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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18848251 [Reply] [Original]

Why do these two overrated Aussie shitposter hipsters live rent-free in the minds of every /lit/ poster 24/7?

>> No.18848263

because Australia is late AngloSaxonia

>> No.18848267

because you make these threads every fucking day without fail

>> No.18848269

stop shilling yourself, one thread (>>18846840) to shill is more than enough for us to hate you, nigger.

>> No.18848271

Dont know who either of them are but the guy on the right has a very kino appearance

>> No.18848275

No one cares about the fag on the left, fag.

>> No.18848291
File: 236 KB, 691x625, 1622036945532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using waldun to advertise yourself

>> No.18848294

gotta go with right
>all good authors look at least a little faggy and fucked up
left is just a gook

>> No.18848400

literally who?

>> No.18848412

of all the people to pathetically shill yourself with, you chose... waldun

>> No.18848432

It's Waldun and Card, right?
I'd be willing to wager they know one another irl

>> No.18848457
File: 3.84 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_0161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not posting the real Aussie /lit/ master

>> No.18848460
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Eventually /lit/ is just going to be shills shilling on shills in shill threads
May as well get used to it

>> No.18848985

I don't even know who those two are, I don't click on shill threads.