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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18834796 [Reply] [Original]

>Shelf thread
Let’s see them books

>> No.18834814
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My shelf in the background

>> No.18834819
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Good books, OP; But you need to get some more... right wing authors.

>> No.18834829

>piketty’s capital
throw that shit out and get the marx-engels reader. other than that great shelf

>> No.18834839


>> No.18834848
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There you go

>> No.18834854
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I despise petty consumerists who value the gaudy aesthetics of physical books over the intellectual weight therein contained

>> No.18834859
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>>18834814 (((You)))
Wow very cool! Can I be your friend?
Btw I am Black

>> No.18834872

What am I seeing in that image?

>> No.18834885

>Australian books
Did you not notice that at the book store?

>> No.18834907
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>Having any sense of aesthetic tastes implies you don't care about the contents of the book.
Why do librarylets always parrot this cope? It really only makes sense in the desolate and ugly environment we find ourselves in today; a look at printmaking, bookbinding, bookcraft, etc. in the past shows that readers and publishers a like use to care a lot about books (which seems to no longer be the case).

>> No.18834961

>noooo!!! You have to learn ancient Greek to read Aristophanes! 1!!1!11!!1

>> No.18834977

am i supposed to notice something here?

>> No.18834987

No, I don't want plebs buying the same books.

>> No.18834991

The future

>> No.18835015
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>> No.18835024
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Rich kike gets cucked after his wife, a Rothschild, goes crazy for some 3rd rate rapper's BBC. (If you don't know who the Rothschilds are by now I'm not going to explain them, just look them up)
>Jay Electronica had an affair with Kate Emma Rothschild, the wife of Benjamin Goldsmith, resulting in the breakdown of Goldsmith's marriage.
Ironically, he's also a member of the notoriously anti-semetic and Black nationalist, Nation of Islam and has apparently recently sparked some seethe over these lyrics
>And I bet you a Rothschild I get a bang for my dollar
>The synagogue of Satan want me to hang by my collar.
And apparently before that he said in a different song
>My feet might fail me, my heart might ail me
>The synagogues of Satan might accuse or jail me
I've only found out about this now lol

>> No.18835029
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>> No.18835049

Interest in theology?

>> No.18835083
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Haven't been on /lit/ for a while. Here's my shelf over my desk. Sorry if the photo quality is bad, I had to use the panoramic shot :/

>> No.18835292

Recently, yeah

>> No.18835326

Why have you decided to be a furryfag when you could also decide to be a man?

>> No.18835850
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Marx is on the other shelf

>> No.18835864

nice estante meu chapa

>> No.18835934
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>> No.18835941
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>> No.18835946

Throw Marx in the garbage

>> No.18835949
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Why dis 'ap'n?

>> No.18836107

>The dictionary
lowest end of the curve

>> No.18836162

Based lexicography enjoyer
...towards the right.

>> No.18836183


>> No.18836194

obrigado amigo

>> No.18836835
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Updated junk

>> No.18836842
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Music stuff

>> No.18836849

Can post the manga and cookbook shelf is anyone wants

>> No.18836851
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>> No.18836852
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Forgot pic im retarded

>> No.18836875

>pope translation of odyssey and iliad
based as can be
>that edition of the divine comedy
good lord, my ex's parents got me that exact version. fucking cartoonish flames on the cover like a hot wheels toy

>> No.18836890

Nice stuff. Downloaded the pic, will add some of the books to my next order.

>> No.18837644

hey i've got a taschen araki book too, always cool to see photobooks on here

>> No.18837792

let's see the Marx anon, great hardback taste, some nice looking editions

>> No.18837805

How do you burgers pronounce taschen?

>> No.18837808

Will Durant series is legit one of the best general history series ever made.

>> No.18837818


>> No.18837822
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/sci/ + /biz/ here

>> No.18837842

It's worth noting the Goldsmiths are also a very notable banking family who were historically among the Rothschilds biggest rivals.

