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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18839297 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18839332

Just created a goodreads account and plan to write at least good reviews and see if I can gather an audience that will follow me to YouTube where I’ll book tube without showing my face and make some okay money while having a purpose in life using a passion I have. What do you anons think of this? Am I being retarded?

>> No.18839336

Well, what's to lose?

>> No.18839343

was getting tired while reading so I went to make a coffee and have a smoke. I got emotional while smoking and had tears and wanted to cut myself and then the coffee kicked in and I started getting tense and now I have a headache from the coffee.
not feeling good anons but am used to it and just a weirdo lel

>> No.18839351

I think it is a good idea. I do not know about the success but why not go for it as it is something to do.

>> No.18839353
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I have outgrown literature.

I shall now write.

>> No.18839357

My friend, you are not retarded enough to succeed

>> No.18839417

I've stopped writing poems. I have nothing more that needs to be written and it would drop the quality if I were to force myself to write. The only problem is that I miss the act of writing poems. I thought about journaling but there's nothing artistic about it so I've not considered it further. I have strongly considered creative prose like short stories or even novellas but that takes a great deal of planning and plotting and I don't believe that I have the attention span for something high quality.

Before responding, please realize this is not a mental block. Some might conflate my poetry situation with writer's block but the two are different. Writer's block is more about a failure to get the ball rolling. For my situation, on the other hand, I could write about anything but it would have no substance and would not result in a sense of joy, pride, or relief in any way.

Similar experiences and alternative suggestions wanted.

>> No.18839441

anon if you lack the muse you can only mechanically pump out poetry or anything but it won't have soul. Nothing wrong with not wriitng as you have nothing left to say and ideally people would only write if they had something to say.

I suggest maybe experiencing more in life as that may prompt you to write poetry but take it easy and enjoy shifting what it means to be yourself and hopefully you find another passion.

>> No.18839442

It's plausible. Might want to look into YouTube's algorithm and SEO and whatnot. Other than that, just keep cranking out content and learning how to improve it as you go. Can't go wrong with having a lot of stuff you've already made, people have a tendency to binge, regardless of media.

>> No.18839444

My big goal along just following a passion of mine is to help the actual writers and artists that /lit/ holds. The /lit/ quarterly left a shit taste in my mouth because it published so much dogshit that wasn’t from here either. Too much shit gets publicity and I’d at least like to help authors I think are good. Most booktubers are fags as well and I’d hate to be associated with people like Walden so at most it would just be my voice and I’d try to take a more academic/serious approach over the more popular (and ultimately more successful) route of others. I doubt I’ll get popular or even get multiple subscribers but as long as I feel fulfilled.

>> No.18839482

why did they have to put a woman in the new star wars. fuck you disney

>> No.18839519

I used to have a lot of pieces written but I fear I may have deleted them unfortunately, I still have one or two on my tumblr account but it’s mostly art on that.

>> No.18839558

For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.
(Romans 7:15).
Describes how I am living right now.

>> No.18839564

I think I'll do that.

Thank you.

>> No.18839615

Neck yourself attention whore

>> No.18839619

My life is full of big mistakes. I've given up.

>> No.18839623


>> No.18839630

What you describe reminds me of Kraut's channel on YT. Though I don't know much about the subject matters that he explores, I still find his vids pretty engaging. Same with Fantano on needledrop. This is just me going out on a limb, but I think if you can make content that's both an insightful and satisfying experience, then you're already off to a strong start. This is all just a fraction of the bigger picture though. I say spending a year making and experimenting with content, and doing trial & error until you find something that you feel is a good fit is just the best way to go about it. Good luck to you, and I hope you achieve what you're aiming for an then some.

>> No.18839674

listening to bats crawling around in my roof while I sit on the toilet.
enjoy my shitpost

>> No.18839701

Thank you anon, although if I ended up like fantano I’d probably commit sudoku lmao

>> No.18840037
File: 54 KB, 550x458, Fred-Durst-came-stage-join-Christina-Aguilera-during-her-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a distinct archetype in my shithead hometown: the Fred Durst lookalike. In his 30s or over, backwards baseball cap, mid-ankle cargo shorts, skate shoes, the whole deal. Many such cases, especially on the bus lines.

Can anyone else relate? Is this a type elsewhere?

>> No.18840062

think about how i'm going to entertain myself for the rest of the day until i get up for work at 6 am tomorrow. i'm so bored

>> No.18840081

You live in Florida?

>> No.18840190
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Somebody is selling a first edition printing of Blood Meridian; current price is $850 dollars, which is fucking crazy considering the cheapest copy currently online is sitting at $3,000
There's a remainder mark on the bottom but dust jacket isn't clipped and there's no writting in the book; if I had that kind of money to spend I'd buy this shit in a heartbeat. If somebody from /lit/ buys it they have to post pictures

>> No.18840198

Also: It's only got 10 hours left

>> No.18840485

central yurop and I had a colleague like that, software dev, chill dude. many such cases otherwise

>> No.18840543
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Learning german with waifus and furries in crime lol -->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgNSua3G678

>> No.18840546

Three weeks in after getting a job, previously being a neet for one and a half year, and i want to go back. Also i'am pretty sure these guys are shady, who the fuck pays you with an envelope of cash. Also they said i would be working three days and then resting one but i usually end up working 5-6, these are 12h shifts too.

>> No.18840553

what work? factory line?

>> No.18840566

I wanna talk about my observations on society and art but I don't want to be just another person pointing the camera at his face... but I want to B.E. entirely myself...

>> No.18840571
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try another language anon, start with children text, u dont need to learn grammar, this help me a lot, though I am writing kids grammar, write with very basic grammar in new language, something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgNSua3G678

>> No.18840683
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Is it any good?

>> No.18840730

24/7 store on a beach resort

>> No.18840753

It used to be here in in Pennsylvania and the rest of the rust belt, but now you see more wannabe rednecks.

>> No.18840901

seen anything interesting?

>> No.18840912


>> No.18840942

I've got 3 credit cards. 2500 bucks of not-my-money.

>> No.18840998

if I were you, I'd buy some snacks

>> No.18841025

I think this is the kind of thinking everyone needs to have. You are gonna make it anon, I can tell. Best of luck to you brother.

>> No.18841038

‘If you think about it I knew more about him than you ever did’ - the joker baby

I like this quote because the day I broke down and wanted to die was the day my entire life and my problems actually all were put into a spectacle for everyone to see. On that day I was a)crying for my mum and b) being a pest to the woman who was kind enough to help me.

From those two displays, my dilemmas with this country’s normal functioning humans would be obvious to everyone. I have a weird relationship where I don’t let my family close but constantly depend on them as the very essence of who I am.. and I have a strange need to escape from everything using the dopamine gained from porn. Which is why even with a serious thing like my life and consciousness breaking down, violently bleeding away towards the end.. I still wanted to touch that woman’s leg and so I distracted my fear of death by placing my hand on her leg while she concerned with my safety, sat bedside me on the wayside while the ambulance was on its way.

>> No.18841080

It is your money, just your future selfs money. You do realize you eventually have to pay any money you spend with a credit card back right? And if you wait to long you could be paying back more then you initially spent?

It’s not free money, and don’t treat it like so.

>> No.18841129

i have come to the conclusion that in the long term, money is the ultimate IQ filter. obviously trust fund babies may not be that bright, but they probably inherited it from someone who was and if these trust fund babies have managed to retain such wealth without spending it on stupid shit for so long, then they must have some wisdom in them.

a genuinely intelligent fellow who remains poor in the long-term though, well, i can't think of any example if they are genuinely intelligent. someone smart must simply be smart enough to make themselves wealthy, unless they simply do not care about wealth -- but then what long-term metric could be used to gauge them from someone who is simply incredibly lazy and not fruitful? thus we resolve the paradox by saying that "smart but lazy" is a nonsensical oxymoron

and on a macro scale, this can be seen in the sheer discrepancies between the wealth of different countries if one examines the intelligence and lifestyles of their inhabitants

>> No.18841190

Chance of USA going to war at home or abroad within the next 6 years?

Chance of a pacific theater war within the next 6 years?

>> No.18841223
File: 3.35 MB, 3600x2700, eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the destiny of mankind to build a kingdom a trillion galaxies strong and watch the evolution of the universe throughout eternity?

