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/lit/ - Literature

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1884646 No.1884646 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about self publishing a 35 page short story, charging like 50 cents for it. Should I write more to include in a bundle and charge 99 cents or just keep publishing 50 cent short stories?

>> No.1884652

Nobody's gonna buy it

>> No.1884658

Aw shucks! My confidence is so minimal that you've just crushed all of my dreams of ever being a published author.


>> No.1884660

Good. So don't waste your time.

>> No.1884664

If someone wants a sample I do have a three pager that you may be interested in reading for free.
Or look at some backlogged story threads on here.
I contributed to the Johnny Benson tale.

>> No.1884668

You're overflowing despair is making my day especially after watching dumb congressmen all day. Keep going.

>> No.1884670

where are you going to sell this?

i'd publish a couple for free first so that people at least know you can write before they spend money (yeah 50c isn't a lot but it's still a hassle to go through the payment process)

>> No.1884673

/lit/, not /econ/.

>> No.1884682

Send it to G.U.D Greatest Uncommon Denominator

>> No.1884685

This would just be self-publishing through Amazon so it really wouldn't be that much of a hassle.
I have to go to work but I'll get back on here later tonight and release a little three page experimental surrealist piece

>> No.1884688

/lit/ is everything man get with it

>> No.1884690

50 cents for a short story is way too much. People charge that much for full length novels.

>> No.1884691

Ill buy it OP.
Dollar isn't anything to support a budding author.


>> No.1884730

Here's one

>> No.1884758

>Start reading....
Uh.. OP... I think I'll retract this statement.
A dollar is WAAAAY to much for that.. Maybe try photocopying it and selling it for 10 cents outside your local mall, that's about what quality your writing is.

>> No.1884766

Why so double-spaced? You do realize that double-space is only asked for when you need room for editing between the lines, and corrections right? Nobody actually prints books in double space.

>> No.1884782


That's so bad.

Like, really bad.

>> No.1884791


>> No.1884818

But why though?

>> No.1884822

That is 10x worse than most of the stuff that gets posted here in write-threads.

I can't believe you actually think you are ready to publish, don't embarrass yourself!

>> No.1884832

I think I might hate you.

>> No.1884833


Almost everyone here is an English Major in college, just trust us when we say that we know bad writing when we see it. There is hardly a line in that, which isn't formed awkwardly or in a lot of cases your sentences are like jigsaw puzzles where I have to decipher what on earth you were trying to say because they make no sense. This looks like an extreme rough-draft that has had no outside editing whatsoever.

And it looks like you are in serious need of an actual critique.

>> No.1884834


This. Right now it's just beyond critique.

It's like, you've shown us a totaled car and asked us what's wrong with it. Everything's wrong with it!

>> No.1884835

ladies and gentlemen, the lewis carroll of our generation

>> No.1884838

>starting a story with your protagonist waking up
>describing an alarm clock as "the annoying box"

Yeah, that's where I stopped.

Furthermore, who the fuck do you think you are to charge money for your work as an unpublished author? You should be trying to make it EASIER for people to read your work, not scaring them away by charging money.

>> No.1884839

Uh, well I think you trying to be a little bit too clever, start simple is my suggestion.

>> No.1884845

I got to

" Zombie-like dragging feet he moved towards the door."

You do realize that, umm that isn't even an complete sentence right? I mean when on the first page you demonstrate your lack of knowing what a sentence looks like, then I would hate to see what the rest of the story looks like.

>> No.1884849

>explaining what you mean by "not a normal day"

no. just no. nobody thought you meant that it was going to be a normal night.

>> No.1884850

>>First person omniscient narrative

you fucking suck at writing, you couldn't pay me to read this. You will sell exactly 0 copies of your shitty shit

>> No.1884856
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But seriously OP

>> No.1884858
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>First person omniscient narrative

>> No.1884861 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 400x400, what-the-fuck-am-i-reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I actually started reading this to the 3rd or 4th page.

Ok for those of you who want to know the story goes like this.

>kid opens closet
>falls into another dimension
>in other dimension shit is psychedelic colored eg orange sky, red leaves, purple grass, ect.
>tree traps him in a sap-trap
>he argues with the tree about how he isn't a cat.

Sounds like your trying to re-write alice in wonderland dude. Seriously even when I was ignoring the fact that you don't know english grammar and punctuation rules, the story itself is still really bland and just outright stupid. Looks like something someone would write in middle-school as a joke to pass around to their friends.

>> No.1884870

You've got a lot to learn. And the best way to learn isn't charging or uncompleted or poorly-done writings. It creates a bad impression on you instead.

And you seem so self-confident, ok, it's not so bad, but reconsider your level first.

(Actually I don't see much improvement coming, once you think you've already achieved it.)

>> No.1884878

Yeah, a lot to learn. At least you already learn to deal with criticism at 4chan... because honestly, that was horrible.
First of all, I would try to sort out your point of view (what was that? 1st person? 3rd? Couldn't tell) and eliminate the stupid metaphors.

>> No.1884881

Don't let these grumps dissuade you, that was the best thing I've read in months.

