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[ERROR] No.18831280 [Reply] [Original]

Books for broken men raised by degenerate single mothers?

>> No.18831289

Eggers, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. Not exactly on-point, but life-affirming in a way the OP might appreciate.

>> No.18831291

Mein Kampf

>> No.18831292

You don't need a book. You need to grow up and stop blaming your mother for the fact that you're a bad person, which you would have been regardless of the situation.

>> No.18831295

No you piece of shit boomer, everything is related to your parents and your denial of that is a way for you to shake the guilt you feel for being a terrible parent. Fuck you, day of the pillow soon

>> No.18831296

Imagine calling your own mother degenerate. Have some love for her, anon.

>> No.18831300

I'm not a boomer, nor a parent.

>> No.18831315

im going to have to take OP's side here.
people are ultimately a product of the parenting and teaching they experienced growing up.
i dont see how you can deny that

>> No.18831318


>> No.18831321
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>> No.18831324

My mother let me abuse her meds and miss school for years on end. I'm stupid because I missed 6 years of k12 schooling and sat at home instead eating her muscle relaxants, painkillers and other we meds she would give me while she ran around with strangers, who would bring me food each day.

I did this for so long that I honestly believed my adult life was going to be like an episode of daytime TV. Like my life was going to be an episode of Just Shoot Me, or The Nanny, or The OC etc.

She did that to me and never prepared me for real life then kicked me out as soon as she scammed government housing. How is that OK.

>> No.18831377

That's fucked, sorry anon.
What type of books have you read so far? If you haven't read many, I'd suggest just going for the /lit/ starter pack.

>> No.18831380

>I missed 6 years of k12 schooling
The bright side of it is that you didn't miss much.

>> No.18831397

Hey brother, you're not alone. In fact, there's another thread about this very topic, albeit phrased differently, where I gave the same recommendation (>>18831321).
You are going to have to be your own father. Every day for the rest of your life. Seek out healthy representations of masculinity in books and movies and follow those. Like Jordan Peterson says, a boy without a father has his concept of masculinity fragmented across all men, rather than on his own father. So in order to compensate and heal, the young man will have to seek out the best of examples in books, movies, and even sports heroes. That way you can recover. Someone like John Wayne can show you what it's like to have a manful dignity: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." - John Wayne in The Shootist
As for the trauma of having a mother like that, all I can tell you is that you don't have to forgive her; don't listen to anyone that tells you that. You just have to process what happened, let go of resentment, and move on. Ideally without ever seeing her again. That's already difficulty enough, asking you to forgive her is an insult.

>> No.18831402

your diary

>> No.18831406

Yo Eminem my nigger

>> No.18831415

You know all this and yet continue to shitpost your life away on 40chins. Imagine being older than 12 and still blaming your mom, what a pathetic man-baby niggerfaggot

>> No.18831433
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How is this not here?

>> No.18831437

you are a neet

>> No.18831448

>why do brain damaged people act in a way that is brain damaged instead of just picking themselves up by the bootstraps and starting all over having lost the prime of their life and while laughably behind compared to their peers in every conceivable comparison be it economic, educational, or psychological
Gee I'll have to think about that one.

>> No.18831472

Silence of the Lambs

>> No.18831478

A confederacy of dunces.

>> No.18831498

>I’m a victim, forever a victim. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.18831507

I fuck arses

>> No.18831515

Truth is the game was honked from the start. The real retards are those who believe in miracles and think people can just spontaneously act against their conditioning or even that it is worth struggling after you've already lost everything. There's more dignity to just accept death and darkness.

>> No.18831518

Stop blaming her. She should and probably does feel bad about it, but can’t cope.
Now it’s your turn TO COPE.
Thinking ill of others, thinking of revenge, isn’t helpful. Turn attention to how to improve yourself and situation.

>> No.18831535


Understanding is often the first step towards coping.

>> No.18831548

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.18831552

Sucks that you didn't get any help then. But now you know better, right? I hope you have a good rest-of-your-life, my nigger. God bless

>> No.18831580

Wow what a faggot. I guess enjoy the next 60 years of government assistance, self-loathing, cuck porn, mindless masturbation and escapism. You truly have found the way old man. Good job. Comfort and safety are eternally yours.

>> No.18831609
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Yu Yu Hakusho

>> No.18831644

"If I did it, here's how"

>> No.18831652
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