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[ERROR] No.18844228 [Reply] [Original]

>Comprehending Inductive Reasoning so one able to explain particular things and come to a general conclusion in his or her writting
>Comprehending deductive reasoning so one able to feel related to general things and come to conclusion based on robust syllogism in his or her writting.
>Comprehending scientific reasoning. Only empirically true things should be considered real. One should write literature works only based on empirical fact to prevent misleading or misconception
>Comprehending and practicing Humanism ethics in the writting process. We only writes what considered as morally humanist. This is important thing to maintain our civilized world based on the values of freedom, solidarity, and brotherhood.

>> No.18845016
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>freedom, solidarity and brotherhood
you have to go back

>> No.18845055

Ethics are inherently metaphysical, so you’re sitting in contradiction with your naive empiricism ‘muh science’ item.

>> No.18845188

Yes it is contradiction and human can’t survive without it, according to Harari. For example; liberals like John Locke who is believing in individual liberty ethics back then even had agreed with the conception of law which in fact; contradict individual liberty value by limiting individual freedom. “All man was born free” but your freedom is limited by state authority in order to protect others people’s freedom and to maintain peace and social order based on social contract (hobbesian philosophy).

Everything has paradoxes.

By the way;
We need science as our compass. Empirical data could lead us to our journey. By Comprehending objective fact, we finally can figure out how should we do to gain certain things; to make progress or to solve contemporary problems.

And about ethics. Ethics are set of rules about “what is good” and “what is evil.” Harari again told us that we need ethics or morality to cooperate with each others fairly. Like how can you live in society without using ethics principles like “don’t steal from others” “don’t disturb others” etc ? Human are capable to make abstract concept like morality and to use it as a tool to maintain good relationship with others as one entity. What’s wrong with that?

And i believe humanism is the best ethics (so far) because it gives value to individual autonomy; the Rights for freedom, dignity, equality, etc.


>> No.18845224

Muchto texto

>> No.18846652

what about evolutionary ethics? no need for metaphysics