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[ERROR] No.18853427 [Reply] [Original]

What books will help me cope with balding?

>> No.18853434

The stoics

>> No.18853441

How can man with all the right attributes still look ugly?

>> No.18853449
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Books to help me cope with moobs?

>> No.18853450

hairloss is directly related to testosterone. early or excessive hairloss means your hightest.

>> No.18853460

>tfw balding AND moobs
Brb kms

>> No.18853472

Hair transplants are cheap and well done in Instabul. $5k to get a full of healthy hair. Otherwise Marcus Aurelius so you can learn to cope like a good little faggot

>> No.18853504

If you are older than 30 and have the money then make a hair transplant but don't bother with the Turks, just look for the best clinics in the first world. I don't know if they are more expensive but just don't cheap out on your health and looks.
If you are younger than 30 and don't mind waiting, look into hair cloning. The process is in early stages and it might become available in 10-15 years. The keyword is "might" because it might not happen at all in which case settle for hair transplant.

>> No.18853534

Get off the finasteride

>> No.18853540
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>> No.18853545
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go for the 'obsessive genius with a god complex' look dude

>> No.18853551

My theory is I drank too much from plastic containers
Did you know, some plastics are very similar, chemically, to estrogen? This is why the frogs turn "gay" in some places: frogs change sex based on hormones or something idk, but when plastic pollutants get into the water, it's like they're swimming in estrogen so they change sex.
Anyway, how unattractive are moobs to women? I feel like I'll die alone but I'm not sure

>> No.18853556
File: 360 KB, 828x1131, 850BC11C-6D39-4250-B6D0-3F0B6911A614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met a balding guy at my new workplace
>shaves it off unironically
>decided to try and wax it off one day
>complete blunder, ends up with wax stuck all over his head and spends all day trying to get it out
>then he decides his next logical course of action is to individually start plucking every single hair out of his head
>at this point I begin to realize he might have OCD, decide to let him figure out on his own that there are 100,000 hairs on a human’s head
>for a whole entire month, he does nothing but go home after work and pluck hairs out of his head
>wears a bandana (as a white boy) outside 24/7 to cover up his head, which now has half an inch of hair on the back side and nothing on the front
>dude turned himself from a Norwood Three into a Norwood Six
>asks me (who he barely knows) to come over after work and pluck his head
>eventually realizes that not only is he making zero process picking out these hairs in the back, but by now several weeks have passed and hairs are already growing back in the front of his head
>at this rate, the rest of his life will be spent constantly picking the hairs out of his head while chasing absolute smoothness
>surrenders and shaves it off
>still looks retarded because the plucked hairs are noticeably contrasting with the shaved hairs
Last I heard he’s now doing laser hair removal. I wouldn’t wish balding (and the mental illness that accompanies it) on my worst enemy.

>> No.18853576

>Books to help me cope with moobs?
Basic dumbbells pec exercice + cutting minimal weight

>> No.18853586
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what balding does to a mf
In all seriousness though that's very sad, you should recommend a hair system or hair transplant to him.m 44pp

>> No.18853588

Mental illness accompanies all ugly bodily features
I had to turn down a few girls because I was afraid if we would date they would see my moobs and A) lose attraction and B) point and laugh. Also I probably have some sort of OCD, but in the form of an excoriation disorder.

>> No.18853610

What the fuck? It can’t be that hard to just maintain a shaved head, right? Isn’t that what tons of people do?

>> No.18853611

Tits are breast tissue. It's not same as body fat and it's between the muscle and the skin. Exercising and dieting wont solve the issue

>> No.18853624

>Exercising and dieting wont solve the issue
It does for most yes. Nice cope though.

>> No.18853638

Idk if it will solve it to some degree, but I know it won't entirely. You need surgery to remove some of the tissue

>> No.18853661

It doesn't though. You can only get rid of the fat tissue which is not the same as breast tissue.

>> No.18853679

>tfw balding, moobs and pelvic tilt

I'm a literal subhuman, a despicable troglodyte

>> No.18854293

Just be yourself

>> No.18854736

Reve, The Evenings

>> No.18854881
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This is the ebook.

>> No.18855119

baldlet cope

>> No.18855124

Get plugs.

>> No.18855131

Just use minoxidil and dermaroller. No pill needed.

>> No.18855147

are you completely sure, as in you got the opinion of a medical professional, that it's gyno and not just bodyfat? Because if not you are just a coping lazy fatass and your tits will grow back after removing them because you refuse to exercise and eat healthy.

>> No.18855421

that shit made me laugh pretty good.

>> No.18855538
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anything by dean koontz

>> No.18855641

That’s not even gyno. It’s just bodyfat. Try lifting and not being a fat fuck.

t. /fit/

>> No.18855672

If this is how your body looks you have nothing to cope about.

>> No.18855704

Fucking Lol

You can't make this up... God bless his soul

>> No.18855727

fuck a book, take dutasteride
dht is the androgen primarily responsible for MPB, not test. in fact, blocking dht conversion using hairloss drugs actually increases test somewhat, which is a nice bonus since T is FAR more anabolic than dht. should also be pointed out that all men have different androgen sensitivity, meaning you can experience MPB even with low androgen levels if you're predisposed
fin doesn't cause gyno

>> No.18855801

>let some shitskin graft ass-hair onto your wrinkly head
>no no no YOU'RE coping!

>> No.18855861

It is gyno. I know how to check. I have the whole solid mass under the nipples thing
It's a lot worse in person
I refuse to even speak to women out of embarrassment from it

>> No.18856056

>take dutasteride
That can actually have some nasty side effects, it's better to stick with regular finasteride. Finasteride+Minoxidil+Microneedling will manage to save your hair in all but the most extreme cases.

>> No.18856073

why can't he just get this done at a barbershop

>> No.18856125

finasteride is your friend

>> No.18856158

Just get married to someone that loves you and you wont care about trying to impress anyone else

>> No.18856295

No one loves imperfect people

>> No.18856320

i've been on it like a year now and had no issues

>> No.18856371

From CHAD to KEK

>> No.18856400

Then you have to marry some cucked religious person. Nah. I will live out the materialist hell with no cope. I will simply become rich.

>> No.18856594

Cringe retard

>> No.18856599

The Turks are unironically the best. "Western doctors" are "smart" and give you a few whiskers so they can do less work+act like they are taking the correct approach. It's a fucking scam. Every ht I've seen that actually gave a full head of hair that lasted has come from turkey, eastern europe, or south Korea.

>> No.18857018


>> No.18857491

Lmao this is some of the funniest shit ive ever read

>> No.18857721

Balding is like acne. It's a consequence of poor nutrition. Look up Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the YT channel sv3rige. Cut out all grains from your diet and go with the Primal Diet. It will stop. You can then use whatever massage techniques to get the hair to thicken again.

This is the answer to your problem. The coping is over.

>> No.18857734
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Shaved head is a fine look.

>> No.18857816

he could have learned how to wax and saved himself all those hours