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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18841155 [Reply] [Original]

bros, I fucking hate that I’m a low spatial iq retard who could never finish a bachelors in STEM. I regularly find myself internally seething at coworkers who discuss their majors in STEM and even though I find philosophy and literature infinitely more fulfilling, because normies don’t read books, I will just sit there like a retard nodding at their conversations without being able to interject with my interests. I wish I could have majored in STEM, not because I would enjoy it, on the contrary, but just to prove that I could do it if I wanted to. STEM has literally taken over pop culture and now normies only talk about Elon Musk and the scientific accuracy of Marvel movies. Why did literature loose its grip on culture?

>> No.18841175

sounds like reddit faggotry stem-fans, not necessarily stem workers as such.
If you have a job in scientific research, engineering, or tech, you know it sucks ass and become very familiar with the shortcomings of evidence. At least that has been my experience.
I like reading too man.

>> No.18841177

Utilitarian tier list, learn to be useless to find True individuality

>> No.18841213
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Pseud idiot - literature had always been a pursuit of the elite. Do you think Vergil and Horace wrote poems so the common pleb would have something to small talk about in his daily blabber? You are a low IQ idiot that tries to compensate for his intellectual deficiencies with "books" and "epic philosophy". Stay in your lane and keep nodding like an autist while I speak, retard.

>> No.18841215
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>Top Tier

>> No.18841225

Just be yourself.

>> No.18841232

>Pseud idiot - literature had always been a pursuit of the elite. Do you think Vergil and Horace wrote poems so the common pleb would have something to small talk about in his daily blabber?
You think you just said something I didn't already know? Storytelling amongst the plebs were oral, retard. You don’t think they memorized Vergil by heart and recited him amongst themselves?

>> No.18841266

Electrical Engineering MEng here.
What makes you think STEM is the field of intellectual elites? Most people I work with are unironically vapid, shallow dumb fucks, and not even by academic standards, just common standards.

>> No.18841279

>be me
>probably brainlet and pseud
>go to local state university
>get econ degree
>learn nothing in undergrad
>meet one econ guy at an alumni event
>alumni guy gets me job on trading desk at medium size bank
>learn entirety of the job in one week, college completely irrelevant
>making 70k first year
>theyll pay for me to take CFA tests and even reimburse me for time spent studying
>100k once im cfa
>will even pay for grad school if im there long enough
>stemfags i knew in college are all making less than me or slogging through grad school and suicidal

>> No.18841288

STEM grad school is the biggest meme on the planet, they're stupid, they shouldn't have ever bothered with it.

>> No.18841386

Do you think the common people would recite poetry as their pastime? Assuming they weren't too busy working they'd just do the antiquity equivalent of opening this shit thread.

>> No.18841404

You don't understand. STEMfags are total normies, they're not the "competent but socially inept autists" you think they are, that's just an outdated stereotype. They're unironic brodudes who spend their weekends getting shitfaced in clubs and haven't read a single book in years.

>> No.18841405

yeah who would've thought that networking is king in getting good jobs

>> No.18841413

Is this the NPC chart? STEM is for bugmen

>> No.18841414

I've got the IQ for STEM but dropped ChemE after sophomore year for an econ and philosophy double degree. STEM is super interesting and I'm glad I've got the background, but do what you like instead. I didn't want to sign off on processes all day saying that they're safe when I could just read and write for the rest of my life.

>> No.18841415

OP, seriously. It's never too late to kill yourself.

>> No.18841434

>Did undergrad in neuroscience, probably considered mid-tier with life sciences. >Got a masters in public policy analysis, and a later executive MPA my work paid for. Probably considered shit tier with political science.
>Made executive management of a large city by 28, six figure pensionable income. Interesting high intensity job that combines politics, finance, and data analysis.
>Leave public work for a startup developing software to automate government financials and analytics. Own two houses (rent one) and in the market for a mountain summer home to rent when I'm not using as soon as price calm down at 33.
People seriously overestimate the role of undergrad degrees as well as starting STEM pay. Although I actually kind of hate my job and finance. At least public service was a little better.

If I could do it over I'd do a history or philosophy PhD and teach. I was afraid I couldn't handle the competition though and now I got a kid and a second coming and need the money.

>> No.18841439

Also STEMs have very low verbal intelligence, they're trash at explaining themselves and can't hold a thoughtful conversation for more than 10 minutes. I know because I've been working with them for 7 years.

