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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 196 KB, 508x604, 1287319390637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1883943 No.1883943 [Reply] [Original]

Guys tomorrow I'm flying to the capital and then back to the states so I was gonna be absent from /lit/ for a while starting tomorrow but instead I think I'll start tonight 'cuz I don't wanna get MAH SHIT SPOILED on this little ADWD scare we've got going on.

If you see BB, tell him he's my best bro on the intermat
If you see D&E, tell him I love him in that way
If you see Ty, tell him to keep a stiff upper lip
If you see Onion, tell her to stay handsome
If you see Capsguy, tell him YEAH!
If you see Fab, tell him "eff the haters"
If you see Capote, tell him he has my blessing
If you see Tom Harper, tell him he's the tops
If you see Sunhawk, tell him "hi"

>> No.1883955

Fuck off, this is not /lit/ related and most importantly, fuck you.

>> No.1883958

wat about me?

>> No.1883962
File: 8 KB, 150x148, 129735726299a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I'm sorry

>> No.1883965
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>> No.1883971

Godspeed my friend.

>> No.1883976

Hey Man,
Well going back to name checking shit then.....

>> No.1883979

hahah new tripfriend butt frustrated that nobody remembers him lol

>> No.1883981


please, more like really really underused.

>> No.1883984
File: 49 KB, 331x319, wnghhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you see Sunhawk, tell him "hi"

>> No.1883990

what about QUENTIN? No love for him?

>> No.1883992

Man, why no love for me?
That is an equally important and relevant question.

>> No.1884006

I think tripfags are fascinating. They are the embodyment of what most of society would call "pathetic", but I see beyond that, and find them interesting.

I mean, what would actually make someone force an identity on them selves on an anonymous imageboard? What are their stories?

>> No.1884007


And this guy is probably the saddest one. No one remembers him, and he's basically begging for recognition!

Still, he's no less pathetic than the rest of the tripfags.

>> No.1884008
File: 77 KB, 522x483, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>roll out of bed at 2PM
>check if I've got any replies to job applications
>check the kitchen
>nothing there
>have marlboro and tea for breakfast
>walk to the bus-stop through a wood
>get on the bus
>read on the bus
>go to the supermarket and buy whatever booze is on special offer
>sit on a park bench, probably in princess street gardens
>chain smoke and read
>go to some sluts house
>get shitfaced together
>wake up at hers with no recollection of what happened
>get the fuck out before she wakes up
>pick up more smokes and maybe a lottery ticket

>Friend phones me, asks if I want to meet up for lunch
>Have no other friends
>I say yes because I've not seen her since I left school
>Feeling lonely and isolated
>I met her at the school yard about quarter to three
>We went for cheeseburgers with extra cheese
>I got my french fries crispy; ketchup on the side
>As some of you may know if you've been reading some of my posts recently I've had some butch lesbians hitting on me
>I've also been feeling pretty low lately resorting to drink and cigarettes daily
>We go to an ice-cream shop, I buy her an ice-cream
>she says that she loves me
>She's gay
>Taken aback, don't know what to do or say

Hope this helps you to understand me better Taken from recent threads.

>> No.1884020
File: 69 KB, 263x282, 1306616897667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A day in the life of an anon:

>wake up at 4:30
>listen to indie music
>make potatoes for breakfast
>find out my best friend is pissed at me
>tell them "Okay."
>shower in the dark
>listening to indie music in the shower
>smoking in the shower (it's a skill)
>walk around the apartment naked
>put moar indie music on my mp3 player
>eat some grapes
>haven't left the house in a week, need to get out
>call up this bitch I know
>type this up and leave before 9

We're all sad creatures.

>> No.1884083

Hope you enjoyed China and didn't spend too much time there farting around on the internet!

... oh, right

>> No.1884088

what, have you found a real job or something. good heavens

>> No.1884128

daily examples of wasted lives, i bet all of you get great ideas now and then but cannot act on them, im the same way

>> No.1884268
File: 2.46 MB, 1800x1230, 1299264453126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final bumpy-boo before I piss off for several weeks so as to get maximum pleasure from a fantasy novel coming out soon. omg I hate to make D&E disappointed with me but I think one should never lie to the one he loves

dude uh... I dunno. Sorry. Here, look, just be "the shit" by the time I come back and we can be SICK BROS

Finally, I'm seeing what it really is to be Tom Harper. This is something I've legitimately wondered about from time to time.