>> No.18841246

The visible universe is just the starter area, the real event is going on in dark matter and dark energy behind the supersensible veil

>> No.18841253

It sure doesn’t look that way given the current landscape. American civilization is the only astronaut pioneering civilization on this planet currently and things aren’t looking too good for that future. Such things don’t seem to come to naturally to anyone else. There’s nothing up there but rocks to make miners rich anyway. And astronauts aren’t cool. They wear diapers. There won’t be any cool space fights a la Evangelion or Halo.

>> No.18841257

>implying that we will get along with aliens
People can't barely stand themselves, anon.

>> No.18841308

>American civilization is the only astronaut pioneering civilization on this planet currently and things aren’t looking too good for that future.

Russia, European Union, Brazil are the ones who also developing a space program in western civilization, enough room for competition

>> No.18841343

Not all intellectual pursuits pay. Also you have to factor in how the wealth have all sorts of educational advantages. The spawn of the elite for example have an easier time getting into top collages because their parents basically pay for tutors to do all their homework and if that fails, bribe the schools to let them in. This gives the faulty appearance of merit when really the rich kid is just as clueless as the poor kid all else being equal.

You yourself say that some intelligent people might just not care about making money.

>unless they simply do not care about wealth -- but then what long-term metric could be used to gauge them from someone who is simply incredibly lazy and not fruitful? thus we resolve the paradox by saying that "smart but lazy" is a nonsensical oxymoron

Why should money be the only measure of intelligence when it should be someone intellectual and cognitive output? Also consider for example the gifted mathematician who chooses to work in theoretical physics, which doesn't pay, when he could easily become a "quant" in finance and make money. It's the same person with the same degree of intelligence. What differs is what he chooses to value.

Socrates has some wise things to say about wealth.

>Wealth does not bring about excellence (areté) but excellence brings about wealth and all other public and private blessings for men.

>Are you not ashamed of your eagerness to possess as much wealth, reputation, and honors as possible, while you do not care for nor give thought to wisdom or truth, or the best possible state of your soul?

>Prefer knowledge to wealth, for the one is transitory, the other perpetual.

>> No.18841398

A genshin impact ad appeared on my video. I let it play out just to see how they would attempt to pull me in. By the end of it I thought "that's it?"

>> No.18841450

I did not imply that.

Only because the Americans are doing it.

>> No.18841513

We’re going home alive

>> No.18841554

Fuck this, I'm off to reddit.

>> No.18841571

I feel like most people on /lit/ are try hard faggots, who read the classics just for the strange feeling of prestige. But outside ot that, they cannot discuss literature,. They haven't read any of the less unknown books or novels. It's all just to show you've read the same old thousand year old classics and Bible. It's a dire discussion and boring flexing

>> No.18841615
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After countless hours at the computer typing away, I am being hoisted away from my NEETdom and thrust back into the world of both education and employment. I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I'd hoped this summer, but I managed to lay out the thousands of ideas I have in a cohesive map. Not only that, but I've spent the last week mulling over marketing tactics and ways I can fund my borderline autism as I go balls to the wall in both an artistic and corporate sense. I've already got plans for 6 major releases by the end of the year under two primary pseudonyms, along with a handful of multi-year projects under their own titles that will continue to be introduced to the public as the year progresses.
Today was equally enlightening, as not only have I discovered the perfect alias for a series of books I've been working on since June (105k words in the first one so far) but I've also received near-divine inspiration to continue to push forward. So much will slow me down in the coming months, but not a single thing will stop me. Media consumption and creation will be my primary focus even with my studies and work. Those, after all, are just tools to get me to where I need to go.
The people around me keep calling me "crazy" or "insane" for trying all of this. But I have to, otherwise I fear the world outside myself will destroy me. And I refuse to be destroyed.

>> No.18841664

>my position in society is not a result of decades of inertia
It doesn't define intelligence. Past 120iq, your IQ has no effect on your socio-economic outcome, and the socio-economic stratum you were raised in is more likely a determination of success. Basically you can be born poor with superior skills, and you're not likely to change socio-economic status. Likewise, you can be born literally retarded and if your parents were rich, it will be just as hard for you to lose it as it would be to climb. The downside for you will being inescapably middle class.

>> No.18841725

it's fucking shocking that I'm still alive

>> No.18841766

What do you guys eat when you're high. I usually eat some bread and oil and then wash it away with some good port and cheese.

>> No.18841767

>There have been many attempts to set the humanities on a scientific basis: phenomenology, structuralism, sociobiology, various functionalist accounts. Yet, in my estimation, there has been only one successful attempt, and that is Generative Anthropology (GA), the first real science of the human.

>> No.18841772

I met a tranny for possibly the first time today. probably not but I can't remember the last time it happened. I don't get out much. it made me uncomfortable. (s)he was nice. had stubble though, needs to shave more often. she was dating a guy who the moment I met him I thought "this guy's a homo", and that also made me uncomfortable. but ultimately people can do whatever the fuck they want. I'm not sure I believe in free will. the bodies just have to go where they have to go, I think.

>> No.18841811

I bought Discourses on Livy two months ago and I still haven't read it. I just keep reading cheap fantasy novels instead which are entertaining for sure but ultimately, not intellectually stimulating. I'm just too lazy to change my habits I suppose

>> No.18841819

why's that

>> No.18841826

Anime is more popular than reading, and thus has more impact on the general culture

>> No.18841833

i want to go to war
i think id be happier if i had fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.18841853

Machiavelli is actually a really comfy read. The prince is the closest I've got to reading a fantasy gaming manual, and discourses is basically "look at these freaking casuals". Start it, you'll probably like it.

>> No.18841855

ok miss bernard

>> No.18841868
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>> No.18841995

What is meditations on the tarot about

>> No.18842012

Tomberg in his pre-catholic esoteric years giving wide ranging meditations on esoteric themes

Very good more than the sum of its parts

>> No.18842032

Do it, and keep the videos private if you wish. Gives you space to be candid. It's also fun to mess around with video. I recorded a 35-minute review of Joyce. It was great. I spent about a week just trying to formalize a few coherent ideas, and wrote out a lot, and then just used my writing as bullet points for a conversation with myself.

>> No.18842042

Sounds good, but why did I hear someone say meditations on the tarot is a "tradcath" book in another thread? Was that anon just retarded?

>> No.18842092

And what are your "observations on society and art"?

>> No.18842134

maybe it's fucking stupid thinking I can be a daoist based on reading their books. maybe I should cop out and just be a buddhist. it seems more practicable

>> No.18842166

Why do you give a shit about it? Just do your fucking thing.

>> No.18842181

You don't "become" a daoist or a buddhist. I don't think that's what it's really about. You incorporate modes of living and thinking that bring you at peace with the order of the world. That's it.

By the way, something cool I learned while in Taiwan is that daoism is universally considered a practice for old people, past their active prime of their life, and retiring into a passive caste of observers and advice-givers. That really gave me a lot of insight.

>> No.18842206

Probably because Tomberg went from being anthroposophical hermetic to a Catholic later on and "look how Catholic I am" Catholics like to collect these anecdotes (they also love deathbed conversions of famous figures) and claim them as victories for their team. Also zoomers love to categorize things in meme chart and buzzword form.

Nothing against Catholics just saying this is a thing.

>> No.18842212

>You incorporate modes of living and thinking that bring you at peace with the order of the world.
what I'm saying is I think this is hard to do entirely from books. it's the old Guenonian observation, it's good to have someone help steer you through. Or it's possible that I'm just too chicken for the implications of the Way. I had heard before that it's viewed as an old-people thing. It's a long story how I got into it. I believe the fundamentals are right, but I guess one thing I doubt is if I actually should be in yin rather than yang, which is in some ways the difference between younger and older people. I try to stay in a yin-mode, a meditative, non-manifesting mode but I can't do it over time. I have a lot of thoughts, ultimately. And I thought I knew how to integrate- how to "hold the feminine"- while living in the world, but it seems it was just another of those things that arise, exist and end.

>> No.18842257

Do I have to?

>> No.18842287

So I went to the park, and I was like fuck this. I went home and walked in circles around my pool. I can't stand the park anymore it's full of flies and sedans that stay parked there all day. Did I mention I have a pool? I'm literally the god of pimpin oh shit my captcha expired time to develop a new schizophrenia so I can finish posting

>> No.18842713

I’m torn between doing two things so I come here because I lie to myself and tell me it will help figure things out but in reality it’s just procrastination.

>> No.18842723
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Mostly thing like how Tony Stark has replaced Odysseus in the colloquial, and how extraordinarily bad that is.

>> No.18842724

is being extremely critical helpful in any way? ive always seen critics as people who specialize in not enjoying art. like congrats you're the best at not enjoying stuff

>> No.18842750

Yeah but what passes for critique nowadays is intellectualism and deconstruction, which is not remotely helpful.