>> No.1884891 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 446x400, lauging girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw OP left the thread thinking to himself " Oh those /lit/ anon's don't know anything they're all just jelly that I'm going to get published and they won't! I'll just ignore the fact that my writing actually does suck and publish it anyway! FUCK THE SYSTEM!"

>> No.1884895


How many months straight have you read nothing but Harry Potter erotic literature?

>> No.1884908

... by Tao Lin

>> No.1884910

>lit didn't notice it's a post-modern comedy narrative

>> No.1884924


Are you a comedian, pal?

>> No.1884926

>smacked the top of the annoying box.
This is one step away from "Hahahaaha!" laughed the bad man.

>> No.1884927
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>read the last page
>last line: "Honey you're late for school"
>it was a dream all along

You wrote all that just to troll us?

>> No.1884929


What if OP is trolling us hard? It seems like that's the case.

>> No.1884930

Maybe ... I would be just like some author that shall not be named to pull a stunt like this.

>> No.1884934

>ITT: OP's work is so laughably bad that he tries to pass it off as a troll when he realizes no one likes him

>> No.1884936

>This wasn't going to be a normal day. And by that I mean it was going to be a day but there wasn't going to be anything normal about it.
>Zombie-like dragging feet he moved towards the door.
>He just kind of snapped into existence at an alarming
rate of speed.
>an alarming rate of speed
>rate of speed
>rate of speed
>impersonal like jello
>No, no. Now that you've wrested me from sleep and I can see you your accounted for. Your stuck.
>your accounted for.
>Your stuck.
>I-(sob).... I... (sob)... justwannagohome!!!!! I don't even know where I am. Trees aren't supposed to talk and be yellow and have red leaves. Mom!!! Mom!!! Daddy!!!
>is that a fucking stage direction
>who is even speaking it's just been pure dialogue for a page now
>the ridiculous sentence of cat-dom
>The bird squawked. Tweet!

>> No.1884949
File: 116 KB, 1256x1075, i stare into your sole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The bird squawked. Tweet!

>> No.1884966

>This wasn't going to be a normal day. And by that I mean it was going to be a day but there wasn't going to be anything normal about it.
Stopped reading there. You need to stop being condescending and patronizing to the reader. Everyone knows what you mean by "not a normal day" and unless you're going to add some other quality to it there is no point explaining it. And then there's the fact that the reader already knows it's probably not going to be a normal day. After all, why the fuck would anyone write a story about a completely ordinary, boring day?

>> No.1884971



Fuck you.

>> No.1884978

You really need to decide upon a concrete point of view and stick with it. You keep drifting between a first person and an alternate omniscient POV. In addition rememebr to keep your sentences in line, you're chopping them up to the point where many of them are just flat out incomplete.

>> No.1884982

OP isn't going to heed anyone's criticism.

He's impersonal like Jello.

>> No.1884990
File: 11 KB, 424x335, Overyourhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.1884992

>After all, why the fuck would anyone write a story about a completely ordinary, boring day?

Point Counter Point holy shit

>> No.1885002

I knew someone was going to try and find an example to prove me wrong. I still wouldn't exactly say Point Counter Point is the story of an ordinary day. By an ordinary day, by the way, I mean a story that might consist of:
>wake up
>have breakfast
>go to work at office
>come home
>watch tv

>> No.1885005
File: 12 KB, 227x222, james-joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1885031

Go, so much jelly in this thread.

>> No.1885035


>> No.1885037

It's okay it's impersonal.

>> No.1885047

This thread has made my day, so much lol.

>> No.1885070

I read it aloud, folks.


>> No.1885074

i'll buy your book, OP

>> No.1885095


I like your voice, I'd fuck you.

>> No.1885100

Are you 14 or do you just a weird-ass voice?

>> No.1885101


male or female?

>> No.1885106



>> No.1885112

Pure poetry

Samefag trolling, you just sound like a normal dude with a slightly higher-pitched voice, but maybe I'm crazy. People here just like to criticize anyone who doesn't have a baritone-low DEEP BOOMING MAN VOICE. Fucking faggots.

>> No.1885116

20. Weird young voice to match weird short height and weird young appearance. Hurrah.

>> No.1885117

Nope, he does have a rather high voice. It's quite nasally, too.

Considering the age of the reader and your immature response, I wouldn't be surprised if you were actually the kiddie who posted the Vocaroo reading.

>> No.1885130

I am most definitely not normal.
I didn't know I was nasally. Fuck. I'm not samefag, though. Check for yourself, google has methods.

>> No.1885154

Don't worry guy. No big deal.

I was just trying to piss off that other guy.

>> No.1885326

Your writing is not supportable yet. Keep refining

>> No.1885513

Just to round out this thread OP here just got off work. You guys made my day the little gems in between all the flaming that is, and those of you that got hung up on the grammar you're beyond help. Patronizing and condescending to the reader I think that all came from your head man/woman.
By the way I wouldn't ever dream of selling that story I wrote that in less than an hour and just wanted to give you guys something to sample. I can't believe nobody got the colors. Do you guys even think about politics and the state of the world?
Anyway much appreciated negative feedback is awesome but criticism is better I was hoping to get some of that. Happy trails lit I'll see you on the other side of the desk in class.

>> No.1885757

Tao Lin you are drunk, stop it.