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[ERROR] No.18854073 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a modern day Aristole?

>> No.18854078

No. He is the second cummimg of Jesus B. Christinson

>> No.18854084

yes anon, this retard is a modern day one of the greatest philosophers that ever lived

>> No.18854087

A modern day Nietzsche i.e. compelling message but couldn't practice what he preached.

>> No.18854089

>skinny boomer owns the libs

>> No.18854099

how was nietzsche's life? i've never read about him, only his ideas

>> No.18854131

He was a sickly incel who had a syphilis-induced mental breakdown in front of a horse and lived till the end of his life as a vegetable.

>> No.18854133

No. He is just a weirdo thermostat, if a person has strong feelings towards him I know this person is a weirdo. If the person likes him to much I assume he is a weirdo incel or someone with drug problems, if the person dislikes him to much I assume he is a weirdo tranny or a cringe online communist.

>> No.18854140

An overman.

>> No.18854430

Better. He is the supreme philosopher. The one that came to put an end to all philosophy. Explain everything. A thousand years from now, he will be remembered as the greatest man that every lived.

>> No.18854843

Rudolf Steiner was the last incarnation of Aristotle.

>> No.18855125


>> No.18855637

very insightful anon

>> No.18855701

No, that would be Contrapoints.

>> No.18855744

I've actually recommended her video on incels to a lot of people

>> No.18855749
File: 351 KB, 958x1276, 543563456546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan B Peterson is to philosophy what Aristotle was to physics.

In other words, we are going to lose 1500 years of progress.

>> No.18855759
File: 616 KB, 627x3741, JPIsAHack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are retarded I suppose

>> No.18855781

This benzo addict is now suddenly an expert on bitcoin and finance, as if to show the world how much of a hack he really is. I hope the anons here who unironically defended this sad fuck have thrown their 12 rules copies right into where it belongs.

>> No.18855788

Yes he is a self important idealist who can’t think.

>> No.18855860


>> No.18856224

He's a modern day Cicero unironically

>> No.18856236

was Aristotle ever committed to a Serbian mental facility?

>> No.18856268

>In other words, we are going to lose 1500 years of progress.
what do you mean by progress? Sounds like a fucking spook in regards to philosophical thought.

>> No.18856323

I don't see how people can take this position. He skimmed the well and the result was a philosophical body of work which changed the shape of the collective human psyche in an unprecedented way. Even if he had never produced a single text, but came to the same conclusion privately, he still embodied the ubermenschian archetype in that he reached out and touched something that most will never. He struck directly at the deepest, most intrinsic properties of humanity and gave it back to the world, at the expense of himself. He was the living embodiment of his beliefs, if you can't see that you simply didn't understand him.

>> No.18856346

He's a modern day Arsehole