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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18846447 [Reply] [Original]

>novel is so slice-of-lifey that the main characters unironically hold poetry contests in their giant aristocratic garden
2500 pages of absolute comfiness.

>> No.18846461

Haha yeah...

>> No.18846468
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>novel is so slice-of-lifey that the main characters unironically hold poetry contests in their giant aristocratic garden

>> No.18846518

Is it really worth while?

>> No.18846757

>Haha, yes, enjoying things is cringe and soi

>> No.18846764

You really need to go back.

>> No.18846770

This, but unironically. Haughty superiority is the attitude you must take to all things in the entirety of the universe if you wish to communicate to people on an anime forum just how special and above it all you are, that you are quite simply of better and more refined stock than run-of-the-mill retards who actually enjoy living in this world.

You must always take pride in your misery, lest you realize that the misery is without value.

>> No.18846779

You really need to get fucked

>> No.18846845
File: 526 KB, 988x1066, dc1jtmm-570df881-66ad-4d29-ab20-73e1644534ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vulgar obscene retort

>> No.18846872

You are just a sad sad little man pulling us down. I pity you, but not in a good motherly way, but like a street-thug looking down on some hobo he just ran over.

>> No.18846884

>street thugs feel pity
God damn yo metaphor game be weak as shit my brutha nigga

>> No.18846909

I'm not reading another soap opera under the guise of muh prose/verse. Already dropped Tolstoy.

>> No.18846972

Hitler liked animals so yeah, they can feel piety.

>> No.18846986

Its also a world so different to the west as to be alien, id say that alone makes it unique enough (say, compared to Tolstoy) to be worth it. Especially if you decide to take the mandarinpill.

>> No.18847002

Slice-of-life literature peaked with Proust; what are the reasons to read this?

>> No.18847134

based hitler

>> No.18847193

that Cao Xueqin is better than Proust

>> No.18847672

>basedjaggotry is the second (2nd) post in the thread

>> No.18847841


>> No.18847851

>/lit/ seething at chinkino again

>> No.18848066
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>> No.18848080

Good to hear that you like it, I enjoyed Water Margin a lot and intend to read the other chinese classics too, at some point.

>> No.18848733

>2500 pages
Is it well written?

>> No.18848964

I take it you haven't gotten to the author shift yet

>> No.18848992

How's the cultural translation, OP? I mean, is some stuff too difficult to understand for Westerners? I'm thinking like contemporary Chinese norms that will just go over my head? Or does it hold its own just as text?
Curious because this has been on my list for a while.

>> No.18849135

>lest you realize

you have very weak grasp of the English language

how am i doin on the haughtiness scale, anon?

>> No.18849147
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>You really need to go back.

>> No.18849155

>vulgar obscene
a verbose response to be fair

>> No.18849200

Sometimes you just need a fine work of slice of life. Not sure why everyone in this thread are losing their minds.

>> No.18849498
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>> No.18849506

Anon do you really not find 2500 pages worth of aristocrats masturbating and huffing their own intellectual farts just a bit gauche?

>> No.18849517
File: 250 KB, 500x371, 1599882999113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.18849590

Yeah, it is a bit gauche. That doesn't mean it doesn't have enjoyable parts.

>> No.18849646

Imagine enjoying reading about people participating in aristocratic leisure activities by proxy instead of participating in them yourself because you don't have any friends.

>> No.18849676

yikes why are asians first and blacks last?

>> No.18849688

Idk why they have persecuted you so OP, it sounds based to me

>> No.18849693

agree and checked

>> No.18849833

how is that slice of life.