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[ERROR] No.18840815 [Reply] [Original]

European here kind of in the dark on US foreign affairs but that is becoming increasingly important in the modern day and as a result of my emerging schizophrenia.
Best academic works on US foreign espionage, CIA operations in destabilizing foreign regimes?

>> No.18840834

not asking /pol/ because I don't want to be recommended jordan b peterson books

>> No.18840854

Currently reading "The Devil's Chessboard" by David Talbot. It's very researched, and reads a bit like a thriller. Exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.18840859

*very well researched

>> No.18840887

>"The Devil's Chessboard" by David Talbot.

Cringe title.

>> No.18840898

I think I read this one. He seems to think that Kennedy was assassinated, and that Allen Dulles had something to do with it. LOL!

>> No.18841055

Killing Hope by Blum

>> No.18841085

>He seems to think that Kennedy was assassinated
You think it was suicide? Are you retarded?

>> No.18841089

Forgot to quote the retard. It was for you.

>> No.18841115

This is not a good book. David Talbot is a Chris Hedges tier idiot

>> No.18841124


What issues did you have with the book?

>> No.18841126

A faked death with a Hollywood production to convince the world of an assassination.

>> No.18841142


>> No.18841151

Uh, you don't get to bring friends

>> No.18841158

Read The Beast Reawakens by Martin Lee. It's ostensibly about "fascism" but it's really about how the Dulles brothers created the CIA and tried to set up a counter-Soviet network of America-friendly "our guys" in every country, usually post-fascist right wingers who were also reciprocally playing the Americans/Soviets off each other to get more freedom to rebuild the right in their countries. It also goes into how nearly all the things you think are real since WW2, like art collecting and international cultural and artistic organizations, are usually money laundering fronts for people like this, to funnel unaccountable money to groups and individuals they want to prop up.

Frances Stoner Saunders is good on the cultural side of this. Read about the Congress for Cultural Freedom and also about Encounter magazine. Read this too:

Read this too and click some of the embedded links:
>Philip Agee, the late CIA whisteblower, described the work of the NED as a more sophisticated version of the old-fashioned covert operations that Langley used to engineer. “Nowadays, instead of having the CIA going around behind the scenes and trying to manipulate the process by inserting money here and giving instructions secretly and so forth, they have now a sidekick, which is this National Endowment for Democracy, NED.”

Most politicians are now affiliated with this network in one way or another. Peter Dale Scott, the guy who basically coined "deep state," is really good on this. Watch some videos with him and then read some of his books. Both he and Lee are mainstream and not quacks by the way.

By the way the other side does the same shit. There are no good guys, everyone is shit and everything is bought and paid for. The only difference is that in the 1950s some of them at least sincerely thought they were fighting commies, now it's just Hillary type sociopaths doing this shit for the sake of it and to stunt on each other.

>> No.18841160

But JFK was murdered by the glowies

>> No.18841173

Esoteric rituals, same as the Korean ferry. Rich people get up to weird shit.

>> No.18841188

Not sure. Either JFK for some reason wanted to retire from public life or it was a big occult ritual orchestrated by the elites to show that there is no hope of change in this world that they believe is theirs. Who knows? Whatever the motive, the assassination film appears to be a fake made with travelling mattes and other 1960 special effects.

>> No.18841189

the men who stare at goats is a good book on some of the more ridiculous things the glowniggers have done, id also suggest reading some schmitt, especially about the state of exception, as thats generally how glowies think with regard to the law.

>> No.18841194

I believe you.

>> No.18841197

read American war machine by peter dale scott

>> No.18841198


>> No.18841370

I hope you're joking because nothing you just said lines up with any sort of reality

>> No.18841608

This is the one.

>> No.18841630

My problem with these boks on the crimes of American systems is that they're written by Americans with all the priors, mores and invisible yet electrified intellectual fences coming out of that. You really need this level of research but written by someone coming out of a society that doesn't suddenly suffer Stockholm syndrome from WWII onward.

>> No.18841654

for the lulz

>> No.18841663

It's a political screed, too opinionated without fact. It's a fantasy basically.

>> No.18841693

Read up on it. There's planet of info out there if you want to research it, not my job to convince you.

>> No.18841699

He was and thank god for it. JFK was by far the worst US president until Trump

>> No.18843186

Just read the wiki page on CIA operations

>> No.18843450

Writing in a journalistic style != writing a fantasy. He even interviews Dulles's daughter for it, and she agreed with him.

>> No.18843474
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>Peter Dale Scott
He's good.

>The only difference is that in the 1950s some of them at least sincerely thought they were fighting commies, now it's just Hillary type sociopaths doing this shit for the sake of it and to stunt on each other.
Hillary-type sociopaths think they're doing what's best for everyone. They don't think they're the "bad guys." They see the world system as benefiting the U.S. as well, because the U.S. created it after WWII and has been at the top of it. They think free trade is good. They also look at the Great Depression and see international trade freezing up, which leads to inflation, which leads to Hitler coming to power in Germany and a world war breaks out. The whole system that was designed after World War II was set up -- in theory -- to prevent that from happening again.


But I think Q-Anon conspiracy theorists go wrong by just imagining the deep state / elite as motivated by "evil." Rather, the "deep state" is compartmentalized and operates subtextually. The JFK assassination... the people involved at different levels would have been on a "need to know" basis at different stages, but eventually the different forces arrayed against Kennedy line up, like a game of chess. The structures, incentives, and cultures around the powers that control the U.S. are such that you get group behaviors that don't need to be conspiratorial because they're just following their own political will.