>> No.18841473

What's your point?
You are upset that "normies" don't engage with literature? Why are you expecting them to do so?

>> No.18841486

No I'm challenging the idea that STEMfags are any sort of intellectual elites. Especially the image of the "spaghetti-spilling secret genius", they're absolutely anything but.

>> No.18841497

OP here: I’m upset that the prevailing notion in society holds that OPs pic is true. STEM is seen as the elite of all educational attainments.

>> No.18841528

STEM means working for the military. If you're focused on pure objectivity then you will never live on your own term. Better a king in hell than a slave in heaven.

>> No.18841549
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DO NOT believe a word out the mouths of the LONESOME FREINDS OF SCIENCE (STEMfags). They are unbelievably vapid dumbfucks with a reductionist streak a mile long, aching to crush Life as it is actually lived under the boot of the Galilean project of instrumental knowledge

>> No.18841556

>STEM has literally taken over pop culture and now normies only talk about Elon Musk and the scientific accuracy of Marvel movies

You surround yourself with mouth breathing troglodytes and wonder why you can't have an intellectual discussion. Elon musk is an aspie and anyone who talks about capeshit accuracy should be taken out to the lake and be told about the rabbits they'll be playing with on the farm.

>> No.18841558

This list would be correct if you flipped it upside down

>> No.18841560

What the fuck are you talking about)

>> No.18841580

you are a part of the world. you discover yourself through interactions with it, there's only so much internal searching you can do before you realize it's all just mechanisms for engaging with the outside world.
One of the oldest, and most tried-and-true ways people engage with others and the outside world is through labor. Nearly every human since the beginning of humanity has worked. You are understanding your nature and abilities through work. So there's plenty of true individuality to be found in labor.

>> No.18841590

Illiterate Roman slaves and commoners were not memorizing Virgil you goddamn retard

>> No.18841603

Lonesome Freinds of Science (LFOS or just STEMfags) think only in terms of extended substance as fundemental and true being and begin their projects by discarding our experiential and perceptual relation to the objects they speak of and the background of familiarity in which it is possible to bring any of their objects to light. By doing this they lose both the Soul (res cognitan) that Descartes isolated from extended matter and our meaningful Life in the world. Science does not understand Life as it is never encountered in trancendent intentional perception but only in its immanent auto-giveness of itself to itself which is itself (its essense). Without understanding that Life is fundemental and that the divine revelation of Life (life that makes us all living) is not subject to empirical or scientific confirmation, they reduce everything into meaningless slop and scold you for saying otherwise. All STEMfags I have yet met have this symptom.

>> No.18841610

have you looked into goethean science fren?

>> No.18841618

give it 10-15 years when our cobalt and lithium mines run out, impending resource depletion will render all of these concerns pointless

>> No.18841644

>Get STEM degree
>Commission as military officer
>Work a niche job doing cool shit only tangentially related to my field
>Friends in grad school are working double my hours for a third of my salary
I don't think I want to stay here forever but I like the way my life's turned out. The longer I spent around STEMlords the more I disliked it, so I think I got out at the right time.

>> No.18841649

Seethe, cope and dial eight. I'm a spatial IQ retard (as in, I had to have an IQ test when I started uni for developmental disorders (dyslexia etc) and my spatial IQ is literally (as in non-figuratively)) retard-tier. I still got perfect or near-perfect exam results for almost everything I did in my mathematics degree.

Not only is your conception of the kinds of thinking that populate these fields wrong (for another set of counterexamples consider the extensive list of famous literary figures who were also professional or amateur scientists/inventors in their own times), your excuse for your own failure is inadequate. If you can't see how the sublime is suffused throughout both the natural world and the abstract world of mathematics then you have been pleb filtered by reality on every possible level.

Verification not required; God is on my side, as always.

>> No.18841650

My life would be immeasurably better if I was competant in math. Being unable to take a STEM or even business degree is pretty much the largest economic knee cap you can take as a middle clase person can take these days.

>> No.18841659

How did you learn math so well? I want to throw myself into it but I assume my bad visualization will make it pointless.

>> No.18841673

This list is retarded, Law and Philosophy should switch places.
>t. Law Student

>> No.18841679


>> No.18841702

>bachelors in STEM
Overrated, as is any bachelor degree be it BA or BS. They're just overpriced high school diplomas and take about as much effort to get nowadays. The real is iq filter isn't a degree, its how often an individual takes time out of their day to learn shit and apply it in their daily lives.