So much love that my words could never do it justice.

Not gonna lie bro, there are a ton of people irl who effing love the shit outta me. I assume the other trips have the same thing going on. I don't wanna seem arrogant, it's just the truth.

In my nine months here I took something like 6 or 7 vacations. I've traveled about the Southwestern art of the country a fair bit and I can tell you: You've seen one temple, you've seen 'em all. "Oh whatcha got in there? Is it a fat man or a fat man with a sword? You got some candles? yeah? a big bell? maybe an elephant and a tiger and dragons crawlin' all over the place? Hey that's great but actually I've seen it. Thanks anyway."

You know I'm just gonna drink, sweat, and fuck my way through another hot Midwestern summer. Had I a real job I'd be at your doorstep with a ring, you glorious bitch

I'm out exactly now. Ciao, fggts.

>> No.1884286

this type of stuff deserves it's own thread.

>> No.1884291

Enough of this silliness

>> No.1884296
File: 56 KB, 213x156, 1303161654644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you tripfriend for starting this thread, it is clearly related to literature and a welcome addition to this board. It's times like these when we can all get together and remember how worthwhile tripfriends are to an anonymous website.

>> No.1884396

Yeah. Oh well.

Oh, And yeah. BUMP

>> No.1884401

Thanks VDoobie don't worry we won't tell anyone you're a sleeper agent for the chinese now

>> No.1885416

bump to stop it from 404ing so i can reply properly later

>> No.1885423


>> No.1885483


anti-sage for buttflustered retard

>> No.1885487

I pronounce the thread to be tripfag-buttsex central.

>> No.1885489


Re-sage to provoke butthurt

>> No.1885502

Coolio Gent.

>> No.1885509
File: 51 KB, 699x502, 045106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Re-sage to provoke butthurt
>doesn't sage

>> No.1885512


>doesn't sage

butthurt much?

>> No.1885515
File: 68 KB, 642x861, u mad comeback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you saying i'm butthurt because i didn't sage?
or ebecause you didn't?

replace the word 'mad' with 'butthurt' in the image.

>> No.1885519


>Anon states he's trying to provoke butthurt
>Tripfag gets butthurt and resorts to pathetic image

captcha: lowssup spazzo

>> No.1885539
File: 532 KB, 707x682, cat 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinks i'm butthurt
this your 1st day here or smthin?
wnt me 2 show u da ropes?

>> No.1885576


Sure is literary in here.

>> No.1885579


Once in a lifftime opportunity here.

>> No.1885580
File: 78 KB, 469x700, cheerios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Claims no butthurt
>keeps on responding

>> No.1885588 [DELETED] 

did you miss the part where he said he wants to keep this on the front page?
stop replying you fuck you're getting trolled to shit while Brownbear's laughing his ass of at you


>> No.1885606
File: 52 KB, 581x593, quimper_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Butthurt much?

>> No.1885608

The whole trip paradigm still has me confused.

At first I thought it was an exercise in exhibitionism, but now I'm starting to thing they're just lonely.

Pwease expwain.

>> No.1885611

essentially they think they know each other, which is a terrible shame because they dont, and they are delusional. As well as annoying

>> No.1885614
File: 142 KB, 442x439, constanza bowie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we're all good friends on this board and outside of it, me and V Dubby exchange emails and letters for example, he's just using this board as a quicker method of communication


>think they know each other
>implying we're not tripfriends in every aspect.

>> No.1885615

so you are pen pals who wont shut the fuck and take it elsewhere? cool, cool

>> No.1885620
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah we're pen-pals but i also think we're 'bros' (see the OP) and that we'd get along very well with each other if we met IRL.

i hope we do someday...i hope we do.

see the pic for a filtering guide for tripcode users you don't like, you can also download many 4chan extensions/addons that allow you to hide threads you don't like. a simple google search should yield many results.
it was nice knowing you

>> No.1885624

thats hardly the point, I can ignore you. But this board is so fucking slow there really is no reason to, it's not like you are getting in the way. You are just moronic and deluded, and kind of sad.