>> No.18837858
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>le future is le female
>tarot shit
>other edgy shit sprinkled in with more substantive stuff in an effort to round it all out

t. pic related and actually not a tranny

>> No.18837966

I can't say I've ever discussed art book publishers with anyone before but I've always subvocalized it as tash-En (I now know that's incorrect)

>> No.18838066


Use other words to explain exactly what you mean, otherwise it's unclear. I say Ta (rhymes with law) "Shun" (shortening the vowel a bit, not rhyming with "men", almost as if there isnt' a verb to be read, and also not rhyming with the English word "Shun") The hang-up seems to be on a specific phoneme, the En or the Un, which are both entailed in the graphemes of German umlauts, which are absent here.

Dad has actually been shopping a book around with a collaborator for over a year, it hasn't gone anywhere and is basically dead at this point, but they did have serious exchanges with both Phaidon and Taschen, who gave them "glowing rejections". The New York agents are kicking it around Europe to see if anyone else bites, but it's not happening. So it'll sit in a drawer, like the one novel dad wrote, but he's published other smaller, non-fiction stuff in the past. I was interested in the euro art book connection as a I have a collection of books by those big two publishers.

>> No.18838075

That actually does look like me.

>> No.18838081

her whole figure is unappealing. is she meant to be attractive? this is like a white trying to be a nigger and I am not even a polfag

>> No.18838128


>> No.18838432

stop keeping physical books

they will murder you when you move

use kindle

>> No.18838448

I don't move

>> No.18838449

hello my fellow /g/entooman

>> No.18838534

what are you, poor? i have my own house

>> No.18838556

>Zero to One
>Thinking Fast and Slow

>> No.18838564

I have 400 books and its like 10 boxes. ever hear of a fucking hand truck?

>> No.18838593

i have my own house too, you move houses.

its just all kindling when it can be on a kindle.

>> No.18838675

>moving soon
>god knows how many books
I look on it as an opportunity: which of these books do I truly value sufficiently to take with me immediately?

>> No.18838678

Anal. Now.

>> No.18838760

/lit/'s bookshelf colourful,
unremarkable paperbacks of meme charts,
many spines uncreased.

>> No.18839087

Do you only buy penguin classics?

>> No.18839088

I agree, it's hideous but it's the best edition of Longfellow's translation currently in print. I'll probably look to the second hand market to replace it.

>> No.18839203
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>> No.18840023
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>> No.18840036

I really want a copy of England's Hidden Reverse, but that shit's expensive. Very jealous

>> No.18840068

I wish I could have been a man of letters, but then I would never have gotten a job in this stupid country.
How pozzed are Portuguese universities in humanities degrees?

>> No.18840681
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It ain't much, but I am in the process of moving house

>> No.18841120

>Iliad and Odyssey

Hardback editions as well. Where’d you get them Anon, the look in good conditions.

>> No.18841216
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O que estás a pensar comprar na feira do livro meu caro?

>> No.18841248

>I would never have gotten a job in this stupid
Estou em Direito - não me é um problema.
>How pozzed are Portuguese universities in humanities degrees?
Really pozzed, filled with neo-libs and lefties (most of whom are just LARPers and are, in fact, neo-libs).
It somewhat hurts to read people like Evola, Baudrillard and Bataille (which I'll start in a bit) and not being able to talk with anyone about them. At least, for now, there's /lit/.

>> No.18841284

Ah, eu vou para as bancas das editoras almedina e relógio d'água apanhar livros de filosofia (maioritariamente) e alguma ficção.
E tu, tens planos?

>> No.18841309

why don't people here have many books? do you all use ereaders or something?

>> No.18841321

Bons livros, esqueci-me de dizer.

>> No.18841327


>> No.18841339

books dont kill, guns do

>> No.18841347
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>Bataille (which I'll start in a bit)
/lit/ will become a Bataillean board. Outside of his major works, you should read The Cradle of Humanity so you can cavepost.

>> No.18841355
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whats interesting here is the degredation of even the most noble of households in the increasingly technized world. there was another rothschild that passed recently who, I believe is rumored to have had drug issues (but honestly i disregard any notion that we are to believe what the mainstream publishes, for example the death of a royal blood). It goes to show that it is less of a noble stature that governs future outlook and more the small cohesive organizational bodies such as the Council on Foreign Relations. I mean by goodness sir, that is a redshield walking in the streets in what appears to be pajamas while smoking a cigarette--How disgraceful.