>> No.18841713

>plebs did not tell stories about the gods
God you’re stupid, please leave this board forever. If the plebs knew about the gods (which everyone did) then it certainly came from Vergil's work, whether or not they got the stories from the source or not is irrelevant

>> No.18841732

>Muh Romanz n shit
Wake up faggot, you live now in a faustian civilitzation at it's late capitalistic phase

>> No.18841735

No, whats a good book on that subject?

>> No.18841739

things that happened

>> No.18841751

I want to throw myself into it but I assume my bad visualization will make it pointless.

Not in the slightest, give yourself some credit. I was terrible when I started. Youtube is your best resource, don't bother with those retarded flowcharts that get shilled around here that advocate stupid bullshit like starting with some abstract textbook on proof or set theory or some shit.

The hardest part, if you're anything like me, will be finding the highest level you're currently capable of and starting from there. E.g.: go on to Khan Academy and look at the, say, 9th grade shit on there. If you can't do that, check the 8th grade, and so on, until you figure out roughly where you are. When you have an idea of that, just get some basic ass book with a bunch of problems to solve at that level (you know, google some shit like "9th grade math textbooks" or whatever and scoop it offa Libgen) and plough through it.

Khan Academy in conjunction with toonnnneeessss of repetition (I mean, so much repetition you'd'a thought it was a Fall song) and problem solving is what did it for me. The thing that kept me going what the continual little ticks of understanding where some necessary truth just bounced unbidden into my head. No matter how 'trivial' the things you may suddenly come to understand might seem, the realisation is nonetheless wonderfully rewarding. Take the math(s) pill.

>> No.18841797

Are you seriously conflating "having an understanding of the local gods and telling stories about them to one another" with "memorizing Virgil and reciting his lines to each other?"
>If the plebs knew about the gods then it certainly came from Vergil's work
This is one of the most ass-backwards things anybody has ever said to me. You don't have even the vaguest, most surface-level understanding of Roman religion.

>> No.18841806

Not him but I can't get behind khan academy. The foundations (pre calc) were not intensive enough. I followed up with Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics which seemed to do the trick.

Here's the playlist if you need help aside from the book itself

>> No.18841822

Bait? Are you suggesting that Virgil invented Roman Religion?

>> No.18841867

No, I’m suggesting that Vergil was its primary source. Are you this uneducated on the topic?

>> No.18841892

That's a retardedly incorrect thing to suggest for somebody being so pompous about it. I suggest you hang yourself by the neck until dead.

>> No.18841893

The Roman Republic existed 400 years before Virgil was even born, how the fuck can Virgil be the primary source of Roman Religion you fucking idiot?

>> No.18841920

Also a solid rec.

And wrt: "The foundations (pre calc) were not intensive enough," I should have pointed out for completeness that all of the above (in my previous posts) worked for me in the context of already being in the formal education system, so I had access to teachers & peers for additional support & asking questions.

In view of that, I'd say don't hesitate to get on /sci/ or ask somebody you know who might know this sort of thing for help. If you feel weird about bugging your mates for help w/maths just offer to buy them a drink or lunch or whatever if if makes you feel better. Alternatively, hire a tutor if you can afford one.

>> No.18841927

This is amazing

>> No.18841936

Great post, thanks for your answer. It's funny because I was watching recommendations and looking at charts like that yesterday and wondering. I have heard the repetition advice before so I guess there's nothing for it but to knuckle down and make it part of my life for the foreseeable future.

Thanks sincerely.

I had similar problems with Khan academy. I also can't bear the feeling of being taught hundreds of isolated tricks instead of something that grows organically on itself and I get discouraged by that. I think I will try Lang after all and see if I can hack it with the videos.

Do you think Lang conforms to what you were suggesting above?

>> No.18841953

Kys, both of you. Vergil, at the time he wrote his work, was THE primary source on Roman Religion. I love how both of you keep moving the goal post to straw man me. First you suggest that I said that Vergil invented the religion, then you say that I said that Vergil was the primary source before he was alive. Anyone with a objective lens can see through your bullshit

>> No.18842055

Your original point was that Roman commoners who could not read were memorizing lines of Virgil as their main form of oral storytelling. When I pointed out that this is horseshit, you dug yourself into an even deeper hole by insisting that if they knew about the gods, they must've learned about them from Virgil, with the implication being that Romans only knew about their gods through him.
You are very, very dumb to still be continuing to act like you're well-informed on this when nothing you're asserting even makes sense independent of knowledge of Rome itself.