>> No.18842761

It means everything you really love has stood through fire.

>> No.18842893

I’m fat.

>> No.18842916

I wrote these excerpts about a year ago during the pandemic and was proud of them but now they feel vain and contrived. I'm about to start at a four year college and I'm not sure if continuing to write is worth the effort. Should I keep on going or am I a pretentious, talentless fraud? I have other interests and i am on the fence.

The Bridge

The Singing

The Dance

Brass (Suttree Imitation)

>> No.18842918

I like that a lot.

>> No.18843053
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I have found myself at war towards the janitors of this imageboard. They actively ban and delete any kind of thread or post that makes them feel intellectually insecure. Anything that is not a frogpost bait thread gets deleted and ignored. There is no point in putting effort into your posts if they get deleted.

Redditors and tranny jannies have ruined this website.

>> No.18843122

I really like Dostoevsky and Mishima. I don’t care if that makes me a based boy or whatever. It’s simply that no one else comes close to those two.

>> No.18843128

I wanted to hang out with some frens and whores today. Get drunk and have fun.
But I got no money at all. Feels bad man.

>> No.18843132

god damnit i'm so fucking close

>> No.18843143

Dostoevsky is my favorite writer, I didn't want that to be true, I find it kind of cringy to have a favorite author, and he is quite well known, but I couldn't help it. I just fell in love with his books.
However I really don't care too much for Crime and Punishment, not in my top 5 of Dosto's books.

>> No.18843151

KEK based

>> No.18843200

I also find it a bit strange but thinking about it, it’s inevitable.

>> No.18843282

Man I don't want to be forced to take the vax...

>> No.18843290

Unironically, what are you afraid of?

>> No.18843319
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>> No.18843327

Who hurt you?

>> No.18843341

I hurt myself today

>> No.18843343

After taking antidepressants I know how medicine is able to change your personality in strange ways. I'm very distrustful of the pharmaceutical industry.
I also dislike the fact of being forced into it. Both my university and family are making impossible to just wait a bit.

>> No.18843365

I was just going to say that you are already fucked by the pharmaceutical industry or whatever, and if there was a conspiracy to kill everybody they could do it with the industrialized food everybody eats. But you already know that and even take psych meds, so I think there's no need to.

>> No.18843381

Meds. Keep taking them.

>> No.18843479

One of many lost boys, whom this board will not redeem.

>> No.18843505

Will they make a live action goodreads?

>> No.18843607
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The road I drive home on today was blocked for some reason, but when I followed other cars the police stepped in front of my car and acted like I was crazy.
I'm deaf so if something happened I'm legit not aware, but that's so annoying. If you're gonna close a road, open a detour first. It's not hard.
You cannot argue with a deaf person, I don't care who you are. Move or make a detour. I can't babysit your brain off the internet.
The worst part is I forgot what I was going to write tonight because this bullshit is in my brain.

>> No.18843621


>> No.18843622
File: 1.76 MB, 2945x4096, 1628905277991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find big-bellied fat girls so sexy. Something about that big curve, that forward jut of soft roundness, is perfect to me. I feel like it's only natural and fitting for a girl with big breasts and a big bottom to have a big belly too. To me it feels matter-of-fact that it should be there, sitting in front of a girl, filling out her midsection and giving her breasts something to rest on. When a girl doesn't have a big belly my instincts tell me something is missing from her.

>> No.18844068


this shit is rad af

>> No.18844176

Kakarotto maldito!

>> No.18844188

I got it, and I'm pretty anti pharma (especially anti psych). If you gave psych drugs to that many people there would be way more deaths, and I don't think suicide rates rising alongside antidepressant marketing is an accidental correlation but a marketing scheme. Getting vaccinated is probably low risk for you, but some people waiting is a good thing so long as they minimize their risk of getting covid like there is no vaccine. Most countries considering boosters should not give boosters but should make people minimize transmissions. That is a much safer path than aiming at total vaccination. Total vaccination will never exist, but that is not how you eradicate a disease. Limiting opportunities to catch the disease should always be the goal, and too many governments have pinned that entirely on vaccines when the vaccines do not stop you getting it entirely.
tl;dr- act like the vaccine doesn't exist and protect yourself accordingly, because that is how everyone should act if we want the vaccines to hold longer than a couple months

>> No.18844302

I'm so much pain, I'm thinking about going to a fucking hospital.

>> No.18844311
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Read this every night, finished it in 11 days. Its not that difficult, you don't need any complementary text. Anyone with a high school education should be able to read this. If you really want a challenge then read it in its original language.

>> No.18844315

Seek help

>> No.18844316

Yes, it is supposed to be read like that, Hegel was a fucking madman.

>> No.18844414
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All of this shall be washed away

>> No.18844459

There has been an active effort to make people around the world to make people more stupid. Why? what is the end goal. In the short term the populace is easier to control but wouldnt there be catastrophic repercussions in the long term? Everyone seems lost in some sort of half baked intellectual cesspit. Everyone is trying to indoctrinate everyone else but lack the actual intellectual means to do so. Noone seems to actually understand what stories, philosophy, art or music really is. Noone can disern between right orn wrong and are far too naive to even believe there in. Everything is just schizophrenic spam which i just not working. Its as if everyone is too much of a coward to have any opinion of their own so they just pretend to go with what the perception is of what is popular. Any fruitful discussion as well as culture has stagnated. People consciously reject the truth of matters because theyve been indoctrinated with biases which keep the thin veneer of philanthropy but which exists in such a turbulent mesh of dissonance there is really no coherence in action. Whenever there is any sort of discussion people attack whatever stereotype the other person "probably is" rather than adding anything meaningful to a discussion. Whenever anyone has any sort of adverse reaction to anything theyre seen as automatically wrong and a joke. Its like trying to converse with a badger. The roman emperors which all were assassinated by the pretorians were they killed simply for being emperors? The guards nearby had access to the emperor one of the most powerful men of all time and simply cut him down because they could. Perhaps there has always been a struggle between the intelligent and those willing to look into new ideas and tackle them in their entirety and those who simply cannot look past themselves and their immediate surroundings (if you believe yourself in the former category you are probably not). Some day soon then there must be a time when discourse will be impossible simply because it doesnt need to be possible. we will all be fat and stupid and too focused on carnal pleasures to perceive things for what they really are. Who really profits from the stupidity of everyone.

>> No.18844481

The ruling elite profits from you being consumer and susceptable to hedonism.

>> No.18844497

Isint there more to it though? It makes sense for those who are smarter and more successful to subjugate the week and stupid. It has always been so. But this seems like a dileberate and agressive movement to snuff out any real growth of individuals. I dont know. It doesnt seem like it will end well for anyone. Especially not since everyone are taught that they are somehow a victim and everything wrong is other peoples fault. A victim mentality leads to nothing but destruction.

>> No.18844499


>> No.18844501
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Feels like we're already there. It sucks.
If I have a problem I have to solve it myself. If someone else has a problem they come to me to solve it for them. I'm assuming people see me reading and writing and assume I'm smart and I can assure you that is not the case. At best I google most things I don't understand and wing the rest of it.
That is very lonely. I'm not a help desk. I have like, one fan of my work that I can talk to, but even that's more like an author fan relationship. Why can't I find anyone to go get a burger with, you know?
Eh. I digress.

>> No.18844561

I'm a Youtuber (not a booktuber but I won't say more beyond that). My advice is to start out with the most mainstream and popular books you can stomach. When you are new, no one is searching for you. They search for topic, so if you do it on something popular you are more likely to get found. Just my 2 cents as a Youtuber making $4000 a month

>> No.18844566
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I have been experiencing thoughts I'm unable to express through words, and that most people seem unable to understand.

>> No.18844619
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Nothing ever happens

>> No.18844639

I'm better fuck it. KEK

>> No.18844650

I have all the free time to pursue whatever I want but don't do anything other than watch YouTube. When I return to college I know I'm going to feel like I don't have time to do anything, but I already know that even if I had the time I wouldn't. I hate this bros

I also turn 21 today and don't have anyone to go drink with. Just having a little get together with my parents. I can't wait to be back on campisy

>> No.18844658

You should relax, anon. College isn't easy.

>> No.18844684

What's something you've always wanted to do; whether it's outlandish or crazy, I want to hear it. Let's pretend you have all the time, money, and support you needed - what would be the strange or interesting "thing" you would accomplish?
Also, I'll pour a drink for you Anon. Cheers to 21.