Also I cant think of anything than meeting a bunch of pretentious, obnoxious neckbeards. Though im sure you'd get on just fine.

Incidentally, it's not my duty to filter you if I don't like how you post meta, it's your duty to talk about literature

>> No.1885650


Even if this were true, which I doubt, then it would be the saddest thing I ever heard.

>> No.1885654


No, I take that back. Now that I've read the thread it seems more like an intellectual survival complex. A sort of ideological zombie defense, if you will.

They intentionally pit themselves against a hostile majority and use the disorganized opposition as a way to reaffirm their personal delusions.

This will require further research, but it's accurate enough for an initial hypothesis.

>> No.1885656

If I'm Lying I;m Dying.
It's true.

>> No.1885657

they are faggots with far too much time on their hands, that's basically it

>> No.1885675
File: 175 KB, 500x470, toastoyvesky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm not pretentious and i don't have a neckbeard, i'm not obnoxious either, i think i'm a nice guy really!

it's not my 'duty' to post about literature,
but that;' what i do anyway.


>having friends over the internet

there's a whole world you can communicate with with incredible ease. Your grandfather could never talk to so many people from so many cultures and nations with such ease. You're a fool if you don't take advantage of the incredible technology our generation has at it's fingertips.


seem silly and wrong


you have enough time to see all our posts...

>> No.1885687

>it's not my 'duty' to post about literature
this is the literature board, it's all of our duties to post literature to keep it good as a place to talk literature.

>you have enough time to see all our posts...
I've seen about 20 minutes worth of posts faggot, most of them yours.

>> No.1885705


you've seen about 20 minutes worth of posts and say i spend 'all of' my time here?

hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm you need to get your facts striaght mister!

also duty is defined as "something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation."

what moral or legal obligation do i have?

all my threads are on-topic anyway, it is Anonymous that posts off-topic

>> No.1885708


Unfortunately, I cannot base psychological analyses on what the subject perceives as silly and wrong.

If you'd like to provide support, though, I'd happily revise my hypothesis.

>> No.1885726

nice one

>what moral or legal obligation do i have?
I dunno, not shitting up the board with your nonsense? Thats a big moral incentive

>it is Anonymous that posts off-topic
yeah, of course, kid

>> No.1885735


>not shitting up the board with your nonsense?
i make quality literature threads! you don't know the responsibility that comes with using a tripcode...you are totally responsible for what you post.

>yeah, of course, kid
are you SERIOUSLY telling me Anonymous never posts off-topic?
hahahahaha oh shit please tell me you're new kiddo, please.

>attempting psychological analysis over the internet

>> No.1885746

>you are totally responsible for what you post.
hence why everyone but your circlejerk crew hates you, because they hold you accountable based on what you post, and it is deemed shitty

>are you SERIOUSLY telling me Anonymous never posts off-topic?
Anonymous is everyone but you, they do both. You dont appear capable of on topic posts, just more jerking off and trolling

>> No.1885756
File: 32 KB, 700x576, D&E Quote of the Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


naw man i'm one of the most loved trips on this board, take your bias views elsewhere please!

lol'd @ your 'Anonymous is legiun xDDDDDDDD' bullshit!

Anonymous is one of the worst posters, on average, on this site, all members of Anonymous are cowards who are afraid that even here, among the lowest of the low, they cannot forge an identity for themselves. They hide bhind the mask of Anonymous because they are too afraid for their lack of intelligence to be known!

see the pic for more info

>> No.1885764


Tsk tsk tsk. Using ad hominem to ignore my premise so early?

This is not looking good for you.

>> No.1885783

someone took the time to actually make this? This is incredible, this trolling is more dedicated than anything ive ever seen. Hats off, fag

>> No.1885795
File: 546 KB, 1448x2436, words of wisdom tripfriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ad hominem
where did i attack your character?

you have no character, i do not know which posts are yours and which aren't, you can't hide behind Anonymous, if you really cared about how you were perceived you'd slap on a tripcode and start taking responsibility for the stuff you post


>never heard of D&E's quote of the year
you new here?

>> No.1885799


You've been here since 5am yesterday you fucking joke.

>> No.1885809

incredible. You quote each other. Some of them not even your quotes.

Now all this board needs is to be shut down and you all permanently banned.

