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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18853315 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18853337

blood meridian
bronze age mindset
the brothers karamazov
industrial society and its future
the bible

>> No.18853341
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>> No.18853362
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it's true

>> No.18853372


>> No.18853380


The one above you is funny but this is more accurate

>> No.18853398


>> No.18853439


>> No.18853473


>> No.18853480

Dosto needs to be there. You can make a penta with his famous 5

>> No.18853503

What's wrong with Dostoevsky?

>> No.18853520

He has an "overly" passionate fanbase. Isn't that the point of the image? Can put AK and W&P too in places of The Idiot and Demons.

>> No.18853578


>> No.18853793

what's wrong with Dark Souls and Fallout?

>> No.18853800

They are board favourites.

>> No.18853805

you forgot the stoner

>> No.18853811

Moby Dick and Moby Dick are genuine master pieces

>> No.18853817

people pretend to like them because they're so hard and so deep respectively, only real gamers truly "get" them

>> No.18853851

wait you idiots actually think basedboys read the /lit/ meme trilogy, blood meridian and moby dick? basedboys wouldn't even know what these books are, much less have read them.
i haven't been on /lit/ in a while, it's always had retards but this is seven brainlets in a row. jesus.

>> No.18853862
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>wait you idiots actually think basedboys read the /lit/ meme trilogy, blood meridian and moby dick? basedboys wouldn't even know what these books are, much less have read them.
>i haven't been on /lit/ in a while, it's always had retards but this is seven brainlets in a row. jesus.

>> No.18853867

keep seething brainlet

>> No.18853875

But /lit/ current read literary fiction

>> No.18853894

>pointing out trinity =/= 5 makes you soi
I knew /v/ was retarded already but fuck

>> No.18853951

fallout is inherently reddit, pessimistic, internalized modern self-hatred. very disgusting almost non-existent aesthetics

>> No.18853952
File: 1.47 MB, 1188x1592, trinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18853966

Not New Vegas though

>> No.18853978

new vegas is leftist trash with terrible aesthetics too.

>> No.18854081

did we get too cocky, /lit/ shits

>> No.18854161

These basedjacks or whatever they are called just look gross. I am too old for this now.