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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18852131 [Reply] [Original]

You do get rid of all the books you own that are harmful to BIPOC people or written by problematic authors, right /lit/?

>> No.18852133


>> No.18852137

I regret asking but which books does she ditch

>> No.18852140

book burning YAAAS

>> No.18852141

/threading yourself
might wanna check out reddit.com friend

>> No.18852144
File: 325 KB, 1087x1007, transjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what she looks like without all that makeup?

>> No.18852148

been there

>> No.18852153


all irrelevant ass books she is throwing out because the author said bad things on twitter kek

>> No.18852177

>bad things
I'm not watching the vid, what "bad things" did some Twitter pseud say?

>> No.18852184

it's incredible what they've done to women. oh well.

>> No.18852193

inb4 this obvious bait thread will not be removed by jannies but will stay up and get 100+ replies despite adding nothing of value to this board and not being about literature

>> No.18852196

>Anglo women

>> No.18852199

The process is universal. Do not delude yourself.

>> No.18852202

The fact that she does this solely to look good on social media is the worst part. I hate women.

>> No.18852211

Looks like she's Norwegian, fag.

>> No.18852212

It’s not. Look at Asia.

>> No.18852213

she's Norwegian

>> No.18852219

Norway is within the Anglo-sphere. They have no culture. Same with other Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands.

>> No.18852227
File: 30 KB, 656x527, 1581578813241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read comments
>females exclusively
>talking about book covers and jumpers
>it's a mood
>yeah the dude is problematic
>throw him in the trash xD
Delete women

>> No.18852233

What is this new tread in calling stuff anglo, i don't get it?

>> No.18852238

yeah or about her makeup and outfits kek
women and book consumption is a joke

I once dated a chick who had actually read quite a lot of classics. But she was a complete npc. Didn't have asingle opinion on any of them. She just read them cause she heard they were books you're supposed to have read

>> No.18852245

i want her to sit on my face and FORCE me to lick her asshole while talking about her favourite BIPOC authors

>> No.18852252

Not him, but it’s undeniable that certain countries are severely influenced by what’s happening in the US/UK. Those countries are usually small and have a very high percentage of proficient English speakers. It’s only natural that they are influenced by the culture.

>> No.18852259

and it's sickening. I hate how our news is literally just local Belgian news + America.
Like holy fuck I don't give a single fuck what happened with Biden today tell me what happened in Germany or the Netherlands it's a whole lot closer

>> No.18852276

Can I get a list of worthwhile “problematic” books?

>> No.18852283

White male authors.

>> No.18852292

I am tired of every YouTube video starting out with this cutesy awkward "bloopers". They have been doing this for 10 years now.

>> No.18852301

>That forced accent
The pandering is fucking unreal.

>> No.18852302

communists get the rope, remember that

>> No.18852314

Would you do the same with jewish people though?

>> No.18852316

Do what?

>> No.18852319
File: 65 KB, 817x189, 41E311E1-DA9B-452A-9C9F-C761DBCBC635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people you share a board with

>> No.18852320

I'm assuming she throws away all that anime filth on her shelf?

>> No.18852325

based kekistani

>> No.18852326

This is retarded. Why the fuck do you watch this bitch? OP, you're a faggot. Read a book, and if you really want to hear someone else talk about it, talk to a friend or listen to an academic talk about it.

>> No.18852327

hi reedolf

>> No.18852328

Anglo is being used as a derogatory word, it's almost like a normie friendly world replacement for jew. But it's fuck white people, so it's okay

>> No.18852330
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, 9AE4B58B-0837-4280-92F6-9888A3C1A481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communists get the rope, remember that

>> No.18852334

Triggered the commie

>> No.18852345



>> No.18852409

I have lived in Asia. These problems are universal. They just don't look the same on the outside.

>> No.18852425

I live in Asia and you’re wrong.

>> No.18852479

I live in asia, and i like watching BIG BLACK BULLZ fucking my wife

>> No.18852490

You're not wrong. Nordic women all want to be fatass dangerhairs because they feed on American social media and validation from foreigners

>> No.18852494

Not my problem you have an Anglo wife.

>> No.18852496

Why are young, middle class white women like this?

>> No.18852504

I'm been taking HRT for the last 8 weeks now, and I've looking fabulous