>> No.1885815
File: 86 KB, 227x253, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i have never seen this amount of butt devastation i should come on at this time more often

>> No.1885816

It's not so incredible. BB pretty much jumps face-first at any opportunity to felate D&E. Too bad the tyke's so ugly I suspect any amount of flattery won't bring D&E to want to fuck him.

I just hate seeing all that wasted effort.

>> No.1885817
File: 209 KB, 1500x1650, tripfag guide brotasty vs constrictiveness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get up at 5am
>go for a run
>go to work
>go and meet my friend
>come home and eat
>go on 4chan

yeah man i've been here since then.


they are all quotes we said

>> No.1885827


And now it's 4.28 - you going to get up at 5 and go for a fucking run now, you pissflap?

>> No.1885830

I like how here, you say to get noticed, post more.

That's what it's about, being recognized and getting attention, as in, attention whoring.

oh, you're that menstrual, self deprecating bitch who wont shut up, wouldnt be complete without you

>> No.1885834


I've challenged the tripfags to debate me publicly (on TC) on literary topics any number of times, and not one of them has taken me up on that challenge. Indeed, they often disappear from threads in which they've been posting when I pose the challenge to them. I conclude from this that they're overwhelmingly cretins. Of course, this is obvious from the ill-constructed half-thoughts of a loser-in-life like Brownbear, but the cowardice of some of the more eloquent poseurs is telling. Boo hoo, tripfags. Boo hoo.

Please don't accept my challenge now because I'm going to bed and you'll make it doubly obvious that you've been ignoring my previous challenges.

>> No.1885838

>wit takes a lot of style and a complete absence of knowledge

yeah, that sounds like wilde to me, not some dragon dildo fucking tripfag and his fucking autistic disability

>> No.1885840

YOu've not read any of Brownebars quite frankly excellent essays. He even gave me a long talk about a handful of dust which was very interesting.

>> No.1885845





>> No.1885846
File: 274 KB, 672x519, worshipped as a God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no i have nothing to do today apart from go to the gym later on and meet these two girls i know, but that's at like 4pm so i'm staying up


you're the one giving me the attention!
and i don't post to get attention, i post so i can more easily identify with other trip users, have good conversations about literature with people i know are reading the same books as me etc and generally get more of a sense of community, companionship and communitas


when did that happen exactly? feel free to greenoval link me for proof!

>> No.1885860
File: 141 KB, 340x385, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep hating honey.

>> No.1885862

yeah, you do. You love being seen, like that fucking teenage girl you were too fat and ugly to ever have a chance at back in school. Now you just troll with your pseudo intellectual bullshit with your mouth firmly round the cocks of your other shit tripfaggot 'friends'

>> No.1885864


>not one of them ahs taken me up on that challenge


in this thread
i said YES to your challenge and YOU fucked off.

try again.


nah p sure fabulous said it


shit you so buttflustered.

>> No.1885866


Haha. Brownbear is not a pseudointellectual. He's not even intelligent enough to feign intelligence, so it's really not possibly to describe him as a pseudointellectual. What he is is a rather dim, slow-witted chap who posts openly about what an uncultured, unlettered dunce he is.

>> No.1885873
File: 29 KB, 333x258, don't call me a troll because i'm more intelligent than you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more educated and intelligent than you h8r!



>> No.1885874

you know, I actually am filtering you. I dont even filter brown bear or quentin, but you are so absolutely shit, that your rancour has forced me to add your name, above aaaaall others.

Hows that make you feel? It SHOULD make you feel bad, because it'll give you just an idea how fucking worthless you are on this board

>> No.1885875


Looks like you responded around half an hour after the challenge was posted. Very brave of you. D&E's hilarious evasion was much more the thing.

>> No.1885878
File: 49 KB, 476x306, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking tripfags...

>> No.1885880


don';t filter his name, it's kinda buggy when you do that, do the tripcode and leave it at that, works either way

>> No.1885887

Ain't even mad sweetheart.

>> No.1885898
File: 421 KB, 960x640, why trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


half an hour?
the 'challenger' said we all left the threads/didn't respond.
he should have waited around for people to respond, instead of leaving himself and being all walk and no talk. Half an hour is nothing in terms of post-to-post communication anyways! What a fucking pussy!

but yeah, he is an Anonyfart so what was i supposed to expect huh?

