobody gets the obvious allusion to The Pale King

>> No.18856100

you mean that piece of shit written by someone else and passed off as a DFW book when it read nothing like his work? nah, didn't read.

>> No.18856107

Just admit you have never read DFW.

And yet you can not elaborate on how I got it wrong.

It is a little sad.

>> No.18856188

>Author here.
>No endnotes.
shitty larp

>> No.18856221

The Pale King has no end notes.

>> No.18856226

TPK wasn't finished.

>> No.18856232

yeah and whose fault is that?

>> No.18856240

And you did not read it or you would have pointed out that it did have foot notes.
Probably yours.

>> No.18857882

not that it matters but i have
but you sit in here sucking his bandanad dick all day thinking if you read infinite jest enough you can write like him
in fact when you write you probably try and 'channel' him and make all your characters talk in stunted autistic tones and reference encyclopedic knowledge--except when he did it it was funny, but when you do it it's boring as shit and has no style.
just like your run-on paragraph above which is also clearly trying to ape him. except what you fail to realize due to the fact your head is so far up your own ass, is that his style cannot be imitated, and that you are just a soulless prose-buggerer who can't even write a small message on here without it looking like shit.
'editor' indeed. you suck.

>> No.18858083

I have no style because I am not a writer and have no interest in being a writer. Why so angry over drunken fun?

>> No.18858118

it's just drunken fun popcorn text
a turn your brain off kind of post

>> No.18858125

No, it had a purpose, you just got autistically hung up on "Author here" because you don't read and didn't get it.

>> No.18858213

>Author here
fucking laughed out loud reading this

>> No.18858287

true Tbh

>> No.18858740

internet addiction nowadays becomes an omnipresent burden for those who suffer from it to an extent that watching merely watching TV does not

>> No.18858765


>> No.18858773

why do u all obsess about this fag who got lucky with one book
the rest of his shit sucks

>> No.18859786

Nigga was hooked on antidepressants.
Not really suprprising for a post-modersnist.

>> No.18859822

what does the jewpill have to do with postmodernism? pynchon didnt take them, gaddis didn,t delilo didnt, t.s. eliot didn't, BEE didn't
only this bandana-wearing one hit wonder did.

>> No.18860120

>is not internet or TV and never was, they are just scapegoats that are easy to blame and allow people to ignore the actual more difficult problems
This is true, but these scapegoats are getting more pervasive in society day by day, making it easier for one to fall into the hole and, the younger you fall in, the harder it is to climb out

>> No.18860189

in the collection of essays "A Supposedly fun thing ill never do again" there is one about television

>> No.18860232

Every temperance movement for the past 200 years has used that lazy non-argument, this is why we have been treating symptoms instead of problems for the past 200 years.