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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18852000 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite classic works of literature, /lit/?

>> No.18852007


I can't read.

>> No.18852019

then nothing can stop you

>> No.18852054


>> No.18852069

Tried reading Dracula. Fuck me. The entire book takes place sitting around discussing the Dracula then there's a page or two at the end where the action takes place. If you haven't read it, just watch the Copola flick.

>> No.18852086

If I met any of these ladies I wouldn't give a fuck about consent. I would jump on her , crush her with my weight, unzip my pants, take off her skirt and fuck her mercilessly

>> No.18852111

Both those boys are singularly unfuckable.

>> No.18852191

Emmie always wears dresses and it makes me diamonds.

>> No.18852220

she 1. marks her books, books which she 2. reads for fun and 3. does with with a blue pen.

>> No.18852448

> reading for fun

>> No.18852467

4. Has christmas lights in her house

>> No.18852486

>for the classics
Holy shit, the classics might actually have some hope!

>> No.18852503

Don't get you hopes up, I scanned the video and she just recommends a bunch of modern "classics" from brownpipo and womyn writers about gay sex and feminism

>> No.18852613
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bros emmie is too cute what do i do if only she wasn't some normie college leftist i play her videos in the bg just so i can listen to her voice AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.18852631

If you guys actually want to watch a qt3.14 that reads classics then here you go.

>> No.18852640

love from kazakhstan

>> No.18852688
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>> No.18852700

she seems nice

>> No.18852703

is she the one who did porn?

>> No.18852739

emmie's cuteness is rapidly fading and it sucks

>> No.18852748

>Pickwick Papers
It pains me to see what normies know as 'classic'.

>> No.18852787

Whomst is thine whoar?
Google images likes to choke on dicks

>> No.18853128

"classics" are for plebeians seeking prestige, gigachad reads magic grimoires and andy griffiths books

>> No.18853144

>Is coffee good for you
Nope. Coffee, not even once.

>> No.18853191

seems she's realizing it too; one of her recent vlogs has a very spicy part of her doing yoga barefoot in some tight pants, seems like a ploy to keep her viewers up; if we're lucky we might see some bare thighs and tummy before the year is over

>> No.18853304
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>> No.18853373

She seems to have gained weight since I last watched her a couple of months ago( I binged almost all her videos and fapped to a lot of them so seeing her like this is sad)

>> No.18853374
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>> No.18853383

The second bitch is kinda uggo, but extremely fuckable under the condition that she's a Jewish whore.

>> No.18853388

She's cuban

>> No.18853442

>38 minutes and 4 seconds to be told by some retard what books to read
just think of all the pages you could read in that time. you could literally take a 4 second glance at any lit top 100 and then spend the remaining 34 minutes reading an actual book
>those bangs

>> No.18853613

>just think of all the pages you could read in that time. you could literally take a 4 second glance at any lit top 100 and then spend the remaining 34 minutes reading an actual book
He said, after browsing 4chins for 6 hours

>> No.18854095

This man seriously got filtered by the Renfield zoophagy case study.

>> No.18854145


>> No.18854160

Infinite Jest
Call of the Crocodile
Moby Dick
Harassment Architecture

>> No.18854205

>Mary Shelley

>> No.18855497

emmie is the only booktuber who doesn't look like a whore or an insufferable tumblerite.

>> No.18855699

please think with anything else other than your dick

>> No.18856906

thats cute shit that any nigga would like to see their girl do

>> No.18856962

Yes, I like * H E R * too, the only thing I hate about it is her channel name. Everything else is cool.

>> No.18856981
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>> No.18857020

once you marry her she’ll mature and become more centrist or right wing. leftism is just a phase

>> No.18857031

I love her accent

>> No.18857041


>> No.18857047
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How do we destroy booktube?

>> No.18857050

is this shooped? Between the faint mustache, the beaklike nose, the thin hair and the beady eyes I don't see how anybody could find this attractive

>> No.18857092


Crime and Punishment

>> No.18857097

Dox all the booktubers and any new ones that pop up. Eventually they'll quit.

>> No.18857102
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>> No.18857126

amazing how few people on /lit/ actually read. i havent been on 4chan in over a year and it’s incredible the steep decline in post and discussion quality over time. ive been browsing /lit/ off and on for over a decade at this point and this is the absolute worst ive ever seen it. i just saw a post in the archive about how phone posting really killed 4chan and led to the decline in quality more than anything else and desu reading the threads on here i really concur. this shit is straight up like tiktok or something it’s fucking insane.

anyways kids have fun w your upcoming back-in-person highschool and middleschool classes.

to the OP: tom jones, middlemarch, machiavelli’s plays like la mandragola, paradise lost. actually i realized typing this post out that i hardly read contemporary lit at all.

>> No.18857224

Most people left to reddit. Who stayed are either the retards that aren't able to follow the reddiquette and rules in groups, or les garçons basés that are into weird shit. I checked out some subs and honestly, /r/badphilosophy is basically what 4chan used to be some years ago in terms of Philosophy memes.

>> No.18857257

bros you literally have access to an endless amount of pornography. normal people don't do shit like this. disgusting incel shit. gross.

>> No.18857265

who the fuck watches this shit? i just watched some of
and laughed in her face

>> No.18857282
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never forget /ourgirl/

>> No.18857290

>laughed in her face

>> No.18857303

Then they will bitch and moan about how they can't get a gf.
Inb4 larper pretends any girl is attracted to him

>> No.18857309

>thinks double cock butt fucking cum chugging contests are more healthy than crushing on youtube waifus

>> No.18857318

That's a nigga

>> No.18857360

wrong. also, you're a newfag

>> No.18857597

I wish everyone could be so interesting and pertinent like you . Unknown authors, Milton, really? lol I think you’ll find your manner and quality of post at home on Facebook

>> No.18858844

>a girl does girly shit
you want to fuck a man, anon. you are GAY

>> No.18858867

Yes, obviously. Watching porn is a perfunctory activity. You jerk off to some whore getting her ass gaped, and move on with your life. Meanwhile becoming emotionally infatuated with a random youtube roastie because she holds a book you like is pathetic and mental

>> No.18858928

ladies and gentleman, i present you the living abortion of female envy

>> No.18859100

i have no less than 140 threads hidden here at all times, if you think it takes 6 hours to check this board and then leave you're retarded. stop projecting you terminally online fucking geek

>> No.18859207

Yeah, Jewish, like he said

>> No.18859255

Imagine making chiding reference to normality here

>> No.18859764
