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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18853497 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think his favorite book is?

>> No.18853508
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>> No.18853518

Probably the Bible. Normies always say that.

>> No.18853524

48 Laws of Power

>> No.18853591

Baboons can't read.

>> No.18853748


>> No.18853868

Whatever he read in high school.

>> No.18853901
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Normies don't read.
Most of /lit/ doesn't read for fucks sake.
It's a fringe interest of middle aged, middle-class white women.

>> No.18855018
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even with all these books i read, a thug like dababy whose almost 30 and has been a father and has seen poverty, wealth and gang violence knows more about life than me. although his life is pure hedonism like most other rappers, the experience he has is great. i see something in the eyes of middle-aged and old men and women; a great maturity within the face which shows how they've reconciled themselves with all the passions and fantasies of youth through experience. dababy is one of them.

>> No.18855389

the prognathism is strong with this one.

>> No.18855394
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