>> No.18844695

i'm moving tomorrow. very nervous about having roomates and not having a comfort zone anymore

>> No.18844730
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I think I need to get a gf. I'm too obsessed with porn that I'm even considering subscribing to this artist.

>> No.18844815

>stop masturbating
>eventually start to take in more of the world around me. Over analyze everything. Cant fucking turn it off.
what do bros. My brains probably fucked. I think my frontal lobe is regrowing itself

>> No.18844878

Write. Write what you see. Write what you hear. Write what you feel. If you feel suddenly more attuned to the world, take note of it. Write it down. Keep a note on your phone that you constantly add to. Keep a document on your computer that you add to. Write what you observe. Write it all down. And write down how all of it makes you feel.

And maybe, later, you can do something with all you observe.

>> No.18844888

i cant study anons... i have done the bits i find interesting and now I have to read about ethics and workplace health and safety...

I am already a very ethical guy, and workplace health and safety surely should be left to professionals.

any tips frens? I think it really stems from my cynicism towards the future. I really could care less about study because I don't see a future worth living anyway. Is that Michael Malice whitepill book good enough to combat my cynicism

>> No.18844890

i've now learned exactly 1000 of those stupid chinese characters, only another 9000 more before i can read a book made for children

>> No.18844936

Legit great idea anon. Ill try this, thanks.

>> No.18844941

You know what's crazy? I bet most of us here, if we really put our effort into it, could find a way to become a millionaire. I'm not saying we will. I'm saying there's enough roads out there and the people here are usually smart enough that if you guys really dedicated yourselves to it, most of you would find a way.

>> No.18844954

Intelligence doesnt mean success.
High openness means high intelligence means low conscientiousness means low success in average job settings

>> No.18844990

>average job
I assumed he meant criminal or other professions where you can clear a few mil within a couple years. In average job settings it probably just takes living to retirement age in the US: whenever you see those insane stats of how many millionaires there are, keep in mind most of them are not rich millionaires but just retirement aged people who are going to have to make that last 20 years.

>> No.18845002
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How do I stop being a coward?

>> No.18845031

what are you afraid of? failure?

>> No.18845047
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>start going to therapy
>start remembering all the shit
>feel horrible all the time

>> No.18845054

>professions where you can clear a few mil within a couple years
pretty much all those professions require high conscientiousness as well. The exceptions might be things like career artists, writers, directors etc

>> No.18845079

I mean becoming a millionaire within the span of 5-10 years, or even 500k. There seem like so many different ways of making money that with a bit of ingenuity you can find something with potential and make a ton of money off of it. Idk maybe it's just wishful thinking, but have any of you tried this?

>> No.18845134

books on coping with the excessive cruelty and coldness of this world?
I tried to externalise my own to fit in but it just makes it worse

>> No.18845143

Bible (The)

>> No.18845147

On the Suffering of the World

>> No.18845158

theres no coping with that

>> No.18845166
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Downstairs, in front of the entrance, travel suitcases are scattered around. It is unclear who they belong to. Their owners, for unknown reasons, have abandoned them. What is to be done? Where to put the suitcases? I decide to ignore them.

>> No.18845192

>high conscientiousness
Not really. You might need other people who are conscientious, but they're salaried or contracted, while you can charge fees and commission.
The problem is that if you're smart, you can tell most of those occupations are passively killing and maiming people and ultimately unsustainable. People make their money and get out if they're smart. People stay in and keep buying in if the killing millions gets them off.

>> No.18845206

Stupidity is taking hold again. Roman numerals are being removed from the Louvre. Books are thrown out of school libraries onto the wet pavement. And that is something very bad –– isn't it? In the golden ages of art, only handful of magisters could read and write. Art has always been a privilege of the noble and powerful. And now, art is returning to these hands. The masses anesthetize themselves with beer and fiddle, while the elite feast on Mozart and talk platonic forms. The brute remained crude, despite all the education that was dispensed. Fuck museums, fuck libraries, fuck public education, fuck monkeys in disguise –– put them in chains.

>> No.18845344


>> No.18845347

he said calmly

>> No.18845371

Are there any postgraduates here?
I am considering applying for a masters in humanities however I am graduating with a bachelor of science in a completely unrelated discipline

>> No.18845378

>Chad Mary
Kek. Anon there hasn't been a Catholic joke this good since Duns Scotus. Whoever created this got a once in a millennium opportunity.

>> No.18845388

ill show you calm you fucking shitlicking apathetic jizzless gaping cunt
ill show you calm when i track down every one of these fuckers in real life not on minecraft and make them swallow my piss before it's lights out permanently
they think they have the right to ignore me. they dont have the fucking right. i will inflict on them unhealable wounds. psychological and physical. they will regret ever passing over my work because it doesnt meet their standards of shallow self-righteous media-spoonfed middle american fag enabling commie red bullshit.

>> No.18845391

I need to find anons arguing about purpose in life, and how it's shameful to not reach your full potential, or how it's fine to just be happy with your small life, or whatever, but I do not want to go through all these fucking threads looking for specific autism. No fun.

>> No.18845400

Just read Nietzsche.

>> No.18845401

Currently enjoying mild heart palpitations from sheer anxiety as I contemplate escaping neetdom by joining the US military at the ripe age of 30. It's amazing how bad this feels, and I'm just sitting here in my chair in front of my computer like always, but I feel like I'm dying.

>> No.18845410

Not gonna lie, you do sound like a nazi punk

>> No.18845427

why are you going to get out of being a NEET?

>> No.18845431

Nietzsche kinda goes through the argument of person making his own purpose in life and loving your fate regardless the circumstances (amor fati)

>> No.18845435

My parents died a few months ago and I'm running out of savings. It's this or homelessness.

>> No.18845442

thanks anons, but I need the actual arguments. I need authentic, real-time autism.

>> No.18845451

so fucking what if i was?
why does that exclude me from the running
it's fucking bullshit
like not just even the majority of publishers
BUT EVERY SINGLE ONE is a goddamn far-left tranny bluehair eargauge disgusting sloppy necked fartsniffing pancakefaced 30+ emptybasket microbrain dyke

>> No.18845458

could always kill yourself

>> No.18845462

>need authentic, real-time autism
that is basically why thus spake zarathustra is popular. read a book

>> No.18845477

im going to slaughter every last publisher in their homes. gut them when they send their kids to school. rip their fucking intestines out and feed it to them so they can choke on their own shit, like they made me choke on it.

>> No.18845497
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I can't believe you made me use this reaction image in this day and age

>> No.18845508


>> No.18845513

sorry caps lock stuck

>> No.18845518
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>> No.18845538

I need a good title for fantasy stuff, preferably vampires. How do you find a great title?

>> No.18845654

The Bite of Midnight

>> No.18845685

>You might need other people who are conscientious, but they're salaried or contracted, while you can charge fees and commission.
Conscientiousness is the willingness to do a job well and complete as well as capacity for strategy. How do you expect to achieve anything if youre not willing to work for it or even have the capacity for strategy. Success and conscientiousness have a direct link. Not that im downplaying the importance of intelligence. It has its uses which are indispensable but utterly a waste without the right circumstances. Doubly so with creativity

>> No.18845689

I want to write a story and I can come up with general plotlines out the wazoo, but I'm very bad at writing line to line dialogue and connecting together events in a natural and believable way. I'm not really sure where to start. Any tips or guides?

>> No.18845709
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I wrote my first finished story after reading this
I plan to read it again

>> No.18845711

women are really fucking boring

>> No.18845735

Midnight Bites

>> No.18845743

It's literally the business structure of a hedge fund.

>> No.18845745

Great title but I'm not English so I was looking for a method

>> No.18845748

Ambiguity verging on edginess

>> No.18845785
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>don't take my meds
>can't focus on anything
>get nothing done
>take my meds
>hyperfixate on random bullshit
>get nothing done

>> No.18845795

you need to play the game better. don't compromise on what you write, just try to craft some kind of image. pretend to be one of them. put some pronouns in your bio. be a chameleon. figure it out, champ

>> No.18845799

Your perspective of how a hedgefund operates doesnt disqualify the mountians of correlative evidence showing the link between conscientiousness and success. Intelligence has never been the be all end all measurement of achievement nor has potential

>> No.18845814

I can confidently say now that I've lost almost everything in my life. The worst thing about it all is that I can't even put that shit in words to complain.
Not that I've got anybody to complain to antmore.

>> No.18845834

I am paralyzed by indecision, a convenient excuse for procrastination.