>> No.18841358

Estou com a mira nas Flores do Mal do Baudelaire, no Portugal Contemporâneo do Oliveira Martins, no Moby Dick do Melville e nos Sertões do Euclides da Cunha. De resto vou ver se arranjo um ou outro livro de história clássica.

>> No.18841440

What more could a man ever need?

>> No.18841622
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Yeah, I've seen Bataillefag's list and I'll follow it
>Flores do Mal do Baudelaire
Tenho estado a ver se melhoro o meu francês para ler no original.
>Portugal Contemporâneo do Oliveira Martins
Alguma razão em particular? Eu não gosto de escritores nacionais de não ficção exceto Hermano Saraiva e Pedro Romano Martinez.
>Moby Dick do Melville
Estava a pensar ler em inglês...mas não sei. >>18841358
>Sertões do Euclides da Cunha.
>ver se arranjo um ou outro livro de história clássica.
As edições 70 normalmente têm.
Pic rel is my outdated shelf.

>> No.18842192

Sometimes Oxford has the better translation.

>> No.18842293


anão, eu...

>> No.18842303
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>> No.18842315
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>> No.18842318

Muito bom, ando para comprar esse Plato à tempos. E os 4 volumes da Idade Média também (pena ter que vender um rim para comprar todos).

>Flores do Mal
Do pouco que li dele tenho vindo a gostar bastante, para não falar que ele foi uma grande influência em muitos dos meus escritores favoritos. Quero comprar uma versão bilingue para treinar o meu francês. Há uma tradução ótima da Assírio e Alvim mas infelizmente já está esgotada em todo o lado.

>Portugal Contemporâneo
A história de Portugal no século XIX é fundamental para entender onde estamos agora. Não só foi o século onde a estrutura do estado moderno surgiu e onde a nossa divergência face à Europa começa a acentuar, mas curiosamente é também um ótimo espelho para onde estamos agora (país social e economicamente decadente com elevados níveis de emigração e governado por um pequeno circulo político corrupto que usa o estado para subjugar a sociedade civil).

>Moby Dick
Quero comprar em em Inglês também. Gosto bastante do Conrad e pelo que dizem o Melville segue muito pela mesma linha.

>Os Sertões
Fui memado pelos meus caros anões brasileiros aqui neste board. Mas pelas descrições do livro que tenho visto, tem tudo para ser bom.

>> No.18842324
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>> No.18842332
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>> No.18842335
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>> No.18842345
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>> No.18842353
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>> No.18842357
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8/8 books with no spine text

>> No.18842477
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The only lit stuff I have is just the same spanish author. 1/2

>> No.18842496
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>> No.18842511

>jack Donovan

Is that book anarcho-fascist? Or is it an-prim?

>> No.18842518

can you post the bataille list?

>> No.18842550

Not familiar with the non-mainstream political compass designators, but I'd say anarcho-primitive, as the idealized unit in the text is a gang, not anything resembling a state. The argument is pro-traditional masculinity and male only spaces. Influenced my career choices in the navy where I ultimately joined what at the time was a male only space(Subs).
Its a quick read. Haven't read anything else by the author.

>> No.18842567

Does he believe in technology or does he advocate for it’s removal from our lives?

>> No.18842629

Seems ambivalent.

>> No.18842654

All the books i've read are paperback only 1 or 2 spines have creased. Wtf do you anons punch your books or is american quality so shitty?

>> No.18842684

People nowadays do not take good care of their things in America and book people unilaterally agree that it’s impossible to read a book without turning it into shreds. Apparently holding a book lightly and reading while sitting still makes paperbacks disintegrate

>> No.18842762

Why do you have two copies of Outliers? And why do you even have Malcom Gladwell's literature in the first place???

>> No.18842785

I don't have it but you'd probably want to read Nietzsche, and be familiar with some Freud and Marx, could also read Kojeve's Hegel, or Klossowski... Sade? But in any event you wouldn't be lost without having read those, Nietzsche is the most important.