The elite isn't monolithic either. You can have a cadre of elites who want to control and shape society, and then they lose enough power to a different cadre that only wants to control society to the degree it accelerates their exploiting of it. The shift from liberals to neoliberals is how that shift occurred within the Democratic Party for example.

Or take vaccination campaigns. Q-Anon types think of frightening soldiers in masks rolling up and vaccinating an entire town, which sure, is one potential expression of control over people, but it's fundamentally different than what we're actually getting, which is that the unvaxxed just cannot gain employment. Or the difference between universal healthcare and mandatory car insurance. The mandatory car insurance is said to make sure that the costs of accidents are covered, but ooops it's a massive tool to exploit the poor and empower the police state.

Anyhow, Scott defined his approach instead as "parapolitics." He defined it as:


>+ a system or practice of politics in which accountability is consciously diminished.
>+ generally, covert politics, the conduct of public affairs not by rational debate and responsible decision-making but by indirection, collusion, and deceit…
>+ the political exploitation of irresponsible agencies or parastructures, such as intelligence agencies…

>> No.18843478

legacy of ashes

>> No.18843557

>He even interviews Dulles's daughter for it, and she agreed with him.

t.daddy issues

>> No.18843558

>which is that the unvaxxed just cannot gain employment

which they shouldn't

>> No.18843567

based and trannypilled

>> No.18844088

Based Peter Dale Scott poster. I'll put in a shameless plug for Wikispooks and TrueAnon as well.

>> No.18844723
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I'm not an anti-vaxxer. It's more like: don't presume a benevolence from the ruling class which doesn't bear out in other areas, or historically. Anons here *should* know this better than anyone else. But kinda follow the logic here:

>1. Vaxx doesn't prevent transmission.
>2. If vaxxed and unvaxxed can both transmit then both impact vulnerable populations who cannot vaxx.
>3. Ergo no protection for unvaxxable vulnerable from the vaxxed, and ergo no reason for vaxx mandate.

That's when the Q-Anon people stop. Conspiracy theories have a grain of truth in them, right? But if we take this a little further and see the liberal "solution:"

>4. Unvaxxable under vaxx mandates cannot take part in public life, cannot gain employment. So this is a great harm to the disabled and ill, not a favor of any kind.

So liberals are championing this. But also consider how gun control and drug wars were also championed by liberals as necessary and then look at whom those laws impact and how.

Also, Trump allowed lockdowns to occur in the way and for the lengths of time they did. See result: massive dispossession, massive immiseration, huge number facing eviction, huge numbers of lost employment, huge number dependent on the government dole, huge number have lost homes, huge number being bought out and priced out of homes right now, massive closures of small businesses, retail that is never coming back now that major tech billionaires have grown their wealth by trillions (!), etc. etc.

The vaccines came out under Trump also. So, at the highest levels the real collusion exists, and it's not there at the governor level and below. Yet, these parties are themselves not monoliths. A millionaire is a chump. A tens-of-millionaire is a chump. A hundreds-of-millionaire gets invited to holidays. Half-billionaires get monthly invites. Billionaires weekly. Trillionaires (believe it, through family wealth, entrenched oil bankers, and uncountable sums money so vast they probably don't even know how much they have) are in the club. And there's a lot of shmoozing!

There also were a cadre of elites whose power derived from controlling individuals in order to shape society, self-regulating through mechanisms and the like. That's where you get pedo cabals and whatnot. But individual control might not even be profitable anymore because individuals are no longer profitable. The old ruling class simply made themselves obsolete. Consequently a new ruling class has risen where the name of the game is channeling continuous behavioral forces into regularizing systems such as the market using truly omnipresent cybernetic control via the spectacle, surveillance technology, AI, etc., to produce behavior that is regular without being regulated.

That's why Epstein was no longer necessary.

TrueAnon owns.

>> No.18844772
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Surprise, Kill, Vanish: The Secret History of CIA Paramilitary Armies, Operators, and Assassins

>> No.18844871

>operations in destabilizing foreign regimes
That sort of skullduggery is mostly privatized these days, NGO's and tax exempt foundations are the trojan horses. The only book I have read which covers the history, development, and deployment of the "Color Revolution" technology is "Full Spectrum Dominance" by F. William Engdahl. Short and easy to read, plentiful sources and scholarly enough.

>> No.18844918

This seems like a good one
written before 9/11 is probably a good thing don't need to waste time reading about that

>> No.18844919

Another anon here mentioned Francis Stonor Saunders, her books "Who Paid the Piper" and "The Cultural Cold War" are highly regarded, though I have personally only read the former. "The Mighty Wurlitzer" by Hugh Wilford is excellent, my copy is published by Harvard UP, and covers a whole bunch of covert operations during the Cold War, using feminist movements; students; artists, writers and intellectuals; Catholics &c, as vectors to promote Americanism to the world. Covers some of the same cultural stuff as Saunders, but without the exhaustive detail.

>> No.18844926
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wait wtf It's available for free on the cia's own site
Do they want me to read it or did I get double psy-opped into not wanting to read it now?

>> No.18844980

It was on Osama's bookshelf

>> No.18844984

oh, based.

>> No.18846450

>He seems to think that Kennedy was assassinated

>> No.18846714

Weird Scenes Inside the Valley
Programmed to Kill