>> No.18845841


>> No.18845842

I want to write chuuni shit

>> No.18846013

I'm too lazy to find out but I would really want to know what the afghans think about the Taliban. I imagine they're quite popular outside the cities. As for the cities, well, I think they're basically fucked, but I don't really get what Afghanistan needs cities for desu, there's no or virtually no industry

>> No.18846054

It’s not shameful to fail at your purpose. Read the Bhagavad Gita, it’s the best book I’ve read regarding to life decision/direction. The Indians fucking nailed it imo

>> No.18846079

The footys back on my sons

>> No.18846091

well, is the story any good?

>> No.18846118

Looks interesting. Cheers!

>> No.18846149

I recently lost my job as an electrical apprentice, and now I am not sure what to do. I have another job that I'm going to start on Monday, building conveyors for Amazon, but I'm dreading it for some reason. I know nothing about it, so I don't get why I feel that way. I have to buy quite a few tools for this job, but I am not 100% sure I will actually get it, despite what I have just said. You see, I smoked Marijuana around the time of losing my job, and within a few days of that I had to take a drug test for this new job. I have no idea if I will pass, and to be honest, part of me hopes that I won't. I'll have to buy all of these tools to then possibly find out that I didn't get the job after all, and the shifts are 10 hours.

Becoming an apprentice was my honest shot at trying to improve myself, because I worked at a Walmart for 5 years prior, and I wanted better. But I didn't know that life can just say "no" and put you right back at square one. My pistol permit "should" be coming any day now, and I've seriously been considering just taking my life once I get it. I have felt very bad these past few days, and I don't really see anything changing. Yeah, you could say I'm some coward or something, and that I should take more charge in my life, but I've never really cared about anything. Never had any *real* ambition. I plan on asking my father, my last surviving parent, why he made me. I truly wish he hadn't.

>> No.18846151

I thought Alan Moore was interesting so I went and read a bunch of his stuff, watched a bunch of interviews. Now, I’m pretty disenchanted with the man.

>> No.18846188

Popular or not, it's clear that democracy is coming off like dirt in a shower. Their government is about as motivated as America's domestic government workers. It's time to leave the petri dish alone. Taliban is going to take over, because America has just been jerking off in the desert for 20 years. You can't just deploy a couple thousand troops and say "we're helping." If you want to seed lasting change you literally need to colonize. Can only hope that the marginal improvements in wealth and education mean that Taliban's more extreme prejudices can be curtailed, but I'm sure there'll be beheadings and stonings a plenty.

>> No.18846203

Life didn’t say “no”. You said “no”. You’re smoking weed and buying pistols rather than being a good apprentice. What’s the reason you lost it anyway? Money? I doubt it. You probably got dropped for performance or some other issue. Look, you don’t care about the job, that’s all fine and good but don’t lie to your damn self about it and pretend that it’s exclusively the world which dealt you a shitty hand. You also folded right off the bat, regardless of the cards you had. How pathetic it would be to shoot yourself without ever once considering that you didn’t even try…

>> No.18846212

I love my story, it's about a vampire who falls in love with the prey. Sadly it's not English so I can't share it here. I really recommend that book because it was the trigger for me, after years of trying. It used to be that I could only write the first pages, and then a big block. Anyway I'm brainstorming my second story, we'll see if it was more than a lucky fluke.

>> No.18846222

Is there value on the manga medium? American comics, which are really the last remnants of the Western equivalent, are half a foot in the grave and unlike 10-20 years ago, there’s nothing at all interesting happening around the margins. The people who would make good stuff aren’t remotely interested. But when I talk to people I find there’s an interest in Japanese manga, not just among the low brow would-be capeshit fans but among pretty intelligent and creative people who seem to see something valuable in that medium.

>> No.18846228

Is it a good idea to start with the Greeks if I want to read older classics from other time periods and places too? OCD's preventing me from just grabbing whatever looks cool

>> No.18846242

Thanks anon. I already downloaded it, actually. I've been trying to write a story for years, and I just can't get anywhere. Shit, anon, if I manage to finish one, I'll dedicate it to you.

>> No.18846245

My brain has decided to review my past and spin this narrative that I was a creep with women and that I'm a creepy person despite no tangible proof that I was ever labeled as such, and it's utterly tormenting me with the idea. I fucking hate this psychosis shit and I want to heal from it.

>> No.18846251

i love how people use the word "genuinely"
i'm genuinely curious, genuinely interested
as if lack of sincerity is the thing that makes you a retarded faggot

>> No.18846262

It's how people distinguish their questions from the seething mass of shitposts, you fuckmeat

>> No.18846268
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>> No.18846272

What's the word for anticipating all the obstacles you might face in a situation and planning strategies to deal with them if they come up? I initially thought it was "wargaming" but it turned out not to be.

>> No.18846279

Strategic thinking. You already said it.

>> No.18846295

no it isn't

>> No.18846303

not him but you're putting too much thought into it. it's poor form but it's just empty conversational embellishment like saying "basically"

>> No.18846310

So basically is basically useless?

>> No.18846323

the idea that you could put "too much thought" into something on the literature board i just
*spits on ground in disgust*

>> No.18846332

basically yes

>> No.18846345


>> No.18846358

I think it’s just the Japanese’s realization that there are other stories that can be told in a comic/manga format besides capeshit. Westerners havnt quite figured that out yet.

>> No.18846368

Yes, somewhat this. There are mangas about fucking bread making. Western world is catching up, but we are pretty far behind.

>> No.18846392

There has always been heartbreak over a failed love or love that never was or couldn't be but has there been historical precedent for heartbreak over the actual impossible unreality of it? Tamaki Saito had an interesting thought about love over a fictional 2d girl: it must necessarily come with heartbreak from it's inception because of the viewers underlying knowledge of its unreality. Waifuism may be a unique emotional pain of this era. There's a chance it can be alleviated in the future with some especially advanced complex vr simulations or whatever but even then there may still be the peculiar pain of knowingly indulging in a beautiful illusion.

>> No.18846460
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Well, that's not really the case. It wasn't like I showed up late and didn't do the work they told me. I did. They said it was "little things" such as incorrect ladder positioning, or taking too much time on a task that they thought should have been completed faster, not necessarily the work itself. And what's the problem with smoking here or there? It certainly isn't an every day habit of mine. And like I said, I DID try, but I wasn't aware that trying might mean persevering through repeated failure for however long. I'm just not sure that that's really what I want to do. I've always believed that life isn't for everyone, in the sense that not everyone is cut out for such repeated failures, or whatever actions they may have to take to get ahead. And buying a pistol/getting the permit was the result of the panic about covid. I though for SURE that things were going to fall into a complete state of chaos.

I actually am interested in an opposing viewpoint. This isn't a topic that I feel like I can bring up with anyone in real life.

>> No.18846472

I've had this thought before. Even if you were able to make a VR simulation or android that has an AI perfectly capable of feeling emotions and is for all intents and purposes human, somewhere deep down you'd know it's all fake. And if you told that simulation/android of their true nature, how would they take it (assuming they're not hard programmed to be fine with it, since that's essentially just a bandaid)? How would *you* take it if you were told your entire purpose for existing is to be someone's romantic/sexual partner and nothing else, and that your entire personality and self were constructed from the ground up to please them? Of course this enters into AI ethics concerns, but exploring this specific facet of it is interesting. I suppose the best case scenario is they knew from the beginning or come to terms with it and decide to keep loving you anyway... however this gets into my next point

I also think there's something positive to be said about waifuism as well. Waifus may not be able to actually hold your hand, but on the flip side, they're not going to ever hurt you or leave you either. Like sucking your thumb as a baby or employing meditation and breathing exercises as an adult, perhaps waifuism should be viewed as a form of emotional regulation by allowing yourself to fulfill your romantic and/or sexual needs without the worry of conflicting interests, scheduling issues, or fights and breakups, all stressors that certain individuals may not be equipped to handle at that point in their lives.

>> No.18846511

Right. The sheer scale of stories told in Japanese manga is mountain compared to a mole hill when looking at western comics. It’s more likely there is something that holds up intellectually and is creatively a fantastic work when you have an infinite number of story options. Capeshit can only be so good, and most of the time the bar is quite low.