>> No.18842977


>> No.18842980
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Young adult here (18 and 10 months). I don’t have a booksh*lf, I just throw all my books in a suitcase in my closet. Also got my albums, a sexy black blazer, and many many fleshlights. I’m reading Will Durant right now. A girl has never entered my room, not once. I have nothing else to say.

>> No.18842990

Shit the picture is the wrong direction. This is what I get for phone posting…

>> No.18842996

I’m a pretty girl let me borrow man and his symbols and the gnostic bible

>> No.18843765

Nothing noble about jewish financiers. That Goldsmith fellow's Mother was a daughter of the Marquess of Londonderry; there's the shame, that an old family like that now goes about marrying themselves to jews.
(Regarding modern degradation of the elites, raising up the lower classes has made everyone lower class. That is, where the behaviours of the upper classes once proved the model for all others to follow, it is now the reverse. And so, the elite revels in their illegitimate children, irreverence, open selfishness, etc. Balzac's peasants -the worst of which are described, along with an awful bourgeois, in The Peasantry- are today's millionaires.

>> No.18843861
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Im a college freshman and still live with my mom (which is a common custom in my country) so most of these are actually hers. Only the edgy ones like Lovecraft, Ligotti Stoner etc. are mine. She's a psychologist btw and she reads a lot of Greek too.

>> No.18843920


>> No.18843940

>Goldsmith fellow's Mother was a daughter of the Marquess of Londonderry
Very funny considering that certain moneylenders helped finance one of several English invasions of Ireland

>> No.18844598
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Read this every night, finished it in 2 days. Its not that difficult, you don't need any complementary text. Anyone with a high school education should be able to read this. If you really want a challenge then read it in its original language.

>> No.18844624

What are some good bookshelves you anons bought or recommend?

>> No.18844716

>(pena ter que vender um rim para comprar todos).
Verdade, eu consegui o terceiro à pouco tempo por 30€ o que é bastante bom quando o preço normal é ~40.
>Quero comprar uma versão bilingue para treinar o meu francês. Há uma tradução ótima da Assírio e Alvim mas infelizmente já está esgotada em todo o lado.
Vou ver se encontro também. Preciso mesmo de ler em francês mais; a quantidade de franceses que eu tenho para ler é *e n o r m e* e a maior parte deles não estão editados cá.
>Portugal Contemporâneo
Soa interessante, se estiver ainda com dinheiro de sobra talvez compre.
Tens mais alguns livros em mente?
Sure, I saved it.

Bataille - the essays recommended are in Visions of Excess:
First have a knowledge of Marx and Freud
Read some essays by Bataille in this order:
The Sacred Conspieracy
Notion Of Expenditure
Solar Anus
The Language of flowers
The old mole
The Jesuve
The Pineal Eye
deviations of nature
Solar Anus again now that it makes sense
His text on Sade
The Psychology of fascism
They can be found in Visions of Excess or at marxists.org and anarchist library.

When that is done read the rest of the essays in visions of excess
After this Bataille's work splits up in two complimentary parts: The Spiritual and the economical/sociological.
To start with the top down economical the accursed share is great, it's just more of notion of expenditure.
For the spiritual you can read Inner Experience and work through Summa Atheologica.

>> No.18844922
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Neat desk.

Is your mom cute anon? Blink twice if you're being oedipalized

>> No.18844955

zoomer leftist philosophy major who only reads certified classics

>> No.18845196

Para além dos que disse também gostava de comprar umas peças do Shakespeare em inglês, e comi eu disse uns livros de história. Claro, vai depender sempre muito do que encontre e dos preços.

E tu tens algum livro em específico em mente?

>> No.18845280
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hate to admit it but kindlefags got a point. Seems like this whole minimalism meme won't just be a lifestyle anymore but rather a necessity for a lot of people in the future. If you got a house good for you. But I'm a zoomer undergraduate and I honestly have no idea where to go once I have to move out of my dorm.

>> No.18845466

>tens algum livro em específico em mente?
Não ficção - Organon, Aristóteles
Ficção - Peças de Eurípides e Sófocles.