>> No.1885904


You attacked my character right here ">attempting psychological analyses over the internet." Instead of addressing the nature of my response, you chose to respond in a manner that 'implies' my position is ridiculous.

And, in secondary response, I have no necessity for a tripcode. I come here to passingly discuss a topic I enjoy. I prefer to let the content of my posts define the reader's perception of me, not an illusionary persona.

Continuity is also of no concern to me. Contrary to what you suggested, my identity is very obvious to anyone who cares to see it. My consistent language and style are obvious markers.

>> No.1885909

Who are you again?

>> No.1885917


that's not attacking your character, that's saying that attempting psychoanalysis is fucking stupid over the internet.

i thought that would have been very obvious!

especially when psychoanalysis is one of the most difficult areas of psychology, and not even psychology professors at University level can attempt it in any real way.

i don't think, among the thousands of posts that are made on this board alone, that your posts stick out at all, i didn't even know you were the one who posted the psychoanalysis bullshit on here, i thought you were the other guy with the Anonymous is legion mentality.

>> No.1885944


You implied that my intent was 'stupid as fuck', and by extension me. My label is accurate.

I wasn't suggesting that they stick out among the thousands of posts on this board; only that they are identifiable in their respective threads. You are having 3 conversations at once, such an oversight in this case cannot be considered typical.

I'm glad you are starting to respond in multi-sentence compositions. Your writing and content are still poor, but at least we're moving towards something resembling a conversation.

I regret having to clarify this, but the 'psychoanalysis' was a joke. Your belief that I was serious speaks much about your character, though. I had assumed the zombie part was an unsubtle giveaway.

>> No.1885960
File: 29 KB, 349x642, jokes on them i was only pretending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your intent is stupid as fuck.
and i think you are too.
but your extension was inaccurate, unfortunately for you.

i don't think me taking your post seriously is at all representative of muy character, it is much rather representative of the usual posting habits of Anonymous (you are not the first to say they want to try psychoanalysis, joke or not(

your posts still seem dull and uninteresting, and your air of self-importance shines through, it makes for unpleasant reading.

But heyy, at least you're getting somehwere! i've already got you to say one thing you said was a 'joke' (pic related) we'll see what else happens.

>> No.1885968

bye virginia w00f

also i said it

>> No.1886025


That picture regards trolling. Trolling is the act of posting intentional falsehoods with the intent of making someone believe something that is not true. I did not do this. I made a joke. Simply because you did not identify it as such does not make me a troll. It makes me not funny.

Clearly it was not inaccurate since you do, in fact, consider me unintelligent.

I think it suggests that your only true concern is to defend your character. Perhaps you are unhappy with your true self, and wish to live vicariously through a namesake on this forum. And that because you spend the majority of your time here trying to oppose the defamation of your illusionary character, your first assumption about every post directed at you is one of hostility and criticism.

Perhaps you've been in a coma for the past 3 and a half years and this forum is merely a dream world where you play out the reality you cannot live?

My posts seem dull and uninteresting because I am dull and uninteresting. I like books and videogames. I've never really considered myself self important before, though. My self-esteem is pretty low, and I don't think I've been patronizing at all. It might be because I'm trying to hide how hard it is for me to take your posts seriously.

Actually, that's not true; we've stopped moving. You largely ignored the premise of my reply again, and chose instead to be overly defensive. I'm not sure what that was in response to, since I didn't insult you in any particular way.

Even though we're moving backwards, I have no problem continuing. I would understand if you wanted to leave, though.

>> No.1886377
File: 80 KB, 768x576, dexter typing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ got busy, better make sure this is back on page 0

>> No.1886732

another bump

>> No.1886734
File: 187 KB, 600x308, derek_acorah2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't you have anything better to do, you cunt? Seriously, you must be doing this shit more than six hours a day now. You may have a serious mental problem.

>> No.1886741


just woke up

>> No.1886745

>Just woke up
>Time for 4chan
What a life. Also 3:30 pm.

>> No.1886747
File: 249 KB, 500x375, spackbob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weren't you chatting some shit about meeting some girls and goin to the gym? You're going to be late.

if you can be late for an imaginary meeting

You're a lying sack of shit, and the person you lie to the most is yourself.