>> No.18846570

I'm going to be honest here: the saying "laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone" is brutal but honest. From an outsider's perspective, the supposed reason they fired you might have been a side effect of your self doubt or mood issues affecting your speed or coordination. I personally can't do anything skill-related when I'm stressed as I find it directly affects how fast and well I can do things. Also the reason I said "supposedly" is because this is oftentimes just an excuse when a company runs on hard times- they "cull the weak" as it were because they can't afford to keep them hired anymore, so it could be that it wasn't even your fault. It could just be that the boss decided they didn't like you for one reason or another due to your conflicting personalities- if that's the case it is very likely they were looking for excuses to get rid of you at that point.

The point I'm trying to make with all of these possible reasons is that this is the mindset you have to have when looking at everything in the world. Of course having some level of self-awareness is fine, encouraged even, but humans have to deal with a bunch of unfair stuff all the time and if your brain isn't going to rationalize that in a way that makes it seem like it's not your fault, you're going to have to force it to manually. If you're unsure, err on the side of narcissism- when you have self esteem issues, your idea of "narcissistic" is probably closer to the truth than you realize.

Also, on wanting to commit suicide: I always think about it in mathematical terms. If you commit suicide now, you will have died living a miserable life and nothing more will come of it. If you choose to live, there is a possibility, no matter how small, that you'll turn it around. Worst case scenario, you die having lived a miserable life, which is no worse than the first option. So thinking purely in terms of probability, the thing that gives you the best chance at happiness is to keep living. To put it in less wordy terms: "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem"

>> No.18846604

I've spent the last few months teaching myself Latin so I can place into third level at my school and my placement test is now in 3 days. The thing is, I've studied so much that most of my other healthy habits have been eliminated from my life. I don't workout; I don't meditate; I drink like 6 cups of coffee a day; I am dependent on a large amount of sleeping pills to fall asleep every night. Yesterday, my head felt like it had been running for 3 days straight and I had the experience of feeling like a mouth gaping neanderthal, idling turning pages in my textbook like one of primates observing bones in the beginning of 2001: a space Odyssey. I want this to end
I know 3 people who browse this board and know I am studying Latin. Perhaps they see this hmmmmmmmm

>> No.18846619

t. white boy

>> No.18846628

Oh and I forgot the most important thing somehow. My impulse control with the internet, which used to be very very good, has totally gone to shit. I browse this shitty place every day when I'm not drilling. I now know for certain that this board mostly makes you worse. The people on here are miserable. I wouldn't hangout with any of these people in real life, but somehow them being only a click away changes things

>> No.18846644

I'm feeling more depressed than I have in a while. Going walking or to the park might help some but it's crazy hot outside.

>> No.18846653

nah that ain't it.

>> No.18846655

oh and Latin is actually very easy. If you want to learn it you can have it down easily within a year without having to even study too much everyday. 80% of the work is memorizing tables and vocab, the rest is just common sense and applying a very few number of rules.

>> No.18846733

a post in another thread made me realize that chapo might be a psyop to make marxism seem corny. 15 years ago, if you imaged a marxist, it would be a tall skinny well groomed guy with some military surplus jacket and on-trend jeans that has sex. now when something causes me to imagine a marxist, i picture a skeezy chapoguy with a gross beard and a gut rocking cargo shorts. after 60 years the cia has finally managed to make marxism uncool!

>> No.18846734

There is planning too.

>> No.18846742

mental montage

>> No.18846746

>15 years ago, if you imaged a marxist, it would be a tall skinny well groomed guy with some military surplus jacket and on-trend jeans that has sex
this is not true
t. was alive 15 years ago

>> No.18846747

What? No, Marxism is mostly an academic thing, anon.

> it would be a tall skinny well groomed guy with some military surplus jacket and on-trend jeans that has sex
Also no, I imagine someone living in some fucking guerilla shit hole with another 20 people. Somewhat dirty and the sex part probably isn't wrong, but still, that is basically it.

>> No.18846752

It's a slump, a bout. That is all it is.

>> No.18846780
File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dreamed I was an immobile fungus-type entity which secreted enzymes to digest bits of organic matter that came near enough for my tendrils(?) to draw them in. I was in some dark damp environment with sickly silver glows above me

>> No.18846781

>there's something positive to be said about waifuism as well
Yeah I'd agree. It unsurprisingly crosses over with a lot of ideals on the personal ideal/higher female to a given male and having a certain psychic function. The peculiar thing is this is manifested in the character of some media; it comes from an external encounter but not with something that is 'real'. So with the love there will always be an understanding of it's illusory nature and sense of loss. I think it's an interesting phenomena emerging in our time; probably a sign of malaise, maybe also signs of a reorienting of love and relationships in more media-saturated isolating environments.
As for AI stuff I'd assume they'd be pre-programmed to understand and deal with their purpose but with AI conscious autonomy possibly being a thing I don't know.

>> No.18846794

i was in college 15 years ago. the guys who were anti-communist looked like marxists today. fat, ugly, slinking around in the corners. the marxists were up front and visible and charismatic. what school did you go to? what protests were you at?

>> No.18846862
File: 34 KB, 728x410, witch-anime-anime-girls-little-witch-academia-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With my gf at work, after establishing boundaries for a "break" between us, finally, I wonder if the eventual crumble of our relationship is survivable for my fuckup BPD ass, and how that could potentially be disastrous for my son, if I don't get to therapy in time. Then again, I was told DBT is the only thing that works, ,and while I'm not poor I'm far from rich. I don't like the idea that potentially the difference between a forgettable suicide and a miserable life survived is not only negligible but also entirely out of the hands of the sufferer, at times. Feels like cosmic horror.

>> No.18846893

my experience with marxism 15 years ago was twiggy guys and overweight chicks larping to feel like warriors. the one marxist I know now is buff as shit though, he looks sharp but he gets real mad if you ask him about China, you don't even have to get specific, he'll get there on hsi own

>> No.18846894
File: 412 KB, 353x619, 1627037381336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /lit/ an alpha gamer board?

>> No.18846897

>establishing boundaries for a 'break'
It's over m8.

>> No.18846966

BPD becomes exponentially easier to survive the more you feel genuine commitment to moral ideals bigger than yourself, not in an autistic monomanic way where you turn yourself into a blind crusader who can't tolerate any criticism of your ideals or in which you use your ideals as a crutch and as a distraction from emptiness, but in a way that genuinely enriches you and grows your soul to the point that it can stand upright on its own two feet and be "above" the emptiness.

The people hit hardest by BPD are those with no goals or context for their life, the modern zoomer consumer archetype, because that lifestyle relies on being completely passive and already being "filled" and given meaning by anything that comes along in the moment. I firmly believe that what we call BPD and a hundred related illnesses, as well as most of what we call high functioning autism, used to be better integrated into total personalities because there were more ways for these "disorders" to find healthy and useful expression in society.

If all you care about in life is "me guy, me want go work as little possible so me go home play game watch movie, me have girlfriend, hope girlfriend not leave, me become sad can't play game, me need new girlfriend, me not had girlfriend in while, me not get as much joy from game and movie, me hate job, me continue cycle indefinitely, me hope me get new girlfriend soon, me go to work now, me hope shift end quickly so me watch more movie" you had better hope you have a cow consciousness that can chew any cud in any field and be immediately happy. I know guys like this and they don't care when they break up because they are fundamentally happy.

I know plenty of BPD people are hardcore PTSD cases who need complex DBT, but many of the ones I've known had their existing problems hyper-charged by the fact that they also assumed by default that life was chewing the cud in one field after another and nothing else. The real danger began when this state of spiritual atrophy entwined with their BPD symptoms and became learned helplessness. On the other hand I've known people who transcended their BPD by having other strengths and commitments larger than "cure my BPD doc, I can't enjoy the cud lately" and became extremely good people.

>> No.18846973

I drink everyday for a couple months straight
I get sober for a few months
Getting drunk everyday is great
Being sober is pretty great too
I live the best of both worlds
I am in control
I stop when I want
I drink when I want
But if I drink, I get drunk
I am addicted to getting drunk
Not to drinking
I can stop that anytime
My family say that I'm in denial
I say denial?
Ain't that just a river in Egypt?
They say they're waiting for a crisis
"Rock bottom"
I say I'm not worried
I'm not!
Everything is always fine
Life is good
Life is bad
I've stopped caring about thinking about my thoughts
They're just thoughts
I'm going to LIVE
I'm going TO DIE
I don't CARE anymore
I am free
Thank you

>> No.18846987

How do you up vote posts on this board?