>> No.18845625

post ur mom nigga

>> No.18845634

why does baby feel the need to explain why his family unit is still intact? post ur moms panties plaese

>> No.18846101

Por acaso estás no discord do r/portugal

>> No.18846180

based schizoid

>> No.18846373

Peter Straub is a recent former pipe smoker, iirc. If he isn't, then he is a current pipe smoker and a fan of this one guy's YT channel I watch sometimes.

>> No.18847705

page 10 save bump

>> No.18847729
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>> No.18847747
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>> No.18847755
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>> No.18847765
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>> No.18847805

questions for people with a lot of books:
1. did you read them all? if not, why?
2. what did you learn from them?
3. was it worth the time spent reading them?
4. do you buy books because you enjoy reading, or because you want to have a collection to look smart?

>> No.18847852

All paperbacks, disgusting consumerist savage.

>> No.18847874

What’s up with the Nescafé?

>> No.18847914
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Trying to finish these by the end of the year. Recent pickups.

>> No.18847991

1. No. There are a few books I own that I've never read simply because I didn't find them interesting enough, yet I still wanted to have them in my possession so that I could say I owned them.
2. Not much. A little bit about human nature and psychology, but that's it.
3. No.
4. I buy books to have a full bookshelf so people will think I'm smart. But none of my books have made me any smarter, or more 'enlightened', so they've all been a giant waste of money. If I could go back, I would've spent the money on something more entertaining, because reading isn't very entertaining at all.

>> No.18848105

>1. did you read them all? if not, why?
No, I've always had more books than books I've read. Usually somewhere around a fifth haven't been read yet
>2. what did you learn from them?
What they were about
>3. was it worth the time spent reading them?
Go become an uber driver or a retail arbitrage bug if you need to quantify all your time
>4. do you buy books because you enjoy reading, or because you want to have a collection to look smart?
I enjoy reading, collecting, and presenting as smart

>> No.18848177

Não, não tenho reddit. É agora também não estou em posição de criar um. Se o thread ainda estiver ativo amanhã talvez te dê uma resposta. Tem sido bastante agradável falar com um português aqui no /lit/.

>> No.18848201

Infelizmente não posso dizer o mesmo de ti, pseudo.

>> No.18848336

>no creases
>reeks of babbys first bookshop purchases after browsing /lit/ for a week
try actually reading your books, shitters

>> No.18848441

1. no, theres usually around 10% of the books i own that i didn't read, because i bought them on sale or because they're rare and i haven't gotten around to that specific topic yet.
2. lots of different things, from reevaluation of politics, democracy and my career choice to the simple realization that some people are tremendous faggots
3. some yes, some no. but i wouldn't know if hadn't read them
4. it started with a desire to know more, but by now it became somewhat of an addiction because almost every book i read leads to even more questions and interesting topics. also, there's been approximately 5 people i'm not related to in my apartment that could've seen my bookshelves in the past 10 years (and most of them are old friends i've known for years), so who would i present them to anyways?

>> No.18848480

>going to a physical store
>handling your books so poorly their spines break

>> No.18848488

to be fair it's pretty easy to read a paperback without cracking it's spine. i read kant's critique of pure reason without creasing it, although there was some staining from skin oils on the bottom side of the page, and a little bit of color on the spine rubbed off. marx's capital volume 1 wasn't so lucky, that book was just itching to split down the middle from the moment I picked it up.

>> No.18848493
File: 108 KB, 1280x850, batman-bookshelf-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18848501
File: 1.48 MB, 2816x2112, 1464385416630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18848508
File: 3.17 MB, 5120x3956, bookshelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18848514
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x1952, LeSOg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18848533
File: 3.95 MB, 1840x2412, 1441294226767 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18848581
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x1936, 1455660785430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18848621
File: 172 KB, 1500x1000, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18848672

no (you)

>> No.18849075

A resposta que recebeste foi de um troll tuga / zuca. Foi um prazer falar contigo meu caro.

>> No.18849158

I shig. Especially when spine destroyers will tell you you haven't read them. Not to mention they hold no value compared to hardcovers. I mean if you're going to buy physical...

>> No.18849171

>they hold no value
the value is to be found within textualized in ink my dear sir

>> No.18849177

Is Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights any good? It's been in my backlog for a while.