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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18840660 [Reply] [Original]

>there are 60 off-topic threads on the board right now
>that's 40% of all threads
Evidently, being on-topic on /lit/ doesn't actually matter.
Post whatever you want.

>> No.18840769

One person's idea of "off topic" varies greatly from another's.

>> No.18840789

Nope, it's in the sticky:
>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Go look at the catalog and count how many threads don't fit this.

>> No.18840790

Just add "any good books about" to your off topic theme and you've achieved a synthesis good enough to stay on the board, and this opens up new legitimate avenues of discussion about literature through ironic humor. Shitposters are dialecticpilled and are the heroes we need to save /lit/.

>> No.18840802

They’re not technically off topic, be we really need a religion board so that those posters can go there. The religious posts shit up both here and /his/. I’m already the right religion (raised Catholic) and I’m not interested in learning about any of the fake “””“Christian”””” denominations.

>> No.18840813

>literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction)

Yeah, well, often when I see someone mention a book that isn't considered a classic, others start complaining that the post is off topic. I understand why they might take issue with those kind of posts, but it's within the parameters of the sticky.

Also, is it ok to discuss topics *related* to books, for example the future of libraries, or the age demographics of specific types of readers? For some people, that would be off topic; others are more than happy to discuss those topics here.

>> No.18840832

Non-fiction is not literature. This is a misconception.

>> No.18840847

You're right, it isn't, which is why philosophy SHOULD stay on /his/.

>> No.18840850

You can neither define literature nor can you define philosophy in such a solid and objective way that it those threads would be excluded.

>> No.18840888

Need a new board for philosophy and religion.

>> No.18840909

That would be so fucking nice. Imagine, an actual board about literature.

>> No.18841607

It's because /his/ is absolute fucking shit due to it becoming a /pol/ battleground. I was excited for it at first and had some fun times there but it is constantly spammed by "why didn't Africa develop it was black people," "why is the Greatest Story Never Told 100% right and Hitler based!!!," "The Holocaust, myth or conspiracy" "Jews!" "Communism BAD!" "Communism GOOD!" etc.

On /lit/ a thread on philosophy or Gnosticism or religion might go somewhere until it is deleted, but on /his/ philosophy threads are doomed.

/his/ honestly needs humanities put somewhere else. The problem is that a social science and humanities board would likely also become /pol/. /his/ got permafucked because someone made a Discord screenshot, possibly faked for all we know, of /leftypol/ and it's 8 member user base scheming to convert people there, so now we get a Holocaust thread every few hours.

We have a politics board to keep current events out in /new/ but no one knows it exists. /pol/ is actually just /race/ and /suckoffTrump/ so that was a positive change.

>> No.18842868

this is my first time coming to /lit/ in months and it's the same way it has always been
/lit/ will never change. the non-readers and braindead vastly outnumber the readers. moderation doesn't care.
this board is the most insulting thing for someone who enjoys literature.
even with a large filter list, the actual literary discussion here is largely surface level.

>> No.18842877
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all of the threads are on topic what are you talking about anon

>> No.18842880

>/phi/ - Philosophy and Religion

>> No.18844182

This post is off-topic OP. By deleting it you can make it so that there are only 59 off-topic threads instead of 60.

>> No.18844195

>all this seething about /pol/
It's not a /lit/ thread without some bunkerchud seething about /pol/chads

>> No.18844252

>complains about off topic threads
>posts an off topic thread

>> No.18844275
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Dilate /pol/troon

>> No.18844379
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>Dilate /pol/troon

>> No.18844399
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Why is our moderation so shit? The only board with worse mods than /lit/ is /co/. I bet we have some part-time mod who's mainly on another board.

>> No.18844401
File: 49 KB, 480x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this every night, finished it in 3 days. Its not that difficult, you don't need any complementary text. Anyone with a high school education should be able to read this. If you really want a challenge then read it in its original language.

>> No.18844437

HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS. This has replaced "books for this feel." This is the new strategy from faggots who want to write off-topic posts. Just say "any books about" and then fill in the blank. Boom, instant off-topic thread. The mods need to crack down on it the way they cracked down on "books for this feel".

>> No.18844484

Checking what >>18844444 is since this is the off topic thread anyway

>> No.18844872

his is awful. Even pol is better