>> No.18846996

I forgot to recommend William James' Varieties of Religious Experience. Particularly the earlier chapters on the once-born soul and the twice-born soul. One of the greatest tragedies of modern mass society and the scientific reduction of all human diversity to whatever's in the latest DSM textbook is that we've lost sight of twice-born souls as a type of human being. Psychology assumes everyone is once-born, which is fucked up since the people who really need help are twice-borners, and by treating them as broken once-borners you are implicitly punishing them further for not already not needing help to begin with.

Every twice-born is different, everybody has to discover who they really are and every process of discovery is different and will only make sense in hindsight. Which is why it's such a bad thing that we've also robbed people of meaningful differentiations and life paths so that they can undergo such self-discovery.

>> No.18847043

Click on the post's number and write "based", then click "Post" (but solve the captcha first). Hope it helps! :)

>> No.18847047

to be fair we've split and come back plenty of times, though you're right. just didn't want to stop trying

>> No.18847090

Wagner was the reincarnation of Orpheus. A hero among slobs. An Übermensch. Genius. Blieve in the greatness of man.

>> No.18847102

I tried the passive thing for a while but yes, I ultimately agree a lack of feeling like any of this suffering, petty or not, is actually worth it, and that I ultimately need a backbone and solid identity to determine what my values are. I was goal oriented primarily, but since my priorities are constantly changing I have a hard time determining what's me being genuinely lazy and within my hands and what's just some internal shuffling of the deck to avoid a challenge and loss of future outcomes (So, laziness too then, probably). I've tried many different religions and philosophies across the years, the ones that stuck out and made meaningful progress were Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Stoicism, and, bafflingly, Witchcraft then Laveyan Satanism of all things. Huge wastes of time from the outside, and I settled on Agnostic Atheism and fucked with Chaos Magick and other equally autistic things, but since nothing sticks, a mad mood scrambles my brain in a way that shatters what feels like years of built up endurance and pride in an instant. My interests can help direct me, but it feels like even overcoming BPD isn't the finale I'm hoping for in terms of self improvement. I'm never wandering about doing absolutely nothing, but you're right, without feeling a rational sense of who I am, it's hard to determine what is hedonic treadmill cycling/coping and what the things I want to do are. I have tons of undone projects I lose concentration on, anon do you believe that enough reading, willpower, and discipline would honestly help? I want to be better than this, not seppeku from boredom and chip damage

>> No.18847113

I'd start with finding values outside of myself, but it's hard to determine what values I believe in when they feel equally valid, I feel I should just stick to Stoicism in that case as a moral guide

>> No.18847135

There’s a British guy currently on /trv/ who is just hanging out in Afghanistan and posting updates. That is pretty wild.

>> No.18847189

Hymn of the Light.


Lux oriens,
Lux alba,
Lux candida,
Lux exaltata,
Lux increata.

Distant, disturbing and revealing Light,
Occult, ornate and mysterious Light,
Ancient, altruistic and timeless Light,
Patient, internal and fatherly Light,
From the east I cry, come forth hidden Light!

Lux oriens,
Lux alba,
Lux candida,
Lux exaltata,
Lux increata.

Bright as the white seagull shining with Light,
Blight as the frightened child begging for Light,
Blith as the night specter wailing for Light.
From the pale seal I call! come phantom Light!

Lux oriens,
Lux alba,
Lux candida,
Lux exaltata,
Lux increata.

Scintillating as the mind mirror’s Light,
Illuminating as the mind with Light,
Scintillating as the reflected Light,
Illuminating as the eye with Light.
From the I of my i! come selfmost Light!

Lux oriens,
Lux alba,
Lux candida,
Lux exaltata,
Lux increata.

Unconquerable adamantine Light,
Heavene, mountain and sea dissolving Light,
Five and sixfold wound piercing nails of Light,
Flashing furious blade of fecund Light,
Enthroned above the boundless worlds of Light.
From the Welkin of Welkin! come Great Light!

Lux oriens,
Lux alba,
Lux candida,
Lux exaltata,
Lux increata.

And in the beginning “let there be Light “
And before endless time the endless Light,
And after All is destroyed by the Light,
And in the center of Creation Light,
Unspeakable from the beginning Light.
From the Lord’s Soul, Come uncreated Light!

>> No.18847200

I knew this was you before seeing your name above the post lel.

>> No.18847204
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>> No.18847244


>> No.18847252

adulthood is realizing the best sout park season by far is season 1

>> No.18847253

I like this. I think you're getting somewhere.

>> No.18847343

That's quite a journey you've been on, and honestly it kind of worries me for someone like you to be getting into chaos magick shit and especially the Crowley side of the occult, which I think preys on a very specific kind of seeker and makes them lopsided. Not to be paternalistic/patronising, just genuinely saying be careful. I was actually trying to subtly caution about the possibility of doing a deep dive into, say, Hinduism or Christianity, but becoming unhealthily fixated on it. Some people are so desperate to escape emptiness that they become fixated on the feeling of security they get from obeying their priest/guru, as opposed to actually embracing the faith and growing from it in a way that makes listening to their priest/guru meaningful. But you sound like you have the opposite problem of going into something and coming out the other side without feeling like you hit solid ground.

I had a friend and mentor who advised me when I was going through similar stuff, felt like I was tugged in all directions but never strong enough to "hold" me. One of the important things he told me was that post-disenchantment western spirituality has a lopsided understanding of spirituality as exclusively about "discipline and willpower," like monks all supermen who smash their way through spiritual barriers and become Goku. These are good things but without the love, hope, and joy aspects of the esoteric, and actual worship of the truth for the truth's sake, you risk ending up a twisted Nietzschean "magician" drunk on power but also painfully aware infinite power is just infinitely meaningless in a meaningless world. Presumably the hedonic treadmill hits autism sorcerers just as bad as coomers.

I don't really know how to translate this into what I'm trying to say but, maybe you are like me, trying to "conquer" truth and meaning without realising that an integral part of truth and meaning is that they aren't just conquests. The more desperate you get for meaning and security, the more bullish you get and the more furrowed your brow gets as you rip through things trying to find "the thing." But what you're missing is that the whole modality and way you're going about your search is what is producing so many duds, you are making yourself into a "heavy" body that passes right through the subtle matter of the things you have explored, increasingly frustrated there was no correspondingly "heavy" immovable object in them to counter your unstoppable force.

>> No.18847350

Do it. I'd usually put your content like yours to listen to in the background while I lift or game. I'm sure there are other people who'd do the same out there.
I see nothing to lose here for you unless the scenario of failing is not something you'd deal with well

>> No.18847353

Even what I'm saying right now is amenable to being interpreted in this lopsidedly sturm und drang way, like "Okay, so you're saying I have to become a subtle body and stop being so heavy, got it, I'll smash my way through THAT goal now too!" if you see what I mean - you could even go about trying to awaken the subtler (but stronger) sides of yourself in an unsubtle way. But the whole idea is that any kind of inner awakening requires patience, and it also requires holistic self-transformations that will not make sense or seem predictable except in hindsight. If hearing that ONLY makes you feel frustration (as opposed to some natural frustration), because you can't smash your way through that gnomic koan in any (as yet) determinate way, that may be a sign your promethean side completely has the reins of your personality and is occluding others.

Have you ever read Plato's allegory of the chariot with one good horse and one bad horse in the Phaedrus? I think that has a lot more depth and symbolic "saturation" (it can be interpreted over and over) than it's usually summarised with. For instance I think it's significant that Plato doesn't advocate shooting the "bad" horse, but taming it. Its strength is necessary and good, but only when working with and not against the soul-desire for heaven (the charioteer) and our naturally upward-bound elements (the good horse, easily overpowered and drowned out by an unruly "bad" horse). It's about having balance and cooperation between the whole team.

I wonder if you could take a step back from your crashing around searching for things outside you and try to "sense" what's already inside you, latent in your actions so far. Think of yourself sympathetically for a change, be a big brother to yourself, even admire yourself. How many people go through tons of philosophies and religions looking for... well, what are you looking for? What mattered to you in them? Do you really give yourself so little credit that you think you're just an animal trying to "get off the hedonic treadmill" like everyone else? Others have no problem with the treadmill, so why do you? Is it really just that your "hardware" is broken somehow, and you can't enjoy the orgy-porgy to a normal degree? Give yourself more credit than that. You clearly care about truth, and you clearly care about attuning your existence to something that is "right." Did you go through all those mystical and magical systems out of a desire for knowledge? Curiosity? Or are you the kind of person whose "emptiness" (diagnosed by people who don't know what it's like) is actually the precondition of higher "fullness," i.e. it's your natural sense of the absence of mystical fullness/wholeness in your life, which of course feels like emptiness relative to your current animal existence - it's like you and everybody else are accustomed to perpetual thirst and don't notice it, and you just awakened a primal memory of what drinking cold water feels like.