>> No.18842146
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>do a bachelor in psychology
>get an engineering job anyway
It's not what you know, it's who you know

>> No.18842190

>with the implication being that Romans only knew about their gods through him.
This line right here suggests I don’t know anything about Ovid, not even that he existed. The fact that I know I knew about Ovid just proves to me how insincere you are about your intentions. You continue to straw man me and infer preposterous claims about my knowledge of Rome, suggesting you know what I know about Rome more than I do myself, yet all you have going off of is a couple of shitposts. You ought to be more humble dude. I don’t even care to read the rest of your post because of this.

It’s Friday night, I came home from the gym and had a nice dinner and the last thing I want right now is to debate about something so pointless. I sincerely hope you have a nice weekend.

>> No.18842203
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Marine environmental science major here. Also got a third mate’s deck license, which involved a lot of math and astronomy

>> No.18842262

Do you enjoy being an epic troll on a mongolian web knitting forum that's just mean

>> No.18842344

Am I the only one on /lit/ who doesn't make 300+k/year ?

>> No.18842363


>> No.18842367

Philosophy should be up there in god tier. It’s got the highest iqs with maths essentially everywhere, and the field in itself is and has been highly influential throughout history.

>> No.18842392

I recommend the videos only as a complimentary to the book. I found the videos very fast paced with not enough explaination.

>> No.18842395

>get in tons of debt to an industry that gets off on abusing people
>true individuality.
you are fucked, you were born without a soul. we are all soulless fuck toys for power.

>> No.18842414
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>physics undergrad getting good grades
>have long commute which I spend reading

>> No.18842442

Yes. Although it's crazy, every time there's a longer argument with ad-hominems everywhere, it seems that all /lit/ users are also pulling 10/10 model gfs and own a house. Plus a few other things, that American society worships. It's insane, how so many ideal men congregate on one board. You should leave though.

>> No.18842460

Its about who you know, not what you know. Especially in finance faggotry like you're doing. Probably a bit different in fields like engineering where companies actively want giga autists who can't socialize.

>> No.18842478

Archeology always seemed like a really cool field to get into. If i wasn't such a complete clutz i would've probably gone for it.

>> No.18842498

>i'll be making a lot of money in a soulless desk job
wow anon I'm very jealous. You'll get to buy so many cool things!!

>> No.18842512

I took a few archaeology courses in undergrad, one thing that I heard consistently from all Professors is that they break artifacts all the time. They're so fragile its bound to happen. If you're still in uni maybe take an archaeology course as an elective

>> No.18842530

The mere act of labor is unsatisfying for many people, including, I imagine, most /lit/izens. The humanities appeal to two main categories: midwits who can't into STEM, and those who find the merely material to be unrewarding. I crave a transcendental purpose and connection with the world and other people, which I seem to find only in political and social philosophy and in religion.

>> No.18842551

Im already out of college. I don't think i could've taken the emotional stress of shattering some ancient vase due to my retardation.
I do web development now. Its not exciting or terribly interesting but its secure employment and decently paid, which god knows is more than most people have nowadays.

>> No.18842560

Kek. Become a deckhand on a cargo ship. Work hard, live rough, see the world, and while away the nights studying at sea. It's the only true redpill.

>> No.18842575

>Go be a little worker ant the list
Sad honestly.

>> No.18842608
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> you can't be a STEM major and still keep your soul and humani—

>> No.18842622

I'm mostly working towards farming my own land. I never really felt the need to "see the world", but I can see the appeal others see in it.

>> No.18842826

Fair enough. Farming is based too desu. It gives you control over your own sustenance and finances, which is immeasurably valuable for cultivating virtue and a /lit/erary lifestyle.

>> No.18842846

I like how it gets progressively more robotic as you go up. Only 1 and 0 matters. And people wonder why things are so soulless nowadays. All the human stuff is at the bottom. Smd stemfags, English major and I get more pussy than all of you.

>> No.18842948

What about criminal justice?

>> No.18842963

My spatial Iq is 146 haha

>> No.18842968


>> No.18842974

Based. This is how the world works

>> No.18842981

Unironically start playing golf. I was interviewing for an internship doing CAD, mentioned in the interview I’m good at golf and the guy lit up. Hired me and all he does is ask for golf tips and wants to go golfing. Meet lots of other business contacts on golf course.

>> No.18842999

IF you arent lying on 4chan you arent doing it right. You do know how entertaining it is to make people seethe right?

>> No.18843009
