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[ERROR] No.18836866 [Reply] [Original]

>the repetition of difference is the difference that constitutes difference in difference something something capitalistic schizophrenia
Am I interpreting him correctly?

>> No.18836909

You're on the right track but you forgot fascist buggery organs.

>> No.18836912

People make fun of Deleuze's writting and never thinks he needed to write like this to show how retarded Hegel and Heidegger were. That difference is constantly repeated in the text is just a way of making fun of Heidegger.

>> No.18836923

If you read a book called Difference & Repetition, what did you think you were going to get?

>> No.18836950

I understand what you say. But what I mean is that Deleuze's didn't repeated the world difference (differenciation, differentiation, differenciated, differentiated, etc) for the sake of it; it was mostly a way to make fun of Heidegger's Being and Time and its autistic "being" fetish.