>> No.18847359

But you can't learn any of this stuff about yourself unless you take that step back, give yourself credit, see yourself in some new lights, sensitively observe the inner principles and drives underlying your apparently futile efforts. Something is underlying your wandering but because it's "behind" you while you are wandering, you are always being impelled by it and never seeing it.

It's also possible you have ADHD, but like I was saying above about BPD and autism, what if a majority of ADHD cases are really the spirit trying vainly to express truth or tap into truth through a thousand flawed means, and only able to hold onto its conviction regarding any particular means for a short while? I'm very similar and definitely ADHD, but I've tried to find an autistic balance in my life where it's a strength, and now instead of feeling like a nothing person who bounces between 500 different things, I feel like a person who senses the integral truth I'm seeking underlying the 500 things, and the reason I am/was drawn to those things is that I'm seeing the light of that truth reflecting and refracting off of them. But this perspective took years and subtle transformations to uncover. Some of those transformations were as simple as realising that contentment and wholeness are simply not going to come from any one partner (in fact I now think that a partner only makes sense in light of you being on your own path, they can never simply be your path or its destination). Most of them are still underway. But fundamentally I now feel in tune with my "wandering," I have knowledge of what is pushing from behind me, and I realise it was actually a force pulling from in front of me all along, it's just so vast and presently far away that I can't always see it on the horizon.

Sorry for longposting but I saw a lot of myself and others I've known in your posts and it made me have a "we're all in this together" feeling. Have you read Siddhartha by Hesse or The Perennial Philosophy by Huxley? The former might depress you by resonating too much, and I don't think Hesse is ultimately right, and the latter might not satisfy you, but Huxley's discussion of multiple paths always stuck with me.

>> No.18847412

Yeah, I agree with that and I think the reason it arose there is because there’s something about the culture which makes it open to that. Kanji, after all, are essentially pictures. They’re more open to drawn pictures as a storytelling medium and they’re also more open to unreal/surreal narratives than we are. We are obsessed with realism to the point of absolutely throttling all creativity.

>> No.18847577


Basically I'm just not gonna get the vaccine

I know.... UGH I know..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's just that I'm not getting it is all


>> No.18847634

that is so bizarre to me. you grew up with a constant background of television, didn't you?

>> No.18847696
File: 249 KB, 1511x2015, 1568329117236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson cries and moans about postmodernism but he is a postmodernist himself. This fraud does not even believe in objective truth. He dismisses realism in favor of some vague sense of evolutionary pragmatism. He is a total pseud with no idea what he is talking about. He is almost as bad as the left wing SJWs that he debates with.

>> No.18847698

not him but I fell asleep every night listening to stories on casette. I can handle silence and it's not difficult or anything, but I like noise

>> No.18847704

The more I learn about Modern Rwanda the more it becomes the biggest whitepill when it comes to nation-building. They went from being the scene of a horrible genocide to being the "Prussia of Africa".

>> No.18847715

what went right?

>> No.18847717

I'm going out of my fucking mind right now.
I'm so fucking wound up I don't know what to do about it. An anon mentioned morning glory, so now I guess I'm making morning glory moonshine. I have to get a new appartment. I don't want to fucking deal with this- it's such a fucking chore. I feel like a fucking mutt in a pound begging people to please pick me. FUUUUUUUCK.

>> No.18847722

Zizek called JP vs SJWs a "civil war among liberals". And he was right.

>> No.18847739

what does zizek think about peterson?

>> No.18847740

Butterfly <3 (yes it's me, :3, I'm waiting for you to post)

>> No.18847775
File: 143 KB, 500x500, Slavoj-Zizek-57859411a44f817186f2c66c2f28ccfe (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek is the only based left wing person desu

>> No.18847781

Apparently the government which formed afterwards had the goal of creating a disciplined, modern society with and went about doing so in a non-corrupt manner.

>> No.18847784

I've dropped the ball on two out-of-the-blue opportunities to introduce myself to women this week because I was in a foul mood and/or sweaty.

>> No.18847800

And baby, I feel so down
And I don't know why
I keep walking for miles
And say, people, they don't understand
No, girlfriends, they can't understand
Your grandsons, they won't understand
On top of this, I ain't ever gonna understand

>> No.18847803

too based

>> No.18847806

how left wing is he? arent there many different flavors?

>> No.18847810

>On top of this, I ain't ever gonna understand
I like that. it's juvenile but this line makes it nice. very well constructed

>> No.18847830
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He's a dirty fucking commie and he supports feminism and LGBT crap and mass brown immigration into Europe

>> No.18847842
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Also, Jordan Peterson supports all of these same things too by the way, except he is a neoliberal capitalist instead of a commie

>> No.18847845
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same with Fantano on needledrop.

>> No.18847883

Catposter is a retard, don't listen to it. In terms of left wing policies, Zizek is a classic Hegelian, he is a critic of Marxist and Leninist/Trotskyist philosophy, and can only be loosely defined as "anti-imperialist capitalism", rather than "communist", as he doesn't see capitalism as an ultimate evil and has acknowledged many positive development it has brought to society. But he's not a liberal either, unlike Peterson. He'd often go by labels like "Stalinist" specifically to troll people (it's a running gag of his). Zizek's image as the "eccentric schizo" is a meme he himself actively cultivates, when you read him, the guy is actually super lucid and has a very clearly structured philosophy. He's multi-faceted as fuck, check out his works, especially on Hegel.

>> No.18847907
File: 128 KB, 1200x628, 10-Best-Names-For-Black-Cats-1200x628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he does explicitly support socially liberal progressive crap like feminism, homos, trannies, immigration, etc.

>> No.18847921

You will not have your (You).

>> No.18847924

Give me a (You) >:(

>> No.18847926

But I'm right.

>> No.18847930

(You) will not have your (You).

>> No.18847931

Peterson even agreed to use tranny pronouns. His only argument was that they shouldn't be enforced by law.
These liberal talking heads are even more balless and cucked than the leftoids are in some ways desu

>> No.18847967

You>>18847930 You

>> No.18847970

Thanks for the (Y*u) :)

>> No.18847982
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1440, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18847996

you know, your hate of trannies probably came from some kind of abrahamic religious morality, but while I can't say anything about judaism, both christanity and islam recognize the right of people to live as they choose unmolested. If you're gonna be a sodomite AND a christian, that could be a problem, but it is not a duty to be a christian, people have a right not to be and to live how they choose.
TL;DR: Jesus never told you to fuck with these people
And God knows best.

>> No.18847998

>check out his works, especially on Hegel.
are they noob friendly?

>> No.18848000

Well, you'd definitely have to read Hegel first of course.

>> No.18848021
File: 63 KB, 754x721, a523c90df954c60bb327dfac20b65022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both christanity and islam recognize the right of people to live as they choose unmolested
But both of these faiths are known for oppressing people

>> No.18848050

yea, well, Paul says not to, the Quran says not to and Sahih al Bukhari says not to. Islam actually has a way worse rep than what is deserved, it's been inherently multicultural since before the liberation of Mecca.

>> No.18848059
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>> No.18848082

Those are the lyrics to a song by the Strokes lol

>> No.18848085
File: 44 KB, 847x900, BBD15C0B-7F0C-49FE-980C-8E89F7CD4F09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.18848109

>His only argument was that they shouldn't be enforced by law.
this was never in any way shape or form a possibility and his fabrication of such a thing is responsible for his success.

>> No.18848126

I have small eyes.

>> No.18848128

This unironically, but also add "German".

>> No.18848132

How do I escape this?

>> No.18848137

You don't. You either become kawaii or a samurai instead.

>> No.18848140

In what sense is Zizek illiberal?

>> No.18848165

By first and foremost denouncing "happiness" and "freedom" as ultimate goods.

>> No.18848178

What are the ultimate goods to him, or does he have any, or what is his telos or goal for society in general?

>> No.18848181

thank you mr champagne toast frog in a tuxedo

>> No.18848188


>> No.18848193

God, I hate the fact that /sffg/ is being raided by discords trannies

>> No.18848195


>> No.18848206

literally me

>> No.18848207

Bro it's a man's ass

>> No.18848214

You wanna put your pee pee in poo poo?

>> No.18848219


>> No.18848222


>> No.18848231

New thread

>> No.18848343

Germany is my 2nd this but unironically.

t. American

Don’t. Just be into it. If you were into French nobody would bat an eye.