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[ERROR] No.18848710 [Reply] [Original]

Are e-readers really worth it, /lit/? If you've one, how do you like it compared to reading a physical book or from your smartphone?

>> No.18848719
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I share an account with my family so my bad boy’s always stacked with 200 books minimum.
Perfect for me, as I travel light

>> No.18848722

Only ereaders that are /lit/ are 13"+ eink devices capable of handling PDFs.

>> No.18848739

Just got one a couple weeks ago really like it. It's a Like Book Mars
Also I'd advise not getting a kindle as you can only used Amazon based apps/books

>> No.18848843

E readers with displays below 10" = good if you only read leisure literature confirmed only and exclusively by plain text, pdf files not supported
E readers with displays above 10" = good in general, 4x4 machines, pdf files and books with graphs/charts/diagrams or special formats supported

>> No.18848848

At this time, they are not worth it to me. For it to justify the price it needs to be as much notebook as library, the devices which offer that functionality at this time are more than I am willing to pay and also tend to be the mid to large size format. Once the small format readers with wacom digitizer show up and get to a reasonable price I will buy.

>> No.18848852

Yes, just don’t buy a Kobo.

>> No.18848869

I have the Kobo Libra H2O, and I love it. The size feels good, it’s lightweight, display looks great, tons of file types supported. It does sort of feel “cheap” as others would say, but it’s still a solid device. No expandable storage sucks, but unless you’re downloading a bunch of manga or something you don’t have to worry about storage capacity

>> No.18848878

Does it have a dictionary?

>> No.18848883


>> No.18848892

Kobo dictionaries are dog shit. People will tell you that you can install custom ones, but you have to go through third party softwares and it’s simply not worth the hassle. It’s made of cheap plastic and it lacks a lot of features that should be expected on any mobile device.

>> No.18848904

Buy an Oasis. Everything else is shit in comparison ,unless you want a niche device and are willing to spend over 300$ on it. And even then, I wouldn’t recommend it if all you want to do is read e-books.

>> No.18848915

I've got a Kobo Glo HD. Battery lasts a long time, and as I no longer buy as many physical books it's saved me a lot of money and bookshelf space. I got a Kobo rather than Kindle because where I live, library ebooks don't come in Kindle format. If you're getting books from Libgen then either Kindle or Kobo will do - you can convert them in Calibre to whatever format you need. PDFs are terrible on all ereaders though; you really need a tablet for those.

Kobo dictionary used to be shit, but it was recently updated to the Oxford dictionary and is now a lot better.

>> No.18848921

Don’t buy a Kobo if you read on multiple languages.

>> No.18848941

>Kobo dictionary used to be shit, but it was recently updated to the Oxford dictionary and is now a lot better.
Amazon has so many default dictionaries available that it’s not even funny when you compare them to the Kobo ones. And that’s also not a new thing. Kobo has always had shit support, which is sad. It’s like they don’t give a fuck about their product.

>> No.18848966

Yes. Got a Kindle Paperwhite in 2017 and was nonplussed by the experience. But the Pocketbook Touch HD3 I bought in 2019 changed it for the better. Just avoid PB Cloud if you have a lot of ebooks. When the server resumes from maintenance, everything will be downloaded again and you may lose all your bookmarks, collections, favourites, etc.
Just sync your books with Dropbox instead, or just copy them to the SD card of your phone through usb, etc.

>> No.18848975

On Pocketbook just import the Wiktionary of your choice.

>> No.18849441

Planning on buying an e-book. I'm looking mostly for a bigger screen size than 6" and will mostly be reading books. I was thinking about the Kobo Forma since it's 8" and supports more file types.

>> No.18849855

I've had a Kobo Aura since 2013 and still use it. IMO better than phone, not as nice as physical reading (I still read mainly physical). It's great for travelling, obviously. I also prefer it for short books (<300 pages). Generally I'll rotate it in every couple books I read. Keeps things fresh. Very worth it.

>> No.18849879

I love it. being able to click on a word and immediately get the definition is an almost sexual pleasure. being able to get most books free is a very close second

>> No.18851172

have had a kindle touch for around 9 years, thinking about upgrading to a kobo libra h20

>> No.18851223

As an ESL brainlet, the dictionary function is really neat.

>> No.18851287
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This is my setup

Onyx boox note air $500
Flexible arm support $20
Logitech K380 $45

The tablet is a must because you can install all Play store apps (like Google Docs online cloud to never lose your writings), and the screen is big to read PDF or manga (implying I read manga)

The arm is a must to read on a desk or in the bed at the perfect position without having to hold the tablet

The keyboard is a must to type fast and comfy, and there are 3 Bluetooth buttons to switch to typing on other devices (I switch to $100 Amazon Fire tablet to browse internet)

>> No.18851430

Planning on getting a Kindle Paperwhite and downloading books from libgen and converting them but I was wondering if when you convert a book it messes up the formatting, can anyone tell me if this is the case?

