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[ERROR] No.18851929 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about how women are better than men?

>> No.18851936

Stick to cinema, kiddo.

>> No.18851939

scum manifiesto

>> No.18851959

Any classic novel.
They can all be boiled down to "good pussy really breaks a man". Oedipus Rex, the Illiad, the Divine Comedy, Madame Flaubert, Don Quixote, Genji Monogatari, Shakespeare's works. You should be able to figure out what that collectively implies about women.

>> No.18851961

"good pussy really breaks a man" doesn't really equate to "women are better than men"
especially Madame Bovary, where, unlike Anna Karenina, she can be called a factual whore

>> No.18851968

That dinger really thinks pussies and women are the same thing. He should have started with Rabelais.

>> No.18851976

>the Illiad
>He thinks the Iliad was about women

>> No.18851994

Incels seem to think that everything is about women, like a hungry person constantly things about food.
Which is ironic in cases when they also try to imply that they don't need women (why are you so obsessed with them, then?)

>> No.18852012

Nobody fucking asked.

>> No.18852014

Tu ne sais pas lire.

>> No.18852016
File: 118 KB, 837x839, poster,840x830,f8f8f8-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet you replied
you can't even stop yourself from seething

god I fucking love making incels mad, it's as easy as bullying losers in high-school and just as satisfying

>> No.18852022

>thinking too much about women makes you an le icnel
>thinking too little about women makes you a le coping icnel

>> No.18852026

>thinking too little about women makes you a le coping icnel
No one said or implied this.

>> No.18852027

lmao this nigga bases his self worth in the amount of beckies he managed to court after incessant groveling

>> No.18852028

>the Divine Comedy,
Dante is not broken, but elevated by his love. Same for the Iliad, Ulysse escaping possessive women

>> No.18852031

Woah... so you're saying... Anna Karenina is based and not cringe..? Not just some old boomer book..? Wow... Maybe I'll check it out then, anon...
Huh, Rabelais, you say..? Sure... By your post he sounds like a good writer... Damn... Will keep my eye out for him...
So... the Illiad isn't about women..? But, like... Helen was the whole reason the Achaeans and Trojans were fighting... Huh... I thought there must be, like, a reason they fought each other... Damn... I guess I'll ignore it then...
You encapsulate the kind of inability of average bookworms that fails to get people to read things. Look at the OP image and make a decent inference for once in your life, you emotionally-adolescent sex-competitive fiends.

>> No.18852033

What does any of this have to do with what OP was asking for?

>> No.18852039

Have SEX you fucking incels. Now.

>> No.18852040

It was about honor dumbass. Achilles and Agamemnon could’ve fought over literally anything else rather than a woman.

>> No.18852123

Der Dressierte Mann

>> No.18852126

Honor was broken by Paris because of a women he desired.
And even before that because of Aphrodite, a feminine goddess, who offered her to Paris. Because she wanted to win her quarrel against Hera and Athena, for him to choose her as "the most beautiful". And even before that because of Eris, the goddess of discord, who is feminine and threw the apple on which it was written.
Literally on all levels it is women's fault.

>> No.18852143

No one can break a man as good as the White Man can

>> No.18852151

Incel take

>> No.18852160
File: 144 KB, 880x1360, 71G7ID-JdNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Esther Vilar? This cover in french is kind of funny btw.

>> No.18852167

these incels should be eradicated at death camps for the untermensch with trash genes they're .
Glory to Feminazis
Glory to Chads
Glory to Eugenics

>> No.18852174

simp take

>> No.18852218

Book? I KNOW women are better than us men. Their eyes are always on the prize. They always feign ignorance and maintain plausible deniability. They always offload the negative onto other and keep the positive for themselves. They are immediately in tune with who is who and where, which is why they don't sink into "objective discussion".

>> No.18852230

seethe moar incel.learn to respect and kowtow to ur Chads and female masters.

>> No.18853527
File: 19 KB, 480x262, culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very patrician taste OP

>> No.18854127

In my view, women are superior to men as a whole. In my own personal experience, women have been nicer to me, I feel more relaxed around them on average, they seem to be the glue that holds a group together in many cases and they seem more mature. Maybe it’s because of the environment I grew up in (since I had fucking terrible male role models while having great female role models), but I’ve always associated women with positions of authority and throughout my younger years, the stereotype of “girls smart, boys dumb”, seemed to hold some truth, since the only guys who were as smart as the average girl were the really intelligent guys. The only women who make me uncomfortable are the overly slutty ones who come on too strong, but even then they can be fun in small doses.

I suppose I could be accused of being a bit of a simp by some standards, and while I’m definitely not the type to donate money to streamers or anything like that, I do feel genuine disgust when someone hurts a woman and I do get fiercely protective of women, especially the ones I love (the two most important people in the world to me are my gf and my mother).

I just love women so much and I’m not ashamed to admit that. The female sex is legit one of my favourite things in the whole world.

>> No.18854156

Last Days at Hot Slit
Les Guérillères

>> No.18854169

Herr Schoppy.