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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.91 MB, 2000x2000, hikkiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18834779 [Reply] [Original]

We're in searching of Hikkis. We are an italian online magazine (Rivista Spiral) and we are searching for hikikomori to talk about their lives for an article. This is an italian and english thread. Feel free to write your telegram/email/discord!

>> No.18834787

Nah fuck that faggy shit. I might be a loser, but I'm not that much of a loser, or not that kind of loser.

>> No.18834789

It's a literature board. Post your opinion on the Greeks or gtfo.

>> No.18834791

Plus, you're probably a bunch of ccru trannies.

>> No.18834805


>> No.18834809

you'll find a lot on /jp/, /qa/ and potentially /bant/

You'll find them on /a/, but you'll be banned for posting an off topic thread.

>> No.18834810


>> No.18834821

Do you guys talk about poopsocks? I've got one. I've also got cumsocks, but that's another thing. One has to know the difference.

>> No.18834822

I'll only talk to you if your magazine has been accused of being affiliated with national socialism.

Also I want an entire paragraph to rant about the jews and their lies. If you can't give me that, I refuse.

>> No.18834832
File: 86 KB, 500x500, A4DA93BA-74A1-48CD-AF4B-B27881951089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry I just left my house to get groceries. You should’ve asked me 2 years ago. Aside from that try /jp/

>> No.18834844

Italian niggers, go talk about memes on some other board.

>> No.18834851

oh yeah, you'll find plenty on /r9k/ lol

>> No.18834858
File: 495 KB, 959x1210, 1627975701568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>File: hikkiiii.png (3.91 MB, 2000x2000)
>3.91 MB
>We're in searching of Hikkis Arciduca 08/12/21(Thu)12:57:13 No.18834779▶>>18834787 >>18834791 >>18834805 >>18834809 >>18834810 >>18834821 >>18834832 >>18834844
> We're in searching of Hikkis. We are an italian online magazine (Rivista Spiral) and we are searching for hikikomori to talk about their lives for an article. This is an italian and english thread. Feel free to write your telegram/email/discord!
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)12:59:11 No.18834787▶>>18834791
> >>18834779 (OP)
> Nah fuck that faggy shit. I might be a loser, but I'm not that much of a loser, or not that kind of loser.
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)12:59:22 No.18834789▶
> It's a literature board. Post your opinion on the Greeks or gtfo.
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:00:11 No.18834791▶
> >>18834779 (OP)
> >>18834787 (You)
> Plus, you're probably a bunch of ccru trannies.
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:02:37 No.18834805▶
> >>18834779 (OP)
> N
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:03:08 No.18834809▶>>18834851
> >>18834779 (OP)
> you'll find a lot on /jp/, /qa/ and potentially /bant/
> You'll find them on /a/, but you'll be banned for posting an off topic thread.
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:03:10 No.18834810▶
> >>18834779 (OP)
> I
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:04:27 No.18834821▶
> >>18834779 (OP)
> Do you guys talk about poopsocks? I've got one. I've also got cumsocks, but that's another thing. One has to know the difference.
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:04:45 No.18834822▶
> I'll only talk to you if your magazine has been accused of being affiliated with national socialism.
> Also I want an entire paragraph to rant about the jews and their lies. If you can't give me that, I refuse.
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:07:24 No.18834832▶
>File: A4DA93BA-74A1-48CD-AF4B-B(...).jpg (86 KB, 500x500)
>86 KB
> >>18834779 (OP)
> I’m sorry I just left my house to get groceries. You should’ve asked me 2 years ago. Aside from that try /jp/
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:08:38 No.18834844▶
> >>18834779 (OP)
> Italian niggers, go talk about memes on some other board.
>Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)13:09:38 No.18834851▶
> >>18834809
> oh yeah, you'll find plenty on /r9k/ lol

>> No.18834860

Hikki here, post your favourite book and why and THEN I will decide if I should participate. I don't want to talk to pseuds.

>> No.18834866
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>> No.18834874
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 1626367061241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18834875

We are indeed CCRU trannies, my favourite one is Mishima's Spiritual Lessons

>> No.18834894
File: 44 KB, 312x295, 1605408595053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to trepan myself. Is that not more interesting than a hikikofaggot?
Fucking niggers.

>> No.18834903
File: 317 KB, 720x1038, Screenshot_20210812-201543_Vivaldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked OP's website and I cringed internally. /pol/troons must be systematically eradicated.

>> No.18834919

mamma mia ill niito di la italia e molto homosetsuale

>> No.18834921
File: 801 KB, 465x459, 1625734288851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like poopsocks, anon. I don't know if the italian faggots would get IT.

>> No.18834954

The fuck is this lmao

>> No.18834968

Sciò sciò travoni

>> No.18834984

some kind of "alternative" magazine written by literal /pol/tards who are too far into the meme hole to be self-aware of their ridiculousness

>> No.18835031

Can’t understand why talking about hikkis made this board so mad

>> No.18835064

it's not hikkis, it's the meme aesthetics of OP.

>> No.18835073

the fuck are you talking about, nigger?
No one cares about those fags, hell, most of us would probably be identified as them. If anything people are mad about the italians and shilling shit magazines.

>> No.18835081

Gulloh porcoddio

>> No.18835153
File: 67 KB, 1127x685, 48E923DC-9CB5-4439-BBF6-84014ABB1011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made him sad

>> No.18835202

Negri comunisti non rompete il cazzo.

>> No.18835413
File: 50 KB, 646x501, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you for requiring a shit ton of third-party spyware javascript to even load up an article

>> No.18835589

doesn't Marco Crepaldi have a discord server full of them? also, you should read Bordiga instead of writing useless trash