>> No.18851454
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How new are you that you think anything from amazon is a viable option. Its cucked locked down homo-machine. Buy a kobo you dumb fuck. Especially if you want to get books from libgen. Niggers, i swear.

>> No.18851466

I have an Oasis now and would recommend the latest Paperwhite instead. 10x better battery, 10x more durable, and with all the same features except the buttons. Oasis looks nice but that's honestly the only perk. And it's world-famous ergonomics are a fucking meme.

>> No.18851470

I have some generation paperwhite with lit screen but no color tempereture adjustment, I really am getting tired of kindle blue light screen and will probably buy kobo next.
Also my paperwhite has no physical buttons and it is not possible to change touchscreen controls (tap left side if screen to go back a page, right side to go forward) so while holding it with left hand it is almost impossible to go foward a page, I hope kobo will be more customisable

>> No.18851471

Yes, they're. I honestly don't know how I lived before getting one. e-reader + libgen is all you will ever need.

>> No.18851473

So you were left shocked and speechless? Or are you, in fact, a semiliterate burger?

>> No.18851478

Damn that's based. Do you type on the reader? If so, why not get an ink monitor?

>> No.18851480

That actually looks pretty great

>> No.18851485

That's what I believed until I discovered mirc. It's all I'll ever need, now that I never get shafted with iffy formatting.

>> No.18851486

First, most books are available in .mobi anyway. Second, from my experience converting works fine. Never had any problems with it.

>> No.18851499

install koreader. Much better then default ereader os

>> No.18851502

Yes, they're worth it. I still prefer reading physical copies but the sheer volume of books avaliable to you at little to no cost is invaluable. I now use the money i save from not buying shitty paperbacks to buy nicer editions of choice books that i want a physical copy of.

>> No.18851504

What's that? I tried googling it but it turns out to be a chat client, which probably isn't what you meant.

>> No.18851533
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It is what I meant and as a reward for your ignorance I refer you to a reddit idiot's guide.

>> No.18851537


>> No.18851547

Thanks, anon!

>> No.18851566

Lol, #ebooks is just a backup of libgen

>> No.18851597

>Oasis looks nice but that's honestly the only perk
This is how I know you’re lying.

>> No.18851792
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I love my Libra bros

>> No.18852161

I've got an ancient Sony PRS-T2 reader, it runs some modified Android. Thinking of bying something newer bc of lag when opening pdf docs

>> No.18852242

you can just email pdfs and amazon ebook formats though.

>> No.18852797

I just watched a review of Kobo Touch on YouTube and I don't like the sluggishness of its flipping motion. Still deciding whether I'll just buy a refurbished Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 or an e-reader with e-ink power display.

>> No.18852802

The only reason to buy one is to pirate books with it.

>> No.18853025

just use your phone lol

>> No.18853029

thread pic is a literal advertisement lol

>> No.18853067

>Also I'd advise not getting a kindle as you can only used Amazon based apps/books

This is factually incorrect, you can convert any ePub to kindle format.

>> No.18853120

Just burn your eyes ROFLMAOKEKLULZ

>> No.18853158
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Same here, brother. Reading books in foreign languages and mangoes (with KOReader) has never been comfier.

>> No.18853329

that is a meme, how does lowest brightness not solve this? also 'blue light filter' if you're into that soi_oil

>> No.18853410

Can I use sunglasses to contrast the backlight coming from my laptop screen?

>> No.18853483
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do you feel the screen is big enough for manga? I would get the forma but is too expensive

>> No.18853493
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why the fuck would you read manga you weeb

>> No.18854143
File: 309 KB, 1280x1280, photo5823242086302988538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I can read the text in the bubbles with no problem. T/L notes I have to zoom in. I haven't tried raw manga, but I think furigana might be too small to be comfortable.
I took a picture so you can get an idea. It's obviously sharper in real life, my camera is just shit.

>> No.18854185

I can read doujins on my 6" kobo glo just fine, though anything bigger would be nicer. The libra seems to me the perfect ereader for its price, apart form the fact that it doesn't have sd card storage.

>> No.18854213

My Kobo was one of the best investments ever. They are such a good deal that you have Amazon shills cropping up in recommendation threads to hate on them.

>> No.18854219

i primarily get epubs, which convert to mobi easily (calibre)
i dont ever download pdfs, mostly because either epub or mobi is there, also because while pdfs can be read on a kindle, they end up just looking very small on a paperwhite