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[ERROR] No.18833680 [Reply] [Original]

What is a chair according to philosophy?

>> No.18833685


>> No.18833688

a featherless quadruped

>> No.18833689

An idea, which is funny, because you can't sit on those.

>> No.18833690

A cope from death

>> No.18833709

I'm sure there are some autists who would write an essay on what chair is and somehow link it to consciousness and morals and some Greek guys living 2300 years ago, then create a camp of their own interpretations of chair's existence and some other guy will create another one and other guy another one and we will have physical chairanism, metaphysical chairanism, a new philosophy of ego based on chairesness that is inside us God I hate philosophy so much it's unreal

>> No.18833719

Wisdom is a cock.

>> No.18833727

Absolute Being

>> No.18833885

something i cant have sex with, unfortunately.

>> No.18833909

define according

>> No.18833914

Be honest, did you just read that Russell book?

>> No.18833927


A brief moment to contemplate

>> No.18833954

>philosophers can't into armless chairs
prove me wrong

>> No.18833994

A piece of ready-to-hand equipment existing in a referential totality of other equipment, constituted by relations of towards-with, in-order-to and for-the-sake-of-which and ultimately Dasein's taking a stand on its own being. The chair is encountered as ready-to-hand and we experience it not as a substance but as equipment, legible only in reference to the equipmental totality of the world and our skillful absorption in it (Being-in-the-World).

>> No.18834028
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>> No.18834039

A chair is a state of affairs. It is composed of a number of things that share definite relations with each other. The possibility space created by the relations of these things encompass all possible states of affairs in which the chair itself can exist. What we cannot sit on, we must pass over while standing.

>> No.18834049
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>> No.18834069

Basically the chair is only ever encountered and made legible as a chair (and not as a bunch of brownish matter put together in a certain way) within a whole of practices and other equipment that give the chair a function and purpose. It is only a chair in a world which also features people who sit down, hammers, nails, wood, timber, houses, floors, tables, and ultimately, people or dasein, who ARE chair-makers or office workers and such. We are always already absorbed in the World and it is required to make things intelligible in such a way that we DON'T look at a chair and see a wooden structure with four pillars and a flat plain, we just immediately see a chair with a seat and some legs and know we can sit on it, that its appropriate to put at a table and such.

>> No.18834080

A chair is whatever I call a chair when I have the power to enforce my conception on others.

>> No.18834084


>> No.18834087

>my conception
does it have anything to do with chairs?

>> No.18834099
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means of production

>> No.18834314

Chair is a chair. If you think otherwise, you're a autist, incel.

Get a life faggot! We're living on this Earth.

>> No.18834720

a chair

>> No.18834936

a resulting participant of the chair non-chair relationship

>> No.18834949


>> No.18835750

whatever you use it for
don't look for a universal meaning, it's pointless

>> No.18835761
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Behold, anon's chair.

>> No.18835767

A material object

>> No.18835812

So it's a cat.

>> No.18836203


>> No.18836667
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The essence of chairness is inherited from the essence of a "seat", which is something which one can sit on. The only essential property of a chair, which distinguishes it from, say, a stool, is that a chair has a back.

Therefore, the essence of a chair is a seat with a back.

>> No.18836689

my bed is against the wall and it is possible to sit on it with my back on the wall. Does that make my bed and wall a chair

>> No.18836718

No, because the seat does not have a back, but rather, you are using the wall as a back - so the object of your bed itself could not be said to be a seat with a back. Your bed would partake in the essence of "seat", though.

>> No.18836798

okay but lets suppose anon's entire house fell down except for that piece of wall and all that remained of the house was his bed and and that wall. Over many decades vines grew around it, fusing the bed to the wall so that no single man could cleave them atwain. Everyone who ever lived that remembered that wall as part of a house past away. Now, a man, let's say Socrates, comes walking by. Socrates has been walking for 20 km and he could use a good rest but he's got hemorrhoids so refuses to sit on the ground. He sees the bed against the wall (though he does not recognize it as such) and exclaims "My god, it's the perfect chair for me to sit on." Is it a chair now?

>> No.18836808

passed away*
that's embarrassing.

>> No.18836823

You are mistaken anon, in a philosophical sense, the chair has arms.

>> No.18836831

a cat with hair is already featherless but ok

>> No.18836839

a chair is my perception of a chair

>> No.18836840
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A place for an ass.

>> No.18836843

This refutes reductionism.

>> No.18836850

You are the only philosopher in the thread.

>> No.18836857

not that guy, but i say no
this is like saying that a rock you cut something with is a knife; you are using a rock as a knife, but it is still a rock
you would be using the bed-wall fusing as a chair, but ultimately it would still be a seat i think
that said, who knows. if a tree falls over and i sit on the stump with my back against the truck, is that a chair? i dont know

>> No.18836871

The chair is a spook

>> No.18836877

Already been done.

>> No.18836999


>> No.18837833
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>You are mistaken anon, in a philosophical sense, the chair has arms
Tell me this isn't a chair with a straight face
I think the deeper aspect of your proposition is "does one's perspective of an object effect its essence?", and I would say the answer to that has to be "no" - a cup still has the essence of a cup, even if it is shown to a tribe on the Sentinel Islands who has never seen such a complex instrument, and only drink from the river. They might emphasize aspects of other essences in which it partakes, like "treasure", but it is only rational to maintain that it is still a cup, even if nobody recognizes it as such. With regards to your example, because the bed and the wall are now linked as one compound object, I don't think it would be incorrect to say it now partakes in the essence of chairness, seeing as this new compound object is a seat with a back.

>> No.18837852

That's really the chair's business and you should speak to them about it.

>> No.18838326

Spbp, high IQ reference

>> No.18838408
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Why is his brain on his face?

>> No.18838411

Incel cope.

>> No.18838419

Chair is a social construct