So come on, be sad, post a crappy reaction face, and post some total garbage that no-one cares about. You can do it, kid, you just have to believe in yourself.

>> No.1886757
File: 35 KB, 480x480, awww yeah i saw dat shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


meeting the girls at 4.30
already been to da gym this morning, came back and had a sleep, said this in my original post

>post some total garbage that no-one cares about.
you care enough to remember what i'm doing and talk to me about it

>> No.1886759

Brownbear's schedule, as described by himself, is something like this:

15:30 -- Wake up
15:30 - 05:00 -- 4chan
05:00 - 06:00 -- Go for a run
06:30 - 15:30 -- Go to work, meet girls, meet friends and do everything he claims to do while he's not posting on /lit/, including sleeping.

It does seem more likely that, of the things he claims to do during the day, only posting on 4chan and sleeping are true. So the real schedule is closer to this:

05:00 - 15:00 -- Sleeping
15:00 - 05:00 -- 4chan

I think he might be depressed.

>> No.1886774
File: 41 KB, 640x480, derp_dog_forced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you care enough to remember what i'm doing and talk to me about it

I'm cursed with an exceptionally good memory. Or I'm secretly in love with you, one or the other.

I think the guy at


Probably has it right - seek medical help, bear, because I'm secretly in love with you and I want to rim you and let you do a sex wee on my tummy.

>> No.1886776

You all seem to be surprised Brownbear is a loser.


>> No.1886778
File: 6 KB, 160x160, oh you, finger point breakfast club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no the other day i got up at 5am and started my day with a run, today i stayed up all night til 7am, went to the gym, cam back, had a kip and nowe i'm getting ready to go out


they're just jealous i think, i'm going out with some friends today and they're...not.

>> No.1886784
File: 4 KB, 130x92, kinky_john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nowe i'm getting ready to go out

>Now I'm getting ready to drop my trip and spam the board anonymously so it looks like I'm not here.


>> No.1886790
File: 86 KB, 356x376, snake OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinks i'd even waste my 5 star posts on posting as Anonymous
>doesn't think it's 10 to 4 here and i'm meeting my friends at 4.30 so i'm going now
>changes the evidence to fit his theory

oh boy
pathetic jelly-mad hater detected.

going now


ttyl bbz

>> No.1886794

Riddle me this /lit/:

Whats brown and hairy and posts shit all the time?

>> No.1886805
File: 16 KB, 299x214, 1306538560045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A brown butthole?

which is the same as BrownBear

>> No.1886812

Is that shitbear in person? Anyone have more photographs of him?

>> No.1886814

More for your fap collection.

>> No.1886859

What disfiguring accident has befallen Christopher Mintz-Plasse? He looks ugly.

>> No.1887025

>They intentionally pit themselves against a hostile majority and use the disorganized opposition as a way to reaffirm their personal delusions.

no, im pretty sure all of the 'anonymous opposition' is just them dropping their trip to insult themselves to try and look popular.

no one really cares whether they're here. they stand out from regular posters aside from the consistently low content of their posts.

>> No.1887029

>no one really cares whether they're here
the sad thing is that people actually do. people actually get mad and talk about how 4chan is supposed to be anonymous.

>> No.1887038


>they DON'T stand out from...


>> No.1887068

why is this replies

>> No.1887243


Thanks VW00fy! Have fun with your thing.

As for the rest of this thread, what the fuck happened? I've only skimmed it, but several tripfags and anonymous posters seem to be at each other's throats. Why argue so much? Just relax.

>> No.1887928


>> No.1887936
File: 9 KB, 229x251, fore their most accomplished album.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not derailing tripfag threads with doubles, grafics or ainsley, hell even fucking nyan cat would work

why /lit/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan
they just can't adequately deal with their baser animals

>> No.1887954
File: 42 KB, 400x358, derp_bundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>brownhole comes online and starts bumping pointless old threads.
>Anon bites and starts in on the whole pointless tripfag vs. anon argument again
>fucktard tripfag gets what he wants, fucktard anon gets what he wants
>Fail ensues.

Fuck you all.

>> No.1887958

Vaya Con Dios

>> No.1887966


>trying to get doubles

try again faggot, look to me for advice